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    edited March 2021
    cafcpolo said:
    Binance to announce something later today 11pm Singapore time. Any relation to zil by any chance? Bsc/zil/ETH bridge? Just guessing but would be cool. I’m not sure why Cz has given the announcement for Singapore time 
    One of the zil team was hinting at something to do with pancake swap the other day, could be that. A lot of rumours hinting at it something to do with zil, but would be an odd one for what seems to be a big announcement. Guess we'll find out in a couple of hours.
    zil to at least 3x if that is the announcement! One thing that could hold bsc tokens back is the fact people might switch over to something in ethereum in the next couple of years. If they can facilitate a transfer from erc20 chain to bsc that's game changing for them - ramps up pressure on eth to reduce gas fees considerably.
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    Typical as I was going to get back in on zil today. Will sit it out now and see if we get back down to .10/.11
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    edited March 2021
    I'd be amazed if bitcoin doesnt hit 60k by end of today. Bullish divergence on 4hr followed by an almost perfect R/S flip.
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    cafcpolo said:

    yeah just seen there's been a whale transferring loads of BNB to binance and sold it. CZ up to his old tricks again. 
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    cafcpolo said:

    yeah just seen there's been a whale transferring loads of BNB to binance and sold it. CZ up to his old tricks again. 
    Could well be. Naughty if so!
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    cafcpolo said:
    cafcpolo said:

    yeah just seen there's been a whale transferring loads of BNB to binance and sold it. CZ up to his old tricks again. 
    Could well be. Naughty if so!
    considering binance like to tweet about risk management just before their servers going down as well as other shenanigans i really wouldn't put it passed them.
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    edited March 2021
    Jesus, knew about that an hour ago!!
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    edited March 2021
    Refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh

    ZIL about to go parabolic 
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    CAFCsayer said:
    Refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh

    ZIL about to go parabolic 
    Hope so, I doubled my holding earlier 
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    Im early doors as a non smoker , 9days cold turkey and im going to spend my cig money on crypto, better to have abit of fun with my money rather than burn it. Just got 200 of zil to start and will top up per week with my saved fag money. 
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    Gasman said:
    Im early doors as a non smoker , 9days cold turkey and im going to spend my cig money on crypto, better to have abit of fun with my money rather than burn it. Just got 200 of zil to start and will top up per week with my saved fag money. 
    Probably worth spreading your investment over a few lower cost coins that COULD go x20, x30 and not just one. ZIL is looking very hot right now though. 
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    Perfect retest of previous resistance, and off we go... 0.18 cents now, I reckon we see 20 before the day is out
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    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
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    Definitely something going on behind the scenes here... Zilliqa governance token (GZIL) just pumped 138% in 15 minutes
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    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
  • Options
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    Thanks for your reply, and an answer I was somewhat dreading as the moment you start to look into alternatives it takes the simplicity out of it ha ha.

  • Options
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    Thanks for your reply, and an answer I was somewhat dreading as the moment you start to look into alternatives it takes the simplicity out of it ha ha.

    If you want to play the long game with absolute minimal effort then what you said is fine. I'd personally avoid Ethereum as slowly but surely it'll get edged out by much better coins.

    BNB is a safe bet but I suspect that is not available on Coinbase. So if sticking with that, I'd potentially go 70:15:15 on something like BTC:DOT:LINK. 

    Sticking with BTC only is fine though. Just top up as and when like you said you would to average out your buy price.
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  • Options
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    I'd say the opposite - if you're looking at 10 year investment, there is no other asset that will perform better than bitcoin. Alt coins can come and go, there are some that were listed on loads of exchanges and pumped loads in 2017 that now aren't listed and have basically disappeared. 

    Bitcoin, if it performs anything like it has done in the last 10 years will be worth at least 10-50x what it is now imo
  • Options
    cafcpolo said:
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    Thanks for your reply, and an answer I was somewhat dreading as the moment you start to look into alternatives it takes the simplicity out of it ha ha.

    If you want to play the long game with absolute minimal effort then what you said is fine. I'd personally avoid Ethereum as slowly but surely it'll get edged out by much better coins.

    BNB is a safe bet but I suspect that is not available on Coinbase. So if sticking with that, I'd potentially go 70:15:15 on something like BTC:DOT:LINK. 

    Sticking with BTC only is fine though. Just top up as and when like you said you would to average out your buy price.
    eh, i disagree, the move to proof of stake will transform ethereum in my opinion.
  • Options
    cafcpolo said:
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    Thanks for your reply, and an answer I was somewhat dreading as the moment you start to look into alternatives it takes the simplicity out of it ha ha.

    If you want to play the long game with absolute minimal effort then what you said is fine. I'd personally avoid Ethereum as slowly but surely it'll get edged out by much better coins.

    BNB is a safe bet but I suspect that is not available on Coinbase. So if sticking with that, I'd potentially go 70:15:15 on something like BTC:DOT:LINK. 

    Sticking with BTC only is fine though. Just top up as and when like you said you would to average out your buy price.
    eh, i disagree, the move to proof of stake will transform ethereum in my opinion.
    PoS won't come soon enough. It's in place now but running in parallel with PoW and the merge of the two isn't coming until "sometime" next year. That's a hell of a long time in this space and are very likely to lose a significant amount of market share to projects like BSC, ZIL, ADA etc etc etc etc.

    In that time, the decent projects will be moving on and Eth will always be playing catch up. While Eth 2.0 is needed, it being such a long drawn out process to upgrade it fully is going to be what stops it becoming as big as it could have been.
  • Options
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    I'd say the opposite - if you're looking at 10 year investment, there is no other asset that will perform better than bitcoin. Alt coins can come and go, there are some that were listed on loads of exchanges and pumped loads in 2017 that now aren't listed and have basically disappeared. 

    Bitcoin, if it performs anything like it has done in the last 10 years will be worth at least 10-50x what it is now imo
    If you're literally just going to sit on it then, yeah bitcoin. If you're going to keep an eye on it, I'd be long alts and sell into bitcoin later in the year
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    Thanks for all the input guys. Such an interesting, and potentially dangerous ha ha, thing to get into.
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    Thanks for all the input guys. Such an interesting, and potentially dangerous ha ha, thing to get into.
    If you're going to sit and hold bitcoin for 10 years, don't get freaked out if the price drops 50% from the price it is today at some point, or potentially more. The price of bitcoin dropped 50% in a day exactly a year ago to it's lowest since before 2017. It's now more than double what it was at it's highest in 2017.
  • Options
    cafcpolo said:
    cafcpolo said:
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    Thanks for your reply, and an answer I was somewhat dreading as the moment you start to look into alternatives it takes the simplicity out of it ha ha.

    If you want to play the long game with absolute minimal effort then what you said is fine. I'd personally avoid Ethereum as slowly but surely it'll get edged out by much better coins.

    BNB is a safe bet but I suspect that is not available on Coinbase. So if sticking with that, I'd potentially go 70:15:15 on something like BTC:DOT:LINK. 

    Sticking with BTC only is fine though. Just top up as and when like you said you would to average out your buy price.
    eh, i disagree, the move to proof of stake will transform ethereum in my opinion.
    PoS won't come soon enough. It's in place now but running in parallel with PoW and the merge of the two isn't coming until "sometime" next year. That's a hell of a long time in this space and are very likely to lose a significant amount of market share to projects like BSC, ZIL, ADA etc etc etc etc.

    In that time, the decent projects will be moving on and Eth will always be playing catch up. While Eth 2.0 is needed, it being such a long drawn out process to upgrade it fully is going to be what stops it becoming as big as it could have been.
    but ETH has a huge volume of projects on it already, other alts are still playing catch up with eth in that regard. First mover advantage is everything in crypto.
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    edited March 2021
    wCres liquidity mining is live. Imagine getting paid stocks in a bank, just by holding those stocks? 75% APY as well. Mental

    this is why defi and tokenised stocks is so genuinely exciting - This could be the future for initial stock offerings by companies. Imagine if facebook airdropped it's early adopters stocks in facebook when they floated on the stock market. 
  • Options
    cafcpolo said:
    cafcpolo said:
    CAFCsayer said:
    Right. This has been a thread I have personally ignored until now not having any interest in Cypto currency mainly due to the fact I know it could end up being a very slippery slope for me. 

    However a friend has recently convinced me to get involved and I wanted a second opinion as it would appear we have some knowledgeable lifers on here.

    To avoid me going down the slope, I am looking to play the long game as it were. So in as much, I have signed up to Coinbase and will be buying Bitcoin until I get to a certain amount which I will then sit on and hope in 10 years time its worth a lot more.

    Is this in lifers opinions a decent option to take? Or should I look to be diversifying my portfolio already and start investing in ethereum or other cyptos?
    I'd say to diversify into more alts, most commentators expecting alts to break out against Bitcoin pairs and dollar cost average yourself in, Im still not sure we aren't going to have another correction yet
    Thanks for your reply, and an answer I was somewhat dreading as the moment you start to look into alternatives it takes the simplicity out of it ha ha.

    If you want to play the long game with absolute minimal effort then what you said is fine. I'd personally avoid Ethereum as slowly but surely it'll get edged out by much better coins.

    BNB is a safe bet but I suspect that is not available on Coinbase. So if sticking with that, I'd potentially go 70:15:15 on something like BTC:DOT:LINK. 

    Sticking with BTC only is fine though. Just top up as and when like you said you would to average out your buy price.
    eh, i disagree, the move to proof of stake will transform ethereum in my opinion.
    PoS won't come soon enough. It's in place now but running in parallel with PoW and the merge of the two isn't coming until "sometime" next year. That's a hell of a long time in this space and are very likely to lose a significant amount of market share to projects like BSC, ZIL, ADA etc etc etc etc.

    In that time, the decent projects will be moving on and Eth will always be playing catch up. While Eth 2.0 is needed, it being such a long drawn out process to upgrade it fully is going to be what stops it becoming as big as it could have been.
    but ETH has a huge volume of projects on it already, other alts are still playing catch up with eth in that regard. First mover advantage is everything in crypto.
    That won't last in my opinion as more adoption and money comes into the market.
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    RFI infinity pool (with no impermenant loss) launching today as well... I’m gonna be spending a fortune on gas fees today aren’t I? 
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