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Players Appearing to Pray After Scoring?

Genuine or Fashion / Fad?

Can’t remember when it started, maybe at a World Cup many years ago?

Seems to be mostly non white players who do it, don’t think I’ve ever seen a white player do it (bloody heathens;))?


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    WSS said:
    Plenty of white players display their faith during matches whether coming out of the tunnel or after scoring.

    Strange to bring skin colour into it.
    Well, if you read my post, I said I’ve never seen a white player do it.

    It may be argued that non white players have more faith?
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    I think you will find it is called Faith, and happens a lot when they take to the field as well..."Fashion/Fad"🙄🤷‍♂️
    Er, I think I know that, I was asking whether it’s genuine or just copying others?

    Younger players may look up to their older idols and copy their actions, rather than being particularly religious?
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    Did you watch the World Cup final?
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    WSS said:
    Did you watch the World Cup final?
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    edited April 2023
    Makes you wonder if there would be less shit going on in the world if god wasn’t having to deal with the prayers of blokes being paid a load of money to play football. Still, each to their own and on the subject of gestures I liked what looked to be a choreographed blm kneeling dance off between the two teams yesterday. More of that please with something along the lines of that troupe that did well on Britains got talent a few years back.
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    Foxycafc said:

    Not exactly a new phenomenon
    Never suggested it was.
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    Makes you wonder if there would be less shit going on in the world if god wasn’t having to deal with the prayers of blokes being paid a load of money to play football. Still, each to their own and on the subject of gestures I liked what looked to be a choreographed blm kneeling dance off between the two teams yesterday. More of that please with something along the lines of that troupe that did well on Britains got talent a few years back.
    I was a bit confused about what was happening pre-kick off yesterday, was it moments silence? Was it a new way of choreographing the taking the knee. 
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    edited April 2023
    Foxycafc said:
    Foxycafc said:

    Not exactly a new phenomenon
    Never suggested it was.
    Fad/Fashion would suggest so
    I also said it’s been going on for many years, stop trying to find something to criticise.

    The younger players in the game, ie RS will be impressionable and understandably so. I certainly was, when I was young.
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    se9addick said:
    Makes you wonder if there would be less shit going on in the world if god wasn’t having to deal with the prayers of blokes being paid a load of money to play football. Still, each to their own and on the subject of gestures I liked what looked to be a choreographed blm kneeling dance off between the two teams yesterday. More of that please with something along the lines of that troupe that did well on Britains got talent a few years back.
    I was a bit confused about what was happening pre-kick off yesterday, was it moments silence? Was it a new way of choreographing the taking the knee. 
    It could have done with a bit of background music and some smoke and flashing lights but as a start it seemed to work visually, whether intentionally or not  and I actually watched what they were doing, albeit in a wtf way and wondering whether we were going to be asked to give a minutes applause for paul o’grady 
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    Sportspeople being superstitious has always been around.
    Chris Powell as a manager would never walk into the penalty area before a match. Others insist on putting their socks on in a particular order, or being last out of the tunnel or whatever.
    Players and other sportspeople of all skin colours.
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    The first time I saw a religious gesture on TV was the 1970 world cup when a Czech player scored a goal...all the kids were mimicking at school the day after ..I haven't checked this ( no pun) ..Jan petras? 
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    That was against Brazil 4-1
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    Even some adults require their equivalent to Father Christmas/The Easter Bunny.
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    Foxycafc said:
    Some people on here are so negative, can't even let people have faith in something without a whine or moan
    Gawd blimey!

    Its also amazing how some people, usually the self righteous;), who can always find something to moan and be negative about, when there’s nothing actually there!

    Perhaps I should rephrase my original post. The only football I follow and watch is Charlton and even that is mostly from afar, and very often just the highlights. 

    The only Charlton players I can recall doing the gesture are RS and CBT, who are both non white. Others may do it, white and non white but I’ve only seen our non white players doing it.

    it’s just an observation, no criticism or racist overtones or negativity intended.

    Discussion’s good but please don’t assume what I meant or put words into my mouth.
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    What I don’t get, is you really think players are thanking god because they are impressionable and seen other players pray after scoring ? 
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    God knows how he won the header

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    Is that Nick Berry?
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    When I was young and impressionable I looked in the Jimmy Seed away Stand and the fans were making Nescafé like hand gestures towards us Charlton fans and I thought that’s about right there’s quite a few coffee drinkers in here and have associated the signal with plenty of our fan base since .
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