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The influence of the EU on Britain.



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    You remember how I was going on about the island that was "defended" by a trawler with a machine gun...

    seems lessons haven't been learnt

    Less than 130 days to go. Stay safe, y'all
    Still got a better Navy than the Czech Republic.

    Smartarse... :-)

    Stationed in Hamburg, AFAIK.

    As usual, the really important matters in Czech life are properly addressed:

    "An interesting feature of the national naval presence in the Czech Republic is its structural composition of the special Office of the Beer Naval Support, which is engaged in the purchase, quality control and delivery of the famous Czech beer on combat ships, vessels and coastal side. Just this Office has been supporting in a proper state of all shipboard beer pipelines available on the Czech Navy ships."

    And it's "Ahoj". We are not effing pirates.
    You should be paying me for my talent, who else could find a word that covered both the Navy and the Czech language.

    Btw, keep those boats out of our territorial waters.
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    He doesn’t look very well. As someone who has heard of him but not considered it worth finding out much about him, does he always look like someone has just rammed a stick with a wig on top up his arse and through the top of his head?
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    Some might find it interesting that Sabine Weyand linked to this earlier today:
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    May's tech solution seeks to marry customs eCOs to lorry's number plates. The problem is matching lorry number plates to zero documentation.
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    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    May is under relentless pressure in Parliament over the backstop arrangement in her latest document.
    The Irish issue remains central to this whole brexit thing.

    From the above framework:

    139. Both Parties affirm that the achievements, benefits and commitments of the peace process in Northern Ireland will remain of paramount importance to peace, stability and reconciliation. They agree that the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement reached on 10 April 1998 by the United Kingdom Government, the Irish Government and the other participants in the multi-party negotiations (the “1998 Agreement”) must be protected in all its parts, and that this extends to the practical application of the 1998 Agreement on the island of Ireland and to the totality of the relationships set out in the 1998 Agreement.
    Well quite.
    The 1998 agreement is at odds with the existence of a border, which is what brexit demands.
    The backstop dance, and indeed the maxfax aspiration are details that cloud the fundamental reality.
    The Belfast Agreement goes, or Brexit goes. The two can't coexist. To suggest they can is to promise that cats and dogs can mate and produce offspring.
    I wouldn’t worry ,, Brexit won’t happen anyway so it’s a moot point.
    Hilarious. Like many who voted Brexit, part of you now really wishes that to be true. Did you happen to watch Newsnight tonight? it's going to happen. There is no pathway to stop it in time.

    And then you will have to own it, on here. Good luck with that.

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    edited November 2018
    A Clinton/Kleuith summit would be interesting.

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    'EU must implement far right policies to combat far right'
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    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    May is under relentless pressure in Parliament over the backstop arrangement in her latest document.
    The Irish issue remains central to this whole brexit thing.

    From the above framework:

    139. Both Parties affirm that the achievements, benefits and commitments of the peace process in Northern Ireland will remain of paramount importance to peace, stability and reconciliation. They agree that the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement reached on 10 April 1998 by the United Kingdom Government, the Irish Government and the other participants in the multi-party negotiations (the “1998 Agreement”) must be protected in all its parts, and that this extends to the practical application of the 1998 Agreement on the island of Ireland and to the totality of the relationships set out in the 1998 Agreement.
    Well quite.
    The 1998 agreement is at odds with the existence of a border, which is what brexit demands.
    The backstop dance, and indeed the maxfax aspiration are details that cloud the fundamental reality.
    The Belfast Agreement goes, or Brexit goes. The two can't coexist. To suggest they can is to promise that cats and dogs can mate and produce offspring.
    I wouldn’t worry ,, Brexit won’t happen anyway so it’s a moot point.
    Hilarious. Like many who voted Brexit, part of you now really wishes that to be true. Did you happen to watch Newsnight tonight? it's going to happen. There is no pathway to stop it in time.

    And then you will have to own it, on here. Good luck with that.

    With all due respect to the guests on Newsnight, they were incredibly vague as to what happens after the WA bill is defeated at the first attempt.

    Where we are in total agreement is that Brexit voters, the Leave protagonists and the Tory Party have 100% ownership of Brexit should the WA go through eventually and we leave next March 29th.

    The blame shifting started a long time ago especially when Brexiteers resigned from the Cabinet last summer. This WA deal has been so predictable that even Varoufakis has stated that May has achieved the best deal available.

    The vultures are looking for a slice of the action once we have left. But I digress!

    There are still a couple of paths available which are distinct from the WA on the table but best await the vote in the House.
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    I wish I had a hedge fund to live under in Ireland.

    Corrected it for myself.
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    Good article. Calling people stupid is not the way and too many people do that on here in this debate. One of the elephants in the room about Brexit is that people voted for it for a whole host of reasons. Yes, we get people telling us they voted for this and they voted for that, and I am surprised these people get away with it.
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    Leuth said:

    'EU must implement far right policies to combat far right'

    Wasn't that the whole point of the Brexit referendum?

    Again, I would call this appeasement.
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    edited November 2018
    One thing May could have done is forget about trying to keep the ERG people happy and have more talks with Labour through the process. The ERG were never going to support her, and she expects Labour to support her plan without giving them the slightest input. Of course this may not have gone down well with a few Tories, but this was always about her own party and it is no good pointing the finger anywhere else.

    The talks have happened cross-party and whilst they can't and shouldn't shout it from the rooftops, a second vote is where we are heading. It is known that the EU will give more time for a second vote but we can't take the outcome of it for granted. It is the opportunity for the British people to confirm that they wanted what Rees-Mogg and others keep telling us they wanted! That will shut everybody up. Or they might see Brexit for the dogs dinner it is. Of the people I know who voted Brexit, a decent number would now vote remain. Some, not because they are EU lovers, but they feel a bit cheated.
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    This makes for some interesting reading. Possibly explains how many such obvious falsehoods were able to take root:
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    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    May is under relentless pressure in Parliament over the backstop arrangement in her latest document.
    The Irish issue remains central to this whole brexit thing.

    From the above framework:

    139. Both Parties affirm that the achievements, benefits and commitments of the peace process in Northern Ireland will remain of paramount importance to peace, stability and reconciliation. They agree that the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement reached on 10 April 1998 by the United Kingdom Government, the Irish Government and the other participants in the multi-party negotiations (the “1998 Agreement”) must be protected in all its parts, and that this extends to the practical application of the 1998 Agreement on the island of Ireland and to the totality of the relationships set out in the 1998 Agreement.
    Well quite.
    The 1998 agreement is at odds with the existence of a border, which is what brexit demands.
    The backstop dance, and indeed the maxfax aspiration are details that cloud the fundamental reality.
    The Belfast Agreement goes, or Brexit goes. The two can't coexist. To suggest they can is to promise that cats and dogs can mate and produce offspring.
    I wouldn’t worry ,, Brexit won’t happen anyway so it’s a moot point.
    Hilarious. Like many who voted Brexit, part of you now really wishes that to be true. Did you happen to watch Newsnight tonight? it's going to happen. There is no pathway to stop it in time.

    And then you will have to own it, on here. Good luck with that.

    You post such good posts normally, but every now and then, you put up an inane comment.

    I explained previously my reasons for thinking it will not happen ... in no way do I wish this to be true. That’s wishful thinking on your part ... ohhh don’t worry, the Brexiteers will come to their senses eventually, deep down they know they are wrong. What a load of crap!

    The halfway house on offer is useless to everyone. No deal will not get through Parliament. So there will be an agreement between all parties to extend the process which will eventually end in us remaining.

    The 26-pager from yesterday showed what could have been done but it’s a fantasy vision at this stage.

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    stonemuse said:

    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    stonemuse said:

    seth plum said:

    May is under relentless pressure in Parliament over the backstop arrangement in her latest document.
    The Irish issue remains central to this whole brexit thing.

    From the above framework:

    139. Both Parties affirm that the achievements, benefits and commitments of the peace process in Northern Ireland will remain of paramount importance to peace, stability and reconciliation. They agree that the Good Friday or Belfast Agreement reached on 10 April 1998 by the United Kingdom Government, the Irish Government and the other participants in the multi-party negotiations (the “1998 Agreement”) must be protected in all its parts, and that this extends to the practical application of the 1998 Agreement on the island of Ireland and to the totality of the relationships set out in the 1998 Agreement.
    Well quite.
    The 1998 agreement is at odds with the existence of a border, which is what brexit demands.
    The backstop dance, and indeed the maxfax aspiration are details that cloud the fundamental reality.
    The Belfast Agreement goes, or Brexit goes. The two can't coexist. To suggest they can is to promise that cats and dogs can mate and produce offspring.
    I wouldn’t worry ,, Brexit won’t happen anyway so it’s a moot point.
    Hilarious. Like many who voted Brexit, part of you now really wishes that to be true. Did you happen to watch Newsnight tonight? it's going to happen. There is no pathway to stop it in time.

    And then you will have to own it, on here. Good luck with that.

    You post such good posts normally, but every now and then, you put up an inane comment.

    I explained previously my reasons for thinking it will not happen ... in no way do I wish this to be true. That’s wishful thinking on your part ... ohhh don’t worry, the Brexiteers will come to their senses eventually, deep down they know they are wrong. What a load of crap!

    The halfway house on offer is useless to everyone. No deal will not get through Parliament. So there will be an agreement between all parties to extend the process which will eventually end in us remaining.

    The 26-pager from yesterday showed what could have been done but it’s a fantasy vision at this stage.

    Missed your last point ... own it on here!

    WTF do you think I’ve been doing for the last couple of years being one of a handful of people backing leave whilst receiving a multitude of insults from angry remainers ... at least you have managed to avoid sending insults.

    I have never denied my views nor been afraid to back them up.

    So yes ... I own my opinion and still believe it could have happened if we didn’t have a political strata whose main skill is producing soundbites.
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    Breaking News: Former chief Brexit negotiater in staying in the EU is better than the current deal on the table shock.
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    If you are a remainer, this was always the way it had to go. You have to let the whole thing implode and pick up the pieces from there.
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    Another rare comment from me on this thread. Having listened to most of yesterdays HoP debate and then the various 'commentators', it would seem quite obvious that this deal will not get through the commons. If that's the case what next? We could go back to the EU and try to renegotiate, but even May says that is not possible or even on the table. We could plough ahead and have a 'no deal' the type that BoJo, JRM and Doppy Davis wants, or we could say to the UK public, this is the deal we have do you want it? However the aforementioned people including May are scared of doing this, just in case the vote is to stay as we are now, that would completely destroy the 'little islanders' ideals!! Overall we are in this place due to having no back-up plan BEFORE the first referendum, that is purely down to Cameron and co. We complained here and on other forums of some of our previous managers not having a Plan B for playing a football game, this (referendum) was FAR FAR FAR, more important than that, yet it was never considered.....unbelievable Jeff (as Kammy would say!!). Finally I don't know if anyone else heard it, but Doppy Davis was interviewed earlier this week, and when asked what could happen if May's deal was defeated, he said "we would have a 'no deal' situation, but not to worry as we have a 21 month transition period to negotiate trade deals etc". This comment was made by the ex-BREXIT minister, who should know full well, that if we leave without a deal.....there is no transition period, hence we have no chance of negotiating diddly squat!! This is a man who was at the forefront of BREXIT and yet doesn't know his own rules.....unbelievable Jeff!!!
    The public are supposed to just fall in line with the buffoons dealing with the most important deal for the next 2 or 3 generations......yet we are not to be allowed a final say? That is unbelievable Jeff!!

    Great post.

    It has become abundantly clear that all of the self-appointed experts pushing for Brexit over the years (Farage, JRM, Davis, Redwood and the multitude of other high profile Brexiters) have zero clue or understanding about the rules of the EU, what leaving the EU actually entails and the benefits that EU membership brings to the UK. They have always held this view and continue to espouse the view that there is possible and also really easy way to maintain more or less our entire benefits of being in the EU but also embark on some neo-colonialism exercise where we engage in some bizarre form of 21st century mercantilism with developing countries. Developing countries which have so far displayed zero interest in preferential trade deals with the UK (mainly because most of them export to the EU under zero tariffs - and again another area these Brexiters are hopelessly ill-informed in is how the tariff schedules at the EU and WTO actually work).
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    edited November 2018

    May's plan is definitely the least worst option after no Brexit at all. But no Brexit at all seems the best option. Brexiters are not happy with the deal so what's the point? If they are not going to be happy, we might as well be better off whilst they are unhappy!

    Only as a result of the red line on FoM. She has pretty much capitulated on everything else because virtually no one thinks we won't go into the Backstop for years.

    The best deal (other than remaining) surely is EFTA/EEA like Norway, additionally with a Customs agreement? I still think this is where we may be heading.

    It seems to me that this whole thing has been about controlling movement of people, control of which we already had under EU regulations, its just our dissembling politicians have never admitted it.

    We will have ended up with less sovereignty than ever.

    If you are one of those who believes the time is up and we have to take the deal, otherwise we will crash out then then fine. I don't. There is a court case, (taken via the Scottish Supreme Court, which Dex EU has very late in the day failed to stop) being brought before the ECJ very shortly for a ruling on whether the UK can unilaterally withdraw A50 notice. If that is passed, it changes the dynamic of the options available to Parliament.

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    edited November 2018

    May is taking questions from the public on BBC News channel at 12:30. Text your question to 85058. I sent the following question.

    Why do you keep claiming you are delivering what the people want when only 37% of the electorate voted leave and at least a million Leave voters have died since the referendum and in January living Remain voters will outnumber living Leave voters?

    Yes, we should probably ignore the result of the 1975 referendum too, coz most of them voters are dead too.

    Do you have any idea how horrible you just sounded?
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    edited November 2018
    UKIP have appointed Tommy Robinson as an advisor.
This discussion has been closed.

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