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Summer Transfer Rumours - Deadline Day p446



  • Well I’ll be straight back down the club shop if it does happen 🙄

  • Well I’ll be straight back down the club shop if it does happen 🙄
    Do you lay by the letter? #getedun
  • Well I’ll be straight back down the club shop if it does happen 🙄
    My 5 year old has May on his, he wanted CBT but I said no for this reason, and that I thought they might charge by the letter..
  • Maybe CBT just wants out of this shit show ! - personally wouldnt be too disappointed as very little end product from him - feel T Campbell will be a much better winger and also defend better as well and tracks back. 

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  • If CBT does go, granted it could well be a silly Twitter rumour, and he’s replaced with some loan or unknown entity, that’s officially it for me, CBT been one of very few positives over the last two seasons.  
  • Selling CBT would be a big blow and will cause alot of anger at the new ownership.

    So I fully expect it to happen 
    Don’t worry, Charlie has promised his forum friends the full transfer fee will be immediately used for new players before todays 11pm deadline! 
  • If Corey goes I'll genuinely be fkn livid. That would be taking the absolute biscuit. 

    Pigs on pitch immediately 
    If CBT goes in this window given the current state of the squad that's me finished. Going to the Fleetwood game but that will be me done for as long as this mob are in charge. 
    Ridiculous comment .. they have been in the chair 2/3 weeks trying to sort a club out that basically been on its knees for last 8/10 years plus bringing in players in .. we stability we need the owners to have time and the new manager needs two more windows to get a squad that can hold its hands in the championship , taken Ipswich the same  time to get where they are today so why do people think we should be able to do in 3 week’s ridiculous?? We need better players then CBT there a reason he in league one when you watch him to can quickly see why .. 
    Where are the fcuking better players than CBT? He is our main threat at the moment. If we bought better players in that are a bigger threat, fair enough but no, we try to lose one of the only threats we have. I have got some news for you, the window is about to close.
  • I think everyone knows if you sell someone on deadline day, even if the intention is to reinvest some or even all of the money - we would never ever have the time to do anything as this late hour.
    You can get anyone from anywhere at anytime, money is 95% of the negotiation.  
  • Unless we have a very big day today, this lot are done after just a few weeks of being owners.
    Agreed. I can't get my head around what they are playing at. Esi we're on the take, but what's in it for this lot. Scott has had high profile jobs before and will want to work again after us, what has he been told! Why pay over the odds and then do nothing? What is their plan

    15 hours to define the ownership

    why is it always us
  • I think everyone knows if you sell someone on deadline day, even if the intention is to reinvest some or even all of the money - we would never ever have the time to do anything as this late hour.
    I agree. Unless we have deals lined up ready once a sale happens, money comes in. Is that why it's being reported new players were at the training ground yesterday? that would be a sensible approach, therefore, won't happen here.
  • All those saying CBT isn't any good and we should sell for £1.5m.

    Ask yourself why another team in a higher division are, supposedly, willing to pay all that money for him?

    It's depressing when some fans immediately trot out the party line fed indirectly by Methvan that "this is good business","everything is ok", "it's all part of a three window plan" when it's plain to see that plan is already collapsing.


    Agree with this.  But I’d like to use it to back up my point that Dobson is a league one player at best, no one ever comes in for him.  

    *Ducks for cover
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  • Selling CBT on deadline day would just remind me of the Andy Reid to Sunderland fiasco and I don't want that again. 
  • We seem to lurch from bad to worse, when will the madness end!
  • Maybe CBT just wants out of this shit show ! - personally wouldnt be too disappointed as very little end product from him - feel T Campbell will be a much better winger and also defend better as well and tracks back. 

    In a couple of years time yes he might be, but he isn't now and that's the issue.

    Selling one of our best attacking outlets (if it's actually true) in the final hours of the window, when the squad is already short of numbers is a piss take and basically means they're writing off the season on 1 September.
  • All those saying CBT isn't any good and we should sell for £1.5m.

    Ask yourself why another team in a higher division are, supposedly, willing to pay all that money for him?

    It's depressing when some fans immediately trot out the party line fed indirectly by Methvan that "this is good business","everything is ok", "it's all part of a three window plan" when it's plain to see that plan is already collapsing.


    Agree with this.  But I’d like to use it to back up my point that Dobson is a league one player at best, no one ever comes in for him.  

    *Ducks for cover
    Bold statement let's see what's happened by the end of the day.
  • everyone’s missing the big thing about selling CBT, we’d have lost both men’s players who launched the home kit. It would be like the calendars all over again! 
  • With regards to CBT, it depends on how the next manager wants us to shape up. If we use wingbacks I’m not against the sale as long as it’s reinvested, which I don’t think it will be.
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