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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • @MuttleyCAFC

    Simple straight question. Have you seen or even heard Richard Burgon in "action"?

    For your information, he is the Shadow Justice Minister. He was hand-picked by Corbyn.

    Yvette Cooper is a back-bencher.

    It’s tragic isn’t it. We do have to take into consideration though that with one or two exceptions there is no one of any calibre willing to serve in Corbyns shadow cabinet. Doesn’t really inspire confidence does it.

  • Can you tell me who you think the people of caibre are in May's cabinet?
  • I have my own personal opinions, but I rate Keir Starmer very highly, also Rebecca Long-Bailey, Jon Ashworth and Angela Rayner. I do also think Emily Thornberry would make a good foreign secretary.
  • edited December 2018
    In terms of a second referendum, the burning issue is going to be the questions to ask. I had favoured an in/out and then an if out soft or hard out, but that isn't going to be likely as the view seems to be that is too complicated for the people to get their heads around. So my suggestion would be, we know which MPs voted for Remain and which ones Brexit. Arrange for Westminster Central Hall to be booked and let all the known Brexit MPs who keep telling us what the people voted for to agree what that is amongst themselves and that can go on the ballot paper with remain.
  • edited December 2018
    I don't rate many politicians very highly, and fully take Prague's Student Union point.
    However in terms of generality when making comparisons, weakly expressed ideological positions, or impractical or illogical positions, are as nothing when lined up alongside the naked evil mendacity of the likes of Priti Patel, Michael Gove, Boris, McVey and other Tories.
    It is usually about the least worst, like another referendum is the least worst next Brexit option or Diane Abbott is not as bad as that Attorney General Cox (who came across to me as a complete Prince of Darkness last week).
  • edited December 2018


    Simple straight question. Have you seen or even heard Richard Burgon in "action"?

    For your information, he is the Shadow Justice Minister. He was hand-picked by Corbyn.

    Yvette Cooper is a back-bencher.

    It’s tragic isn’t it. We do have to take into consideration though that with one or two exceptions there is no one of any calibre willing to serve in Corbyns shadow cabinet. Doesn’t really inspire confidence does it.

    Ironically, Corbyn, who is considering when to call a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister, lost a vote of confidence in his own leadership by 172 to 40 and yet rather than resign he chose to hide behind the skirts of the membership. What you're left with is 40 Corbyn apologists to make up the opposition front bench. The Labour party is exactly the jokeshop it deserves to be.
  • SNP MP on TV just now admitting they are talking/working with Labour.
  • SNP MP on TV just now admitting they are talking/working with Labour.

    But not with Corbyn according to Nicola Sturgeon...
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  • If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.
  • If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.

    The ERG couldn’t even drum up 48 no confidence letters when their head priest made his move a couple of weeks ago. I don’t understand why people pay them so much attention.
  • On sky news the reporter mentioned more letters going in to the 1922 chair.
    No idea how many are in so far.
  • edited December 2018
    se9addick said:

    If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.

    The ERG couldn’t even drum up 48 no confidence letters when their head priest made his move a couple of weeks ago. I don’t understand why people pay them so much attention.
    I’m forming my opinion based on what was in many of yesterday’s newspapers. I think they lacked the numbers a couple of weeks ago because many of the disgruntled Tories were prepared to wait and see what May could do more. I do not think that “assurances” and changes to the language used in the WA will appease many and certainly not the DUP. That ensures the deal will fail when eventually voted on. Can ERG and the Tory brexiters risk a vote of no confidence directly following the vote and despite all Tories rallying to the flag still losing because the DUP are still pissed ? That would mean a General Election. If that happens the Brexit the Tory party want is unlikely to happen. Far less risky to get a new leader in now to steady the good ship Brexit.

  • If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.

    They have already pressed the button.

    Rees-Mogg called for MPs to submit letters, presumably in the belief that he had the numbers when the May deal was announced but the coup flopped when they didn't get the 48 letters required.

    It maybe that the numbers are now there but will they risk another embarrassing failure?
  • edited December 2018

    If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.

    They have already pressed the button.

    Rees-Mogg called for MPs to submit letters, presumably in the belief that he had the numbers when the May deal was announced but the coup flopped when they didn't get the 48 letters required.

    It maybe that the numbers are now there but will they risk another embarrassing failure?
    See my post above.

    I’m forming my opinion based on what was in many of yesterday’s newspapers. I think they lacked the numbers a couple of weeks ago because many of the disgruntled Tories were prepared to wait and see what May could do more.
  • se9addick said:

    If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.

    The ERG couldn’t even drum up 48 no confidence letters when their head priest made his move a couple of weeks ago. I don’t understand why people pay them so much attention.
    I’m forming my opinion based on what was in many of yesterday’s newspapers. I think they lacked the numbers a couple of weeks ago because many of the disgruntled Tories were prepared to wait and see what May could do more. I do not think that “assurances” and changes to the language used in the WA will appease many and certainly not the DUP. That ensures the deal will fail when eventually voted on. Can ERG and the Tory brexiters risk a vote of no confidence directly following the vote and despite all Tories rallying to the flag still losing because the DUP are still pissed ? That would mean a General Election. If that happens the Brexit the Tory party want is unlikely to happen. Far less risky to get a new leader in now to steady the good ship Brexit.

    Let’s see, do the letters that were sent in previously when JRM got all excited still stand or do they expire after a set time period?
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  • Maybe. Just maybe this whole sorry charade will bring about a desperately needed new band of politics and political parties that are actually fit for purpose in the 21st century.
    Doubtful. But you never know.
  • Just when I thought Burgon was as bad as it gets, I am reminded of the existence of Rebecca Long-Bailey. Breathtaking, almost heroic levels of incompetence

  • se9addick said:

    se9addick said:

    If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.

    The ERG couldn’t even drum up 48 no confidence letters when their head priest made his move a couple of weeks ago. I don’t understand why people pay them so much attention.
    I’m forming my opinion based on what was in many of yesterday’s newspapers. I think they lacked the numbers a couple of weeks ago because many of the disgruntled Tories were prepared to wait and see what May could do more. I do not think that “assurances” and changes to the language used in the WA will appease many and certainly not the DUP. That ensures the deal will fail when eventually voted on. Can ERG and the Tory brexiters risk a vote of no confidence directly following the vote and despite all Tories rallying to the flag still losing because the DUP are still pissed ? That would mean a General Election. If that happens the Brexit the Tory party want is unlikely to happen. Far less risky to get a new leader in now to steady the good ship Brexit.

    Let’s see, do the letters that were sent in previously when JRM got all excited still stand or do they expire after a set time period?
    If a letter is submitted, the MP is contacted before it's counted, to establish whether the MP still requires his/her letter to stand.
  • Chizz said:

    se9addick said:

    se9addick said:

    If ERG feel that there is a real risk that should Labour call a vote of no confidence and the government loses with the DUP still unable to support whatever deal May brings to the house next time so votes against the government then they will put forward an alternative leader and call a contest. If they don’t and the scenario I describe plays out then there will have to be a general election and Brexit could then theoretically be in jeopardy. They won’t allow that possibility. The problem ERG have is that they have to go for broke before any no confidence vote is tabled. Have they the numbers and have they the balls ? I think they are very close to pressing the button.

    The ERG couldn’t even drum up 48 no confidence letters when their head priest made his move a couple of weeks ago. I don’t understand why people pay them so much attention.
    I’m forming my opinion based on what was in many of yesterday’s newspapers. I think they lacked the numbers a couple of weeks ago because many of the disgruntled Tories were prepared to wait and see what May could do more. I do not think that “assurances” and changes to the language used in the WA will appease many and certainly not the DUP. That ensures the deal will fail when eventually voted on. Can ERG and the Tory brexiters risk a vote of no confidence directly following the vote and despite all Tories rallying to the flag still losing because the DUP are still pissed ? That would mean a General Election. If that happens the Brexit the Tory party want is unlikely to happen. Far less risky to get a new leader in now to steady the good ship Brexit.

    Let’s see, do the letters that were sent in previously when JRM got all excited still stand or do they expire after a set time period?
    If a letter is submitted, the MP is contacted before it's counted, to establish whether the MP still requires his/her letter to stand.
    Ah right I see, cheers
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Roland Out Forever!