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Holden sacked?! (Ed. Yes - Confirmed)



  • wmcf123 said:
    _MrDick said:
    Personally, I’d like to see Chris Powell given another crack of the whip. After the Duchatelet debacle, he’s got unfinished business. Anyone else is just going to divide the support. The club is in a right old mess. We’ve had a shocking start to the season. Holden was out of his depth and that was proved by his tactics and team selection on Saturday. Now is the time to get behind Jason Pearce and I’m hoping Chris Powell in the near future. Only five games in but the season is still salvable. 
    These people might be worse than Duchatelet.

    Every owner we have had since Duchatelet has been worse.RD was not here to rob the club blind,he ran the club his own way which was wrong,but he could not be told.But one thing he always paid the bills on time,and as far as I can see the club was in no danger of going under.
    TS was an ego trip,ESI where blatant crooks,the jury is out on the present lot,I fear the worst.
    Rolly will be sitting in his Ivory Tower pissing himself laughing at our situation.

  • LenGlover said:
    I've seen suggestions of Chris Powell on this thread but my understanding is that he has recently taken a job in Saudi Arabia which just might pay a little more than Charlton Athletic can afford.
    Shame if that’s true. Would hope Powell had better morals than that. 
  • vff said:
    Holden sacked by text reported by Chicago Addick. 
    Classy. There must have been a serious falling out between Holden and Methen / Rodwell / Scott. That was likely over transfer policy and funds available.
    initially heard that on talksport last night, doesn't mean it was true.
  • LenGlover said:
    I've seen suggestions of Chris Powell on this thread but my understanding is that he has recently taken a job in Saudi Arabia which just might pay a little more than Charlton Athletic can afford.
    Bit of a sidetrack i readily admit but does anyone know for certain where Sir Chris is and what he is doing?

    Even his own website is quiet on the matter -
  • Just had a thought that's a bit left field.
    Could it be a way of extracting money from the club? Holden was the Methven group's choice of manager and were probably instrumental in him being handed a 3 year deal, which will now have to be paid up.
    As I said at the start, just a thought.
    Highly improbable.
    The original Methven group deal was called off by Sandgaard in the first week of February, prompting Methven's group to threaten legal action. His admin crew (Rodwell et al) departed the Club on 15 Feb.
    That contract extension was announced on 11 March when TS was courting other parties, still being threatened with legal action.
    We can with 99% probability say that the decision to grant Holden a 3 year deal was Sandgaard's. 

    I know that Sandgaard was one for making strange decisions but is someone looking to offload the club likely to have committed it to a new 3 year contract for the manager.
    He’s even less likely to take instructions from a party threatening legal action at that time.
    Indeed, it’s seems the same as all of TS previous manager appointments. New manager bounce, revert to crap, fire them. 
  • edited August 2023
    I am genuinely scratching my head that so many on here seem to think that N Jones would be a good idea. I know he had a thing at Luton but he was an utter laughing stock at Stoke and Southampton. And to me at least he comes across as smug and self deluded. Just my view. 
    Both Stoke and Southampton were on a massive downward spiral after Premier League struggles when he joined them, the latter haven't really recovered from relegation either.

    We're a shitshow ourselves, so might not be the best place for him either - But at least we're not in a position where the club will be expecting either Premier League survival, or an instant return to it, like with those two.

    I get the feeling his approach doesn't work with big name players.
  • Moore would be my choice, however I have a horrible feeling it will be Johnson
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  • vff said:
    Dean Holden was known to Methven and Scott from last season. He was given a 3 year contract by Methven and pals only a few months ago. That was picked up by Holden, who foolishly believed that he would be backed in the transfer market. This did not happen. Cue disatisfaction, loss of hope from Holden and him losing the plot tactically, and having his weaknesses as a coach / manager exposed.
    The utter rubbish plan of Methven and the tall tale he told the investors is behind the current fiasco. That and the staggering incompetence and delusion of the plan. Cost cutting, playing and selling youth to reduce losses. The £1m to 2m losses plan, without any significant investment, in league one will take Charlton to League 2 and the National League. the bad things we were told about Methven and his pals is so far proving to be true.
    Ipswich had sustained and significant backing to get to the Championship. This is not what Charlton are getting currently. Why the hell did Methven bother - apart from the consultancy fees. What is the point ? The only way the plan works to sell the club for more in the championship. On Methven's cost cutting plan, even in a weakened league is just never going to happen.
    What manager or team is going to manage with the level of cost cutting by Methven ? Maybe at very best lower midtable to avoiding relegation. That is before any decent youngster is sold off.  This is what Methven has brought Charlton to. Duchatelet will be happy with the diminishing of the football club. Closer to the day when there won't be a club at the Valley.
    Have to agree with what you say about Methven and Scott plus SMT. 

    Now where is that Banner?

  • CH4RLTON said:
    Im going to throw a very unpopular name in to the hat, Andy Woodman lives local, knows the club, I reckon would ruffle a few feathers
    I would have him in a heartbeat, not least because after he gets sacked, as they all do, no one will ever describe us as playing "hoofball" again. 
  • BigDiddy said:
    BigDiddy said:
    vff said:
    Dean Holden was known to Methven and Scott from last season. He was given a 3 year contract by Methven and pals only a few months ago. That was picked up by Holden, who foolishly believed that he would be backed in the transfer market. This did not happen. Cue disatisfaction, loss of hope from Holden and him losing the plot tactically, and having his weaknesses as a coach / manager exposed.
    The utter rubbish plan of Methven and the tall tale he told the investors is behind the current fiasco. That and the staggering incompetence and delusion of the plan. Cost cutting, playing and selling youth to reduce losses. The £1m to 2m losses plan, without any significant investment, in league one will take Charlton to League 2 and the National League. the bad things we were told about Methven and his pals is so far proving to be true.
    Ipswich had sustained and significant backing to get to the Championship. This is not what Charlton are getting currently. Why the hell did Methven bother - apart from the consultancy fees. What is the point ? The only way the plan works to sell the club for more in the championship. On Methven's cost cutting plan, even in a weakened league is just never going to happen.
    What manager or team is going to manage with the level of cost cutting by Methven ? Maybe at very best lower midtable to avoiding relegation. That is before any decent youngster is sold off.  This is what Methven has brought Charlton to. Duchatelet will be happy with the diminishing of the football club. Closer to the day when there won't be a club at the Valley.
    I wonder if Methven gets a cut of savings he makes ? Follow the money and we would find out why this lot are involved in Charlton.

    The club will have to sell millions of pounds of players each year just to stay afloat. In terms of increasing commercial income, that means ticket sales, online sales, sponsorships and so on. All those income streams will GO DOWN if the team is crap, so CM’s plan is utter madness.

    I know that quite a few are pissed off by my constant rants about Charlie boy, but I honestly believe he is as toxic as Roland. Some say that we must keep personalities out of our comments, but how can we? We can only question and critique the actions of the people who own and control the club.

    I agree that we really now at jeopardy of going out of existence. 

    You’re entitled to your opinion but the hyperbole and gaping holes in reality make your posts mostly laughable. We get your point. You’re not happy. Perhaps time to reflect on why you’re a Charlton supporter.
    Bit of a low blow to question someone’s reasoning on being a supporter.
    I am thick skinned, but a supporter since 1978.

    Blind love is stupid - more fans need to make a stand/challenge what is going on, otherwise, there will be no club to support.
    Totally agree, can’t understand some people’s blind faith in Methven when he comes with such a bad reputation and hasn’t exactly started well.
  • Moore would be my choice, however I have a horrible feeling it will be Johnson
    Agree. This week will say everything we need to know about our new owners. Transfers and new boss search. 
  • Yeah we have 70m to put in to sort this mess out. ShootersHillGuru said:
    BigDiddy said:
    Charlie and his SMT are milking the club for personal gain.

    Wages, expenses, fees, consultancy - fuck knows what else.

    THEY HAVE NOT PUT ANY MONEY INTO THE CLUB - they are a COST. Really important we remember that. I’d be surprised in CM was on anything less than 500k per year and that is why he is here. Thats also the game in town for SMT as they are all talentless chancers who are screwing the club.

    If they were ANY good, why would they be with us?

    As the Airman said, they will look busy in the eyes of the yanks. It will go on for as long as the yanks will cover running costs and when the money stops, then they will all be gone. Think of  Farnell, Southall,  Paul Elliott and all the other knobs that leech money out of football clubs.

    This lot are no different - managerial chaos HELPS them screw more cash out of the club.

    This lot are worse than all the previous owners combined, including that vile scumbag Roly.
    Give it a rest.
    CAST need to organise and campaign for a fans buy out .... their competence is matched by their silence

  • BigDiddy said:
    Earlier than I predicted, but this is part of the Gobby Methven playbook.

    Is it?  Sunderland never had a manager for 6 weeks when he was there, or six months.
  •  get the feeling his approach doesn't work with big name players. So sb fine with the dross we have!!
  • I am genuinely scratching my head that so many on here seem to think that N Jones would be a good idea. I know he had a thing at Luton but he was an utter laughing stock at Stoke and Southampton. And to me at least he comes across as smug and self deluded. Just my view. 
    He'll fit in well with the rest of our current club then.
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  • edited August 2023
  • Whoever is brought in will know that the squad Holden has been working with, will be the same after next weekend, bar the returnees. To tempt any of the premium lower league quality names, Charlton I. E the owners would probably need to pay a fair bit over what they were paying Holden, and that's also considering what his severence package is going to be. I wonder which budget all of this comes out of now. If its January's team rebuild money, then whoever comes in, will know the squad will be stuck until next season. That's not a tempting job for anyone, as there is a high likelihood that they won't last the season themselves. 
  • edited August 2023
    No idea if this has already been posted, but you have got to wonder what the fuck is going on when Asimewe is liking the post announcing the manager and back room staff have been sacked.
    Some people ‘like’ posts as a way of bookmarking them. They’ll end up on their ‘like’ list. 
  • Like many others, Darren Moore would be my choice. Sadly, I think it's unlikely. 

    If it's Johnson, I'll find it very difficult to support the decision.  Horrible little man
    It will be neither. There is no way they will employ Johnson . They only have to ask a few fans or look on the forums to see that , that won't work and as far a Darren Moore is concerned , i'm certain his ambitions will be higher than a team close to the relegation zone in league one and even if he was , we would't be able to afford him. 
    As people have said - Now is the time to see how ambitious this latest lot of chancers are.
  • Solidgone said:
    I think this means that HMS Pisstheleague has been derailed. 🥸
  • If it's Lee Johnson that's me finished with this shit. Lee Bowyer is the man we need. Two play-off finishes in three seasons. It's a no brainer.
  • Solidgone said:
    I think this means that HMS Pisstheleague has been derailed. 🥸

    Even got one in team colours!!
  • Interesting point in here about the pay offs. Various people have clearly been briefed FFP is an issue but these pay offs aren’t FFP exempt so the money must be there…
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Roland Out Forever!