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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



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    Thunderbirds are gone
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    Jacko Caretaker assisted by Euell.
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    It's official, guys
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    Finally! Now I can stop obsessively checking to see if he's been given the boot.
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    Jackson caretaker...
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    thenewbie said:
    seth plum said:
    In the background there is the aspect of some fantastically loyal Charlton fans making the massive and expensive and time consuming schlepp to Sunderland for the game on Saturday.
    I doubt anybody concerned with the football side of the club give those fans a second thought.
    Exceptionalism, and indifference bordering on contempt is the vibe I get from our players these days.
    What if anything are you expecting someone to do? I understand its frustrating but whatever is happening I really don't think the silence is anything to do with attitudes towards fans. 
    I wrote that it is in the background. Part of the overall landscape at the club at the moment.
    Of course nobody at the club can do anything about the fact that we have some sensationally loyal fans.

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    Thank the lord.
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    edited October 2021
    I know that some ppl were clamouring for JJ and JE to go as well (as part of the problem) - but I think that this is prudent.

    Even if a new manager is permitted to bring in their own backroom staff it will be important for JJ / JE to be there as part of any controlled handover at least.
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    edited October 2021

    I sit here as a retired Carer, who earned less than £10.00 an hour, and wonder how many people on earth have to suffer poverty, hunger, deprivation, suffering and death to enable the select few to "earn"such a good salary milking the system. Their wealth is built on misery. Enough is enough. I have enough, that is sufficient, and frankly, now retired, have quite had enough of this failed and greedy capitalism. Thanks for destroying the planet.
    Maccn05 said:
    As someone who has been “in the room” when CEO level people are leaving a business I have to say that these things can take time to nut out.

    Adkins will have a contract in place obviously but there is a good chance that his agent will also now be angling for odds and sods as part of a termination deal.

    The likes of @bobmunro will be well versed in these HR matters but it can often come down to things like when a termination payment is made.

    I worked for a CEO here that negotiated a deal where his last day at the company was July 2nd - this enabled him to save a fortune in tax on his $2 million severance payment - his base salary was $4.9 million.
    $4.9m PA unbelievable how much these people earn. I assume this is in the banking world?

    I sit here thinking I’m doing ok for myself then read that, oh well! I’d be retired in a year ☺️

     And it'll get worse ...... because that's what media tells populations to vote for.
    It's a system set up for the wealthy to protect their wealth, and the luckiest of the rest are bought off with a few crumbs from the table.

    Of course, much of the world's population don't even get the chance to vote.

    We're so lucky in the UK that we have our football to enjoy! :smile:

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    No chance of Wilder. He has bigger fish to fry.
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    The right decision has been made. Time to buckle down and get moving up the league table starting this Saturday
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    Nice enough guy, probably, but it struck me yesterday that his peak occurred at exactly the same time that Deal or No Deal was at the height of its popularity. I don't think that Noel Edmonds energy is suited to these times.
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    No comment about looking for a new manager, so assume that means that they will give JJ a chance to see what he can do.

    Not the right choice for me if so. But at least it’s something. 
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    New (care taker)manager bounce saturday?
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    Feel for everyone involved. Really wanted it to work for Nigel, sincerely no animosity towards him or anyone connected to his appointment. Good luck to him in the future.

    But sometimes in football you simply have to face facts and things were not improving. 

    Onwards and upwards. 
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    TEL said:
    It's been pretty obvious for a good 2-3 weeks his job was untenable. Rarely does anyone come back from being openly castigated by the fans. Wish him well, I'm sure the pay off will soften the blow. 

    Wilder please Mr Sandgaard 
    1,000,000% never gonna happen. If Wilder is your expectation then you will be let down on a biblical scale. You might well ask Sangaard for Bill Shankley.
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    He is GONE
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    Nice enough guy, probably, but it struck me yesterday that his peak occurred at exactly the same time that Deal or No Deal was at the height of its popularity. I don't think that Noel Edmonds energy is suited to these times.
    I read this like one of the letters in Viz. I was expecting an ending like "have any other readers noted similar sporting declines in alignment with dwindling popularity of daytime quiz shows?"
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    Think Jacko will go back to basics on Saturday. Flat 4-4-2 or a 4-5-1 and pack the midfield.

    Anything other than a loss is a very good result.
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    Laddick01 said:
    Don’t really hold any animosity towards him. Nice guy, wanted it to work, it just didn’t.

    Think he’ll struggle to get another job as a manager after this though. Whilst this group of players aren’t league winners, there was enough talent to be pushing the playoffs.

    Excited to see how we do with someone else in charge. I have no idea who I’d even want for the role right now.
    Agreed, unless he wants to take one of the basketcase jobs (problem clubs like Oldham for example) I think his failure here will be the end of his career
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    Jacko’s time to shine. Have a feeling we’ll be seeing a very different side on Saturday…
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    That’s very weird. I nearly posted that ‘the announcement will be made at 10:06 this morning because I’ve seen it in my tea leaves’ this morning. Spooky. 

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!