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Summer Transfer Rumours 2020 (DEADLINE DAY from pg.258)



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    I’m sure he’s a player with potential, but 5 goals in 75 at National League level is poor 

    It's tell us he's not a goal scorer but what are his assist stats ?

    Is he just a winger or does he track back and play midfield( mandatory in football now)

    As FA said, this is more like the "midfielder"
    definitely not the striker.

    Had a search but doesnt seem possible to get that information for National League players
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    Scoham said:
    Everton have just released Shani Tarashaj. Strange one that. Was thought to be a real prospect four years ago and then seems to have played progressively fewer games since then, culminating in not playing a single game on loan at an Eredivisie club who cut it short. I wonder if we would have a look at him, no idea if he's completely gone to pieces or just needs a fresh start. Striker/winger
    If was still championship possibly yes. But A lot of people seem to keep forgetting about this cap or are being completely unrealistic. The guy would fit with Charlton as he has basically been injured almost 90% of his time out on loan which is why he was sent back one year yes one year early. He also was on 17,500 a week so don’t think he would sign for 2k a week somehow to a league one club. We need to focus on a striker in league 2 on bottom end of league one who may sell to us and be able to not have issues with salary cap. Or a loan for an unproven but talented prem 2 striker would be a much more realistic option. 
    Just depends on the player really and what they want to achieve. We're definitely not paying Williams what he was on at Palace (£20,000 pw), or Amos what he was on at Bolton (£16,000 pw). Even Pratley was on £14,000 pw at Bolton. Sure they signed before the cap, but Chris Gunter was on £20,000 pw at Reading and you can bet he's not on that now. If a player wants to make a fresh start and prove himself then he'll take a decent pay cut if that's what he wants to do. The fact he's cancelled his contract with Everton implies he wants to play somewhere. I don't know if he's fit to play or if we'd be interested in him, or if he just wants to sit on a pile of money like a dragon, but just ruling players out because they earned more money off their last contract isn't wise. The only way we're getting anywhere with this cap is uncovering players at a lower level on lower wages than what we can offer, or finding players who played at a higher level and have foundered or reached an age where they need to take a cut to keep playing. Rule no-one out
    Said this the other day, come the close of the window there could be a lot of players out of contract that we couldn't afford to pay their demands but all of a sudden 100k a year might be preferable to fuck all. Problem is do we scrape the barrel just to get numbers in or wait & hope to pick some up who's out of contract.
    Bowyer will wait to get the best he can. The only time he has settled for “scraping the barrel” was signing Josh Parker and evening he wasn’t as bad as some would have you believe. 
    Aiden McGeady, David Davis and Matt Smith was definitely scraping the barrel.
    Of course but we all know why.
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    Left handed player - can play in midfield and up front - Sounds like a long term Alfie replacement to me ? 
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    Left handed player - can play in midfield and up front - Sounds like a long term Alfie replacement to me ? 
    Is Sorba Thomas a speed merchant like Alfie Spanner?

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    MarcusH26 said:
    I wonder if this Thomas bid makes him the striker Bows was talking about or the midfielder. Hopefully the latter. 
    As Bows said he wanted a striker I'm sure Thomas is either the midfielder or the 'bonus'
    I have a hunch that landing Sorba Thomas may just grease the gears to allow a deal to be done for Alfie Doughty.  AD made the step up from junior football to Championship regular in a matter of a few games; Bonne did well in the context of a 3 division jump well enough to stay at Champ level, ST might not be a huge gamble to fill AD's vacancy and the kind of fee that AD commands will be significant in these straightened times.  Be sad to see AD go so soon but the very best of luck to him all the same.
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    SamE7 said:
    I've come to realise that when Cawley tweets the player's name, usually we're there or thereabouts. He doesn't scupper deals in that way, so I think we should expect this to happen.
    Cawley has a direct line to Bowyer and given we know Bowyer likes (or tries) to keep deals under the radar as best he can, i think if Cawley is tweeting something then we know it's either 100% true or a deal is near.

    Having said that, Ransom tweeted it first, and he's also highly reliable, so if both are pushing it then it's obviously true.

    I don't see how a non league side can turn down a 6 figure fee in the current climate. It could pay their wage bill for months.
    There also cant be that many league one clubs who will be paying out 6 figure fees in this current climate.
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    Goes without saying that I love Bowyer but publicly saying "no one wants Albie" isn't going to do his confidence a world of good is it?
    Might be a last ditch attempt to get a talented youngster to pull up his socks, put his nose to the grindstone, fulfil another cliché and make LB eat his words
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    I think Morgan has something but is running out of time to show that with us. I watched the Brighton game and it was a timely reminder that he does have loads of potential. 
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    I'm so glad we will have some wingers finally 
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    MarcusH26 said:
    I wonder if this Thomas bid makes him the striker Bows was talking about or the midfielder. Hopefully the latter. 
    As Bows said he wanted a striker I'm sure Thomas is either the midfielder or the 'bonus'
    I have a hunch that landing Sorba Thomas may just grease the gears to allow a deal to be done for Alfie Doughty.  AD made the step up from junior football to Championship regular in a matter of a few games; Bonne did well in the context of a 3 division jump well enough to stay at Champ level, ST might not be a huge gamble to fill AD's vacancy and the kind of fee that AD commands will be significant in these straightened times.  Be sad to see AD go so soon but the very best of luck to him all the same.
    Only after playing and doing very well at National League Level.
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    edited October 2020
    Can't see this has been posted already?

    Sorba Thomas ...... Showcasing his skills and abilities.  Good touch and composed. Student of the Lyle Taylor school of penalty taking.
    You might need to mute the sh*t background music.  :smile:

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    sam3110 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    dickplumb said:
    I also quite like Albie but I agree with Bowyer, as a midfielder he needs to do his fair share of defensive work. I have watched him since he was a sixteen year old and he hasn't changed. Great range of passing, powerful shot and that is it. He should be learning from one of the best midfielders we have produced, Lee Bowyer.
    @dickplumb you watch a lot of academy football.  When did we, and seemingly everyone else, start producing players that a very specific skill set and if we are being honest being average at best at everything else?

    All the players we seem to have produced recently (especially midfielders) seem have an outstanding asset, and massive weeknesses, I see this reflected in the England set up as well.  Is it talent identification that's changed or academy coaching? 
    I reckon it's something to do with well rounded players who are decent at everything but not outstanding in any field not standing out enough. They tend to be viewed as "boring" by many (Henderson, Milner immediately spring to mind)
    Intresting that you picked those to examples, they were both originally more like wide midfielders, not wingers, who were converted to more defensive roles. 

    The academies seem to churn out defensive midfielders, attacking midfielders and wide forwards at a steady rate but less and less rounded midfielders.

    Maybe its just the "modern way" and I am getting old. 
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    I'm so glad we will have some wingers finally 
    Left sided all of them so far. 
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    Sounds like Thomas is the sort of player that Lee would have described
    as "one for the future" as per Bonne last season, so would def say that
    this must be the bonus player, and we should expect a further two
    in before Friday, hopefully an experienced striker being one
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    edited October 2020
    ButtleJR said:

    Seems to be predominantly a left winger, comfortable on the ball with good end product. Only 21 too. 
    Seems like he can pass, shoot and cross with both feet.

    Don't like his penalty walk up though... bit too Taylor for me. 

    Definitely looks a cut above NL. 
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    Looking at Thomas' record - if we must judge a young winger on goals - he scored all five last season which is a sign of development. 
    3 were pens.

    Looks like an exciting and direct player though.
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    Dazzler21 said:
    I'm so glad we will have some wingers finally 
    Left sided all of them so far. 
    Think Maddison has played on the right a lot
    Yeah Maddison is a right winger. 
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    Dazzler21 said:
    With so many Managers unimpressed by Albie does it mean they're right and that us fans are wrong to rate him so highly?
    Maybe it means they're listening to what Bowyer says about him and Bowyer probably isn't really selling his pros. He loves to focus on Albie's lack of tracking back. He needs to remember that Albie is clearly an attacking midfielder and will learn as he plays. Not everyone is a box to box midfielder. 
    Yeah, but's it's no use making the 'Hollywood' pass, if you're going to stop and admire your own handiwork.

    He doesn't continue his run after passing, so at that moment he's out of the game. He's  then not moving or creating space for others. He doesn't get in the box.
    He's the one that's not tracking back when a move breaks down allowing our fullback to get doubled up on and overloaded.

    If he's not doing that, than another team mate has to do it, perhaps forsaking his own position to plug the gap.
    And the team loses shape.

    It's basic stuff. Even Jonny Williams does it - so why not Albie. Does he just switch off in his head or what?
    At the moment, Albie's only half a player.

    Bowyer keeps saying the same things over and over about Albie Morgan.
    It's time Morgan proved him wrong.

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