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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



  • We’re signing Darth Vader?
    He passes the height test at least....
    Agreed, we Mustafar chance of getting this one over the line…
  • Fraser looked good at the Valley last season as we gave him the freedom of the pitch, even a poor player would look good in those circumstances.
  • Rossman92 said:
    Valley11 said:
    Yep. It’s concerning now. How is it that Ipswich and Wigan are able to secure top targets and we aren’t? And we need a fair few players. 
    Because it looks like they are budgeting massively  over their income.

    We can’t have it both ways imo. We can’t bang the drum on how important stability and sustainability is, then kick off when clubs around us pay over the odds on a short-term gamble. 

    Frustrating as it is. 
    Aye boss. Going from the brink of extinction last year to splashing an obscene amount of cash the next year is not sustainable and was never going to happen
    Define obscene. We are still net sellers since TS’ arrival here.
  • Heard a rumour the museum is open tomorrow.
    We are signing Monet.
  • Rossman92 said:
    Valley11 said:
    Yep. It’s concerning now. How is it that Ipswich and Wigan are able to secure top targets and we aren’t? And we need a fair few players. 
    Because it looks like they are budgeting massively  over their income.

    We can’t have it both ways imo. We can’t bang the drum on how important stability and sustainability is, then kick off when clubs around us pay over the odds on a short-term gamble. 

    Frustrating as it is. 
    Aye boss. Going from the brink of extinction last year to splashing an obscene amount of cash the next year is not sustainable and was never going to happen
    Define obscene. We are still net sellers since TS’ arrival here.
    Who we sold since TS came? 
  • bobmunro said:
    Where's Golfie when you need him? - we need a bit of positivity.
    I'm been at the hospital all morning as my youngest has just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. 

    I've posted a few comments earlier but will be quieter than usual due to hospital visits as the lad had been kept in for a few days.

    Suffice to say I think a lot of people thought that TS was going to be spending a bit of money seeing as HE said last year that his aim was promotion by the end of the 2021/22 season at the very least - and in his view we had enough last season for at least top 6. Then when that didnt happen he said that we would "blow through this league" this season......and then NA said ON LIVE TV that the Hull celebrations would be us next year.

    You can only go by what people say at the time. Currently imo actions dont marry up with words. No problem, it's Sandgaard's club & his money. If he now thinks that 3 or 4 of the U23's can step up then that's his call. I have my season ticket will be going regardless. Just dont expect me to wet my pants thinking that we will do anything different to last season. Currently we are without a main goalscorer (Stockley is not a 20 goal a season striker......and as most of his goals will be with his head we need decent wingers/ crossing to supply him) and also at least another wide man. Plus a midfield general. Claydon & Morgan could fill those roles but I would prefer someone with more experience.

    If you are happy with where we are at the moment then that's fine. I'm not. You might be right.....or I might be. All I would say thay its better to be ahead of the game than behind it. 

    Best wishes for your son.
  • Rossman92 said:
    Valley11 said:
    Yep. It’s concerning now. How is it that Ipswich and Wigan are able to secure top targets and we aren’t? And we need a fair few players. 
    Because it looks like they are budgeting massively  over their income.

    We can’t have it both ways imo. We can’t bang the drum on how important stability and sustainability is, then kick off when clubs around us pay over the odds on a short-term gamble. 

    Frustrating as it is. 
    Aye boss. Going from the brink of extinction last year to splashing an obscene amount of cash the next year is not sustainable and was never going to happen
    Define obscene. We are still net sellers since TS’ arrival here.
    Who we sold since TS came? 
    Phillips, Doughty, Lapslie, Williams and Bonne. I definitely think we've received more for our players than we've spent on fees, but obviously the general losses in League 1 are high. 
  • RedRobin said:
    rumour .. we won't be signing anyone else on a permanent basis
    Next 3 will be perm then last 3/4 will be loans 
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  • RedRobin said:
    rumour .. we won't be signing anyone else on a permanent basis
    Next 3 will be perm then last 3/4 will be loans 
    This is info Richard Cawley is not aware of?
  • edited July 2021
    Fraser is a very good signing, but don’t agree he should be classed as a “guarantees automatic promotion” player. 
    he didn’t guarantee mk dons promotion, how many points did they finish behind Ipswich last season?
  • Heard a rumour the museum is open tomorrow.
    I’ll believe it when it’s on the official site
  • Richard Crawley
    "The museum will either be open or closed tomorrow. If it's open then they will shut it and if it is shut there may be a chance that it will open later"
  • edited July 2021
    CH4RLTON said:
    I think Cawley has had enough the expectant Charlton fans too and decided to start giving vague answers 
    You can't blame him, he must get loads of questions about who were buying. Perhaps you're right and he's decided to shut up shop!
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  • Dazzler21 said:
    Sorry but fuck me, on the last game of the season with Hull celebrating behind him, Adkins (Mr Positive) turned and said "that will be us next year".  Now people are using it to bash him? 

    I love his positivity, rather that than the dourness of some previous managers. 

    When he said it I didn't think "right, well that is a locked on fact I will now buy a season ticket", I thought, "Great, ambition, positivity, love that".

    Can we please stop quoting his words as though if we are not Champions he has lied and let us down.  It is just pathetic.

    Sorry for the rant - it's hot! 
    He could have said, " Hopefully or I want that to be us next year ". I took it to be celebrating promotion, not being champions.
    Resorting to swearing and pretend shouting doesn't solve a problem or make you right. I thought a forum was for debate, not just you opinions followed by abuse
    Hard to debate when you post absolute drivel, constantly. 
     How is it drivel to quote what NA and  YS said.  
    The drivel is saying it was to consol the players or that it didn't raise expectations. 

    In the context of signings CAFC haven't  done a lot if such positivity is to be achieved.  

    It is fair comment.  

    We need a CB, LB, couple of CMs, couple of Wingers / winger and a striker IMO supplemented with blooding some youth players.

    Our core squad is stronger already and we did come 7th last year. I expect us to be top 6 and hopefully top 2 and I really don't think we're a million miles away.

    2 of the players we started the first game with last season are now in league 2 and one is likely to be playing for the youth team again this season. We'll sign a couple more for sure and get some good loans in so I don't see the panic. 

    Granted Fraser would have been a good signing but I'd rather we didn't smash our wage structure to do so. Not sure who else people have signed that you're so worried about. We will be fighting for promotion and hopefully we'll succeed.
  • Dazzler21 said:
    Sorry but fuck me, on the last game of the season with Hull celebrating behind him, Adkins (Mr Positive) turned and said "that will be us next year".  Now people are using it to bash him? 

    I love his positivity, rather that than the dourness of some previous managers. 

    When he said it I didn't think "right, well that is a locked on fact I will now buy a season ticket", I thought, "Great, ambition, positivity, love that".

    Can we please stop quoting his words as though if we are not Champions he has lied and let us down.  It is just pathetic.

    Sorry for the rant - it's hot! 
    He could have said, " Hopefully or I want that to be us next year ". I took it to be celebrating promotion, not being champions.
    Resorting to swearing and pretend shouting doesn't solve a problem or make you right. I thought a forum was for debate, not just you opinions followed by abuse
    Hard to debate when you post absolute drivel, constantly. 
     How is it drivel to quote what NA and  YS said.  
    The drivel is saying it was to consol the players or that it didn't raise expectations. 

    In the context of signings CAFC haven't  done a lot if such positivity is to be achieved.  

    It is fair comment.  
    Please learn how to edit a post.  Please 🙏
  • Leuth said:
    A little bit of perspective is needed here 
    Gonna blow this league away next season. 
    Premier league within 5 years. 
    European football within 7 years. 

    Foster Caskey 

    Can't fucking wait.
    Your increasing embitterment has been sad to witness
    So will your broken nose.
  • Leuth said:
    A little bit of perspective is needed here 
    Gonna blow this league away next season. 
    Premier league within 5 years. 
    European football within 7 years. 

    Foster Caskey 

    Can't fucking wait.
    Your increasing embitterment has been sad to witness
    Happy clappy 
    Has never been my strong point. 
    I call it as I see it. 
    If that offends you I'm sorry 
  • A little bit of perspective is needed here 
    Gonna blow this league away next season. 
    Premier league within 5 years. 
    European football within 7 years. 

    Foster Caskey 

    Can't fucking wait.
    You made my sarcasm radar twitch. 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!