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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



  • Webbja77 said:
    dickad1 said:
    Everything I have ever read about Adkins points to him being a good man. He has clearly come to the club wanting to achieve success and for whatever reason that unfortunately has not happened. I am sure nobody is more gutted about that than him. I am sure his pay off will be a substantial sum however I doubt it is anything he is going to be able to retire on and he will clearly have to find work elsewhere with his reputation significantly weakened to what it was when he took us over. 

    I know football managers are paid good money and it perhaps comes with the territory however it must have been a very lonely few weeks for him. I personally cannot think of anything worse than being stood in the middle of a football stadium with thousands of fans chanting about your impending demise, I have been in a job before where I've known I'm in over my head and its a terrible feeling. It must be even worse when your failure is in the public spotlight, either in your place of work like it has been for Adkins and all over the Internet as well.

    I have posted myself over the last few weeks that a change is probably needed however I must admit the very public lynching of managers does make me a little uncomfortable, I am not just talking about Adkins but in general. I've been guilty of it myself and its easy to do as almost all of our collective loyalty is to our club and not the manager and results for our club have been really poor this season.

    If Adkins does go which looks likely then he will go with my best wishes. Sometimes things work out in life and sometimes they don't. I am sure he has tried his best and will be as disappointed as us that it has not worked out as he planned. Nobody takes a job with the intention of not succeeding.

    Well said, great post! Sums up my own feelings much better than I could have expressed them. 
    Likewise.. great post
    I disagree,. You 3 are part of the problem,  making excuses for a clueless idiot who in 3 months has set us back 2 years.

    I despair of you happy clappers. Wake up and smell the coffee.  We are in a relegation dog fight FFS.
    ‘Wake up and smell the coffee’ is normally used to say, ‘hey, forget the negativity, things ain’t so bad!’  
  • edited October 2021
    Clarky said:
    Clarky said:
    dickad1 said:
    Everything I have ever read about Adkins points to him being a good man. He has clearly come to the club wanting to achieve success and for whatever reason that unfortunately has not happened. I am sure nobody is more gutted about that than him. I am sure his pay off will be a substantial sum however I doubt it is anything he is going to be able to retire on and he will clearly have to find work elsewhere with his reputation significantly weakened to what it was when he took us over. 

    I know football managers are paid good money and it perhaps comes with the territory however it must have been a very lonely few weeks for him. I personally cannot think of anything worse than being stood in the middle of a football stadium with thousands of fans chanting about your impending demise, I have been in a job before where I've known I'm in over my head and its a terrible feeling. It must be even worse when your failure is in the public spotlight, either in your place of work like it has been for Adkins and all over the Internet as well.

    I have posted myself over the last few weeks that a change is probably needed however I must admit the very public lynching of managers does make me a little uncomfortable, I am not just talking about Adkins but in general. I've been guilty of it myself and its easy to do as almost all of our collective loyalty is to our club and not the manager and results for our club have been really poor this season.

    If Adkins does go which looks likely then he will go with my best wishes. Sometimes things work out in life and sometimes they don't. I am sure he has tried his best and will be as disappointed as us that it has not worked out as he planned. Nobody takes a job with the intention of not succeeding.

    Well said, great post! Sums up my own feelings much better than I could have expressed them. 
    If he is that good a man then perhaps he should walk, the only thing he seems good at, rather than wait to be pushed! The abuse he seems to be getting on social media is unacceptable but chants at a football ground when his ineptitude is clear for all to see is part and parcel of being a failed manager. If he can't accept that then a career change is needed if in fact he does need another job after this one. 

    Well perhaps although I would hedge a bet that no matter how nice a guy someone is they are unlikely to walk away from a job knowing they are due a payoff. Especially in such an uncertain climate as football, who can say when he will find another job? 

    It is never nice not succeeding in your line of work,  that's the same whether you earn £9 an hour or £90 an hour.  Has NA succeeded in this job so far? I think even he would say no. Has he given it his best shot? I'm sure he has and I've heard nothing to suggest he's skiving training or sat watching netflix in his office.

    It's rubbish not doing well at a job, take that from me I've been there. It was irrelevant how much I was recompensed because no amount of money made the feeling of not succeeding any better. It's a horrible, lonely place to be. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I cannot imagine what it would have been like in front of a national audience. 

    As I said before I have not seen anything portraying NA as anything other than a good person. His morning videos might not be my cup of tea but they are clearly about injecting some positivity into people's lives and trying to improve people's mental health. He doesn't have to do them, and people don't have to like them and I understood the gentle mocking he got for them and I'm sure he knew they'd be open to ridicule as well. But using them as some form of stick to beat and mock him with as he stares down the barrel of the sack feels a little unfair.

    As others have said people can want a change of direction at the club and still respect that a man has tried his best and wish him well. Being branded a failure, useless, inept etc i imagine hurts regardless of whether you are on 20k a year or 250k a year.

    I have no doubt that he is a good man and I don't disagree with what you say but he accepted a job with a good salary knowing he would be in the limelight with no guarantee of success. As I said personal abuse on social media is unnecessary and unacceptable but he has failed miserably and his link with Charlton is less than a year, he will walk away with a decent wedge whereas thousands of supporters who are quite rightly chanting Adkins out have put a large chunk of their life's into supporting the club at the cost of thousands of pounds. I am sorry but I know where my sympathy lies.
    Hmm. ‘Abuse is unacceptable but’. 
    It’s either unacceptable or it isn’t. 
    Seed rants over and out. 
  • As someone who has been “in the room” when CEO level people are leaving a business I have to say that these things can take time to nut out.

    Adkins will have a contract in place obviously but there is a good chance that his agent will also now be angling for odds and sods as part of a termination deal.

    The likes of @bobmunro will be well versed in these HR matters but it can often come down to things like when a termination payment is made.

    I worked for a CEO here that negotiated a deal where his last day at the company was July 2nd - this enabled him to save a fortune in tax on his $2 million severance payment - his base salary was $4.9 million.
  • Gotta get rid of him before Saturday 
  • He’s not getting sacked, is he? 
  • As someone who has been “in the room” when CEO level people are leaving a business I have to say that these things can take time to nut out.

    Adkins will have a contract in place obviously but there is a good chance that his agent will also now be angling for odds and sods as part of a termination deal.

    The likes of @bobmunro will be well versed in these HR matters but it can often come down to things like when a termination payment is made.

    I worked for a CEO here that negotiated a deal where his last day at the company was July 2nd - this enabled him to save a fortune in tax on his $2 million severance payment - his base salary was $4.9 million.
    $4.9m PA unbelievable how much these people earn. I assume this is in the banking world?

    I sit here thinking I’m doing ok for myself then read that, oh well! I’d be retired in a year ☺️
  • edited October 2021
    I have no ITK knowledge per say at all but have it on good authority that the axe will officially fall at around 11.23 tomorrow
  • Nothing to say, but it's OK.......... Good Morning .....Good Morning.....Good Morning
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  • Maccn05 said:
    As someone who has been “in the room” when CEO level people are leaving a business I have to say that these things can take time to nut out.

    Adkins will have a contract in place obviously but there is a good chance that his agent will also now be angling for odds and sods as part of a termination deal.

    The likes of @bobmunro will be well versed in these HR matters but it can often come down to things like when a termination payment is made.

    I worked for a CEO here that negotiated a deal where his last day at the company was July 2nd - this enabled him to save a fortune in tax on his $2 million severance payment - his base salary was $4.9 million.
    $4.9m PA unbelievable how much these people earn. I assume this is in the banking world?

    I sit here thinking I’m doing ok for myself then read that, oh well! I’d be retired in a year ☺️
    Nope, telecoms.

    By putting his resignation to July 2nd (new tax year) he saved himself a fortune in tax.

    Absolute piss take but all the corporate types pull these sort of stunts and boards let them run with it.
  • shirty5 said:
    The longer Sandgaard leaves Adkins in charge, the worse it will get. If he is charge on Saturday and we lose up at Sunderland we could be 7 points adrift in the relegation places. Now is not the time for waiting. Announce he has gone first thing tomorrow morning and we can move forward on from a manager that has been tactically naive this season
    To be honest we could have Clough, Shankley and Fergie in the dugout of Sunderland and the result would probably be the same. 
  • I messaged the club tonight as I was getting impatient about hearing nothing - and they emailed me this:
    'We met in the boardroom last night to discuss a replacement for Dick Tydeman. We urge our fans to be patient just a little bit longer.'

    Dick Tydeman has GONE??????
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  • I think because there’s no outright denial and public backing, along with “no statement on Adkins tonight”, I think sandgaard and co want to announce his replacement before announcing his sacking. 
  • CH4RLTON said:
    Who’d love to see Curbs and Brownie in the dugout vs Sunderland on Saturday?
    Not me. I really don’t get the desire for brown. He has had two non league managerial jobs and two sackings. At least Adkins is failing in the professional leagues
    Talks a good game though.
    Bit like the bloke up the pub  ;)

  • No still here..

  • 40 minutes time, no ifs, no buts
  • The “delay” makes me think it might be a clear out. Jacko, Euall et al to go too. Taken a full day to sort it all out.  Just guessing. 

  • No still here..

    What about now?
  • CH4RLTON said:
    Who’d love to see Curbs and Brownie in the dugout vs Sunderland on Saturday?
    No way …. 
  • Several valued posters on here said yesterday that he'd gone.

    I think we'll get an announcement early today.

    No way he'll still be in charge on Saturday 
  • Gribbo said:

    No still here..

    What about now?
    My source still says no.

This discussion has been closed.

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