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Next Manager?



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    DOUCHER said:
    holden was sacked partly because he switched formations - he had to because once leaburn got injured, it was impossible to play 433 - apples was brought in to play a 433 system and was lucky that leaburn and aneke became available - they then got injured but apples was employed by scott to play 433 and that is how the clubs coaching and recruitment is set up - i was chatting to an u21 player yesterday and he said apples has to play 433 - he also said andy scott is a bellend and that lucas ness is a better player than hector   
    We are paying a 4-2-3-1 at the moment, which is very different to a 4-3-3. 

    Either way if Scott’s vision is for us to play a
    4-3-3 - which with the packed CM choices we have is not beyond the realms of possibility - he recruited very poorly for it. Firstly May, who I think is exceptional, is not a lone striker - and we basically have no wingers/inside forwards.

    Personally, and this is only my observation, but I feel it’s clear we recruited for a 3-5-2. It’s what we played pre season, and at the start of the season - but injuries to our strikers, having to play Kirk up top, and CBT being an awful wing back meant we had to change. 

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    BigDiddy said:
    swordfish said:
    I agree with all the posts suggesting we need continuity of manager, and have posted as such myself, but I just can't help thinking we should have settled on someone else. Easy to say after December's results I suppose,.

    I don't disrespect him, and he's not alone in struggling to work with limited resources,  but if he was binned off, we'd be blessed to find someone who can. Ultimately this is on the owners. Management are accountable to them. Improved recruitment all round is needed.

    These owners have a window now to change the narrative. Over to them.
    The evidence would suggest the monkeys are calling the shots, for now at least. I don’t disagree that ultimately they will be reined in, but there is no evidence the beneficial owners want to run the club.
    Did you think they will pull the plug, if losses mount up and it becomes a little toxic?

    Personally, I fear they will let us go under rather than throw money at the problem.
    Why would they do that instead of selling like every other owner who gets fed up funding losses ? 
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    DOUCHER said:
    holden was sacked partly because he switched formations - he had to because once leaburn got injured, it was impossible to play 433 - apples was brought in to play a 433 system and was lucky that leaburn and aneke became available - they then got injured but apples was employed by scott to play 433 and that is how the clubs coaching and recruitment is set up - i was chatting to an u21 player yesterday and he said apples has to play 433 - he also said andy scott is a bellend and that lucas ness is a better player than hector   
    You lost me at that last comment. Ness has been absolute dog wank all season

    So has hector - just passing on what was said - the number of our youth players that have gone backwards under apples is noticeable - he’s even managing to turn Louis Watson into a shadow of the player he was 
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    DOUCHER said:
    holden was sacked partly because he switched formations - he had to because once leaburn got injured, it was impossible to play 433 - apples was brought in to play a 433 system and was lucky that leaburn and aneke became available - they then got injured but apples was employed by scott to play 433 and that is how the clubs coaching and recruitment is set up - i was chatting to an u21 player yesterday and he said apples has to play 433 - he also said andy scott is a bellend and that lucas ness is a better player than hector   
    We are paying a 4-2-3-1 at the moment, which is very different to a 4-3-3. 

    Either way if Scott’s vision is for us to play a
    4-3-3 - which with the packed CM choices we have is not beyond the realms of possibility - he recruited very poorly for it. Firstly May, who I think is exceptional, is not a lone striker - and we basically have no wingers/inside forwards.

    Personally, and this is only my observation, but I feel it’s clear we recruited for a 3-5-2. It’s what we played pre season, and at the start of the season - but injuries to our strikers, having to play Kirk up top, and CBT being an awful wing back meant we had to change. 

    Then why aren’t we playing 352 now ? 
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    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    holden was sacked partly because he switched formations - he had to because once leaburn got injured, it was impossible to play 433 - apples was brought in to play a 433 system and was lucky that leaburn and aneke became available - they then got injured but apples was employed by scott to play 433 and that is how the clubs coaching and recruitment is set up - i was chatting to an u21 player yesterday and he said apples has to play 433 - he also said andy scott is a bellend and that lucas ness is a better player than hector   
    We are paying a 4-2-3-1 at the moment, which is very different to a 4-3-3. 

    Either way if Scott’s vision is for us to play a
    4-3-3 - which with the packed CM choices we have is not beyond the realms of possibility - he recruited very poorly for it. Firstly May, who I think is exceptional, is not a lone striker - and we basically have no wingers/inside forwards.

    Personally, and this is only my observation, but I feel it’s clear we recruited for a 3-5-2. It’s what we played pre season, and at the start of the season - but injuries to our strikers, having to play Kirk up top, and CBT being an awful wing back meant we had to change. 

    Then why aren’t we playing 352 now ? 
    Well I did mention it in my post. CBT, injured strikers - but will also add Ness being very poor in pre season (though he was having to cover CBT’s side) and Abankwah who was clearly brought in to play on the right hand side of a 3 clearly not being up to it either.

    Why do you think Scott is recruiting for a 4-3-3, when we only have 1 established winger at the club, and spent a large chunk of our budget on a small nippy forward who works better in a 2?

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    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    holden was sacked partly because he switched formations - he had to because once leaburn got injured, it was impossible to play 433 - apples was brought in to play a 433 system and was lucky that leaburn and aneke became available - they then got injured but apples was employed by scott to play 433 and that is how the clubs coaching and recruitment is set up - i was chatting to an u21 player yesterday and he said apples has to play 433 - he also said andy scott is a bellend and that lucas ness is a better player than hector   
    We are paying a 4-2-3-1 at the moment, which is very different to a 4-3-3. 

    Either way if Scott’s vision is for us to play a
    4-3-3 - which with the packed CM choices we have is not beyond the realms of possibility - he recruited very poorly for it. Firstly May, who I think is exceptional, is not a lone striker - and we basically have no wingers/inside forwards.

    Personally, and this is only my observation, but I feel it’s clear we recruited for a 3-5-2. It’s what we played pre season, and at the start of the season - but injuries to our strikers, having to play Kirk up top, and CBT being an awful wing back meant we had to change. 

    Then why aren’t we playing 352 now ? 
    Well I did mention it in my post. CBT, injured strikers - but will also add Ness being very poor in pre season (though he was having to cover CBT’s side) and Abankwah who was clearly brought in to play on the right hand side of a 3 clearly not being up to it either.

    Why do you think Scott is recruiting for a 4-3-3, when we only have 1 established winger at the club, and spent a large chunk of our budget on a small nippy forward who works better in a 2?

    because all our sides play that way and apples plays that way and was why he was hired? case closed. 
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    BigDiddy said:
    swordfish said:
    I agree with all the posts suggesting we need continuity of manager, and have posted as such myself, but I just can't help thinking we should have settled on someone else. Easy to say after December's results I suppose,.

    I don't disrespect him, and he's not alone in struggling to work with limited resources,  but if he was binned off, we'd be blessed to find someone who can. Ultimately this is on the owners. Management are accountable to them. Improved recruitment all round is needed.

    These owners have a window now to change the narrative. Over to them.
    Well said. And I agree. The opportunity to change the script is in their hands, I feel now is the time to make a difference. 
    swordfish said:
    I agree with all the posts suggesting we need continuity of manager, and have posted as such myself, but I just can't help thinking we should have settled on someone else. Easy to say after December's results I suppose,.

    I don't disrespect him, and he's not alone in struggling to work with limited resources,  but if he was binned off, we'd be blessed to find someone who can. Ultimately this is on the owners. Management are accountable to them. Improved recruitment all round is needed.

    These owners have a window now to change the narrative. Over to them.
    Well said. And I agree. The opportunity to change the script is in their hands, I feel now is the time to make a difference. 
    Even with money, i doubt that Scott/Appleton will use it wisely based on evidence so far.
    What money has Appleton wasted?
    My point is that he seems to be disinterested and unable to lead/motivate. He also seems tactically useless and his selections/omissions also look very odd.

    Why would spending money change those basic flaws?
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    A lot of fans, some with decades of support behind them are at the point of abandoning the club, based on comments on these and other threads.

    CM and others need to come out and show they have a plan to sort it out, or they should FO. There will be inadequate support to sustain the club if this decline continues.
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    BigDiddy said:
    swordfish said:
    I agree with all the posts suggesting we need continuity of manager, and have posted as such myself, but I just can't help thinking we should have settled on someone else. Easy to say after December's results I suppose,.

    I don't disrespect him, and he's not alone in struggling to work with limited resources,  but if he was binned off, we'd be blessed to find someone who can. Ultimately this is on the owners. Management are accountable to them. Improved recruitment all round is needed.

    These owners have a window now to change the narrative. Over to them.
    The evidence would suggest the monkeys are calling the shots, for now at least. I don’t disagree that ultimately they will be reined in, but there is no evidence the beneficial owners want to run the club.
    Did you think they will pull the plug, if losses mount up and it becomes a little toxic?

    Personally, I fear they will let us go under rather than throw money at the problem.
    Why would they do that instead of selling like every other owner who gets fed up funding losses ? 
    Who would buy?
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    BigDiddy said:
    swordfish said:
    I agree with all the posts suggesting we need continuity of manager, and have posted as such myself, but I just can't help thinking we should have settled on someone else. Easy to say after December's results I suppose,.

    I don't disrespect him, and he's not alone in struggling to work with limited resources,  but if he was binned off, we'd be blessed to find someone who can. Ultimately this is on the owners. Management are accountable to them. Improved recruitment all round is needed.

    These owners have a window now to change the narrative. Over to them.
    The evidence would suggest the monkeys are calling the shots, for now at least. I don’t disagree that ultimately they will be reined in, but there is no evidence the beneficial owners want to run the club.
    Did you think they will pull the plug, if losses mount up and it becomes a little toxic?

    Personally, I fear they will let us go under rather than throw money at the problem.
    Why would they do that instead of selling like every other owner who gets fed up funding losses ? 
    Who would buy?
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    BigDiddy said:
    BigDiddy said:
    swordfish said:
    I agree with all the posts suggesting we need continuity of manager, and have posted as such myself, but I just can't help thinking we should have settled on someone else. Easy to say after December's results I suppose,.

    I don't disrespect him, and he's not alone in struggling to work with limited resources,  but if he was binned off, we'd be blessed to find someone who can. Ultimately this is on the owners. Management are accountable to them. Improved recruitment all round is needed.

    These owners have a window now to change the narrative. Over to them.
    The evidence would suggest the monkeys are calling the shots, for now at least. I don’t disagree that ultimately they will be reined in, but there is no evidence the beneficial owners want to run the club.
    Did you think they will pull the plug, if losses mount up and it becomes a little toxic?

    Personally, I fear they will let us go under rather than throw money at the problem.
    Why would they do that instead of selling like every other owner who gets fed up funding losses ? 
    Who would buy?
    There would be someone I'm sure. Probably not someone competent, but yet another in the long list of people who are sure, just totally convinced, that they know how to beat the system.

    (But don't. And so the cycle spins on.)
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    Lee Johnson sacked from Fleetwood and has links to Charlie. Careful what you wish for.
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    The football is not worse than I can remember.

    Recency bias is very much a thing, but I can still remember the football under Luzon (That midweek game against Norwich where we somehow had an attacking free kick but managed to concede a goal from it).

    The 14 matches under Karal Fraeye. The end of Bowyer’s reign when we had a different formation and team every match, the end of Jackson’s reign when our only game plan was to kick it into the left hand corner for Washington to chase and then have about 5 of our players congregate around him.

    Or under Karl Robson, when his reliance on Ricky Holmes makes our current on CBT look like child’s play. 
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    RedRobin said:
    Adkins, Jacko, Garner, Holden and now Appleton, can’t all be their fault? Crap ownership and shit recruitment has long been an issue and one of the main the reasons we are looking at our 5th year in league 1, I say 5th as we ain’t  going up this season!!!

     Let’s give him a window and players back from injury before the witch hunt starts, I don’t like him particularly but I’m bored of the merry go round and the approach seems to be sack him and let’s give Pearce the gig until end of the season! It’s boring and we need to get out of this shit cycle, and sacking the manager every time doesn’t fix anything. 

    We are such a burnt fan base. 
    Appleton is the less of many evils.
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    Redrobo said:
    Lee Johnson sacked from Fleetwood and has links to Charlie. Careful what you wish for.
    I told Charlie my feelings for Johnson earlier this season.not to worry… Let’s just say he and Methven and no longer on each others Christmas card lists. It wouldn’t be him 
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    Swisdom said:
    Redrobo said:
    Lee Johnson sacked from Fleetwood and has links to Charlie. Careful what you wish for.
    I told Charlie my feelings for Johnson earlier this season.not to worry… Let’s just say he and Methven and no longer on each others Christmas card lists. It wouldn’t be him 
    Does Scott speak to you as well in depth regards recruitment?
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    Didn’t know Josh had gone into management. 🙂
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    Yeah I was thinking that, would he stoop to this level, I mean a jobs a job, but would it be like having Lyle Taylor back as manager in 15 years time, with all the shenanigans that have gone on!
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    I wonder if Scott and co are now seriously considering Appleton’s position. 3 points in 18. That’s worse than Holden isn’t it?
    Or are they stubbornly sticking with him because they’ll lose face if they don’t? 
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    Methven won’t sack Appleton right now, he is in the good mood glow from the victory of his beloved Oxford United yesterday.
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    Valley11 said:
    I wonder if Scott and co are now seriously considering Appleton’s position. 3 points in 18. That’s worse than Holden isn’t it?
    Or are they stubbornly sticking with him because they’ll lose face if they don’t? 
    Exactly, a measure of Scott's arrogance. Takes a bigger man to accept he made the wrong decision.
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    The problem is that if we change manager now, the January window will be yet another one wasted, with plana for recruitment that the new man might not want ... Exactly as happened at the end of the summer transfer window with our lucky dip of loans, most of which have been failures 
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    Realistically how long has Apples got left? I think if yesterday's result was the final nail, we would be hearing the news by now. Do you think its the usual "lets give him the next three games and see" type deal?
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    There's a guy at Tranmere, unbeaten in 9 games, won six of them, all with a mediocre squad. His name is Nigel Adkins, a manager we were criticising as useless, past it, was successful at Southampton because he inherited a decent squad etc, etc.
    My point is that the player recruitment and senior management have been poor for so long, together with our historical injury crisis, and although I am not an Appleton fan I also want to get out of this cycle of changing managers every six months, when the issues are elsewhere in the club.
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