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The Takeover Thread v3.0 - DONE! - Methven interview in the Telegraph (p55)



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    Here's one for you @PragueAddick

     "one of the really useful things about Brener and Friedman is not only have they run a football club together, but have been through ups and downs with that, and have tried things that didn’t work"

    What club was that?
    I know about Brener and Dallas,Houston, but can't find any association of Friedman with any sporting organisations?

    This is something I also really struggled to find any kind of link with was Friedman and any kind of sports. I couldn't see him listed anywhere as a minority owner of the Houston Dynamo when Brener owned it. 
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     Well, I don’t really think this is being done for a return on investment’
     if they wanted to make a return on investment, my goodness me there are easier ways to do it than this.’

    first time I’ve read the interview , at least they’re not in cloud cuckoo land and understand there’s not a hope in hells chance of making dough out of us but why bother buying us to tinker along with a guff squad of complete nothingness that has probably a 10 to 1 shot at promotion if we’re lucky .
    genuinely pointless, unless some miracle signings are lined up this next week .
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    ‘ Well, I don’t really think this is being done for a return on investment’
    ’ if they wanted to make a return on investment, my goodness me there are easier ways to do it than this.’

    first time I’ve read the interview , at least they’re not in cloud cuckoo land and understand there’s not a hope in hells chance of making dough out of us but why bother buying us to tinker along with a guff squad of complete nothingness that has probably a 10 to 1 shot at promotion if we’re lucky .
    genuinely pointless, unless some miracle signings are lined up this next week .
     Because for the larger investors it has cost them very little in the scheme of things.
    And Methven would have been pressing the Bowyer season on them when we went up with a squad threadbare of any real quality until a few decent loans came along.
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    Thing is, if there is a further cash call on investors then Methven would need to find his bit to retain the stake. Is he able? If not then our man in charge has a vested interest in selling players / cutting costs even if the billionaires wanted to splash out more.
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    Thing is, if there is a further cash call on investors then Methven would need to find his bit to retain the stake. Is he able? If not then our man in charge has a vested interest in selling players / cutting costs even if the billionaires wanted to splash out more.
    Would he ? As I understand it he received his 5% of shares for putting the deal together, I think it's very probable that he wouldn't be liable to invest any money in the future.  
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    Holding shares and being an active investor are two different things aren't they
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    The "owners" believe that CAFC can be promoted by being better run, bringing in 3-4 new signings, 3-4 loans, and slashing the wage bill / getting rid of expensive flops.

    I imagine the pitch continues by saying, that if it doesn't happen this season, they can sell off some promising youngsters and you won't need to put any more money in and don't worry, with another 3- 4 excellent signings and 3-4 loans next season, we'll definitely go up and at that time your £12m total investment for buying CAFC for us all will now be worth at least £30-£40m and we'll only be one more division away from the Premier League.

    "Look at what I did at Sunderland - and Ipswich back this up - we'd only be 1 season away from untold riches and believe me it can be done.   Luton have shown it, Sunderland are pushing for it, Coventry nearly made it".

    Isn't unimaginable.   Except, CAFC have expensive subs, 10 years of poor management and a significant requirement for another 4 or 5 players to stand any chance of that - and usually, let's say 90% of the time, you need to spend REAL money to get out of this division.   Luton, Plymouth and Coventry are outliers.
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    I have very little idea about business and finances, but this bunch of owners are just another mob of chancers and snake oil salespeople. 
    If they were serious we would have had 2-3 decent signings and not be at the bottom of the table. 
    Give it up until Xmas but if no sign of improvement, I think I will be pretty much done with the club…. It breaks my heart!!
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    edited August 2023
    I have very little idea about business and finances, but this bunch of owners are just another mob of chancers and snake oil salespeople. 
    If they were serious we would have had 2-3 decent signings and not be at the bottom of the table. 
    Give it up until Xmas but if no sign of improvement, I think I will be pretty much done with the club…. It breaks my heart!!
    I don't think so, or not all of them maybe. It’s more that they've been sold snake oil, IMO. They've been made certain promises or at the very least been told certain things hence the sudden need to "balance books" so that they don't realise what bunkum they were pitched.
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    And to be fair, we've had 2 to 3 decent signings - May, Camara, Edun are decent signings.   Taylor and Jones could end up being decent.

    However, losing Rak Saki back to Palace and seeing Fraser, Leaburn and Aneke injured means that isn't enough - not at all - we needed probably 8 - 10 players for this season.
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    And her performance so far is matching his.
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    Here's one for you @PragueAddick

     "one of the really useful things about Brener and Friedman is not only have they run a football club together, but have been through ups and downs with that, and have tried things that didn’t work"

    What club was that?
    I know about Brener and Dallas,Houston, but can't find any association of Friedman with any sporting organisations?
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    And her performance so far is matching his.
    She came good in the end, unlike Tommy, who remained a disappointment 'til the end. 
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    Bring back Roland
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    edited August 2023
    Scoham said:
    Duchatelet is still around in the background unfortunately - preventing a decent takeover, with ludicrous assets price & leaving us with different clueless management teams, who think that a team can be successful with no significant investment & playing youngsters, whether they are ready or not. 
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    edited August 2023
    Need to pull their fingers out or fuck off. 
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    Will be interesting to learn the dynamics of our huge ownership consortium. Americans culturally have a pretty cold attitude to hiring / firing head coaches, yet Holden was Methven & Rodwell’s man that they wanted in and who they we’re probably waxing lyrical about in their sales pitches. 

    If the major American investors are showing any sort of interest in how the club is doing (no evidence of that yet) I’d expect pressure being put on Charlie Boy & Rodwell 
    Starting to doubt if those Americans even know they've invested 
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    Methven frantically doctoring an upside down league table chart for Monday Mornings PowerPoint meeting!
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    Genuinely be better off in administration than this never ending succession of absolute chancers/wasters. I'm genuinely sick of this new lot already. They can fuck off. 
    What's to stop another group of chancers/incompetents getting hold of us from administration? 
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