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    RFI infinity pool (with no impermenant loss) launching today as well... I’m gonna be spending a fortune on gas fees today aren’t I? 
    How have they managed that?
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    Thanks for all the input guys. Such an interesting, and potentially dangerous ha ha, thing to get into.

    I'm a newbie to the Crypto market and bought in to Bitcoin via Coinbase three weeks ago at over £41k only to see it drop to £30k within 48 hours. Not to be put off I decided to lump in a bit more at £31k. I'm now back up to evens with all that I've put in, such is the crypto rollercoaster. 

    Having listened to other investors on here (that appear to know what they are doing) the advice I took and plan I have is similar to you own. Buy and hold on to whatever I have for at least five years. I'm not going to diversify as my belief (deluded as it may be) is that this currency will be the market leader over time. 

    Good luck.  

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    Anyone invested in hedera hashgraph? Be interested to hear people's thoughts on it. 
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    cafcpolo said:
    RFI infinity pool (with no impermenant loss) launching today as well... I’m gonna be spending a fortune on gas fees today aren’t I? 
    How have they managed that?
    you only stake one token, not two, not only does the RFI in the pool continue to accrue the rewards you'd get if you just held in your wallet, you're also rewarded ELE tokens, which also reward just by holding like RFI - and you can stake them in the infinity pool as well. This means there's absolutely no reason to provide liquidity on uniswap (RFI/ETH LP is hardcoded not to recieve RFI rewards) and we all know what happens when supply goes significantly below demand...
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    Ahhh, okay...Can't imagine the APY is all that high then?
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    edited March 2021
    cafcpolo said:
    Ahhh, okay...Can't imagine the APY is all that high then?

    APY entirely depends on the volume of transactions, as from any transaction 0.5% of it is burned forever and another 0.5% is distributed proportionally to every single holder of the token. So more volatility in price = more tokens appearing in your wallet. I think from what i've got so far with RFI it's been about 25-30% apy. But as the price goes up, the more that's likely to grow.
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    edited March 2021
    think bitcoin's getting rejected. Will probably be downwards until up only resumes when we hit 52k in 3-4 days - this would also print a cup and handle on the day chart 
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    think bitcoin's getting rejected. Will probably be downwards until up only resumes when we hit 52k in 3-4 days - this would also print a cup and handle on the day chart 
    Strong last hour 
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    cabbles said:
    think bitcoin's getting rejected. Will probably be downwards until up only resumes when we hit 52k in 3-4 days - this would also print a cup and handle on the day chart 
    Strong last hour 
    Yeah scratch what I said, resistance broken and ath broken, 60k incoming 
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    Ada bounced right back up as well.  Fingers crossed for all on here if you’ve been holding 
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    cafcpolo said:
    Ahhh, okay...Can't imagine the APY is all that high then?
    APY around 300% atm, with 10% of all RFI locked in the infinity pools, that's on top of the ordinary rewards which is about 25% APY. Gas prices are obscene at the moment, gonna wait before staking. 
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    59.6k bitcoinage
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    cabbles said:
    Ada bounced right back up as well.  Fingers crossed for all on here if you’ve been holding 
    ADA went below $1 overnight.  Wish I had a order setup for it.  Flying today and I can see 20%+ increase of the next couple of days. 
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    BalladMan said:
    cabbles said:
    Ada bounced right back up as well.  Fingers crossed for all on here if you’ve been holding 
    ADA went below $1 overnight.  Wish I had a order setup for it.  Flying today and I can see 20%+ increase of the next couple of days. 
    I've just bought about £100 worth
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    Was going to top up with some more RAMP which is doing well at the moment, but the gas fee's put me off. 
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    Simply wow! I had some at 49k and was set to sell at 55k, happy with that but can't believe it's now 61k
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    Rob7Lee said:
    Simply wow! I had some at 49k and was set to sell at 55k, happy with that but can't believe it's now 61k
    Ain’t seen nothin yet, mate.
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    Rob7Lee said:
    Simply wow! I had some at 49k and was set to sell at 55k, happy with that but can't believe it's now 61k
    Ain’t seen nothin yet, mate.
    Think I'm up (and cashed) 19% in not much over a week, not to be sniffed at but.......
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    Good risk/reward plays this morning.
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    Back down today I reckon.  
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    Cup and handle forming on the daily chart. Also bullish divergence on the 4hr. Me thinks later this week will be the next step up passed 62k. 
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    CAFCsayer said:
    Anyone looked at Harmony before? Looks a decent project
    Nearly 3x'd since I posted this... Of course, I didn't buy ffs
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    edited March 2021
    CAFCsayer said:
    CAFCsayer said:
    Anyone looked at Harmony before? Looks a decent project
    Nearly 3x'd since I posted this... Of course, I didn't buy ffs
    I never looked into it, but I do always see a load of bot like action promoting it on twitter. Same with IOST. Probably why I stayed away.
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    cafcpolo said:
    Ahhh, okay...Can't imagine the APY is all that high then?
    APY around 300% atm, with 10% of all RFI locked in the infinity pools, that's on top of the ordinary rewards which is about 25% APY. Gas prices are obscene at the moment, gonna wait before staking. 
    APY now 133%, with 16% of all RFI in the infinity pool and Elevate's APY being 628%. Can some one bring gas fees back down again?
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    cafcpolo said:
    Ahhh, okay...Can't imagine the APY is all that high then?
    APY around 300% atm, with 10% of all RFI locked in the infinity pools, that's on top of the ordinary rewards which is about 25% APY. Gas prices are obscene at the moment, gonna wait before staking. 
    APY now 133%, with 16% of all RFI in the infinity pool and Elevate's APY being 628%. Can some one bring gas fees back down again?
    Yes Gas fee's are ridiculous, I'm not buying alt coins until it's more reasonable. 
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    I tried to shift a small amount of ERC20 coins to Celcius Wallet to collect some free passive money, and the gas fee weren't worth it, couple of £200 to move a few quid
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    Rothko said:
    I tried to shift a small amount of ERC20 coins to Celcius Wallet to collect some free passive money, and the gas fee weren't worth it, couple of £200 to move a few quid
    to stake my RFI I'd basically have to pay the same amount in gas fees. Just think about the next bull run when ETH will be proof of stake and we can go back to paying pennies. 
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    Eth gas fees are ridiculous. I'm going to be shifting around 200K ZIL shortly and think it'll cost me about 40p.
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