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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



  • On Wikipedia it says we turned him down to be a youth coach because of what was broadcast in the ‘Orient: Club for a Fiver’ programme
    That is correct.
    His youtube interview confirmed it.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    "You can pair up if you want" is not a phrase I expect Adkins uses very often
    You you little c/ and you you big c@£&. I must have watched that clip 100 times. 
    We're you looking for @clb74 and me in the video?
  • Not sacked today suggests that he will be in charge at Fleetwood. I hate this club sometimes
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    "You can pair up if you want" is not a phrase I expect Adkins uses very often
    You you little c/ and you you big c@£&. I must have watched that clip 100 times. 
    We're you looking for @clb74 and me in the video?
    That’s harsh on clb74 Elfs 😉
  • Not sacked today suggests that he will be in charge at Fleetwood. I hate this club sometimes
    Totally gutless from Sandgaard as well. 
  • edited September 2021
    Why do people keep positioning Adkins as Roddy’s mate?

    Where’s the connection?

    The only link I can see Is Les Reed who was at Southampton with NA and in a technical position with the FA while GR was with PL.

    Please advise

    I think there is an assumption by many that Roddy played a big part in the appointment of Adkins. Whether it is correct or not I don't know but it would be a surprise if Sandgaard appointed him off his own bat. Somebody must have advised him.  
  • Not sacked today suggests that he will be in charge at Fleetwood. I hate this club sometimes
    Should have been done today, caretaker in for Fleetwood, permanent installed during international break.
    I suppose "He who pays the piper calls the tune", ultimately he will get this right, he has too or he will be waving goodbye to his income and the supporters who will vote with their feet, who knows, he may be interviewing as we speak, and would like a replacement set up before wielding the axe, as he wanted to do with Bowyer... B)
  • edited September 2021
    Not sacked today suggests that he will be in charge at Fleetwood. I hate this club sometimes
    Should have been done today, caretaker in for Fleetwood, permanent installed during international break.
    Permanent in before the pointless Southampton game as it would give the new guy an opportunity to look at players, or for euell and or jj to start drilling their ideas into players
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  • Why do people keep positioning Adkins as Roddy’s mate?

    Where’s the connection?

    The only link I can see Is Les Reed who was at Southampton with NA and in a technical position with the FA while GR was with PL.

    Please advise

    Has someone hacked into Grapevine’s account?
    Only very quickly. 
  • Not sacked today suggests that he will be in charge at Fleetwood. I hate this club sometimes
    You could always offer to pay Adkins contract up.
    Might speed up the process
  • robroy said:
    TS strikes me as a person that would fire Adkins in person, rather than over teams/Zoom etc. 

    I suspect Adkins is in for Fleetwood. 
    I don't think he'd keep him in charge for the time being just so  he can fire him in person. It looks like he'll get Fleetwood at least 
  • siblers said:
    robroy said:
    TS strikes me as a person that would fire Adkins in person, rather than over teams/Zoom etc. 

    I suspect Adkins is in for Fleetwood. 
    I don't think he'd keep him in charge for the time being just so  he can fire him in person. It looks like he'll get Fleetwood at least 
    Knowing our luck there will be another lockdown announced tomorrow….
  • Dave Rudd said:
    Dave Rudd said:
    Phil said:
    The short term solution is easy but will never happen. Remove Adkins and Roddy. Replace them with JJ and Euell and Curbs. Get in a decent and proven CEO ( Varney would be ideal ). Use the time to either back the new management duo or seek an alternative.
    For those that feel JJ is too tied to Adkins and what's happened, I'd point to his ongoing 100% record as manager when it's left to him. 
    More than that, other than when Adkins had Covid, we haven't heard a peep out of JJ. We see little of him on the touchline either. Why is that?
    Can we seriously believe that this intelligent and passionate man agrees with Nigel's approach in recent weeks? I'm not having it.
    I think he's the man for the job especially if backed with Euell and Curbs as I suggest.
    Sadly, not even the Adkins going part may happen yet!
    Oh dear, what a mess!
    Who coaches the defence ? I don’t know for certain and perhaps I’m off beam but our defence is appalling at present. 
    But does JJ coach the defence to play with virtually no support from midfield like last night?  That formation we started with was fine when we were on the attack and pressing but as soon as Bolton got back into the game our midfield couldn't cope - the 2 wide players didn't track back, Lee stayed upfield which left Watson and Clare (neither of whom are natural CDM's) isolated and overrun and with only an attacking mid (Gilbey) and an unfit crock (Arter) on the bench.  I think we ended up with a 4-1-5 formation at the end - that's down to the manager.  Add to that the fact that we don't appear to have a decent right back on our books.  They may be Welsh internationals but both Matthews and Gunter have been caught out too many times not getting the basics of defending right.

    This is exactly how I saw it.

    We played with two wide players and a triangle in the centre of midfield ... Lee at the front and Watson and Clare as the base. 

    Going forward, that's OK ... but when we lose possession, either the two wide players have track back to avoid the regular overload (not just last night, but in every game so far) that our full-backs experience ... or one of Watson and Clare have to move across to support Matthews or Purrington.

    None of this happened, so we get done at full-back time and time again.

    Either the midfield players have not been told what to do, or they are incapable of doing it.
    Watson or Clare moving across would leave a massive hole in the middle of the park

    In reality Lee played more like a second striker than an advanced midfielder, as instinctively that's what he is. He's not great defensively either

    You move as a unit.  So, if Watson has to move across to support the full-back, Clare also moves across to fill the gap that Watson has created.  Then the wide player moves back to fill the gap that Clare has created.

    You have effectively brought one of your wide players back ... but in a much less critical and more controlled way.

    But the players have to adopt this mindset or have it coached into them.

    Neither seems to be happening.
    Surely though, if the overload is down your right, you want your right winger to be the one covering back, not to move 3 players out of position?

    And the way we played, it's both wide players (plus) Lee all upfield, so if the opposition break, the winger on the other side of the pitch will be stranded upfield just as much as the one on this side
  • edited September 2021
    Personally, I think it's gone too far now and NA should be removed. 10 games is enough time to see when something is going REALLY wrong, and not just a temporary drop in form.

    Jackson and Euell can take charge for Fleetwood (and the Pizza game next week), which may or may not give a temporary boost

    As for permanent choices, I'd rather go for someone on the way up, not someone on the way down, clinging on to their managerial career, which in retrospect is what the Adkins appointment feels like (ditto Slade). However dismal we may be on the pitch, compared to most L1 and L2 clubs we're still a really attractive job, with the resources and fanbase we have. There will be managers in L1 thinking that their clubs have reached their ceiling, where it's hard to go any higher and even if they do, they'll go straight down, whereas Charlton ought to be competitive in the Championship.
    This season we have been mostly overturned by young managers whose teams play decent football as teams.
    and the teams are overwhelmingly made up of young, hungry and energetic players. Our strategy of signing thirtysomething's who are after one last payday isn't a route many other sides seem interested in taking.
  • So a young manager with player experience, a CAFC connection and proven at sorting out a squad near the bottom of this division? 

    There is one out there…Jimmy Floyd Hasselbank.

    I think I’m joking.

    I actually think he is a good shout. 
    The one thing that would slightly make we wary, if that Hasselbaink has been really successful in both spells at Burton, but less so elsewhere, when he tried to "step up" before
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  • cabbles said:
    I think it was Mendez’ tweet in relation to his write up saying he can see NA is feeling the pressure for the first time (or something to that effect).  

    What I find strange about this is that surely he knows how bad it’s been this season and could see this coming?  I know you have to believe in what you’re doing, your own ability when you have job, whatever that job is, but there must’ve been an awareness that all is not right?

    The chopping and changing, the levels of performances, the results.  There’s sunny side up and glass half full, but then there’s being blinkered to bigger problems.  

    He talked about a spirit after Pompey, but that was clearly misjudged on his part on last night’s showing.  A team that have a spirit don’t collapse like we did.  No way.

    I don’t like seeing it come to this.  You know he’s a decent bloke, works hard and is trying everything he has in his locker, it just hasn’t worked.  I thought it was looking untenable a few weeks back.  It would be some sort of miracle for him to turn it round now 
    Three biggest issues is the general lack of fitness, lack of confidence and the inability to name a settled side. Factors 1+ 2 = Factors 3. 

    My number 1 concern is that the squad needs investment in January, big time and that the Adkins pay off money will come from the January transfer budget. If we are in the same position after 15/20 matches I do think young managers in league 1 might not want the job. Now until the 16th October, TS needs to show his leadership skills before things go really bad.
  • siblers said:
    So a young manager with player experience, a CAFC connection and proven at sorting out a squad near the bottom of this division? 

    There is one out there…Jimmy Floyd Hasselbank.

    I think I’m joking.

    I actually think he is a good shout. 
    The one thing that would slightly make we wary, if that Hasselbaink has been really successful in both spells at Burton, but less so elsewhere, when he tried to "step up" before
    Also I think a lot of fans wouldn't be very patient with him if things weren't going well considering how shit he was with us as a player. There isn't much love for the guy
    Yes, with most ex Charlton players turned managers the legacy of their playing days gives extra protection from the fans, whereas in his case it's the opposite.
  • clb74 said:
    Not sacked today suggests that he will be in charge at Fleetwood. I hate this club sometimes
    You could always offer to pay Adkins contract up.
    Might speed up the process
    Nah, that would be a stupid thing to do. I’ll let the owner deal with it on Sunday morning when we are deeper in the relegation shit than we currently are now.
  • If/when TS pulls the trigger it's not just am admission that it was a "bad" appointment.  It's an admission that the whole project has failed.  Especially if Jackson doesn't get the job, permanently, the same day.

    If Adkins had been given carte blanched to do what ever he wanted I think it would be a much easier call to make. 
  • Why do people keep positioning Adkins as Roddy’s mate?

    Where’s the connection?

    The only link I can see Is Les Reed who was at Southampton with NA and in a technical position with the FA while GR was with PL.

    Please advise

    I think there is an assumption by many that Roddy played a big part in the appointment of Adkins. Whether it is correct or not I don't know but it would be a surprise if Sandgaard appointed him off his own bat. Somebody must have advised him.  
    Who is Sangaards right hand man in the club ? 

    Who phones him after every game ? 

    Who is instrumental in the recruitment strategy ? 

    It all points in one direction. 
  • 0DDOUBLEE said:
    Cannot believe he is still at the club. Really can't.
    Just about to say the same! Last nights TS tweet seemed a bit of a climbdown however so wasn’t expecting much.

    Needs to go PDQ!
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!