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Next Manager?



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    DOUCHER said:
    I think it's pretty clear that Appleton is not the right man for the job.
    If we allow him to make changes this transfer window and it doesn't work , he will get the bullet early next season. 
    The then new manager may not like the squad Appleton has put together. 
    Far better to make a change now giving the new manager time to assess what needs to be done next summer. 
    100% - problem is if those in football circles think Scott and methven etc are duds as well and we can’t get better - as hard as that would seem -  atm there’s no evidence to think they aren’t duds and plenty to think they are - I think we’re back into looking for a new owner territory if this window is shit as well 

    The one distinction is that there is apparent separation between the actual owners/ funders and the management.

    The latter can be replaced if they don't deliver in the same way the team manager could be.

    Albeit I think someone posted the other day (Airman maybe) that some of the investors have already lost interest.

    But theoretically this is different from a Duchatelet/ Sandgaard set up where they write the theme tune and sing the theme tune a'la Dennis Waterman.

    Methven and co may have brokered the gig for themselves and got the money men in but the money men surely will have power to replace them if they consistently fail to deliver on pre- agreed targets as in a normal non- football business.

    Does beg the question though whether the money men will give the funds to Scott and co if their faith in them has dwindled based on what they've seen thus far.

    The fact they owned a club in the US suggests they're not Sandgaard levels of naive about the game and surely have gone into this with eyes open wider than he did.  Albeit I'm aware as I type that Duchatelet also owned clubs and he stubbornly failed to learn from his Standard Liege experience.

    Always better to under promise and over deliver but perhaps the opposite has happened to get the investment/ backing in the first place and that will come home to roost when the Americans look at our league position and 2 thirds empty ground with apathetic boos ringing out.
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    Methven has gone very quiet
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    For the money men living remotely and without any real love for the club their only measure on their investment will be results. Easy enough to look at the league table and to start to question what the hell is going on when the next payment is needed. I do think that even non football people will understand that it’s not easy to turn around a failing business and football club like Charlton and I  would think there will be understanding and time given longer than this season. But… I would also think that Methven and Scott are well aware that next season needs to be when they start to deliver because around next November I’d say the questions will start if we are not challenging. Both CM and AS can be replaced and they know a significant improvement is required. It’s why I think there will be money spent and some decent signings made in both January and the summer. 
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    For the money men living remotely and without any real love for the club their only measure on their investment will be results. Easy enough to look at the league table and to start to question what the hell is going on when the next payment is needed. I do think that even non football people will understand that it’s not easy to turn around a failing business and football club like Charlton and I  would think there will be understanding and time given longer than this season. But… I would also think that Methven and Scott are well aware that next season needs to be when they start to deliver because around next November I’d say the questions will start if we are not challenging. Both CM and AS can be replaced and they know a significant improvement is required. It’s why I think there will be money spent and some decent signings made in both January and the summer. 
     Don't think they will be. More likely the investment will walk away.
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    For the money men living remotely and without any real love for the club their only measure on their investment will be results. Easy enough to look at the league table and to start to question what the hell is going on when the next payment is needed. I do think that even non football people will understand that it’s not easy to turn around a failing business and football club like Charlton and I  would think there will be understanding and time given longer than this season. But… I would also think that Methven and Scott are well aware that next season needs to be when they start to deliver because around next November I’d say the questions will start if we are not challenging. Both CM and AS can be replaced and they know a significant improvement is required. It’s why I think there will be money spent and some decent signings made in both January and the summer. 
     Don't think they will be. More likely the investment will walk away.
    I think investors are not stupid. They might have been spun an enchanted idea by Methven but they knew full well that this was not a project for a quick buck. Just like any shareholders some might want out and some might want a little more investment and involvement. To think there is going to be a significant walk away or fire sale is I think doubtful. Having said that they will want signs of things moving forward. 
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    ‘You’ve got to die to get three points’ said my favourite for the managerial job and he instilled that attitude in all of his teams (except Palace). I’d love to see him at Charlton even if it’s just for the rest of the season…
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    Appleton is increasingly clearly not the man for the job. The problem we've got is that he is just another symptom of the bigger problem. If Appleton does get the heave ho it doesn't matter if he's replaced by the Cowleys or Guardiola - this time next year we'll be stuck in midtable feeling underwhelmed and with the season basically over... again. 

    We need a complete root and branch nuclear option rebuild. Its bigger than the coach (whoever that may be). Recruitment is part of it but its more that the club as a whole is stuck in a colossal rut and it needs a visionary with deep pockets to dig us out of it. I don't think either Scott or Methven are that person.
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    Nailed on to be Lee Johnson now Fleetwood have sacked him.  Pretty much our level and on a steady decline for about 3 years now.  We’re a match 
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    I think Appletons position is pretty rock solid for now. If we spend on a few decent signings and there’s not a significant improvement in our form then maybe it’ll be looked at in the summer but frankly talk of ditching him now is madness.
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    cabbles said:
    Nailed on to be Lee Johnson now Fleetwood have sacked him.  Pretty much our level and on a steady decline for about 3 years now.  We’re a match 
    I just saw this on twitter and thought, "oh gawd, Appleton out, Johnson in, that'd be a real 'be careful what you wish for' thing, wouldn't it?"
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    I think Appletons position is pretty rock solid for now. If we spend on a few decent signings and there’s not a significant improvement in our form then maybe it’ll be looked at in the summer but frankly talk of ditching him now is madness.
    I’m not sure, the crowd is toxic and a couple more defeats would put him on similar form to when Holden was sacked, but Appleton has better players to pick from 
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    The younger players performed better under Holden.
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    Every manager since Lee Bowyer has been shite.

    I say get rid of Appleton and start again.

    One day we will get lucky and end up with another Curbs or Lennie. Not every manager is shite. By the law of averages employ enough managers and eventually we will strike gold. 
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    I just feel wary of giving Appleton too much influence on the signings when he has failed to make the best of what we currently have, if he continues to fail with his signings, forces us to sack him and then the next manager gets the same excuse of not their players.

    After we sacked Holden I said they should be asking all interview candidates how they would get the best out of the current squad. 
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    ValleyBen said:
    I just feel wary of giving Appleton too much influence on the signings when he has failed to make the best of what we currently have, if he continues to fail with his signings, forces us to sack him and then the next manager gets the same excuse of not their players.

    After we sacked Holden I said they should be asking all interview candidates how they would get the best out of the current squad. 
    Judge Appleton on his results from now until the end of the season and how we start next. I’m sure he’ll have a much stronger squad so no excuses. 
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    ValleyBen said:
    I just feel wary of giving Appleton too much influence on the signings when he has failed to make the best of what we currently have, if he continues to fail with his signings, forces us to sack him and then the next manager gets the same excuse of not their players.

    After we sacked Holden I said they should be asking all interview candidates how they would get the best out of the current squad. 
    Judge Appleton on his results from now until the end of the season and how we start next. I’m sure he’ll have a much stronger squad so no excuses. 
    Oh I will if he does remain in charge, I have never been one of those fans who makes their mind up about a player or manager refuses to budge despite evidence, I have just lost all belief in him currently, think he is another ultra stuck in his ways average lower league manager living off some past minor success.

    Hopefully I am wrong though if we are stuck with him. 
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    Oakster2 said:
    The guy below? 

    Will definitely bring a bit more passion than Appleton

    He was good in Night at The Museum 

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    Methven has gone very quiet
    Spent most of the Cambridge game looking at his phone. 
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    Unpopular opinion: this fanbase has become so conditioned to hiring and firing managers that the slightest bad run of form results in unwarranted pressure on anyone in the hot seat.

    Fans want an instant fix to a problem that will take years to sort. It’s like a child who won’t stop picking at a scab.
    I am old and haven't got years.

    Is Appleton that good though? Do you think he has any kind of unique quality that makes him stand out? To me(and I thinkk it was said by somebody else previously) he is akin to Russel (are you patient Louis?) Slade.
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    edited December 2023
    seth plum said:
    Unpopular opinion: this fanbase has become so conditioned to hiring and firing managers that the slightest bad run of form results in unwarranted pressure on anyone in the hot seat.

    Fans want an instant fix to a problem that will take years to sort. It’s like a child who won’t stop picking at a scab.
    I am old and haven't got years.

    Is Appleton that good though? Do you think he has any kind of unique quality that makes him stand out? To me(and I thinkk it was said by somebody else previously) he is akin to Russel (are you patient Louis?) Slade.
    I’m only 31 but acknowledge that even I’m in a privileged position to have seen some of the best years of Charlton under Curbs - there are now young fans who haven’t been that lucky and deserve to experience that too.

    I understand the time argument you and others make but if you want the success of the ‘00s you have to be prepared to do the building of the ‘90s.

    As much as we hate it, Charlton Athletic Football Club has become a joke in recent years. And it’s not because of Appleton, or Holden, or Garner. It’s because of how quickly managers and players are written off by our club, rightly or wrongly.

    The club has to rebuild its reputation before the football world starts taking us seriously again. That starts with sitting on our hands for a bit and not sacking another manager after three months in charge.
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    edited December 2023
    NabySarr said:
    Unpopular opinion: this fanbase has become so conditioned to hiring and firing managers that the slightest bad run of form results in unwarranted pressure on anyone in the hot seat.

    Fans want an instant fix to a problem that will take years to sort. It’s like a child who won’t stop picking at a scab.
    I think most people would happily support through a rough patch if they had any faith in the manager in the dugout. In fact I don’t seem to remember many calls for Holden to be sacked, so it can’t be that our fanbase can’t stand for a run of defeats anymore 

    There is very little about Appleton’s record as a manager and what we’ve seen so far that convinces me in the slightest that he is someone we should be sticking by. To me all this points to is another year wasted at this level next season 
    I’ll leave aside the pluses and minuses of Appleton’s record.

    Garner, Holden, Appleton. The point I’m trying to make is that it doesn’t matter who it is in the dugout, we’re making a rod for our own back by being the EFL’s merry-go-round managerial circus.

    Put a bloody stop to it and fix the club first.
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