You people shouting 'Conspiracy theory' are nuts. The government WANT us to be scared - all the time. It suits their agenda if the plebs are worried, as it enables them to sneak through legislation that erodes our rights even further. If there truly WAS a credible threat to a plane at Gatwick on Thursday, they would have told the press the second it was released.
Tinfoil hat fitting well?
(You're right, of course - but then, what is the truth? Probably something hideously embarrassing rather than sinister)
That some wanker(s) flew drones near an airport, deliberately.
You people shouting 'Conspiracy theory' are nuts. The government WANT us to be scared - all the time. It suits their agenda if the plebs are worried, as it enables them to sneak through legislation that erodes our rights even further. If there truly WAS a credible threat to a plane at Gatwick on Thursday, they would have told the press the second it was released.
are you denouncing conspiracy theory by stating there is a permanent conspiracy theory?
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken
Don't worry folks. I can take care of that particular threat for you!
I caught a bit of the news earlier.....the 2 "suspects" ain't happy. I sense a law suit a'coming...
I wouldn’t mind betting their mailbox is already overflowing with offers of legal assistance. Good luck to them too......I’m not a great one for the American style litigation approach that has slowly but surely crept into our society but in some instances it is justified and in this instance it most certainly is.
Well the fact that the airport has stumped up £5 million to thwart further attempts to disrupt by drones as conclusive proof and nails the lid shut on the conspiracy theories that this was something other than a drone “attack”.
5 million in investment days before Christmas including budget approval, a procurement and sourcing process! They must use the same process that Meire uses when she interviews managers!
Well the fact that the airport has stumped up £5 million to thwart further attempts to disrupt by drones as conclusive proof and nails the lid shut on the conspiracy theories that this was something other than a drone “attack”.
It's also a symptom of a failure to regulate the risk - Grayling had this as a priority last summer but there was no bill - his department too busy on Brexit! The Tory press are going in particularly hard... perhaps he's a May supporter?
I hear ISIS have just put in an order for a dozen drones seeing as our security is so bad that after 5 days the UK defence & security services still haven't the foggiest what went on.
I hear ISIS have just put in an order for a dozen drones seeing as our security is so bad that after 5 days the UK defence & security services still haven't the foggiest what went on.
If it’s foggy, don’t thing anything will be flying.
There ain’t no drones
"No drones" was "poor communication" says Police spokesperson K Meire
67 genuine sightings.
Another drone has been spotted in the area tonight and this time they've released still footage of it.
O'Connor Des
Good luck to them too......I’m not a great one for the American style litigation approach that has slowly but surely crept into our society but in some instances it is justified and in this instance it most certainly is.
I’m surprised this wasn’t already in effect ... very poor in my opinion. Possibly a cost issue and they have now been embarrassed into implementation.
Perhaps they're not looking big enough.
Pilot error.
Youtube title error.
Not sure what point you're trying to make.
Private jet