Finding it very hard to understand how the Police that can't find those flying Drones, disrupting people's travel seeing as they have been flying for 12 hours and apparently one is still flying now! What am I missing?
Finding it very hard to understand how the Police that can't find those flying Drones, disrupting people's travel seeing as they have been flying for 12 hours and apparently one is still flying now! What am I missing?
With the range some of these drones have, what chance do the police have?
Most drones only have a battery life of 20-25 mins at a time. They must have a whole team of drones to get one up and replace it.
It is my understanding that there is technology availoable to stop drones flying into certain areas, works on the same principal of a radar jammer. I would have thought Gatwick will be investing in it now.
Apparently you cant as they operate on the same frequency as a lot of things including mobile phones. There is technology for this problem, working within a 5 mile radius of an airport, but it has yet to be implemented. Thanks Google!
My BIL is a tech nerd, he is quite wealthy and loves gadgets, he bought a drone ealier in the year, its huge, it has a range of about 10 miles IIRC, and also has a function that when the battery starts going flat it flies back to the controller automatically. So the operator can be miles away and still cause chaos......come to think of it, my BIL has not been been since he went out yesterday afternoon....I wonder....?
I'd guess that this is a co-ordinated effort by the perpetrators, aimed at causing maximum disruption with minimal effort. As Stu said above, stash a bunch of drones around the area and then control them from somewhere else. Hard to detect or counter.
When they catch these people they should be given as harsh a punishment as possible. I mean, vital organs for operations can be flown in to Airports too. I would give them 10 years.
It’s all been arranged by the airlines, cancel a load of flights not there fault, then sell tickets for the following few days at a massively increased price 😠😮💷 allegedly
When they catch these people they should be given as harsh a punishment as possible. I mean, vital organs for operations can be flown in to Airports too. I would give them 10 years.
10 years fuck that wouldn't waste a cell on them, these tech types have 0 common sense.
When they catch these people they should be given as harsh a punishment as possible. I mean, vital organs for operations can be flown in to Airports too. I would give them 10 years.
Seems like a lot of hassle to go to, to keep flying these intermittently for hours on end and all through the night. Strikes me as something a lot more serious than just some tech nerds having a laugh.
It is my understanding that there is technology availoable to stop drones flying into certain areas, works on the same principal of a radar jammer.
I would have thought Gatwick will be investing in it now.
I would think that any type of electrical countermeasure would need extensive testing where live planes will be going in/out.
The police have said it’s too risky to just shoot them down.
I don't think the police can take the blame for this one!
So the operator can be miles away and still cause chaos......come to think of it, my BIL has not been been since he went out yesterday afternoon....I wonder....?