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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • Belv said:
    Addick_8 said:
    All the non-season ticket holders on threatening to return their season tickets on Twitter is making my skin crawl.
    We, as a fanbase serious need humbling :s
    How does a non-season ticket holder return a season ticket they don't have?
    My point exactly..
  • have @golfaddick and @jimmymelrose morphed into one?
    It's like behind her eyes.......
  • Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.
  • aliwibble said:
    Leuth said:
    And now we’ve got Ben Garner we’re f ing dynamite

    The song can return 🕺
    I think "Super Ben's Red and White Army" is better
    This doesn't even scan.
     You know that I'm the first to critique poor scansion in songs people suggest, but given the abuse the first few syllables have been subjected to in previous iterations (either horribly drawn out or squished together depending on whose Red and White Army we're celebrating) I wouldn't say that it's worth exercising yourself over.
    Personally I'm hoping for a revival of "he's got no hair but we don't care", but fear we'd have to start calling him Benny G to get it to scan.
    Garner Ben
    Garner Ben
    Garner Garner Ben
    He’s got no hair
    But we don’t care
    Garner Garner Ben.

  • who recalls Garner Ted Armstrong ? .. 'greetings friends around the world'
  • Redrobo said:
    I love it how on here everyone tries so desperately to find arguments why this is a good appointment.

    He obviously was down Sandgaard's list. People have argued with me that TS wanted someone else other than Jackson all along, and he knew who he wanted. 

    I still believe that he sacked Jackson with no clear idea of whether his preferred man (if indeed he had one) would take the job. Then his first couple of managerial choices turned the job down because they can see how he is an owner who will insist on all out attack all the time, and buys players he finds exciting. A new Charlton manager has to be someone who will jump at the chance of managing in League Once regardless of doubts about the management of the club. That why we've got this bloke. Swindon had most shots, most goals etc but lost in the play- off semi finals. We'll probably just lose 4-3 or 5-4 now instead of 2-1.

    But still Charlton fans on here think we'll get promotion. I think that you are wearing rose tinted spectacles. This idea of doing well now is based upon what? Last season we did well to get out of the relegation zone and into mid table obscurity. Since then we've lost one of our best three players, not to mention a manager with a better League One record than this guy. Whatever players we get in will be more TS's or MS's choice, or players from the youth team. 

    I struggle to see any real argument for hope of good times other than losing high scoring games instead of low scoring games.

    I think he would improve the quality of the football we play and build a decent squad. I do not expect to get promoted this year but would hope to be in or around the top six at the end of the season and push onto the following season.
    I think that is a reasonable expectation given where we are now. A bit rose tinted but there you go.
    Part of TS strategy seems to go like this:
    - Create an academy that develops SE London talent and sells it to other clubs at a profit
    - Said academy also feeds the senior team
    - Raid the lower leagues for talent that is good value for money
    - Use data analytics and AI and all that stuff to make (marginal?) improvements.

    Given that football has such a high component of luck, I think this is fine, and it is relatively cheap. Not saying that Garner would be cheap but it would make sense.
  • I said it was going to be ben Garner back in April but all the usual suspects got on the bandwagon and derided me.  Noticeable that none of you have been on here to apologise since, I'm still waiting.

    BTW AFKA deleted my original post as it was too contentious, so don't go looking for it, but you know who you are.
    I wasn't one of those that questioned you so thanks for confirming that Garner has now been appointed. Saves us checking on the official site.
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  • DA9 said:
    Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.
    If the "other shareholders" part is true, it leads to two possible conclusions:
    1) TS is unwilling to bankroll our current losses on his own, i.e. it's more expensive than he thought it would be to compete
    2) TS is bringing in extra investment to get us where he wants us to be, for the same reason as above

    To a certain extent both could be considered "a good thing"(tm). If there's extra investors then it will dilute Tommy's control over the club and hopefully lead to a more structured decision making process, and probably a CEO being put in place who would represent all investors interests. And of course extra money (if it is option 2) is always nice to have at any level.

    The hope from our point of view has to be that TS has realised that the squad simply isn't good enough and needs a major overhaul rather than the cheaper incremental improvements he was hoping for. My additional hope would be that he realised that he can't get the losses down whilst he doesn't own the ground, doesn't own Sparrows Lane and isn't a Cat 1 academy, and that additional investment is the only way to achieve those aims in a timely fashion.

    Or maybe he's just got a rich mate who's a drummer and has convinced him to invest on the basis that they can perform together at the valley whenever they like and 10,000+ people have to watch them
  • DA9 said:
    Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.
    If the "other shareholders" part is true, it leads to two possible conclusions:
    1) TS is unwilling to bankroll our current losses on his own, i.e. it's more expensive than he thought it would be to compete
    2) TS is bringing in extra investment to get us where he wants us to be, for the same reason as above

    To a certain extent both could be considered "a good thing"(tm). If there's extra investors then it will dilute Tommy's control over the club and hopefully lead to a more structured decision making process, and probably a CEO being put in place who would represent all investors interests. And of course extra money (if it is option 2) is always nice to have at any level.

    The hope from our point of view has to be that TS has realised that the squad simply isn't good enough and needs a major overhaul rather than the cheaper incremental improvements he was hoping for. My additional hope would be that he realised that he can't get the losses down whilst he doesn't own the ground, doesn't own Sparrows Lane and isn't a Cat 1 academy, and that additional investment is the only way to achieve those aims in a timely fashion.

    Or maybe he's just got a rich mate who's a drummer and has convinced him to invest on the basis that they can perform together at the valley whenever they like and 10,000+ people have to watch them
    Someone in the club told me, wouldn’t elaborate further, also said that genuinely doesn’t know who has the job or if anyones been offered it, but I would expect them to say that regardless tbh 
  • DA9 said:
    DA9 said:
    Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.
    If the "other shareholders" part is true, it leads to two possible conclusions:
    1) TS is unwilling to bankroll our current losses on his own, i.e. it's more expensive than he thought it would be to compete
    2) TS is bringing in extra investment to get us where he wants us to be, for the same reason as above

    To a certain extent both could be considered "a good thing"(tm). If there's extra investors then it will dilute Tommy's control over the club and hopefully lead to a more structured decision making process, and probably a CEO being put in place who would represent all investors interests. And of course extra money (if it is option 2) is always nice to have at any level.

    The hope from our point of view has to be that TS has realised that the squad simply isn't good enough and needs a major overhaul rather than the cheaper incremental improvements he was hoping for. My additional hope would be that he realised that he can't get the losses down whilst he doesn't own the ground, doesn't own Sparrows Lane and isn't a Cat 1 academy, and that additional investment is the only way to achieve those aims in a timely fashion.

    Or maybe he's just got a rich mate who's a drummer and has convinced him to invest on the basis that they can perform together at the valley whenever they like and 10,000+ people have to watch them
    Someone in the club told me, wouldn’t elaborate further, also said that genuinely doesn’t know who has the job or if anyones been offered it, but I would expect them to say that regardless tbh 
    Fair enough, and all interesting stuff.

    If TS is over next week then you'd expect an official announcement either not long before he arrives, or just after. He's going to want to be in videos/photos with the new manager either at announcement or very shortly afterwards,
  • Ill admit the idea of Garner taking over was a bit underwhelming (haven't had a chance to watch the you tube thing yet) but getting a team to keep possession in L2 whilst keeping an attacking philosophy is impressive. I understand football has come way from (most) lower league just punting it up to a lump with a quick player to chase! 

    Any manager that comes in I would support and this is no different...just a tad weird its gone quiet again!! 
  • Belv said:
    Addick_8 said:
    All the non-season ticket holders on threatening to return their season tickets on Twitter is making my skin crawl.
    We, as a fanbase serious need humbling :s
    How does a non-season ticket holder return a season ticket they don't have?
    Exactly - I think it was an ironic observation on the nature of empty gestures.

    Watching and listening to the video that is doing the rounds

    and looking at his performance last season I am coming round to the "quite whelmed" position.

    A young manager with some success under his belt, clearly with a brain, with a reason to want to take a difficult job in a higher league.  

    Lost it for me when he praised Alan Pardew just after talking about working with people with similar values....

  • shirty5 said:
    Gary Cotterill is outside the Marriott, Bexleyheath 

    Well it is quite pricey!!
  • DA9 said:
    Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.
    interesting, very interesting.
  • Check out goal 6 and goal 7 of Swindon's goal of the season competition. This is at the point in the season where you would imagine Garner's ideas were starting to click.
    That tune instantly makes me think of Sky Sports in about 2005.
  • When can we start complaining about it taking so long, why aren't the comms team giving us an hourly update, why does Sandgaard disrespect the fans like this?
    C'mon @Henry of all people...WIOTOS.. ;)
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  • Check out goal 6 and goal 7 of Swindon's goal of the season competition. This is at the point in the season where you would imagine Garner's ideas were starting to click.
    ‘Kin ‘Ell … Jonny Williams in the mash up not once but three times. He hardly got anywhere scoring for us
  • DA9 said:
    Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.
    cahones will be pleased.
    Bet he cant wait to tell TS how the new pitch is progressing, unless of course there are problems with it then he'll throw the groundstaff under the bus again.
  • DA9 said:
    Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.

    Image result for tahnoon nimerSee related image detailImage result for donald trump thumbs up
    Image result for andi peters ed the duck
    Like the idea of Trump, he has some good history on twitter, could mix it up a bit.. B)
  • North Lower Neil said:

    Lost it for me when he praised Alan Pardew just after talking about working with people with similar values....

    I didn’t get past the part where he explained that he likes to read books and that the secret to his success is that he relies on the radically progressive practice of taking notes that he can refer to later. This guy’s cracked it!
  • seth plum said:
    aliwibble said:
    Leuth said:
    And now we’ve got Ben Garner we’re f ing dynamite

    The song can return 🕺
    I think "Super Ben's Red and White Army" is better
    This doesn't even scan.
     You know that I'm the first to critique poor scansion in songs people suggest, but given the abuse the first few syllables have been subjected to in previous iterations (either horribly drawn out or squished together depending on whose Red and White Army we're celebrating) I wouldn't say that it's worth exercising yourself over.
    Personally I'm hoping for a revival of "he's got no hair but we don't care", but fear we'd have to start calling him Benny G to get it to scan.
    Garner Ben
    Garner Ben
    Garner Garner Ben
    He’s got no hair
    But we don’t care
    Garner Garner Ben.

    Are you Bob Dylan?
  • Leuth said:
    And now we’ve got Ben Garner we’re f ing dynamite

    The song can return 🕺
    I think "Super Ben's Red and White Army" is better
    This doesn't even scan.
    If he does arrive, how about tweaking the Mitchell Johnson song.

    He's not very tall
    He ain't got no hair
    Ben Garner's a red now
    So what do we care?*

    *Or 'His team plays with flair

    I fear I'll be cancelled by the vertically and folically challenged contingent, of which I'm in the later category myself.
  • DA9 said:
    DA9 said:
    Just been told that TS is definitely over next week with “other shareholders”
    Read into that what you will.
    If the "other shareholders" part is true, it leads to two possible conclusions:
    1) TS is unwilling to bankroll our current losses on his own, i.e. it's more expensive than he thought it would be to compete
    2) TS is bringing in extra investment to get us where he wants us to be, for the same reason as above

    To a certain extent both could be considered "a good thing"(tm). If there's extra investors then it will dilute Tommy's control over the club and hopefully lead to a more structured decision making process, and probably a CEO being put in place who would represent all investors interests. And of course extra money (if it is option 2) is always nice to have at any level.

    The hope from our point of view has to be that TS has realised that the squad simply isn't good enough and needs a major overhaul rather than the cheaper incremental improvements he was hoping for. My additional hope would be that he realised that he can't get the losses down whilst he doesn't own the ground, doesn't own Sparrows Lane and isn't a Cat 1 academy, and that additional investment is the only way to achieve those aims in a timely fashion.

    Or maybe he's just got a rich mate who's a drummer and has convinced him to invest on the basis that they can perform together at the valley whenever they like and 10,000+ people have to watch them
    Someone in the club told me, wouldn’t elaborate further, also said that genuinely doesn’t know who has the job or if anyones been offered it, but I would expect them to say that regardless tbh 
    Fair enough, and all interesting stuff.

    If TS is over next week then you'd expect an official announcement either not long before he arrives, or just after. He's going to want to be in videos/photos with the new manager either at announcement or very shortly afterwards,
    Only we can fuck up the announcement of a new manager, if it is BG imagine what a let down the news and video will be when its made official. 

    Certain people on here will be tearing the walls down in a week if BG has not signed 6 players, never mind been photographed with scarfy. 
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