I am as certain as I can be that somewhere out there intelligent life forms exist……..there are billions upon billions of planets and galaxies. To think that we are the only life form is simply inexplicable. There are several things that I know will become factual in years and generations to come…..sadly I won’t be around to see any of them discovered. Extra terrestrial life forms being one of them…….what a day that will be for the human race, how I would love to be there to see it…….sigh.🙁
Due to the breathtaking detail and given how far back into deep space these new images allow us to see, scientists are confident they can now finally locate Nicky Baileys penalty.
In the first picture in particular, each one of those dots are galaxies and contain trillions of stars. Really strikes home the enormity of creation.
And if there are an infinite number of parallel universes there is one where Charlton have a 90,000 capacity stadium and fans are tired of them constantly winning the champions league
Unfortunately, they'll also be one the same for the Scum and another for Parlarse.
I am as certain as I can be that somewhere out there intelligent life forms exist……..there are billions upon billions of planets and galaxies. To think that we are the only life form is simply inexplicable. There are several things that I know will become factual in years and generations to come…..sadly I won’t be around to see any of them discovered. Extra terrestrial life forms being one of them…….what a day that will be for the human race, how I would love to be there to see it…….sigh.🙁
I agree it is inconceivable that intelligent life does not exist elsewhere. The problem is that we are not likely to find it because of distance and time. When you consider how long our civilisation has been detectable for it is no time at all and now we are well on the way to killing ourselves off. Then linked to that, you have time. There has to be an alignment of sorts to find the evidence.
Then we look at life on earth. Why are we intelligent? Life just wants to be successful, it doesn't matter about intelligence. We are intelligent because it has given us the advantage and allowed us to be dominant but with another set of circumstances, being big or strong or being able to multiply quickly may trump inelligence. We have only ourselves to go on so it is difficult to know.
The sheer vastness tells us that there may be intelligent life now or in recent times (relative to the age of the universe) and there will be almost certainly have been before and will come after. But the odds are on our paths never crossing.
Also, are we actually intelligent? Compared to things around us we are, like worms and fish and birds and cows, but universally? We're possibly incredibly low down in the intelligence spectrum. Maybe another far more advanced lifeform knows about us, and looks at our tiny floating rock with its miniscule satellites and things revolving around it, and deems us not a threat in any way whatsoever
There is another theory mooted that if a superior race detected us they would avoid us at all costs. This is based on the fact that in human history, every time a more advanced people have met a less advanced people it has resulted in the near destruction of the latter in every case.
There is another theory mooted that if a superior race detected us they would avoid us at all costs. This is based on the fact that in human history, every time a more advanced people have met a less advanced people it has resulted in the near destruction of the latter in every case.
They would avoid us (the less advanced race) because history suggests they would cause our near destruction? well that’s good to know!
There is another theory mooted that if a superior race detected us they would avoid us at all costs. This is based on the fact that in human history, every time a more advanced people have met a less advanced people it has resulted in the near destruction of the latter in every case.
how would they know that is our history ?
what if their history was to share their knowledge ?
I am as certain as I can be that somewhere out there intelligent life forms exist……..there are billions upon billions of planets and galaxies. To think that we are the only life form is simply inexplicable. There are several things that I know will become factual in years and generations to come…..sadly I won’t be around to see any of them discovered. Extra terrestrial life forms being one of them…….what a day that will be for the human race, how I would love to be there to see it…….sigh.🙁
I agree it is inconceivable that intelligent life does not exist elsewhere. The problem is that we are not likely to find it because of distance and time. When you consider how long our civilisation has been detectable for it is no time at all and now we are well on the way to killing ourselves off. Then linked to that, you have time. There has to be an alignment of sorts to find the evidence.
Then we look at life on earth. Why are we intelligent? Life just wants to be successful, it doesn't matter about intelligence. We are intelligent because it has given us the advantage and allowed us to be dominant but with another set of circumstances, being big or strong or being able to multiply quickly may trump inelligence. We have only ourselves to go on so it is difficult to know.
The sheer vastness tells us that there may be intelligent life now or in recent times (relative to the age of the universe) and there will be almost certainly have been before and will come after. But the odds are on our paths never crossing.
Fortunately. Imagine something advanced enough to find us and turn up on our doorstep, how long would we survive?
Considering only more or less 200 years ago, the human race knew next to f*ck all about space...and now the depth of knowledge is accelerating and will continue to rapidly get more advanced.
I can't even imagine the full scale of discoveries within the next 50/60 years.
Considering only more or less 200 years ago, the human race knew next to f*ck all about space...and now the depth of knowledge is accelerating and will continue to rapidly get more advanced.
I can't even imagine the full scale of discoveries within the next 50/60 years.
It's only going to get better
Makes you wonder what they would find with current tech, the tech on the James Webb is over 20 years old !. We were still on Nokia 3210s then.
I’ve been waiting for this week since I was seven. Back to the moon 🌚 then on to Mars and the outer solar system. Even with mannequins this will be spectacular!
The next ten years will rival the 60’s in terms of wonder (only with crap music and a dire economy).
I saw Brian Cox live at the o2 last night. Class. He was joined by his co-host from the Infinite Monkey cage, Robin Ince.
He talked about black holes and the latest papers looking at the black hole information paradox. I won’t embarrass myself trying to explain it, but quite mind blowing
I read a book by Brian Cox whilst on holiday simplifying Quantum Physics. It made me more confused in all honesty. Stuff like a grain of sand in a matchbox stays in the matchbox but there is a very remote chance it could appear somewhere else. So remote it won't happen but it could! I think that was one of the points.
I read a book by Brian Cox whilst on holiday simplifying Quantum Physics. It made me more confused in all honesty. Stuff like a grain of sand in a matchbox stays in the matchbox but there is a very remote chance it could appear somewhere else. So remote it won't happen but it could! I think that was one of the points.
He covered that Mutts because quantum entanglement has a role in some of those papers he talked about. Like you though, I found it hard to understand. With all these things, I have a good grasp of it up to a certain point, but I believe you need to be able to understand physics, equations and numbers if you truly want to get to grips with it. However, the way he, and others have helped make it more accessible and mainstream is superb.
Yes, I was sort of on the edge of understanding bits of it thanks to the book. Which is an achievement as it is blow your mind stuff. But the more you know the more aware of how much you don't know, hence being more confused.
Maybe might be something that cant emit or absorb light waves. We wouldn't be able to see it with the naked eye. Even if it could independently move around with its use of control.
I can imagine a slug shaped creature. Doesn't produce protein synthesis of any kind of famiarity to what we know from earth. Something completely different. "DNA" is the alien for them.
Simply just a moving creature that is fuelled with potential energy, for the requirement of kinetic energy. Where they get the energy from...who could possibly know. They might use internal renewable energy and do not rely on anything, such as a nearby star or another source, or anything at all.
Some people might think that the idea of testing to see whether an asteroid's path can be diverted by crashing a spaceship into one that isn't heading towards earth to start with is a bit risky.
I am as certain as I can be that somewhere out there intelligent life forms exist……..there are billions upon billions of planets and galaxies.
To think that we are the only life form is simply inexplicable.
There are several things that I know will become factual in years and generations to come…..sadly I won’t be around to see any of them discovered. Extra terrestrial life forms being one of them…….what a day that will be for the human race, how I would love to be there to see it…….sigh.🙁
Then we look at life on earth. Why are we intelligent? Life just wants to be successful, it doesn't matter about intelligence. We are intelligent because it has given us the advantage and allowed us to be dominant but with another set of circumstances, being big or strong or being able to multiply quickly may trump inelligence. We have only ourselves to go on so it is difficult to know.
The sheer vastness tells us that there may be intelligent life now or in recent times (relative to the age of the universe) and there will be almost certainly have been before and will come after. But the odds are on our paths never crossing.
well that’s good to know!
what if their history was to share their knowledge ?
Considering only more or less 200 years ago, the human race knew next to f*ck all about space...and now the depth of knowledge is accelerating and will continue to rapidly get more advanced.
I can't even imagine the full scale of discoveries within the next 50/60 years.
It's only going to get better
Seems a lot of fuss just to launch Shaun the Sheep into space.
The next ten years will rival the 60’s in terms of wonder (only with crap music and a dire economy).
Maybe might be something that cant emit or absorb light waves. We wouldn't be able to see it with the naked eye. Even if it could independently move around with its use of control.
I can imagine a slug shaped creature. Doesn't produce protein synthesis of any kind of famiarity to what we know from earth. Something completely different. "DNA" is the alien for them.
Simply just a moving creature that is fuelled with potential energy, for the requirement of kinetic energy. Where they get the energy from...who could possibly know.
They might use internal renewable energy and do not rely on anything, such as a nearby star or another source, or anything at all.
They all might live forever and they can't die
One of them might be called dave
Beat that Rory McIlroy.