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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • And now we’ve got Ben Garner we’re still a pile of Shite.

    The song can return 🕺

  • Underwhelmed
  • I said it was going to be ben Garner back in April but all the usual suspects got on the bandwagon and derided me.  Noticeable that none of you have been on here to apologise since, I'm still waiting.

    BTW AFKA deleted my original post as it was too contentious, so don't go looking for it, but you know who you are.
    Not that you’ve taken it personally or anything 
    I'm still waiting.
  • Leuth said:
    Just watched a whole series of This Country. Is that what Swindon fans are like? Garner is going to lead us to destruction
    Garner comes from Kent
    One Llewellyn Charles "Alan" Curbishley was born in Forest Gate which back then was Essex.  Essex is slap bang next door to Kent.

    I have a good feeling about this.

  • Leuth said:
    Just watched a whole series of This Country. Is that what Swindon fans are like? Garner is going to lead us to destruction
    Garner comes from Kent
    One Llewellyn Charles "Alan" Curbishley was born in Forest Gate which back then was Essex.  Essex is slap bang next door to Kent.

    I have a good feeling about this.

    He's plain forgotten the Thames Estuary. Head completely gone
  • edited May 2022

    One Llewellyn Charles "Alan" Curbishley was born in Forest Gate which back then was Essex.  Essex is slap bang next door to Kent.

  • paulfox said:
    This Palace thing really irritates me. Yes I dislike them as a club and their fans intensely but for gods sake hating employees is ludicrous. Worth remembering that Palace as much as it hurts to say it are exactly what we should be trying to emulate. They are literally light years ahead of us. Garner worked for them during a successful spell. That’s a positive for us if he comes. Hate Garner for his Palace connection and I’d expect the same hatred for Chris Powell ? No. Thought not. 
    hate is an overused word usually used by little kids who know no better and should be saying 'I dislike' .. 'I hate vegetables', expressions like that ..
    save your 'hate' for incidents and people far more deserving of this rather extreme and emotive term than a mere game .. we all should know the results when 'hatred' is allowed to flourish, the Jewish Holocaust for example
    Agreed, my least favourite word, I won’t have it said in my house. Told my son off a few times for saying it, I said he’s not old enough to know what hate is.😬🤷🏻‍♂️

    I bet he hates that.
    Lol, indeed, he’s 65😂,,,,,,,, no he’s 7.
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  • I love it how on here everyone tries so desperately to find arguments why this is a good appointment.

    He obviously was down Sandgaard's list. People have argued with me that TS wanted someone else other than Jackson all along, and he knew who he wanted. 

    I still believe that he sacked Jackson with no clear idea of whether his preferred man (if indeed he had one) would take the job. Then his first couple of managerial choices turned the job down because they can see how he is an owner who will insist on all out attack all the time, and buys players he finds exciting. A new Charlton manager has to be someone who will jump at the chance of managing in League Once regardless of doubts about the management of the club. That why we've got this bloke. Swindon had most shots, most goals etc but lost in the play- off semi finals. We'll probably just lose 4-3 or 5-4 now instead of 2-1.

    But still Charlton fans on here think we'll get promotion. I think that you are wearing rose tinted spectacles. This idea of doing well now is based upon what? Last season we did well to get out of the relegation zone and into mid table obscurity. Since then we've lost one of our best three players, not to mention a manager with a better League One record than this guy. Whatever players we get in will be more TS's or MS's choice, or players from the youth team. 

    I struggle to see any real argument for hope of good times other than losing high scoring games instead of low scoring games.

    I think he would improve the quality of the football we play and build a decent squad. I do not expect to get promoted this year but would hope to be in or around the top six at the end of the season and push onto the following season.
    I think that is a reasonable expectation given where we are now. A bit rose tinted but there you go.

  • So.
    Some were in the know 🤔
  • Sol Campbell in the running for the soon to be vacant Swindon Town job, along with our very own SCP!

    Source - The Swindon Advertiser. 
  • YTS1978 said:
    Sol Campbell in the running for the soon to be vacant Swindon Town job, along with our very own SCP!

    Source - The Plymouth Advertiser. 

  • When can we start complaining about it taking so long, why aren't the comms team giving us an hourly update, why does Sandgaard disrespect the fans like this?
  • barstool said:
    Jason Pearce will be saying on as a new coach and has a new role 

    Where did you hear that one?

    Can't say but 100% confirmed
  • Just watched the highlights of the Port Vale v Swindon second leg play off match. I thought Port Vale completely dominated both possession and attempts on goal. 
    You could have just looked at the stats for that ;)

    Interestingly, you are wrong, Swindon had slightly more possession (54%). They had 3 shots on goal less, but did only have one shot on target. In fairness to Garner, unless he was also playing in attack I'm not entirely sure that's completely his fault. 
    I decided to watch it hoping to confirm the possession based style of play that the statistics that have been posted seemed to demonstrate. Obviously highlights of one game doesn’t prove anything one way or the other. But I was disappointed to not see a dominating passing possession based style of play. I have never heard of Ben Garner or watched any matches involving teams he was managing. 
  • edited May 2022
    Gary Cotterill is outside the Marriott, Bexleyheath 
  • Leuth said:
    And now we’ve got Ben Garner we’re f ing dynamite

    The song can return 🕺
    I think "Super Ben's Red and White Army" is better
    This doesn't even scan.
     You know that I'm the first to critique poor scansion in songs people suggest, but given the abuse the first few syllables have been subjected to in previous iterations (either horribly drawn out or squished together depending on whose Red and White Army we're celebrating) I wouldn't say that it's worth exercising yourself over.
    Personally I'm hoping for a revival of "he's got no hair but we don't care", but fear we'd have to start calling him Benny G to get it to scan.
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  • shirty5 said:
    Gary Cotterill is outside the Marriott, Bexleyheath 
    Busking ? 
  • Just read some highlights of Virgil, Ovid and Catullus. It scans, but so what? Their word order is hopeless. Garner will never have a chant of his own
  • have @golfaddick and @jimmymelrose morphed into one?
  • ButtleJR said:
    Garner is still being considered. But is up against a lot more quality candidates. Doesn't mean he won't get the job, just passing on what I'm being told...
    So Garner it is, more quality candidates my arse (Not shooting the messenger)
  • We are not interviewing other managers, I don't think he (TS) realised the sort of response he would get by this appointment. He has been lucky when, with Adkins he went on a run, then the players chucked under the bus, as it was the same players who got Jackson the job. He drags his heels with that appointment, and this one had to be the right one and make a statement to back up his hype and where we will be in five years.
    IMO and this is only my opinion once again he has failed to do this, and it is clear that MS has been pivotal in all of this with his so called data input.
    The backlash is short term as well as long term, the next appointment has to be one that will want fans to buy season tickets, buy merchandise, etc. The new appointment also has to be one that the players want to play under, and the current squad feel that he can improve them as individuals as well as a team.
    The long term is that we will once again start the season as we did last year, although as stated by TS they are going to learn from their recruitment last year, new manager half through the season and another year in league one , gates dwindle, we will not be able to attract and afford the players that would get us promotion, so TS has to get it right and not go on his sons stats,

    Probably me but I don’t really get what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that the way Garner has been received on football forums has stopped TS from pushing ahead with the appointment at least for now ? 
  • We are not interviewing other managers, I don't think he (TS) realised the sort of response he would get by this appointment. He has been lucky when, with Adkins he went on a run, then the players chucked under the bus, as it was the same players who got Jackson the job. He drags his heels with that appointment, and this one had to be the right one and make a statement to back up his hype and where we will be in five years.
    IMO and this is only my opinion once again he has failed to do this, and it is clear that MS has been pivotal in all of this with his so called data input.
    The backlash is short term as well as long term, the next appointment has to be one that will want fans to buy season tickets, buy merchandise, etc. The new appointment also has to be one that the players want to play under, and the current squad feel that he can improve them as individuals as well as a team.
    The long term is that we will once again start the season as we did last year, although as stated by TS they are going to learn from their recruitment last year, new manager half through the season and another year in league one , gates dwindle, we will not be able to attract and afford the players that would get us promotion, so TS has to get it right and not go on his sons stats,

    Probably me but I don’t really get what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that the way Garner has been received on football forums has stopped TS from pushing ahead with the appointment at least for now ? 
    Probably not but the Sandgaard’s do read the forums 
  • We are not interviewing other managers, I don't think he (TS) realised the sort of response he would get by this appointment. He has been lucky when, with Adkins he went on a run, then the players chucked under the bus, as it was the same players who got Jackson the job. He drags his heels with that appointment, and this one had to be the right one and make a statement to back up his hype and where we will be in five years.
    IMO and this is only my opinion once again he has failed to do this, and it is clear that MS has been pivotal in all of this with his so called data input.
    The backlash is short term as well as long term, the next appointment has to be one that will want fans to buy season tickets, buy merchandise, etc. The new appointment also has to be one that the players want to play under, and the current squad feel that he can improve them as individuals as well as a team.
    The long term is that we will once again start the season as we did last year, although as stated by TS they are going to learn from their recruitment last year, new manager half through the season and another year in league one , gates dwindle, we will not be able to attract and afford the players that would get us promotion, so TS has to get it right and not go on his sons stats,

    Probably me but I don’t really get what you’re trying to say. Are you saying that the way Garner has been received on football forums has stopped TS from pushing ahead with the appointment at least for now ? 
    Not just you. I cannot decipher this so called data input of letters either.
  • Addick_8 said:
    All the non-season ticket holders on threatening to return their season tickets on Twitter is making my skin crawl.
    We, as a fanbase serious need humbling :s
    How does a non-season ticket holder return a season ticket they don't have?
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