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The Takeover Thread v3.0 - DONE! - Methven interview in the Telegraph (p55)



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    vff said:
    sam3110 said:
    If you still think this is a property play then you're off your nut. There are literally more than a dozen sites within a mile of The Valley that are easier, cheaper and quicker to build on
    The other plots of land are not owned by Duchatelet. Duchatelet likely still wants all his money back to justify his decision. For all his talk of community, him being right overrides everything. He is potentially vindictive because of Charlton supporters vocalness in not recognising his genius & vision. 

    IMO, its mostly about the money & Duchalet being right. If he did got his money back, he would settle for that.  If Charlton survived or not is immaterial. All that talk of community was & is absolute bollocks. 

    The only way Duchatelet is getting his money back if Charlton gets a minted (prepared to make significant investment) takeover - maybe the owners after Methven- not this mob on current evidence, Charlton getting to the Premiership (not looking possible without significant investment - not this mob on current evidence or obliteration of the club & somehow unlikely releasing value of the land. Releasing value off the land appears difficult to achieve but Duchatelet continually refused to accept reality in his strategy. 

    Duchatelet owning the Valley & Sparrows Lane is the ongoing obstacle to Charlton becoming successful again. The current situation leads to useless owner after useless owner, who somehow think they can make a quick buck, have a plan that no one has thought about (that doesn’t require significant investment), vultures picking the corpse or somehow that supporters are so blinded by loyalty that they will turn up to watch any half baked, fatally flawed product / team on the pitch. 

    There is money to be made but that takes sustained investment & astute management to get a team to the Premiership. 
    So if they're not owned by Duchatelet, they're even easier to buy and build on? 

    Again, Methven and co. aren't here to shut down Charlton and build flats on The Valley, as some absolute madmen have alluded to on here, it's literally not worth the effort, time and money, especially as flats in that particular corner of Charlton aren't exactly going to be surrounded by splendor are they. 

    RD deciding to kick us out and build on The Valley is a different proposition, but that can happen under any owner until everything is brought back under one roof, which won't happen any time soon as however minted people are, the asking price is laughable, so no-one will pay it
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    The early signs aren't exactly promising are they?

    We haven't heard a thing from the major shareholders. 
    We haven't heard a thing from anyone about the plans and ambitions. I'm not expecting to (nor do i want to) hear a Sandgaard-esque 'Europe in 5 years' but it would at least be good to hear something.
    Squad is really light yet we haven't made a signing for 3 weeks. The only movement in the transfer department was the departure of the guy who negotiated the transfers.
    The only recent rumours are Sessegnon who was with us last year and Dabo who failed a medical.
    We've lost 4 in a row and are leaking goals.
    Our injury list seems to grow each week.
    Not much need for him.
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    It took 12 months to the Watford 5-0 for the Dushitelet protests, Charlie boy has broken all records in 5 games.
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    Get someone else to fund a dream. Get a decent payday for setting it up. 

    No investment in the club, no risk to those who set the deal up.

    Club stutters and we maybe avoid relegation. 

    New losers line up to purchase a corpse of a club and we do it all again.

    Happy days at CAFC. 
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    Seen on Twitter there’s an interview with “not involved” Methven in The Telegraph but can’t seem to find it online anywhere. Anyone able to upload a photo of it?
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    fenaddick said:
    Seen on Twitter there’s an interview with “not involved” Methven in The Telegraph but can’t seem to find it online anywhere. Anyone able to upload a photo of it?

    Charlton Athletic have risen from a sea of toy pigs with a reluctant reality TV star at the helm

    One of the oddest but most effective forms of fan protest in football history
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    clive said:
    fenaddick said:
    Seen on Twitter there’s an interview with “not involved” Methven in The Telegraph but can’t seem to find it online anywhere. Anyone able to upload a photo of it?

    Charlton Athletic have risen from a sea of toy pigs with a reluctant reality TV star at the helm

    One of the oddest but most effective forms of fan protest in football history
    Thanks, just need to find a way around the paywall now! 
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    Thanks. A fairly balanced account actually and more accurate than a lot of what we’ve seen written about us. CM definitely seems to be saying some of the right things, just need them to actually be proved now 
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    at least the article finished with a chuckle :smile:
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    So 'reluctant' but he can't seem to get away from the press and put his face front and centre. 
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    edited August 2023
    Not a lot to smile about there then.  Still no clue as to what this lot are about but I predict we are going nowhere this season.

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    Yes, we cannot and will not be able to trade this year and not lose (outside of player trading) £4m-£5m.   So that means we'll sell one decent player a season to balance the books or try to.

    However, with Dobson and CBT out of contract at the end of this season, there is every chance that if we are off the pace play off wise in January that both of those will be sold in January and a star youth player will go at the end of the season.
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    Some dodgy looking fans holding that banner
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    Operating loss of £1m-£2m which will be covered by player trading. Nobody with experience believes that is possible (outside the PL)  - that’s their pitch to the majority shareholders and that’s where it will inevitably fall apart.
    Is this based on the doc that went round or information from somewhere else?
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    supaclive said:
    Yes, we cannot and will not be able to trade this year and not lose (outside of player trading) £4m-£5m.   So that means we'll sell one decent player a season to balance the books or try to.

    However, with Dobson and CBT out of contract at the end of this season, there is every chance that if we are off the pace play off wise in January that both of those will be sold in January and a star youth player will go at the end of the season.
    I’m sure the plan is to sell players. 
    Presumably this would rely on selling an Aribo/Burstow/Gomez level player every season. 
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    fenaddick said:
    Thanks. A fairly balanced account actually and more accurate than a lot of what we’ve seen written about us. CM definitely seems to be saying some of the right things, just need them to actually be proved now 
    But he’s not involved in the day to day running of the Club, blah blah blah. Don’t half front up a lot then doesn’t he?
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    Operating loss of £1m-£2m which will be covered by player trading. Nobody with experience believes that is possible (outside the PL)  - that’s their pitch to the majority shareholders and that’s where it will inevitably fall apart.
    That’s madness. Until the club and ground are owned by the same owners we will be prey to madmen and crooks.
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    Chunes said:
    Operating loss of £1m-£2m which will be covered by player trading. Nobody with experience believes that is possible (outside the PL)  - that’s their pitch to the majority shareholders and that’s where it will inevitably fall apart.
    Is this based on the doc that went round or information from somewhere else?
    It’s in the story.
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    So the new management team thinks we can progress further up the league with a net positive transfer outlay. 

    They're living in cloud cuckoo land. 
    Depends who you sell though.

    If you sold Dobson, Fraser and CBT for say a combined 1m and replaced them with 3 cheap signings then no. 
    If you sold Leaburn for 5m and bought 5 players for 500k each then you'd have a good chance of progressing and you've made a good profit.

    But obviously the Leaburn scenario isn't going to happen every year.
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    That's Leaburn gone then.....prob January
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    ct_addick said:
    That's Leaburn gone then.....prob January
    Has to get fit and score goals first.
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    Billionaire owners ? Exciting times ahead ? Ever think you've been had ? ( Not me I never believed all the billionaire nonsense from certain parties) 
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    Billionaire owners ? Exciting times ahead ? Ever think you've been had ? ( Not me I never believed all the billionaire nonsense from certain parties) 
    As always I think a large chunk of supporters, me included btw, get distracted by owners wealth. Ultimately it’s irrelevant and it’s about how much they are willing to spend. Wolves owners are minted and have been taking out loans, 
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