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All About Charlton - BBC Radio London tonight 7pm - exclusive interview with Thomas Sandgaard



  • edited March 2022
    iainment said:
    Yes, let's be positive and supportive, we're losing 8mil a year placed 16th in the third division, with break even hopes (largely) on being a very attractive and lucrative commercial powerhouse, the foundations are already in place after the years we spent operating at break even under previous, grounded in football finances ownership RD. 
    Thankfully we only need to worry about which 2 players we need in the summer to add to our (currently) 16th placed Squad to hit the automatics next season. It shouldn't be too hard for the recruitment committee to get those players through the door as it's pretty obvious that you just find a good player, chuck them in and that's it. Simple. I mean, it's common sense really.

    Come on! How anyone can dare to question the club's stewardship I don't know. We have a team giving 100% every match that we can support, a well oiled SMT and back office set-up of well respected, commited, experienced Charlton and non Charlton people pulling us together in the right direction, the holy grail of category 1 academy status and all the expense and staff requirements that come with it still in the pipeline.

    We don't have a divine right to be anywhere in the footballing world, bottom half of the third division, what do you want and just what sort of expectations do you have from the club?!? 

    Amazing what a little bit of personality can do....

    How much of the 8m are you covering?

    You forgot to say
    "His club, his money, do what he wants"
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "GED Roddy told him to say that"
    "Just had bad advice",
    "I suppose you want the crooks back" 
    "Doesn't speak English"
    "He's still learning"
    "You're not proper Charlton"
    "SO negative"
    "Stop hounding the man"
    "We're in a good place"
    "Go and support a Chelsea" 
    I agree with 3 of those, yes:
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "Stop hounding the man"

    But my point is, the 8m HE is losing is very unlikely to ever be paid back by the club unless we do actually make the premier league, which let's face it, isn't going to happen any time soon.

    If you are unhappy with Sandgaard saving our club and spending 8m per year of his own money for the privilege, then I suggest you ask the next person in the long queue of non-Charlton fans who are willing to finance us with the best of intentions.

    You're right, I have absolutely no right to critique or pick fault with the running of the club or its owner until I can come up with a new investor or magic 8mil a season of my own money.

    Bottom half league one with a mishmash SMT is fine in the grand scheme of things, having expectations above that is football arrogance, at the end of the day, as long as we have an owner to stump up the loss that's all that's needed.

    Critique is fine. But the disdain, abuse and yes, "hounding", of a guy who did rescue the club and is financing it with the best of intentions is out of order. Do I not have a right to critique your critique?
    Where’s the abuse? How is people voicing their concerns “hounding”? I’m sure his intentions are good but that’s not enough to bring the club forward. There’s a real risk we will get sucked in to relegation and that’s what’s fuelling the concerned posts you see on here.
    Plenty of disdain and anger towards him across social media, not necessarily at its worst on Charlton Life.

    What on earth is Sandgaard supposed to do to stop us getting sucked into relegation right now? It's JJ and the players which are hugely underperforming against expectations at the moment.
    You’re right it might be too late to change anything this season. My worry is that Sandgaard seems to not understand what running a football club needs to be successful and effective.
  • Whatever he said in that interview would have been picked apart by many who’d already made up their minds about him.  We’re all pissed off about how the season has turned out and that is the base for our reaction to this interview.  For me, the interview does nothing for him, if we do go up next season it’ll be forgotten about, if we don’t it’ll be used to say “look! I told you he’s a clown”.  

    The only thing I find concerning is the CEO decision, doesn’t make much sense to me, but what can we do other than hope for a good summer.  Other than that I’d love to be able to completely mute off from charlton until August, I do cling to some hope that this season is one big learning curve for him, but it’s hope more than judgement, and the fact he said he’s going to spend some cash on players, that’s always exciting however you look at it. 
    Personally I've been very pro Sandgaard however the worm is begining to turn and I'm begining to wonder where his very expensive hobby is heading.

    I'd love to be proven wrong but this is begining to look like a car crash waiting to happen. 
  • edited March 2022
    Yes, let's be positive and supportive, we're losing 8mil a year placed 16th in the third division, with break even hopes (largely) on being a very attractive and lucrative commercial powerhouse, the foundations are already in place after the years we spent operating at break even under previous, grounded in football finances ownership RD. 
    Thankfully we only need to worry about which 2 players we need in the summer to add to our (currently) 16th placed Squad to hit the automatics next season. It shouldn't be too hard for the recruitment committee to get those players through the door as it's pretty obvious that you just find a good player, chuck them in and that's it. Simple. I mean, it's common sense really.

    Come on! How anyone can dare to question the club's stewardship I don't know. We have a team giving 100% every match that we can support, a well oiled SMT and back office set-up of well respected, commited, experienced Charlton and non Charlton people pulling us together in the right direction, the holy grail of category 1 academy status and all the expense and staff requirements that come with it still in the pipeline.

    We don't have a divine right to be anywhere in the footballing world, bottom half of the third division, what do you want and just what sort of expectations do you have from the club?!? 

    Amazing what a little bit of personality can do....

    How much of the 8m are you covering?

    You forgot to say
    "His club, his money, do what he wants"
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "GED Roddy told him to say that"
    "Just had bad advice",
    "I suppose you want the crooks back" 
    "Doesn't speak English"
    "He's still learning"
    "You're not proper Charlton"
    "SO negative"
    "Stop hounding the man"
    "We're in a good place"
    "Go and support a Chelsea" 
    I agree with 3 of those, yes:
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "Stop hounding the man"

    But my point is, the 8m HE is losing is very unlikely to ever be paid back by the club unless we do actually make the premier league, which let's face it, isn't going to happen any time soon.

    If you are unhappy with Sandgaard saving our club and spending 8m per year of his own money for the privilege, then I suggest you ask the next person in the long queue of non-Charlton fans who are willing to finance us with the best of intentions.

    You're right, I have absolutely no right to critique or pick fault with the running of the club or its owner until I can come up with a new investor or magic 8mil a season of my own money.

    Bottom half league one with a mishmash SMT is fine in the grand scheme of things, having expectations above that is football arrogance, at the end of the day, as long as we have an owner to stump up the loss that's all that's needed.

    Critique is fine. But the disdain, abuse and yes, "hounding", of a guy who did rescue the club and is financing it with the best of intentions is out of order. Do I not have a right to critique your critique?

    Have you got a journalistic degree? 
  • bobmunro said:
    Absolute car crash of an interview. 
    Football is just common sense and I don't need football people telling me what to do.
    My son knows lot's about football. 
    Don't need to spend money on an expensive CEO.
    says the man who is aiming for Europe and finds himself 16th in league one. 
    Next season will be the same as this until he realises he can't do it without getting the right people to advise him.
    What full time responsibilities do you think we need a CEO for?

    This is just the latest thing that people want to lobby Thomas for, as he has acquiessed to almost all the fan demands so far.

    So all those people that point to the lack of a CEO for being the reason we are shit at the moment, lets have a breakdown of what we would be wanting a full time CEO to do?
    - Sack Tony Keohane
    - Oversee recruitment

    Anything else?
    Are you being serious. 
    I can't think of a single club that does not have a CEO.
    Sandgaard admits he knows very little about football yet is determined to run the club without a CEO or whatever to give him advice on a whole raft of things. 
    If he thinks that he can achieve what he wants to without proper guidance he is mistaken. 

    The role of a CEO in football is to run the operation, the commercial side of things, and perhaps get involved in contract negotiations (with lawyers) with player ins and outs. They are generally also the point of contact for the press. The CEO does not (or should not) get involved in the playing side.
    Good point from a man who should know.

    So what do people want a newly appointed CEO to do for us?
  • "Negativity"
    Yes, let's be positive and supportive, we're losing 8mil a year placed 16th in the third division, with break even hopes (largely) on being a very attractive and lucrative commercial powerhouse, the foundations are already in place after the years we spent operating at break even under previous, grounded in football finances ownership RD. 
    Thankfully we only need to worry about which 2 players we need in the summer to add to our (currently) 16th placed Squad to hit the automatics next season. It shouldn't be too hard for the recruitment committee to get those players through the door as it's pretty obvious that you just find a good player, chuck them in and that's it. Simple. I mean, it's common sense really.

    Come on! How anyone can dare to question the club's stewardship I don't know. We have a team giving 100% every match that we can support, a well oiled SMT and back office set-up of well respected, commited, experienced Charlton and non Charlton people pulling us together in the right direction, the holy grail of category 1 academy status and all the expense and staff requirements that come with it still in the pipeline.

    We don't have a divine right to be anywhere in the footballing world, bottom half of the third division, what do you want and just what sort of expectations do you have from the club?!? 

    Amazing what a little bit of personality can do....

    How much of the 8m are you covering?

    You forgot to say
    "His club, his money, do what he wants"
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "GED Roddy told him to say that"
    "Just had bad advice",
    "I suppose you want the crooks back" 
    "Doesn't speak English"
    "He's still learning"
    "You're not proper Charlton"
    "SO negative"
    "Stop hounding the man"
    "We're in a good place"
    "Go and support a Chelsea" 
    I agree with 3 of those, yes:
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "Stop hounding the man"

    But my point is, the 8m HE is losing is very unlikely to ever be paid back by the club unless we do actually make the premier league, which let's face it, isn't going to happen any time soon.

    If you are unhappy with Sandgaard saving our club and spending 8m per year of his own money for the privilege, then I suggest you ask the next person in the long queue of non-Charlton fans who are willing to finance us with the best of intentions.

    You're right, I have absolutely no right to critique or pick fault with the running of the club or its owner until I can come up with a new investor or magic 8mil a season of my own money.

    Bottom half league one with a mishmash SMT is fine in the grand scheme of things, having expectations above that is football arrogance, at the end of the day, as long as we have an owner to stump up the loss that's all that's needed.

    Critique is fine. But the disdain, abuse and yes, "hounding", of a guy who did rescue the club and is financing it with the best of intentions is out of order. Do I not have a right to critique your critique?

    Have you got a journalistic degree? 
  • iainment said:
    Yes, let's be positive and supportive, we're losing 8mil a year placed 16th in the third division, with break even hopes (largely) on being a very attractive and lucrative commercial powerhouse, the foundations are already in place after the years we spent operating at break even under previous, grounded in football finances ownership RD. 
    Thankfully we only need to worry about which 2 players we need in the summer to add to our (currently) 16th placed Squad to hit the automatics next season. It shouldn't be too hard for the recruitment committee to get those players through the door as it's pretty obvious that you just find a good player, chuck them in and that's it. Simple. I mean, it's common sense really.

    Come on! How anyone can dare to question the club's stewardship I don't know. We have a team giving 100% every match that we can support, a well oiled SMT and back office set-up of well respected, commited, experienced Charlton and non Charlton people pulling us together in the right direction, the holy grail of category 1 academy status and all the expense and staff requirements that come with it still in the pipeline.

    We don't have a divine right to be anywhere in the footballing world, bottom half of the third division, what do you want and just what sort of expectations do you have from the club?!? 

    Amazing what a little bit of personality can do....

    How much of the 8m are you covering?

    You forgot to say
    "His club, his money, do what he wants"
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "GED Roddy told him to say that"
    "Just had bad advice",
    "I suppose you want the crooks back" 
    "Doesn't speak English"
    "He's still learning"
    "You're not proper Charlton"
    "SO negative"
    "Stop hounding the man"
    "We're in a good place"
    "Go and support a Chelsea" 
    I agree with 3 of those, yes:
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "Stop hounding the man"

    But my point is, the 8m HE is losing is very unlikely to ever be paid back by the club unless we do actually make the premier league, which let's face it, isn't going to happen any time soon.

    If you are unhappy with Sandgaard saving our club and spending 8m per year of his own money for the privilege, then I suggest you ask the next person in the long queue of non-Charlton fans who are willing to finance us with the best of intentions.

    You're right, I have absolutely no right to critique or pick fault with the running of the club or its owner until I can come up with a new investor or magic 8mil a season of my own money.

    Bottom half league one with a mishmash SMT is fine in the grand scheme of things, having expectations above that is football arrogance, at the end of the day, as long as we have an owner to stump up the loss that's all that's needed.

    Critique is fine. But the disdain, abuse and yes, "hounding", of a guy who did rescue the club and is financing it with the best of intentions is out of order. Do I not have a right to critique your critique?
    Where’s the abuse? How is people voicing their concerns “hounding”? I’m sure his intentions are good but that’s not enough to bring the club forward. There’s a real risk we will get sucked in to relegation and that’s what’s fuelling the concerned posts you see on here.
    Plenty of disdain and anger towards him across social media, not necessarily at its worst on Charlton Life.

    What on earth is Sandgaard supposed to do to stop us getting sucked into relegation right now? It's JJ and the players which are hugely underperforming against expectations at the moment.
    I only look at Twitter so no idea on numbers on Facebook, but Twitter is about 10 people out of season ticket base of 10k, lets keep this in perspective. 
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    Personally I have no issues with the interview, was open, honest and realistic of the situation! He has invested money in to the playing side. 

    Maybe not having a CEO on board is a bit rookie - but untimely would they affect how poorly we have been on the pitch no! Only thing they might have influenced might have been the appointment of Jackson, at the point of appointing him, if they hadn’t, the fans would have turned quickly!!

    It’s going to be a big summer, and as fans we need to be realistic of who will come through the door..
    Was a lot he said last night also said at the International Fans Forum at the beginning of February? 
  • shirty5 said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Personally I have no issues with the interview, was open, honest and realistic of the situation! He has invested money in to the playing side. 

    Maybe not having a CEO on board is a bit rookie - but untimely would they affect how poorly we have been on the pitch no! Only thing they might have influenced might have been the appointment of Jackson, at the point of appointing him, if they hadn’t, the fans would have turned quickly!!

    It’s going to be a big summer, and as fans we need to be realistic of who will come through the door..
    Was a lot he said last night also said at the International Fans Forum at the beginning of February? 
    Basically yes
  • se9addick said:
    Absolute car crash of an interview. 
    Football is just common sense and I don't need football people telling me what to do.
    My son knows lot's about football. 
    Don't need to spend money on an expensive CEO.
    says the man who is aiming for Europe and finds himself 16th in league one. 
    Next season will be the same as this until he realises he can't do it without getting the right people to advise him.
    What full time responsibilities do you think we need a CEO for?

    This is just the latest thing that people want to lobby Thomas for, as he has acquiessed to almost all the fan demands so far.

    So all those people that point to the lack of a CEO for being the reason we are shit at the moment, lets have a breakdown of what we would be wanting a full time CEO to do?
    - Sack Tony Keohane
    - Oversee recruitment

    Anything else?
    Do you understand the typical role of a CEO in a business? 
    I don’t believe you do. 
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  • edited March 2022
    DubaiCAFC said:
    shirty5 said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Personally I have no issues with the interview, was open, honest and realistic of the situation! He has invested money in to the playing side. 

    Maybe not having a CEO on board is a bit rookie - but untimely would they affect how poorly we have been on the pitch no! Only thing they might have influenced might have been the appointment of Jackson, at the point of appointing him, if they hadn’t, the fans would have turned quickly!!

    It’s going to be a big summer, and as fans we need to be realistic of who will come through the door..
    Was a lot he said last night also said at the International Fans Forum at the beginning of February? 
    Basically yes
    Cheers. Thought I had read most of on it on the recent minutes, what he said last night. 

    One advantage of these virtual meetings is people from other countries can get involved and the club saves a few pennies on chocolate digestives at the same time. 
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    Personally I have no issues with the interview, was open, honest and realistic of the situation! He has invested money in to the playing side. 

    Maybe not having a CEO on board is a bit rookie - but untimely would they affect how poorly we have been on the pitch no! Only thing they might have influenced might have been the appointment of Jackson, at the point of appointing him, if they hadn’t, the fans would have turned quickly!!

    It’s going to be a big summer, and as fans we need to be realistic of who will come through the door..
    I think the belief is an experienced football CEO would in turn bring in people with proven ability in player recruitment which should result in better signings. Add to that they wouldn’t make mistakes like giving away thousands of free tickets, stopping fans from being able to buy seats together.

    There’s been a change in that area with GR going and MS coming in - I think you can see why many have doubts about the owner appointing his son as director of analysis?
  • "Negativity"
    Yes, let's be positive and supportive, we're losing 8mil a year placed 16th in the third division, with break even hopes (largely) on being a very attractive and lucrative commercial powerhouse, the foundations are already in place after the years we spent operating at break even under previous, grounded in football finances ownership RD. 
    Thankfully we only need to worry about which 2 players we need in the summer to add to our (currently) 16th placed Squad to hit the automatics next season. It shouldn't be too hard for the recruitment committee to get those players through the door as it's pretty obvious that you just find a good player, chuck them in and that's it. Simple. I mean, it's common sense really.

    Come on! How anyone can dare to question the club's stewardship I don't know. We have a team giving 100% every match that we can support, a well oiled SMT and back office set-up of well respected, commited, experienced Charlton and non Charlton people pulling us together in the right direction, the holy grail of category 1 academy status and all the expense and staff requirements that come with it still in the pipeline.

    We don't have a divine right to be anywhere in the footballing world, bottom half of the third division, what do you want and just what sort of expectations do you have from the club?!? 

    Amazing what a little bit of personality can do....

    How much of the 8m are you covering?

    You forgot to say
    "His club, his money, do what he wants"
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "GED Roddy told him to say that"
    "Just had bad advice",
    "I suppose you want the crooks back" 
    "Doesn't speak English"
    "He's still learning"
    "You're not proper Charlton"
    "SO negative"
    "Stop hounding the man"
    "We're in a good place"
    "Go and support a Chelsea" 
    I agree with 3 of those, yes:
    "be grateful you have a club to support" 
    "saved us from destruction",
    "Stop hounding the man"

    But my point is, the 8m HE is losing is very unlikely to ever be paid back by the club unless we do actually make the premier league, which let's face it, isn't going to happen any time soon.

    If you are unhappy with Sandgaard saving our club and spending 8m per year of his own money for the privilege, then I suggest you ask the next person in the long queue of non-Charlton fans who are willing to finance us with the best of intentions.

    You're right, I have absolutely no right to critique or pick fault with the running of the club or its owner until I can come up with a new investor or magic 8mil a season of my own money.

    Bottom half league one with a mishmash SMT is fine in the grand scheme of things, having expectations above that is football arrogance, at the end of the day, as long as we have an owner to stump up the loss that's all that's needed.

    Critique is fine. But the disdain, abuse and yes, "hounding", of a guy who did rescue the club and is financing it with the best of intentions is out of order. Do I not have a right to critique your critique?

    Have you got a journalistic degree? 
    Clearly not…
  • We are going to have all the same players next season aren’t we?
  • cafctom said:
    As a fanbase, I do think we sometimes have a habit of taking the odd passing comment and blowing it all out of proportion. 

    Does TS really think it is “easy”? Probably not. If he did then it wouldn’t take millions of pounds to buy and maintain.

    Controversially, I think some of our fans made a bit too much of the time Katrien referred to fans as “customers” that time, as if it was the greatest sin ever committed in the industry.

    Personally, I’m just pretty exhausted with it all. 

    Exhausted with entitled fans wanting absolutely everything to be perfect, and then if it’s not just calling the owner “Roland mark 2”.

    Exhausted of reading people tweeting the man and his wife complaining every time we lose a game - as if they’re responsible for match day tactics or the fact half our players couldn’t give a toss.

    Are all the decisions the right ones? No, clearly not. But the right intentions and hard work has been there to try and do the right thing.

    And if you’re one of those fans who just doesn’t fancy going to Charlton anymore because we’re having a bad season on the pitch, then fine, see you later. 

    I don’t expect this post will go down well with many, but I’m just fucking bored of listening to people whinging about a crisis when deep down there really isn’t one. Not a desperate crisis anyway.

    We are Charlton Athletic, we’ll have bad seasons, get on with it FFS.
    Agree with much of this. However, Thomas could (relatively) easily improve the situation by employing a decent CEO, and that’s what many find frustrating. 
  • se9addick said:
    se9addick said:
    Absolute car crash of an interview. 
    Football is just common sense and I don't need football people telling me what to do.
    My son knows lot's about football. 
    Don't need to spend money on an expensive CEO.
    says the man who is aiming for Europe and finds himself 16th in league one. 
    Next season will be the same as this until he realises he can't do it without getting the right people to advise him.
    What full time responsibilities do you think we need a CEO for?

    This is just the latest thing that people want to lobby Thomas for, as he has acquiessed to almost all the fan demands so far.

    So all those people that point to the lack of a CEO for being the reason we are shit at the moment, lets have a breakdown of what we would be wanting a full time CEO to do?
    - Sack Tony Keohane
    - Oversee recruitment

    Anything else?
    Do you understand the typical role of a CEO in a business? 
    I don’t believe you do. 
    Ok so what do you want an incoming CEO to do?
  • the message I took was that the financial stability of CAFC under Sandy will depend to a large extent on the sales of food and beer .. will this really make up for a projected loss of around £8 Million a season ?

  • This doesn’t mean you give up, but endlessly announcing targets and falling well short of them will destroy your credibility over time.

    Such as "Imminent", "On the Brink" or "Done Deal" ?
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  • edited March 2022
    se9addick said:
    se9addick said:
    Absolute car crash of an interview. 
    Football is just common sense and I don't need football people telling me what to do.
    My son knows lot's about football. 
    Don't need to spend money on an expensive CEO.
    says the man who is aiming for Europe and finds himself 16th in league one. 
    Next season will be the same as this until he realises he can't do it without getting the right people to advise him.
    What full time responsibilities do you think we need a CEO for?

    This is just the latest thing that people want to lobby Thomas for, as he has acquiessed to almost all the fan demands so far.

    So all those people that point to the lack of a CEO for being the reason we are shit at the moment, lets have a breakdown of what we would be wanting a full time CEO to do?
    - Sack Tony Keohane
    - Oversee recruitment

    Anything else?
    Do you understand the typical role of a CEO in a business? 
    I don’t believe you do. 
    Ok so what do you want an incoming CEO to do?
    I would think that an experienced CEO would have handled the departure of a long serving club secretary rather more professionally and sensibly than appears to be the case. 

    I would expect that they would also be aware that morale and motivation around the club seems to be pretty dire and take steps to address it. 

    Given the departures of two other established and respected staff members, a CEO might also reasonably be expected to review whether there is a reason for this turnover. 

    They would also presumably have the expertise and authority to point out that our flashy ticket giveaway gimmicks are short term at best and don't actually increase revenue in any appreciable way over a whole season.

    I would NOT expect them to be directly involved in the running of the squad but that does not mean that there aren't a lot of issues that someone with an industry background would probably handle a lot better than Sandgaard's doing himself. 
  • edited March 2022
    Think a few people (on Twitter especially) have jumped on the ‘running a football club isn’t difficult’ line to much.

    It says nothing in there about being successful on the pitch, he likely means the day to day operations.

    if you choose to take that comment a pessimistic way that’s on you.
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Personally I have no issues with the interview, was open, honest and realistic of the situation! He has invested money in to the playing side. 

    Maybe not having a CEO on board is a bit rookie - but untimely would they affect how poorly we have been on the pitch no! Only thing they might have influenced might have been the appointment of Jackson, at the point of appointing him, if they hadn’t, the fans would have turned quickly!!

    It’s going to be a big summer, and as fans we need to be realistic of who will come through the door..
    I think the belief is an experienced football CEO would in turn bring in people with proven ability in player recruitment which should result in better signings. Add to that they wouldn’t make mistakes like giving away thousands of free tickets, stopping fans from being able to buy seats together.

    There’s been a change in that area with GR going and MS coming in - I think you can see why many have doubts about the owner appointing his son as director of analysis?

    I am not totally sure the player recruitment has been the major issue, on paper the players have been good signings, and for whatever reason it isn't working out.. My reckoning is, it is down to training ground stuff and not playing to the players strength! 

    No one was complaining about free tickets when we was doing well and when Jacko first took over, yes it has been over killed.. I would more question the selfish fans that took the tickets and didn't attend the games.. The idea of the free tickets is to get people spending money at the ground, to help with overall match day revenue.. 

    It is to early to draw conclusions with MS coming in, for me all his role is getting statistics on games, then passed on to the recruitment department.. (basically he is good at spreadsheets)

    The whole club internally needs a change, and that is slowly happening, I am all for change! The old clearly hasn't worked for the last 15 years! We haven't got close to getting to the level of the premier league.. Let's embrace the future, rather than picking holes! 
    The idea was daft from the outset, any one on here who did try to point out the downsides to it were quickly shot down as being negative.  There were plenty of people at games (particularly away ones) who did not like it
  • Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Personally I have no issues with the interview, was open, honest and realistic of the situation! He has invested money in to the playing side. 

    Maybe not having a CEO on board is a bit rookie - but untimely would they affect how poorly we have been on the pitch no! Only thing they might have influenced might have been the appointment of Jackson, at the point of appointing him, if they hadn’t, the fans would have turned quickly!!

    It’s going to be a big summer, and as fans we need to be realistic of who will come through the door..
    I think the belief is an experienced football CEO would in turn bring in people with proven ability in player recruitment which should result in better signings. Add to that they wouldn’t make mistakes like giving away thousands of free tickets, stopping fans from being able to buy seats together.

    There’s been a change in that area with GR going and MS coming in - I think you can see why many have doubts about the owner appointing his son as director of analysis?
    I don't think enough people, including myself, know enough about what a director of analysis does, to be too overly critical about the appointment, but it's another it's another stick to beat TS with regardless
  • Gribbo said:
    Scoham said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    Personally I have no issues with the interview, was open, honest and realistic of the situation! He has invested money in to the playing side. 

    Maybe not having a CEO on board is a bit rookie - but untimely would they affect how poorly we have been on the pitch no! Only thing they might have influenced might have been the appointment of Jackson, at the point of appointing him, if they hadn’t, the fans would have turned quickly!!

    It’s going to be a big summer, and as fans we need to be realistic of who will come through the door..
    I think the belief is an experienced football CEO would in turn bring in people with proven ability in player recruitment which should result in better signings. Add to that they wouldn’t make mistakes like giving away thousands of free tickets, stopping fans from being able to buy seats together.

    There’s been a change in that area with GR going and MS coming in - I think you can see why many have doubts about the owner appointing his son as director of analysis?
    I don't think enough people, including myself, know enough about what a director of analysis does, to be too overly critical about the appointment, but it's another it's another stick to beat TS with regardless
    Imagine we will have a interview soon with MS who will explain what he does. Under the impression it’s a lot more spreadsheet related than football related. If that makes any sense at all.
  • thenewbie said:
    se9addick said:
    se9addick said:
    Absolute car crash of an interview. 
    Football is just common sense and I don't need football people telling me what to do.
    My son knows lot's about football. 
    Don't need to spend money on an expensive CEO.
    says the man who is aiming for Europe and finds himself 16th in league one. 
    Next season will be the same as this until he realises he can't do it without getting the right people to advise him.
    What full time responsibilities do you think we need a CEO for?

    This is just the latest thing that people want to lobby Thomas for, as he has acquiessed to almost all the fan demands so far.

    So all those people that point to the lack of a CEO for being the reason we are shit at the moment, lets have a breakdown of what we would be wanting a full time CEO to do?
    - Sack Tony Keohane
    - Oversee recruitment

    Anything else?
    Do you understand the typical role of a CEO in a business? 
    I don’t believe you do. 
    Ok so what do you want an incoming CEO to do?
    I would think that an experienced CEO would have handled the departure of a long serving club secretary rather more professionally and sensibly than appears to be the case. 

    I would expect that they would also be aware that morale and motivation around the club seems to be pretty dire and take steps to address it. 

    Given the departures of two other established and respected staff members, a CEO might also reasonably be expected to review whether there is a reason for this turnover. 

    They would also presumably have the expertise and authority to point out that our flashy ticket giveaway gimmicks are short term at best and don't actually increase revenue in any appreciable way over a whole season.

    I would NOT expect them to be directly involved in the running of the squad but that does not mean that there aren't a lot of issues that someone with an industry background would probably handle a lot better than Sandgaard's doing himself. 
    Most of those are fair points, unless you mean the morale and motivation of the playing squad and management.

    None of others would be affecting our current league position. So all this clamour for a CEO is unrelated to the team losing then...

  • Not sure it was a daft idea for a one or two games (games that would normally draw a small attendance).. But you are correct on the front over it being a number of games.. 

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