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League 1 scores



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    Sometimes clubs need a fresh face and managers a new challenge. For example last season Millwall sacked Harris who then replaced Warnock at Cardiff

    Millwall improved under Rowett
    Cardiff improved under Harris
    Boro then improved under Warnock

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    edited April 2021
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    AndyG said:
    It isnt hindsight though imo. Unfortunately things went toxic for whatever reason. I honestly believe a different manager would have got more points than we did through that run of games
    Absolutely, bowyer needed to go earlier, can’t believe people still supporting him as far as his management was going. He should have done better than he did this season and if he had done so would be rightfully praised, instead of being stubbornly and blind faith supported by people.
    Like I've said though, Adkins hasnt done anything differently and hasnt suddenly turned things around with Bowyer leaving.

    In fact he's continued to make similiar baffling decisions as Bowyer would have been slaughtered the moment Maatsen was seen to be at Right-Midfield, so once again proved what the fans truly know - Beating Doncaster should have been expected with the run they're on, and the run we're on given the form Bowyer left us in

    Its like Henry said, there is a lot of photoshopping going on over Bowyer's time with us... at the moment he's set the seeds for this run of form that we're on and there is no indication as yet that Adkins will do better or would have done better from Christmas onwards.

    A lot wont like it but if we do go up Bowyer has to take some credit
    Adkins has brought something completely different to the table, it’s called enthusiasm. Bowyer had become negative, boring.whether Adkins turns out to be better or not bowyer had to go!!!. He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation. I admire your loyalty but it has about as much value as bowyer turned out to have!!.😜
    But Adkins for all his enthusiam hasnt turned around anything that hadnt already been turned around?

    Lets be grown ups here rather than throwing childish jabs - If you can manage that?
    I still prefer Adkins enthusiasm, than bowyer endless blaming of other people and drab way of going through things.Well done anyway for taking the moral high ground, so to continue my childish behaviour, I’ll suggest your talking bollox!. 
    Thats fine if you prefer Adkins enthusiam, I still believe its too early to be thinking he's the new messiah

    What moral high ground have I taken though? - I'm just asking that if you want to debate something with me that we leave snide little remarks like "He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation" to one side - I'm 37 now and left the school playground a long time ago.
    Nobody has suggested Adkins is anything of the sort. But bowyer was definitely not going to be. Nobody will forget the good bowyer did, but that was the past and he wasn’t producing like he did.I was suggesting your continued support of an underachieving manager doing a shit job has become tiresome and stale. Because you don’t agree doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong. So I’m 47 and entitled to suggest your comments are stale if that’s my opinion, no playgrounds involved. 
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    F.A. - you state that NA hasn't done anything different - he did do something different and that was to play Maatsen on the right up front which also allowed Purrington to return at left back. These two changes caused the one goal we scored and helped keep a clean sheet.

    Please remember that I have been pro LB through recent months, but bringing in NA has made a positive difference just as it seems with LB at Brum.
    Of course Adkins has been a positive difference, and granted he put Maatsen at Right-Mid (something Bowyer got slated for)

    But at the same time its not been that difficult for him, its not like he's having to turn around a bad run of form - He's been in charge for two away games where we've been unbeaten since January, so in some sense its just been minor alterations here and there
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    edited April 2021
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    AndyG said:
    It isnt hindsight though imo. Unfortunately things went toxic for whatever reason. I honestly believe a different manager would have got more points than we did through that run of games
    Absolutely, bowyer needed to go earlier, can’t believe people still supporting him as far as his management was going. He should have done better than he did this season and if he had done so would be rightfully praised, instead of being stubbornly and blind faith supported by people.
    Like I've said though, Adkins hasnt done anything differently and hasnt suddenly turned things around with Bowyer leaving.

    In fact he's continued to make similiar baffling decisions as Bowyer would have been slaughtered the moment Maatsen was seen to be at Right-Midfield, so once again proved what the fans truly know - Beating Doncaster should have been expected with the run they're on, and the run we're on given the form Bowyer left us in

    Its like Henry said, there is a lot of photoshopping going on over Bowyer's time with us... at the moment he's set the seeds for this run of form that we're on and there is no indication as yet that Adkins will do better or would have done better from Christmas onwards.

    A lot wont like it but if we do go up Bowyer has to take some credit
    Adkins has brought something completely different to the table, it’s called enthusiasm. Bowyer had become negative, boring.whether Adkins turns out to be better or not bowyer had to go!!!. He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation. I admire your loyalty but it has about as much value as bowyer turned out to have!!.😜
    But Adkins for all his enthusiam hasnt turned around anything that hadnt already been turned around?

    Lets be grown ups here rather than throwing childish jabs - If you can manage that?
    I still prefer Adkins enthusiasm, than bowyer endless blaming of other people and drab way of going through things.Well done anyway for taking the moral high ground, so to continue my childish behaviour, I’ll suggest your talking bollox!. 
    Thats fine if you prefer Adkins enthusiam, I still believe its too early to be thinking he's the new messiah

    What moral high ground have I taken though? - I'm just asking that if you want to debate something with me that we leave snide little remarks like "He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation" to one side - I'm 37 now and left the school playground a long time ago.
    Nobody has suggested Adkins is anything of the sort. But bowyer was definitely not going to be. Nobody will forget the good bowyer did, but that was the past and he wasn’t producing like he did.I was suggesting your continued support of an underachieving manager doing a shit job has become tiresome and stale. Because you don’t agree doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong. So I’m 47 and entitled to suggest your comments are stale if that’s my opinion, no playgrounds involved. 
    But then you didnt need to add "a bit like you constant blindness to the situation" did you?

    That was just a pathetic low jab that you'd see on the playground - If you think I'm wrong then say it, a bit like the rest of your post and how Lancs has replied to me, I've got no issue with people debating with me or saying that I'm wrong as no one is perfect... Of the above I'm just bored and tired of it, its a bit pathetic
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    A real shame we haven’t managed to somehow stay in the playoffs , but a great 6pointer win yesterday! 

    Am I right in thinking the ‘games in hand’ situation will have sorted itself by the weekend? 
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    sammy391 said:
    A real shame we haven’t managed to somehow stay in the playoffs , but a great 6pointer win yesterday! 

    Am I right in thinking the ‘games in hand’ situation will have sorted itself by the weekend? 
    Nah Blackpool and Doncaster will still have one game in hand on us

    Everyone else will have played either the same amount as us though or will have played one or two games more
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    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    AndyG said:
    It isnt hindsight though imo. Unfortunately things went toxic for whatever reason. I honestly believe a different manager would have got more points than we did through that run of games
    Absolutely, bowyer needed to go earlier, can’t believe people still supporting him as far as his management was going. He should have done better than he did this season and if he had done so would be rightfully praised, instead of being stubbornly and blind faith supported by people.
    Like I've said though, Adkins hasnt done anything differently and hasnt suddenly turned things around with Bowyer leaving.

    In fact he's continued to make similiar baffling decisions as Bowyer would have been slaughtered the moment Maatsen was seen to be at Right-Midfield, so once again proved what the fans truly know - Beating Doncaster should have been expected with the run they're on, and the run we're on given the form Bowyer left us in

    Its like Henry said, there is a lot of photoshopping going on over Bowyer's time with us... at the moment he's set the seeds for this run of form that we're on and there is no indication as yet that Adkins will do better or would have done better from Christmas onwards.

    A lot wont like it but if we do go up Bowyer has to take some credit
    Adkins has brought something completely different to the table, it’s called enthusiasm. Bowyer had become negative, boring.whether Adkins turns out to be better or not bowyer had to go!!!. He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation. I admire your loyalty but it has about as much value as bowyer turned out to have!!.😜
    But Adkins for all his enthusiam hasnt turned around anything that hadnt already been turned around?

    Lets be grown ups here rather than throwing childish jabs - If you can manage that?
    I still prefer Adkins enthusiasm, than bowyer endless blaming of other people and drab way of going through things.Well done anyway for taking the moral high ground, so to continue my childish behaviour, I’ll suggest your talking bollox!. 
    Thats fine if you prefer Adkins enthusiam, I still believe its too early to be thinking he's the new messiah

    What moral high ground have I taken though? - I'm just asking that if you want to debate something with me that we leave snide little remarks like "He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation" to one side - I'm 37 now and left the school playground a long time ago.
    Nobody has suggested Adkins is anything of the sort. But bowyer was definitely not going to be. Nobody will forget the good bowyer did, but that was the past and he wasn’t producing like he did.I was suggesting your continued support of an underachieving manager doing a shit job has become tiresome and stale. Because you don’t agree doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong. So I’m 47 and entitled to suggest your comments are stale if that’s my opinion, no playgrounds involved. 
    But then you didnt need to add "a bit like you constant blindness to the situation" did you?

    That was just a pathetic low jab that you'd see on the playground - If you think I'm wrong then say it, a bit like the rest of your post and how Lancs has replied to me, I've got no issue with people debating with me or saying that I'm wrong as no one is perfect... Of the above I'm just bored and tired of it, its a bit pathetic
    To be fair I did say I thought you were wrong!! I also said I was bored of your constant support of bowyer. I wasn’t being personal to you as I do not know you, so I only comment based on other’s comments and opinions. Yours I don’t agree with and that’s not to say you are wrong. Nothing I comment on,on here is meant to be personal and is often said in jest, unless the boot is put in and I’ll respond in kind!!.  Let’s see what our nige does from now and hope we are all pulling in the same direction at the end of the season. I for one am enjoying the uplift and positivity about our club at the moment and think everyone should feel the same.
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    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    AndyG said:
    It isnt hindsight though imo. Unfortunately things went toxic for whatever reason. I honestly believe a different manager would have got more points than we did through that run of games
    Absolutely, bowyer needed to go earlier, can’t believe people still supporting him as far as his management was going. He should have done better than he did this season and if he had done so would be rightfully praised, instead of being stubbornly and blind faith supported by people.
    Like I've said though, Adkins hasnt done anything differently and hasnt suddenly turned things around with Bowyer leaving.

    In fact he's continued to make similiar baffling decisions as Bowyer would have been slaughtered the moment Maatsen was seen to be at Right-Midfield, so once again proved what the fans truly know - Beating Doncaster should have been expected with the run they're on, and the run we're on given the form Bowyer left us in

    Its like Henry said, there is a lot of photoshopping going on over Bowyer's time with us... at the moment he's set the seeds for this run of form that we're on and there is no indication as yet that Adkins will do better or would have done better from Christmas onwards.

    A lot wont like it but if we do go up Bowyer has to take some credit
    Adkins has brought something completely different to the table, it’s called enthusiasm. Bowyer had become negative, boring.whether Adkins turns out to be better or not bowyer had to go!!!. He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation. I admire your loyalty but it has about as much value as bowyer turned out to have!!.😜
    But Adkins for all his enthusiam hasnt turned around anything that hadnt already been turned around?

    Lets be grown ups here rather than throwing childish jabs - If you can manage that?
    I still prefer Adkins enthusiasm, than bowyer endless blaming of other people and drab way of going through things.Well done anyway for taking the moral high ground, so to continue my childish behaviour, I’ll suggest your talking bollox!. 
    Thats fine if you prefer Adkins enthusiam, I still believe its too early to be thinking he's the new messiah

    What moral high ground have I taken though? - I'm just asking that if you want to debate something with me that we leave snide little remarks like "He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation" to one side - I'm 37 now and left the school playground a long time ago.
    I personally am not saying Adkins is going be the new messiah as you put it. Only time will tell if he does the trick here in terms of results. What I said was any manager and I do mean ANY manager would have got better results than Bowyer during that spell. His negativity was obviously rubbing off on the players and without doubt they were not playing for him
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    edited April 2021
    Addickted said:
    I know it was the 95th minute but what the fuck is that celebration run after he scored? I think i could run faster in flip flops.
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    edited April 2021
    It is much tougher to make the play offs now than it would have been had Bowyer gone earlier. Is the squad good enough to get to 74 points? Absolutely but I think we will need our fair share of good luck. Which we shouldn't assume we won't get. I reckon it is probably 50/50.

    I am not trying to knock Bowyer. It is just clear that things were on the slide a while back to all those that chose not to cover their eyes and ears. It happens to good managers as well as poor ones.
  • Options
    It is much tougher to make the play offs now than it would have been had Bowyer gone earlier. Is the squad good enough to get to 74 points? Absolutely but I think we will need our fair share of good luck. Which we shouldn't assume we won't get. I reckon it is probably 50/50.

    I am not trying to knock Bowyer. It is just clear that things were on the slide a while back to all those that chose not to cover their eyes and ears. It happens to good managers as well as poor ones.
    agree, if he'd gone even six matches earlier it would have given us a much better chance.
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    I had ruled Sunderland out as a loss but if we could find a way to beat them it will certainly look very positive for play off hopes you would think.  They are decent for this level but not that great.  We have a decent chance I think.
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    I had ruled Sunderland out as a loss but if we could find a way to beat them it will certainly look very positive for play off hopes you would think.  They are decent for this level but not that great.  We have a decent chance I think.
    It does feel like a massive game in the scheme of things, a win would almost show we’ve could have what it takes to the make playoffs.......... and then lose the next week!!!!🤣🤣😂
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    I think yesterday was bigger than the Sunderland game. It could possibly be argued that it is the most likely game for us to lose out of our remaining ones. However, a win and I think a lot of people doubting the possibility will change their minds. But it will remain a possibility and not a certainty whatever happens.
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    I think yesterday was bigger than the Sunderland game. It could possibly be argued that it is the most likely game for us to lose out of our remaining ones. However, a win and I think a lot of people doubting the possibility will change their minds. But it will remain a possibility and not a certainty whatever happens.
    I just feel and hope the new man is going to be that lift we so badly needed, hoping his arrival isn’t too late because had Bowyer gone earlier I think we’d not be so worried.however it’s nice to have a little bit of optimism at the end of the season,the last few months of Bowyer was gut wrenching!!.
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    AndyG said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    paulfox said:
    AndyG said:
    It isnt hindsight though imo. Unfortunately things went toxic for whatever reason. I honestly believe a different manager would have got more points than we did through that run of games
    Absolutely, bowyer needed to go earlier, can’t believe people still supporting him as far as his management was going. He should have done better than he did this season and if he had done so would be rightfully praised, instead of being stubbornly and blind faith supported by people.
    Like I've said though, Adkins hasnt done anything differently and hasnt suddenly turned things around with Bowyer leaving.

    In fact he's continued to make similiar baffling decisions as Bowyer would have been slaughtered the moment Maatsen was seen to be at Right-Midfield, so once again proved what the fans truly know - Beating Doncaster should have been expected with the run they're on, and the run we're on given the form Bowyer left us in

    Its like Henry said, there is a lot of photoshopping going on over Bowyer's time with us... at the moment he's set the seeds for this run of form that we're on and there is no indication as yet that Adkins will do better or would have done better from Christmas onwards.

    A lot wont like it but if we do go up Bowyer has to take some credit
    Adkins has brought something completely different to the table, it’s called enthusiasm. Bowyer had become negative, boring.whether Adkins turns out to be better or not bowyer had to go!!!. He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation. I admire your loyalty but it has about as much value as bowyer turned out to have!!.😜
    But Adkins for all his enthusiam hasnt turned around anything that hadnt already been turned around?

    Lets be grown ups here rather than throwing childish jabs - If you can manage that?
    I still prefer Adkins enthusiasm, than bowyer endless blaming of other people and drab way of going through things.Well done anyway for taking the moral high ground, so to continue my childish behaviour, I’ll suggest your talking bollox!. 
    Thats fine if you prefer Adkins enthusiam, I still believe its too early to be thinking he's the new messiah

    What moral high ground have I taken though? - I'm just asking that if you want to debate something with me that we leave snide little remarks like "He’d become stale, a bit like your constant blindness to the situation" to one side - I'm 37 now and left the school playground a long time ago.
    I personally am not saying Adkins is going be the new messiah as you put it. Only time will tell if he does the trick here in terms of results. What I said was any manager and I do mean ANY manager would have got better results than Bowyer during that spell. His negativity was obviously rubbing off on the players and without doubt they were not playing for him
    Adkins' positivity hopefully will pass on to the players.
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    edited April 2021
    I had ruled Sunderland out as a loss but if we could find a way to beat them it will certainly look very positive for play off hopes you would think.  They are decent for this level but not that great.  We have a decent chance I think.
    Sunderland have scored in 22 consecutive matches. To beat them we will need to score at least twice....probably 3.
  • Options
    F.A. - you state that NA hasn't done anything different - he did do something different and that was to play Maatsen on the right up front which also allowed Purrington to return at left back. These two changes caused the one goal we scored and helped keep a clean sheet.

    Please remember that I have been pro LB through recent months, but bringing in NA has made a positive difference just as it seems with LB at Brum.
    Of course Adkins has been a positive difference, and granted he put Maatsen at Right-Mid (something Bowyer got slated for)

    But at the same time its not been that difficult for him, its not like he's having to turn around a bad run of form - He's been in charge for two away games where we've been unbeaten since January, so in some sense its just been minor alterations here and there
    Because it didn't work when Bowyer did it. It worked when Adkins did it. Also at least Atkins replaced Maatsen at LB with another LB, Bowyer left Purrington out and put Matthews there. 
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    I had ruled Sunderland out as a loss but if we could find a way to beat them it will certainly look very positive for play off hopes you would think.  They are decent for this level but not that great.  We have a decent chance I think.
    Sunderland have scored in 22 consecutive matches. To beat them we will need to score at least twice....probably 3.
    Do we have to score for them like last time we met?
  • Options
    edited April 2021
    I had ruled Sunderland out as a loss but if we could find a way to beat them it will certainly look very positive for play off hopes you would think.  They are decent for this level but not that great.  We have a decent chance I think.
    Sunderland have scored in 22 consecutive matches. To beat them we will need to score at least twice....probably 3.
    In that case I would imagine their confidence will be ready to nosedive by the 60th minute when they haven’t scored against us
  • Options
    I had ruled Sunderland out as a loss but if we could find a way to beat them it will certainly look very positive for play off hopes you would think.  They are decent for this level but not that great.  We have a decent chance I think.
    Sunderland have scored in 22 consecutive matches. To beat them we will need to score at least twice....probably 3.
    In that case I would imagine their confidence will ready to nosedive by the 60th minute when they haven’t scored against us
    We haven't won away without a clean sheet, so something has got to give. 
  • Options
    I had ruled Sunderland out as a loss but if we could find a way to beat them it will certainly look very positive for play off hopes you would think.  They are decent for this level but not that great.  We have a decent chance I think.
    Sunderland have scored in 22 consecutive matches. To beat them we will need to score at least twice....probably 3.
    In that case I would imagine their confidence will ready to nosedive by the 60th minute when they haven’t scored against us
    We haven't won away without a clean sheet, so something has got to give. 
    And we do like popping those balloons of teams on a long run...
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    Top three are the form teams at the moment but that can change pretty quickly in this league.

    Peterborough play Sunderland tomorrow. Defeat for one of them and doubts may creep in.
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    Sunderland also have to go away to Blackpool and Hull in April. Lose tomorrow and then fail to beat us and their promotion hopes could've vanished in a week.
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    To be fair, other than next Saturday when they are going to lose, I hope Sunderland go on a winning run and take an automatic promotion spot. I doubt either of us relish the idea of facing each other again in the playoffs...
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    It is much tougher to make the play offs now than it would have been had Bowyer gone earlier. Is the squad good enough to get to 74 points? Absolutely but I think we will need our fair share of good luck. Which we shouldn't assume we won't get. I reckon it is probably 50/50.

    I am not trying to knock Bowyer. It is just clear that things were on the slide a while back to all those that chose not to cover their eyes and ears. It happens to good managers as well as poor ones.
    Yes but whichever way we cut it, IMO Bowyer deserved the extra time. 
    Adkins is building for next season. We should look at reaching the play offs this year as a massive bonus. All the while Nige is assessing and building for the future. Happy days all round I think. 
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    edited April 2021
    Rob said:
    F.A. - you state that NA hasn't done anything different - he did do something different and that was to play Maatsen on the right up front which also allowed Purrington to return at left back. These two changes caused the one goal we scored and helped keep a clean sheet.

    Please remember that I have been pro LB through recent months, but bringing in NA has made a positive difference just as it seems with LB at Brum.
    Of course Adkins has been a positive difference, and granted he put Maatsen at Right-Mid (something Bowyer got slated for)

    But at the same time its not been that difficult for him, its not like he's having to turn around a bad run of form - He's been in charge for two away games where we've been unbeaten since January, so in some sense its just been minor alterations here and there
    Because it didn't work when Bowyer did it. It worked when Adkins did it. Also at least Atkins replaced Maatsen at LB with another LB, Bowyer left Purrington out and put Matthews there. 
    I believe Purrington was the player that Bowyer spoke about a few weeks ago when he called out a player saying he wouldn’t be part of his squad again. Many people thought it was Oshilaja but Purrington dropped off the map after that. I’m glad he’s back in the squad. He’s a natural LB and as good as Maatsen in that position in my opinion. 
    Totally agree with that @Rob, I like Purrington at LB he is more solid than Maatsen, and putting the latter out on the right side of midfield was a good idea. Purrington must have been the one Bowyer was talking about as he didn't even make the bench after Bowyer's comments. In my opinion that was a huge mistake!
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