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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



  • Leuth said:
    A little bit of perspective is needed here 
    Gonna blow this league away next season. 
    Premier league within 5 years. 
    European football within 7 years. 

    Foster Caskey 

    Can't fucking wait.
    Your increasing embitterment has been sad to witness
    So will your broken nose.
    Very gratified to note that Makro has survived lockdown
  • Checks the rumour thread: Oh dear. Now where's the This Week I Have Been Reading thread.

  • bobmunro said:
    Where's Golfie when you need him? - we need a bit of positivity.
    I'm been at the hospital all morning as my youngest has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. 

    I've posted a few comments earlier but will be quieter than usual due to hospital visits as the lad had been kept in for a few days.

    Suffice to say I think a lot of people thought that TS was going to be spending a bit of money seeing as HE said last year that his aim was promotion by the end of the 2021/22 season at the very least - and in his view we had enough last season for at least top 6. Then when that didnt happen he said that we would "blow through this league" this season......and then NA said ON LIVE TV that the Hull celebrations would be us next year.

    You can only go by what people say at the time. Currently imo actions dont marry up with words. No problem, it's Sandgaard's club & his money. If he now thinks that 3 or 4 of the U23's can step up then that's his call. I have my season ticket will be going regardless. Just dont expect me to wet my pants thinking that we will do anything different to last season. Currently we are without a main goalscorer (Stockley is not a 20 goal a season striker......and as most of his goals will be with his head we need decent wingers/ crossing to supply him) and also at least another wide man. Plus a midfield general. Claydon & Morgan could fill those roles but I would prefer someone with more experience.

    If you are happy with where we are at the moment then that's fine. I'm not. You might be right.....or I might be. All I would say thay its better to be ahead of the game than behind it. 

    Sorry to hear about your boy, my best wishes to you all

    As for the rest of your email, I agree with you. 
  • I am fully Charltonised after 50 odd years.  Expect fuck all and you are rarely disapointed with this lot and sometimes, just sometimes you get your nads gently massaged by a good piece of news.

    "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose “ 
    I was thinking of posting something very similar earlier today, along the lines of after nearly 6 decades of supporting Charlton I feel it is safer to have low expectations and maybe just occasionally you will be pleasantly surprised. However, I think you expressed it more eloquently than I would have done.  ;)
  • I’ve always thought that the rebuild required on the pitch and off it would take a lot longer than a couple of windows. Of course I want promotion this season but I’m expecting it to take longer. The signing of decent players on three year deals will build us window by window into promotion contenders. If Wigan and Ipswich want to achieve it all in one then that’s risky in my opinion but good luck to them. Premiership in five years. No chance but steadily build year on year and I think we can be there in 7 - 10. That’ll do me. 
  • Gotta laugh on here at the justifiers.

     If we had signed any of the players Wigan and Ipswich have signed the flag would be flying on the good ship promotion and not one word would be said about sensible spending, last year’s accounts or the previous owners.

    But because we have spent next to nothing and replaced a keeper with a keeper it’s all very sensible and justified and in Thomas we trust.
    No mate. But if we had signed all of those players there would be alot of people saying why we signed them cos they are shit and if we seriously want promotion we should be looking to sign better lol

    You cant please all the people all the time.

    I'm one of the ones defending the management but mainly because people kicking off are out of order until the window is closed and then judgement can be made. Until then anyone that is getting stroppy is taking the piss I think
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  • I’ve always thought that the rebuild required on the pitch and off it would take a lot longer than a couple of windows. Of course I want promotion this season but I’m expecting it to take longer. The signing of decent players on three year deals will build us window by window into promotion contenders. If Wigan and Ipswich want to achieve it all in one then that’s risky in my opinion but good luck to them. Premiership in five years. No chance but steadily build year on year and I think we can be there in 7 - 10. That’ll do me. 
    If we were in the Championship, then yes I'd entirely agree that we should take it steady and build gradually, rather than the sh*t or bust approach many clubs there have taken

    As we are in L1 though, we surely need to get out of here asap, as without that, none of the longer plans will ever get anywhere. After all that's exactly what the Spivs did when they took over. A new manager given a few months to assess the squad, a new squad recruited early in the summer (on 3 year deals), Yann the icing on the cake and boom, 101 points. 

    Obviously it went wrong afterwards, but it shows it can be done.
  • edited July 2021
    I am fully Charltonised after 50 odd years.  Expect fuck all and you are rarely disapointed with this lot and sometimes, just sometimes you get your nads gently massaged by a good piece of news.

    "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose “ 
    Are you hinting that we are in for Maxime Le Marchand?
  • I’ve always thought that the rebuild required on the pitch and off it would take a lot longer than a couple of windows. Of course I want promotion this season but I’m expecting it to take longer. The signing of decent players on three year deals will build us window by window into promotion contenders. If Wigan and Ipswich want to achieve it all in one then that’s risky in my opinion but good luck to them. Premiership in five years. No chance but steadily build year on year and I think we can be there in 7 - 10. That’ll do me. 
    But you just lose so much money in League 1. You talk about decent players on three year deals but if they're good they'll want to go. If we had signed Famewo permanently, or go out and buy someone like Dale, they're not going to stick around and wait for us to steadily improve when they'll have other offers on the table, just like at Doughty. 
  • Jac_52 said:
    You people realise Wigan came 20th last year right? They've made some decent signings sure but they've also weakened Portsmouth and Sunderland in the process.

    Our form under Adkins was top 2 form (1.9pts per game) and we're going into this season stronger than we started with last year.

    People aren't trying to justify anything they're just saying stop crying like a toddler because we haven't signed Pigott, Bonne, Fraser, Cousins, Wyke or Power. Our business isn't done and if it is then throw your tantrums.
    I agree that we should judge when the business has been done.  So far , we’ve
    signed a belter in Famewo, a very good one in Stockley and beyond that probably a replacement for Pratley, so I can kind of understand the angst.  
  • Any rumours? No? I’ll get my coat. 
  • wmcf123 said:
    Jac_52 said:
    You people realise Wigan came 20th last year right? They've made some decent signings sure but they've also weakened Portsmouth and Sunderland in the process.

    Our form under Adkins was top 2 form (1.9pts per game) and we're going into this season stronger than we started with last year.

    People aren't trying to justify anything they're just saying stop crying like a toddler because we haven't signed Pigott, Bonne, Fraser, Cousins, Wyke or Power. Our business isn't done and if it is then throw your tantrums.
    I agree that we should judge when the business has been done.  So far , we’ve
    signed a belter in Famewo, a very good one in Stockley and beyond that probably a replacement for Pratley, so I can kind of understand the angst.  

    Personally I expected, and would have liked, us to have signed a few more by this point but we haven't and we've been told our business hasn't been concluded.

    A bit of angst I understand, but some of the reactions on here go way beyond that and into the realm of pathetic. Honestly at this exponentially increasing rate of angst it wouldn't surprise me to see a genuine "sandgaard out" comment in the next week when Ipswich or Wigan sign another player we probably weren't interested in.
  • I’ve always thought that the rebuild required on the pitch and off it would take a lot longer than a couple of windows. Of course I want promotion this season but I’m expecting it to take longer. The signing of decent players on three year deals will build us window by window into promotion contenders. If Wigan and Ipswich want to achieve it all in one then that’s risky in my opinion but good luck to them. Premiership in five years. No chance but steadily build year on year and I think we can be there in 7 - 10. That’ll do me. 
    I understand the point but another year in this league is another £5m of Sandgaards money. If he’s loaned us £10.5m then that’s half of it gone. 

    Financially it makes most sense to get out of this league as quickly as possible. 

    There’s definitely some overreactions amongst the fan base but equally there’s no problem in questioning why we haven’t done anything in the window yet. 
  • I’ve always thought that the rebuild required on the pitch and off it would take a lot longer than a couple of windows. Of course I want promotion this season but I’m expecting it to take longer. The signing of decent players on three year deals will build us window by window into promotion contenders. If Wigan and Ipswich want to achieve it all in one then that’s risky in my opinion but good luck to them. Premiership in five years. No chance but steadily build year on year and I think we can be there in 7 - 10. That’ll do me. 
    I understand the point but another year in this league is another £5m of Sandgaards money. If he’s loaned us £10.5m then that’s half of it gone. 

    Financially it makes most sense to get out of this league as quickly as possible. 

    There’s definitely some overreactions amongst the fan base but equally there’s no problem in questioning why we haven’t done anything in the window yet. 
    Maybe the Manager thinks after having a look last year he already has a squad that can get promoted with just a few additions ? 
  • edited July 2021
    AndyG said:
    I want to know how all these experts know we arnt going to piss the league before a ball has been kicked ?

    I'm no expert but I will stand up right now & put any amount of money up that you want to say, we aren't going to piss the league before a ball has been kicked.
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  • edited July 2021
    paulfox said:
    If the team shows as much fight and pricklyness pointless aggression, as the people on this forum, Ipswich and Wigan will need to spend a lot more win their games against us on penalties!! 😂, yes I crowbarred the word prickliness into a post and I don’t know if either way is the correct spelling!!!, everyone just calm ya skins down, it will all work out!!………..I hope😬.
    Suggested amendment for you.
  • paulfox said:
    If the team shows as much fight and pricklyness pointless aggression, as the people on this forum, Ipswich and Wigan will need to spend a lot more win their games against us on penalties!! 😂, yes I crowbarred the word prickliness into a post and I don’t know if either way is the correct spelling!!!, everyone just calm ya skins down, it will all work out!!………..I hope😬.
    Suggested amendment for you.
  • paulfox said:
    If the team shows as much fight and pricklyness pointless aggression, as the people on this forum, Ipswich and Wigan will need to spend a lot more win their games against us on penalties!! 😂, yes I crowbarred the word prickliness into a post and I don’t know if either way is the correct spelling!!!, everyone just calm ya skins down, it will all work out!!………..I hope😬.
    Suggested amendment for you.
    Thanks, I feel important now, I have my own proof reader!!!!. Honestly though there’s a lot of hot under the collar going on, and we’ve obviously not finished recruitment. Let’s wait and see.
  • Another day done
  • Leuth said:
    A little bit of perspective is needed here 
    Gonna blow this league away next season. 
    Premier league within 5 years. 
    European football within 7 years. 

    Foster Caskey 

    Can't fucking wait.
    Your increasing embitterment has been sad to witness
    Happy clappy 
    Has never been my strong point. 
    I call it as I see it. 
    If that offends you I'm sorry 
    No one should be happy clappy, but no one should be wetting the bed…
  • I think tomorrow is going to be a good day for Charlton fans.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!