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Michael Appleton - Sacked 23/1/2024 (p105)



  • supaclive said:
    It could be argued the clowns have been waiting for the window to open to get his players in.

    However, IF we were to win one of our next ten my money says he'll be out of the door.
    Extremely confident that’s not happening but even if it did, I think he keeps his job.
    2 wins in 20 and he stays in a job?
    Again I would be really very shocked if that’s what happened but yes really. 
  • Still think there’s nothing about him that is any worse than the last four managers we’ve had.

    All went through bad runs of form. Appleton is lucky in that it appear that he’s the first of the bunch to finally be backed.

    He’s obviously going to be here for AT LEAST the rest of this season and the early part of next so if you don’t like him, you’ll have to get used to it.

    I dont have to get used to it at all. If this clueless , personality free, so called manager carries on like this I simply won't go or watch on stream anymore.
    But you’d come back if he starts winning games of course?
  • supaclive said:
    It could be argued the clowns have been waiting for the window to open to get his players in.

    However, IF we were to win one of our next ten my money says he'll be out of the door.
    Extremely confident that’s not happening but even if it did, I think he keeps his job.
    2 wins in 20 and he stays in a job?
    Again I would be really very shocked if that’s what happened but yes really. 
    Don't have a response 
  • Still think there’s nothing about him that is any worse than the last four managers we’ve had.

    All went through bad runs of form. Appleton is lucky in that it appear that he’s the first of the bunch to finally be backed.

    He’s obviously going to be here for AT LEAST the rest of this season and the early part of next so if you don’t like him, you’ll have to get used to it.

    I dont have to get used to it at all. If this clueless , personality free, so called manager carries on like this I simply won't go or watch on stream anymore.
    But you’d come back if he starts winning games of course?
    Well let's see if that happens.
  • Even with the new signings , I'd be surprised if he's still around at the end of Feb. Have Derby twice, Pompey, Blackpool and Bolton all coming up. 
  • I agree with @Callumcafc inasmuch as I don't think he's going anywhere soon. I'm not saying that I agree with his appointment and I don’t think he is doing very well - he's had a bit of bad luck perhaps with injuries but he's played a poor hand badly. Better game management and players who are actually motivated for an entire game could easily have picked up more points in our recent run.

    That said, I suspect that unless we actually drop into the relegation places he's going to keep his job, for better or worse, at least if its left up to our current SMT. The only way he goes this season IMHO is if one of the money guys has a word with Rodwell or Methven, which I don't see happening.
  • It could be argued the clowns have been waiting for the window to open to get his players in.

    However, IF we were to win one of our next ten my money says he'll be out of the door.
    Extremely confident that’s not happening but even if it did, I think he keeps his job.
    Time will tell.
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  • For someone who has been called “great on the grass” and seemingly has a lot of admirers, there’s not a lot of points to show for it all. This is what I don’t understand about these comments. If Appleton was this wonder coach of league 1 then why can he not get a tune out of these players? Are they all really that poor? Jones, Hector, Tennai, Edun, Dobson , Fraser, May, CBT? 1 win in 12 or whatever it is and a 25% win rate? I mean at the start of the season people outside of Charlton were raving about the squad… were the injuries we received really the difference between top 6 and 15th? I just can’t see it myself. Surely a coach that is really great can get these players ticking and playing to a sum greater than the parts.. find the strength that is in the squad and build a system around that.. at least make them hard to beat whilst you’re waiting on new players or returning injuries..

    look I’m not a pro obviously but I’ve watched and loved this sport and team for many years, and I know that when clubs are in sticky times with injuries and what not, the first thing you do is be a team that is hard to beat and not nice to play against… you get your fans singing for you by at least showing an ounce of passion.

    we can’t play through a press, we can’t keep a clean sheet or hold onto results… we don’t play for 90 minutes, the effort, despite what Appleton says, is not there for large swathes of the game and the overall atmosphere in the ground and around the club is shit. He does nothing on the sidelines to inspire the crowd or players.. in fact there’s so much crap and negativity to the last 20 games that I even remember winning and still feeling negative we were so poor… the one time this club in recent times decides to stick with a manager and back them.. and it’s Appleton.. 

    I don’t know really, its a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation I think… sack another manager, get more players for a new system with new ideas and attach them into this Frankenstein squad that all these different managers have created, or stick with one that quite clearly (despite what insiders seem to say) can’t get a tune out of a supposedly talented squad.. 

    Well said 
  • I think the Management expect to see an improvement in our performances and our points total. If that doesn’t happen within 2 or 3 games then he’ll be gone. They cannot afford for us to go down. If we do improve then they’ll stick with him until the end of the season and then decide from there depending upon how we’ve looked. They absolutely want success and will not mess around for too long about letting him go if they need to. They will give him some sort of chance with his own players though. Because I’m sure that’s what he’s been banging on about for weeks! 
  • 25% win rate under Appleton after 20 league games

    Same as Ben Garner and Chris Powell after that many games

    So is he a Garner or a Powell? 
  • edited January 14
    Croydon said:
    Still think there’s nothing about him that is any worse than the last four managers we’ve had.

    All went through bad runs of form. Appleton is lucky in that it appear that he’s the first of the bunch to finally be backed.

    He’s obviously going to be here for AT LEAST the rest of this season and the early part of next so if you don’t like him, you’ll have to get used to it.
    His personality? To be more unlikeable than Garner is some feat.
    Yet everyone loved Bowyer, perhaps one of the most unlikeable blokes to be associated with CAFC.
    Going by your metric, that says more about Appleton doesn't it? Bloke has absolutely nothing about him, the wettest of wet lettuces. 
  • Croydon said:
    Still think there’s nothing about him that is any worse than the last four managers we’ve had.

    All went through bad runs of form. Appleton is lucky in that it appear that he’s the first of the bunch to finally be backed.

    He’s obviously going to be here for AT LEAST the rest of this season and the early part of next so if you don’t like him, you’ll have to get used to it.
    His personality? To be more unlikeable than Garner is some feat.
    Yet everyone loved Bowyer, perhaps one of the most unlikeable blokes to be associated with CAFC.
    Bowyer or Appleton?
  • Croydon said:
    Croydon said:
    Still think there’s nothing about him that is any worse than the last four managers we’ve had.

    All went through bad runs of form. Appleton is lucky in that it appear that he’s the first of the bunch to finally be backed.

    He’s obviously going to be here for AT LEAST the rest of this season and the early part of next so if you don’t like him, you’ll have to get used to it.
    His personality? To be more unlikeable than Garner is some feat.
    Yet everyone loved Bowyer, perhaps one of the most unlikeable blokes to be associated with CAFC.
    Going by your metric, that says more about Appleton doesn't it? Bloke has absolutely nothing about him, the wettest of wet lettuces. 
    People looked past Bowyer’s personal shortcomings because he won a few games. They would do the same for Appleton as soon as this bad run of form turned around.
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  • Croydon said:
    Still think there’s nothing about him that is any worse than the last four managers we’ve had.

    All went through bad runs of form. Appleton is lucky in that it appear that he’s the first of the bunch to finally be backed.

    He’s obviously going to be here for AT LEAST the rest of this season and the early part of next so if you don’t like him, you’ll have to get used to it.
    His personality? To be more unlikeable than Garner is some feat.
    Yet everyone loved Bowyer, perhaps one of the most unlikeable blokes to be associated with CAFC.
    You were correct on your first 4 words. Lee Bowyer gave me one of my best ever days out. MA is vanilla. Called it when we appointed him, turns out he is worse than vanilla. He is horsesh*te
  • edited January 14
    CAFCTrev said:
    Don't think we should be sacking a guy who can levitate a bottle of water with his eyes.

    Darth (daft) Appleton 
  • Rob said:
    I think the Management expect to see an improvement in our performances and our points total. If that doesn’t happen within 2 or 3 games then he’ll be gone. They cannot afford for us to go down. If we do improve then they’ll stick with him until the end of the season and then decide from there depending upon how we’ve looked. They absolutely want success and will not mess around for too long about letting him go if they need to. They will give him some sort of chance with his own players though. Because I’m sure that’s what he’s been banging on about for weeks! 
    I agree, but will results pick up under him I wonder? He might say fears of being in a relegation battle haven't entered his mind, but if that's true then we're sleepwalking into one on current form.

    The more we leave ourselves to do to stay safe, then the greater the pressure Are we showing we have the strength of mind to cope with it? No evidence of that to date.

    I can't see him being here much longer, and if contingency planning for a potential replacement isn't in the minds of the decision makers at present, it needs to be.
  • Just listened to his comments, it’s almost as if nothing’s wrong and because we’ve signed and may be signing a few more players, plus we ‘had a go’ in the second half, case closed.  We’ll be okay 

  • edited January 14
    when we appointed appleton i'm sure i remember seeing a quote along the lines of, "judge me on what I do on the grass". well its all pretty damning, and i'm really struggling to see much positive in anything that he does.

    we cant keep a clean sheet, are defensively fragile from set plays, offer little from attacking set plays, play uninspiring football that leads to dire results and are tactically questionable at best. most importantly perhaps though given appleton's reputation for player development, i'd say almost every player in our side has regressed since hes come in.

    yesterday the way we set up for the first half was anti-football, i dont ever want to see a charlton side set up like that in this division. aside from anything else, it was just so obviously flawed (as with a lot of appleton's tactical adjustments).

    the one thing i will say for him is that he is quite thoughtful in his analysis - i like SOME of the things he says post match, but we're really scraping the barrel here. 

    the only things saving him now are the fact that hes only had a few months, no full transfer window, and the odd positive spin from inside the club. george elek seemed to think we should give him time, but he's testing patience already.
  • cabbles said:
    Just listened to his comments, it’s almost as if nothing’s wrong and because we’ve signed and may be signing a few more players, plus we ‘had a go’ in the second half, case closed.  We’ll be okay 

    Never read or listen to any of the pre or post match comments by any managers, Charlton, opposition, Southgate etc. No one is honest and will ever say anything to affect their employment. 

    Appleton is never going to admit he made a huge error in the starting line-up and the blame relies purely on him. Just a PR exercise for themselves. 
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