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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • paulfox said:
    Are shareholders and investors the same?, if not DA9 said shareholders. Is this less exciting news than if it were investors?.

    It's a private company and the investors could be loaning money at an interest rate of return rather than purchasing shares and receiving dividends/ seeking long term capital growth returns.

    But investors could also be shareholders of course.
    Probably talking about Martin Sandgaard 
  • paulfox said:
    DA9 said:
    paulfox said:
    Are shareholders and investors the same?, if not DA9 said shareholders. Is this less exciting news than if it were investors?.
    I was told other shareholders, club employees very own words, not mine.
    My response was that it implies to me something interesting/announcement was going to happen, could be new manager, could be new kit deal launched etc, I got a no comment/don’t know. 
    What they did say was that TS was aware of mistakes, specifically Fill The Valley, great idea, wrongly executed, and there is other recruitment going on behind the scenes in other areas to improve things. 
    Thanks, let’s wait and see then.👍
    You must be new here.
  • investors lol
    no one is ever getting a return on us, they're burning dough 
  • The thing that’s interesting me most now is the comment by DA9 that Sandgaard is coming over with “other investors” Am I missing something because I thought TS was the sole owner ? 
    He said "other shareholders" indicating they are existing people who already own shares, probably his wife and Martin.

    "Other Investors" would indicate new money but that is not what DA9 said. 
    Yes I got the quote wrong. Mea culpa. Still it’s interesting ? because it’s an odd comment if it means wifey and Martin
    No problem Shooters, no disrespect to DA9 but all of it is hearsay isn't it. He knows someone at the club who has told him something they have heard etc etc. 

    The clubs website says TS is the sole owner and only director however you do not need to be a director to own shares so my money would be on his wife and possibly Martin.
    Not somebody I know, all information given to me when I got the “why haven’t you renewed” call 
  • A new manager signing isn’t that close then !  Typical Charlton 
  • DA9 said:
    The thing that’s interesting me most now is the comment by DA9 that Sandgaard is coming over with “other investors” Am I missing something because I thought TS was the sole owner ? 
    He said "other shareholders" indicating they are existing people who already own shares, probably his wife and Martin.

    "Other Investors" would indicate new money but that is not what DA9 said. 
    Yes I got the quote wrong. Mea culpa. Still it’s interesting ? because it’s an odd comment if it means wifey and Martin
    No problem Shooters, no disrespect to DA9 but all of it is hearsay isn't it. He knows someone at the club who has told him something they have heard etc etc. 

    The clubs website says TS is the sole owner and only director however you do not need to be a director to own shares so my money would be on his wife and possibly Martin.
    Not somebody I know, all information given to me when I got the “why haven’t you renewed” call 
    Ah, sorry didn't realise that, that kind of weakens it further then as they might be trotting out lines like that to generate interest. However all will be revealed soon enough.
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  • edited May 2022
    From my perspective, Garner could be better, the same or worse than JJ. As JJ wasn't given a chance to fail I don't know. I hope he is better of course, but I don't think anybody can know that yet which makes sacking JJ a bit silly IMO. Having said that, it will cost Sandgaard more if he does get it wrong and its his money. I will get behind Garner and hope he is the man for the job.
    You could say that any manager that we were linked with could have been better, the same or worse than JJ. 

    However at the end of the day if there was an vacant position for a club, and both Garner and JJ were going for it I would expect 99% of the time Garner would get it. 

    Garner has way, way, way more successful coaching experience across the board then JJ. If you listen to that podcast or read about him, he is from the Beale mould, a real student of the coaching game, who has worked tirelessly to get himself into this position, by going through the age groups and by completing committing himself to everything about coaching.

    To add to this he also has a successful body or work behind him especially on coaching sides to perform well above expectations.

    So I really can’t see how it’s a silly decision.
    Garner has a failure at Bristol Rovers and a partial success at Swindon on his record. That isn't to say he won't be a success but I would say there is as much chance JJ would have been. He didn't take long to find a League 2 job which is where Garner has come from. JJ had the advantage of being in post and having a better kowledge of the players. We can argue one way or the other but this was not appointing a Warburton or Wilder which you could then make a stronger case for a better chance of success. 

    If we didn't appoint Charlton managers from within we wouldn't have had Curbs or Bowyer and Powell was a Charlton man given a chance. Where are the examples of researched recruitments working out? Dowie, Peeters, Luzon, Slade? I'll take just one success if you can find one.

  • Trust in the sausage.
    I was going to joke about him getting the name of Swindon’s captain wrong, but at this point he’s the only reliable ITK left in a sea full of wannabe Sausagedog’s
    Any chance you could ask him to use capital letters when appropriate, making my teeth itch.
  • What I want to know is there 110 other people with sausagedog as their handle that he had to be sausagedog111
  • investors lol
    no one is ever getting a return on us, they're burning dough 
    Warburton the man?
  • edited May 2022
    Thought Conray was going to Orient. Garner released him.

  • Trust in the sausage.
    I was going to joke about him getting the name of Swindon’s captain wrong, but at this point he’s the only reliable ITK left in a sea full of wannabe Sausagedog’s
    Of all the sausagedogs he is in the top 110.
  • Maybe it's his top score in cricket! Or darts
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  • From my perspective, Garner could be better, the same or worse than JJ. As JJ wasn't given a chance to fail I don't know. I hope he is better of course, but I don't think anybody can know that yet which makes sacking JJ a bit silly IMO. Having said that, it will cost Sandgaard more if he does get it wrong and its his money. I will get behind Garner and hope he is the man for the job.
    You could say that any manager that we were linked with could have been better, the same or worse than JJ. 

    However at the end of the day if there was an vacant position for a club, and both Garner and JJ were going for it I would expect 99% of the time Garner would get it. 

    Garner has way, way, way more successful coaching experience across the board then JJ. If you listen to that podcast or read about him, he is from the Beale mould, a real student of the coaching game, who has worked tirelessly to get himself into this position, by going through the age groups and by completing committing himself to everything about coaching.

    To add to this he also has a successful body or work behind him especially on coaching sides to perform well above expectations.

    So I really can’t see how it’s a silly decision.
    Garner has a failure at Bristol Rovers and a partial success at Swindon on his record. That isn't to say he won't be a success but I would say there is as much chance JJ would have been. He didn't take long to find a League 2 job which is where Garner has come from. JJ had the advantage of being in post and having a better kowledge of the players. We can argue one way or the other but this was not appointing a Warburton or Wilder which you could then make a stronger case for a better chance of success. 

    If we didn't appoint Charlton managers from within we wouldn't have had Curbs or Bowyer and Powell was a Charlton man given a chance. Where are the examples of researched recruitments working out? Dowie, Peeters, Luzon, Slade? I'll take just one success if you can find one.


  • I don’t think Cawley would have tweeted if he was wide of the mark, either TS is lying until it’s official or we have got someone better then Garner which has caused the delay, I don’t really mind either outcome but I expect it to be the first 
    TS not lying just cooling the talk before it’s signed and sealed … he being honourable to both Swindon and Garner 
  • edited May 2022
    Cafc43v3r said:
    I don’t think Cawley would have tweeted if he was wide of the mark, either TS is lying until it’s official or we have got someone better then Garner which has caused the delay, I don’t really mind either outcome but I expect it to be the first 
    TS not lying just cooling the talk before it’s signed and sealed … he being honourable to both Swindon and Garner 
    I know you won't answer this but....why do you go on one forum and spout one load of bullshit, then post on another boasting about said load of old bollocks whilst simultaneously spouting another load of waffle?  I mean is your life really that sad?

    I actually feel sorry for you, you sad sad human being.
    7 years on and it’s obviously still fun for him….
  • edited May 2022
    buckshee said:
    I won’t rest happy until someone makes a song up for next season for Ben Garner using the classic Informer by Snow as the backing. 
    I’m not sure @seth plum is too familiar with Snow’s repertoire, but it would be good for him to give it a go 
  • Scoham said:
    investors lol
    no one is ever getting a return on us, they're burning dough 

    We’ve been told enough times all an owner has to do is hire Peter Varney as CEO then sit back and watch the good times return.

    I think it’s hire Peter Varney as CEO then listen to his advice. Slightly different.
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