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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • @JamesSeed you know 2 of them now?!
  • Sensei said:

    RD's making unreasonable demands on potential purchasers and in doing so is slowly killing our Club.

    At present we're victims of asset stripping and the delusional valuation imposed by RD. It's 'Death by a thousand cuts' if RD remains.

    So how do we help change things? How about we all participate in a mass boycott? I appreciate there are those who will passionately argue against this but consider the alternatives.

    At present RD is cost cutting and apparently seeking staff to steer us through next season. Maybe he's checking things out with other relatives over in Belgium? More KMs could arrive and the whole stupid cycle could start all over again. One thing is for sure he won't be paying high salaries for either Senior Management or for playing staff.

    But....if we boycott totally and wholeheartedly (and I know this hurts for many) what is presently an unsustainable business will quickly become a suicidal one. RD will be forced to dispose of us for a more realistic figure or if not then he will face the continued long term financing of a broken wounded business or he will be confronted with Administration. He will want to avoid the latter because he could lose a lot of the money he is trying to recover. So that would leave the bargain basement sale as his only viable choice. If he's a stubborn as we think then he might consider Administration although I doubt it because he would loose a lot more money.

    So, Administration....

    Putting aside the ethical issues (and these are many and complex) but just to test the principle what would happen if a mass boycott resulted in CAFC being taken in receivership?

    There will be many on the forum who can advise specifically on this but from my perspective, if this were to be the outcome would things get any worse?

    At this moment in time I can't see how so let's take the points penalty, let's take the pain, let's take another miserable season but I think this will finally rid us of RD and provide investors with a leaner business at a more reasonable price. Let's call his bluff.

    Touching upon the ethical issues us Fans could propose that plans to be put in place to agree to future compensation packages for local businesses and suppliers. The larger Corporate sponsors (Carlsberg and Caterers) will surely merely jump ship.

    We've done it before during the Hulyer era and great things followed. Let's be brave and try and avoid this Belgian cancer and play the only cards we have -


    Please discuss.....

    While I don't disagree with the points you made, the thing with boycotting while RD is in charge is that IMO it's more of a moral thing, RD is too rich for a boycott to hurt him in the pocket.

    If he does completely asset strip us this summer I expect this could be the last straw for a lot of remaining ST holders.
  • We will not go Bust.

  • edited June 2018
    Let’s just see what tomorrow’s statement brings us shall we.

    We have been on one hell of a rollercoaster, it was so close around a week ago, then it looked to have fell apart, and now we might be on the up of good news again.

    People, just get some sleep. (That way we can dream this is all over and @Henry Irving doesn’t get to his 1000 pages)

    Although it will, at least another 100 :wink:
  • Bowyers on fire...Cawley on Twitter now saying Kashi is gone, confirmation by Bowyer.

    3 down, 2 to go.
  • edited June 2018
    Sensei said:

    RD's making unreasonable demands on potential purchasers and in doing so is slowly killing our Club.

    At present we're victims of asset stripping and the delusional valuation imposed by RD. It's 'Death by a thousand cuts' if RD remains.

    So how do we help change things? How about we all participate in a mass boycott? I appreciate there are those who will passionately argue against this but consider the alternatives.

    At present RD is cost cutting and apparently seeking staff to steer us through next season. Maybe he's checking things out with other relatives over in Belgium? More KMs could arrive and the whole stupid cycle could start all over again. One thing is for sure he won't be paying high salaries for either Senior Management or for playing staff.

    But....if we boycott totally and wholeheartedly (and I know this hurts for many) what is presently an unsustainable business will quickly become a suicidal one. RD will be forced to dispose of us for a more realistic figure or if not then he will face the continued long term financing of a broken wounded business or he will be confronted with Administration. He will want to avoid the latter because he could lose a lot of the money he is trying to recover. So that would leave the bargain basement sale as his only viable choice. If he's a stubborn as we think then he might consider Administration although I doubt it because he would loose a lot more money.

    So, Administration....

    Putting aside the ethical issues (and these are many and complex) but just to test the principle what would happen if a mass boycott resulted in CAFC being taken in receivership?

    There will be many on the forum who can advise specifically on this but from my perspective, if this were to be the outcome would things get any worse?

    At this moment in time I can't see how so let's take the points penalty, let's take the pain, let's take another miserable season but I think this will finally rid us of RD and provide investors with a leaner business at a more reasonable price. Let's call his bluff.

    Touching upon the ethical issues us Fans could propose that plans to be put in place to agree to future compensation packages for local businesses and suppliers. The larger Corporate sponsors (Carlsberg and Caterers) will surely merely jump ship.

    We've done it before during the Hulyer era and great things followed. Let's be brave and try and avoid this Belgian cancer and play the only cards we have -


    Please discuss.....

    If only everyone would, I am, but of course we'll never persuade the Charlton till I die lot but the way things are going, it feels like the club may die before them!
  • What time is the statement to be released?
  • Sponsored links:

  • Sage said:

    Let’s just see what tomorrow’s statement brings us shall we.

    We have been on one hell of a rollercoaster, it was so close around a week ago, then it looked to have fell apart, and now we might be on the up of good news again.

    People, just get some sleep. (That way we can dream this is all over and @Henry Irving doesn’t get to his 1000 pages)

    Although it will, at least another 100 :wink:

    Here is an antipodean classic for you all to go to sleep to ...
  • What a load of bollocks.
  • A summary of today (excluding the news of a statement tomorrow):

  • If RD had any sense he’d realise the monetary losses and loss of public image, especially back in Belgium, were disproportionate for 1.5% of his business interests and take the Aussies money and run. That’s why I think this is personal, and probably has a fair way to go yet.
  • Oh god it's the hope that kills ain't it?
  • Just been driving for four plus hours. 136 new posts. Need to go to bed. Should I feel encouraged or despondent ? Serious question.
  • Just been driving for four plus hours. 136 new posts. Need to go to bed. Should I feel encouraged or despondent ? Serious question.

    Apparently positive statement from the Aussies tomorrow, so slightly encouraged.
  • Sponsored links:

  • JamesSeed said:

    sammy391 said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Just sent this to the club:

    ‘After speaking to two people from the Australian consortium hoping to buy the club, I am happy to withdraw my request for the return of my grandfather’s bust.’

    The Aussies are as we speak preparing a statement, which they plan to release tomorrow.

    They are NOT about to announce that the sale has been completed. But I believe it should be positive news. I certainly bloody hope so.

    What happens With the busy IF it isn’t positive news?
    Ok it will be positive news in that they believe the sale will go ahead. I just don’t want anyone to expect anything more positive than that.
    Like a date.
    Press Release -

    "Charlton fans please stay calm as a deal is imminent".
  • So..... if @Redhenry goes to see the Saudis, persuades them to go and speak to all the players, offering them a nice little pay rise if they just turn down any transfer requests, the Shitbag has to take the £40.5M on offer from the big boys, Job done!
  • I've just come in and spent over an hour reading 157 new posts. Bed time now. Can't wait to do the same in the morning.

  • A few it's happening gifs would be nice to help build up the excitement ahead of the statement.
  • JamesSeed said:

    Just sent this to the club:

    ‘After speaking to two people from the Australian consortium hoping to buy the club, I am happy to withdraw my request for the return of my grandfather’s bust.’

    The Aussies are as we speak preparing a statement, which they plan to release tomorrow.

    They are NOT about to announce that the sale has been completed. But I believe it should be positive news. I certainly bloody hope so.

    They answer emails nowadays then?
    Phone call.
  • How many times have we heard the word "tomorrow" the last 300 pages?

    I don't see what "positive statement" one could possibly make about this situation.

    "We have not been able to close the deal and in the meantime Roland is selling off the assets, pocketing the cash and yet keeping his price the same. This makes us hopeful."

  • What time is the statement to be released?

    Must be worth 10 pages.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!