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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



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    @JamesSeed your only mistake was to not realise that when you write might, could, maybe some people read that as will, must, definitely.

    Everything you've said has been backed up by what other information is doing the rounds plus you have a direct source.

    In future, just WhatsApp the gossip.

    You're 100% right.

    And maybe a good idea.
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    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    HarryLime said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Morning folks. I survived the dinner party, although Mrs D wasn't too pleased with my late arrival. She had to delay our guests, but I just about got the food ready thirty minutes later than planned. I was also a bit knackered after cycling 106kms as training for the Prostate Cancer UK ride on first of June.
    So I'm about to sit down and write up my recollections of what was said last night (at the meeting, rather than at the dinner party).

    I'm interested in the dinner party menu so if you can include that as well, I'm sick to death of all the pot noodle and pizza chat and want to hear about something a bit more sophisticated.
    No pot noodles on this occasion, although we do like to keep a pot handy for emergencies.

    I made sweet potato and chorizo soup the day before (just as well), and the main course featured a Waitrose cheat: Whole boned chicken with a sunblush tomato marinade. Served that with roast potatoes, baby carrots and French beans. Nothing very fancy I'm afraid.
    While I was speaking with someone who's cousin met someone connected to the consortium, my wife was busy making raspberry fool and a very nice blueberry cheesecake type thing. Luckily enough some friends found five bottles of Pol Roget in their basement while having a clearout.
    During the dinner I got into trouble when I was caught looking at my phone.
    I've worked hard today to make up for being late. I've now been allowed out of the doghouse.

    We've got some raspberry fool left if anyone wants to try some?
    Thanks for all the information James.
    The most urgent matter that arises out of all this though is how do I get hold of a serving of the raspberry fool?
    There is some left. If you were a BBC Addick (Battersea, Balham, Clapham) you'd be close enough to take advantage. Just saying.
    I'm having lunch with a CLer today, and he hasn't even mentioned it. Not doubt he'll slip it into the conversation when we're paying the bill. Should I take some with me maybe? Worried about it going off in the heat.
    Not a BBC Addick, not even close.
    BooHoo no raspberry fool for me.
    Blimey, we still have a large bowl of it still in the fridge. It was made exactly a week ago. Could it still be edible?

    Ah, my GP sister-in-law has just told me the cream will have gone off :-(
    I'm not bitter @JamesSeed at yeast you tried to add some clarity.

    It was a finings attempt and if you deserve a rebuke it should be a mild one....
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    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Promote removed, and the dogs are not getting fed this weekend. Be afraid @JamesSeed

    You're probably right. Perhaps should keep info to myself in future.
    Info is fine and welcomed.
    The unfortunate jumping to illogical conclusions, is where you tripped up.
    Except that I started the sentence with 'Just my speculation' and my statement was sprinkled with 'ifs'. No one should take speculation as anything more than thinking out loud. I also posted: ' The timing might have been connected to the takeover, or it could have been prearranged. Of course he doesn’t need to be in the UK for the takeover to progress.'
    And it wasn't illogical, just turned out to be wrong. I also said he might be coming back in time for the an announcement in two weeks. That's probably wrong, but as it's a possibility it's not illogical.

    This could of course be a great opportunity to stick the boot in if anyone wants to ;-)

    Illogical conclusion or speculating on a particular outcome, when there literally could have been hundreds of reasons is just a difference in words to me.

    Personally, I have no problem at all, because I thought your speculation was wide of the mark, but plenty of others didn't.
    Don't know what you mean by your first sentence. Sounds like you're saying all speculation is illogical.
    I think the point is that my speculation is no different from anyone elses's, and we're all allowed to speculate, as it's what forums are for.
    To be honest, I had a feeling some would put the boot in if the announcement wasn't made today, no matter how many time I urged caution on this thread. It doesn't lead me to wonder if it's worth it.

    I've not seen anyone put the boot in.
    Apart from @AFKABartram lol
    And @blackpool72
    And you, a bit.
    Tbh, it's all part of the deal, and it's fine.
    They are all joking !
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    @JamesSeed your only mistake was to not realise that when you write might, could, maybe some people read that as will, must, definitely.

    Everything you've said has been backed up by what other information is doing the rounds plus you have a direct source.

    In future, just WhatsApp the gossip.

    This. How many times have we heard people say something along the lines of, Murray said we'd be sold in February etc ?
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    Has anybody ever seen Roland and nla in the same room ?

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    JamesSeed said:

    Promote removed, and the dogs are not getting fed this weekend. Be afraid @JamesSeed

    You're probably right. Perhaps should keep info to myself in future.
    Info is fine and welcomed.
    The unfortunate jumping to illogical conclusions, is where you tripped up.
    Never trust a spanner.
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    Another day gone another weekend gone another week gone

    And still the aussies have not shown the money


    Mate.. you don’t believe they have the money and that’s fine.

    Although I’m not sure how you think a purchase on this scale happens? ‘Shown the money’ to who? Us?

    Nobody is going to turn up with a bag of gold sovereigns, climb the statue of Sam Bartram and wave an Australian flag
    I think the fellas scepticism is with the dragging on.

    I get his views.
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    SE23 said:

    If it doesn't maybe I support a diffetebt team?
    Has anyone here apart from this Jim bloke changed their team?... No.....

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    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Promote removed, and the dogs are not getting fed this weekend. Be afraid @JamesSeed

    You're probably right. Perhaps should keep info to myself in future.
    Info is fine and welcomed.
    The unfortunate jumping to illogical conclusions, is where you tripped up.
    Except that I started the sentence with 'Just my speculation' and my statement was sprinkled with 'ifs'. No one should take speculation as anything more than thinking out loud. I also posted: ' The timing might have been connected to the takeover, or it could have been prearranged. Of course he doesn’t need to be in the UK for the takeover to progress.'
    And it wasn't illogical, just turned out to be wrong. I also said he might be coming back in time for the an announcement in two weeks. That's probably wrong, but as it's a possibility it's not illogical.

    This could of course be a great opportunity to stick the boot in if anyone wants to ;-)

    Illogical conclusion or speculating on a particular outcome, when there literally could have been hundreds of reasons is just a difference in words to me.

    Personally, I have no problem at all, because I thought your speculation was wide of the mark, but plenty of others didn't.
    Don't know what you mean by your first sentence. Sounds like you're saying all speculation is illogical.
    I think the point is that my speculation is no different from anyone elses's, and we're all allowed to speculate, as it's what forums are for.
    To be honest, I had a feeling some would put the boot in if the announcement wasn't made today, no matter how many time I urged caution on this thread. It doesn't lead me to wonder if it's worth it.

    I've not seen anyone put the boot in.
    Apart from @AFKABartram lol
    And @blackpool72
    And you, a bit.
    Tbh, it's all part of the deal, and it's fine.
    They are all joking !
    I know. Sorry forgot the ;-)
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    Has anybody ever seen Roland and nla in the same room ?

    Don't forget NLA has "Big Balls". Could he really be Roland?

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    Davo55 said:

    As far as I can see @JamesSeed, you have put a lot of very good information on this forum and i for one (although there are many) applaud and appreciate that. The only speculation I can see is that an announcement might have been made today, which was derived from there fact that Andrew Muir had to fly back to Australia for a couple of weeks this weekend - and even then you did place a caveat on that speculation.

    As I see it, the key facts (from James) are:
    - the Aussies are 100% confident they have bought the club subject to EFL approval
    - it's lock, stock and barrel - thanks to the ex-Directotrs who wouldn't agree a lease deal
    - the papers are with the EFL for approval; no reason to think that won't be forthcoming
    - they are considering both Bowyer and Powell for the manager role

    I see no reason for any concern or doubt at this stage. I am 100% confident that we are going to have new Aussie owners within a couple of days of Muir's return to the UK, at the latest.

    Well they said they've done their bit and believe it should happen.
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    I'd be very surprised if anything happens in the next 2 weeks with Muir our of the country, at least publicly. I can't think of any such takeovers where the announcement took place with the main investor not in the country.
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    Another day gone another weekend gone another week gone

    And still the aussies have not shown the money


    Mate.. you don’t believe they have the money and that’s fine.

    Although I’m not sure how you think a purchase on this scale happens? ‘Shown the money’ to who? Us?

    Nobody is going to turn up with a bag of gold sovereigns, climb the statue of Sam Bartram and wave an Australian flag
    I think the fellas scepticism is with the dragging on.

    I get his views.

    I would suggest the only people that actually know definitively whether the Aussies have the requisite funds are Muir and Murphy themselves, possibly their lawyers, and maybe (although not definitely) Duchatelet.

    The likelihood of any of these three sources divulging the information to some bloke on Charlton Life are slim to none.


    It is definitely in the Aussies’ interest that Duchâtelet thinks they are less wealthy than they possibly are.

    It is in Duchatelet’s interest that all parties involved believe they are still in the running and nothing is complete.

    It is in Duchâtelet’s nature to make out like he is the good guy in all this, and that we (the naughty, ungrateful fans) should be careful what we wish for.

    The longer it drags on the less I think it will be favourable for the fans.
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    Another day gone another weekend gone another week gone

    And still the aussies have not shown the money


    Mate.. you don’t believe they have the money and that’s fine.

    Although I’m not sure how you think a purchase on this scale happens? ‘Shown the money’ to who? Us?

    Nobody is going to turn up with a bag of gold sovereigns, climb the statue of Sam Bartram and wave an Australian flag
    I think the fellas scepticism is with the dragging on.

    I get his views.

    I would suggest the only people that actually know definitively whether the Aussies have the requisite funds are Muir and Murphy themselves, possibly their lawyers, and maybe (although not definitely) Duchatelet.

    The likelihood of any of these three sources divulging the information to some bloke on Charlton Life are slim to none.


    It is definitely in the Aussies’ interest that Duchâtelet thinks they are less wealthy than they possibly are.

    It is in Duchatelet’s interest that all parties involved believe they are still in the running and nothing is complete.

    It is in Duchâtelet’s nature to make out like he is the good guy in all this, and that we (the naughty, ungrateful fans) should be careful what we wish for.

    I don't know him from Charlton Life.
    And if I'd asked my source if they had the requisite funds I'm fairly sure he would have told me. Why wouldn't he?
    I didn't bother to ask because I assumed they have, and still do.
    I think the point is that they want enough backing to give us a chance of making it to the Premier League. I don't believe NLA's contact is right when he says they can't even raise the £35m - £45m to buy the club. The fact that one or more of their backers needed to check up on a couple of issues doesn't mean that.
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    edited May 2018
    JamesSeed said:

    Another day gone another weekend gone another week gone

    And still the aussies have not shown the money


    Mate.. you don’t believe they have the money and that’s fine.

    Although I’m not sure how you think a purchase on this scale happens? ‘Shown the money’ to who? Us?

    Nobody is going to turn up with a bag of gold sovereigns, climb the statue of Sam Bartram and wave an Australian flag
    I think the fellas scepticism is with the dragging on.

    I get his views.

    I would suggest the only people that actually know definitively whether the Aussies have the requisite funds are Muir and Murphy themselves, possibly their lawyers, and maybe (although not definitely) Duchatelet.

    The likelihood of any of these three sources divulging the information to some bloke on Charlton Life are slim to none.


    It is definitely in the Aussies’ interest that Duchâtelet thinks they are less wealthy than they possibly are.

    It is in Duchatelet’s interest that all parties involved believe they are still in the running and nothing is complete.

    It is in Duchâtelet’s nature to make out like he is the good guy in all this, and that we (the naughty, ungrateful fans) should be careful what we wish for.

    I don't know him from Charlton Life.
    And if I'd asked my source if they had the requisite funds I'm fairly sure he would have told me. Why wouldn't he?
    I didn't bother to ask because I assumed they have, and still do.
    I think the point is that they want enough backing to give us a chance of making it to the Premier League. I don't believe NLA's contact is right when he says they can't even raise the £35m - £45m to buy the club. The fact that one or more of their backers needed to check up on a couple of issues doesn't mean that.
    I was actually referring to NLA being told that they don’t have the funds by some source (presumably within the club).

    Although my point still stands - even if your source was Muir himself, he wouldn’t divulge financial specifics or issue any more proof than saying ‘yup, we have enough money’.
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    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    JamesSeed said:

    HarryLime said:

    JamesSeed said:

    Morning folks. I survived the dinner party, although Mrs D wasn't too pleased with my late arrival. She had to delay our guests, but I just about got the food ready thirty minutes later than planned. I was also a bit knackered after cycling 106kms as training for the Prostate Cancer UK ride on first of June.
    So I'm about to sit down and write up my recollections of what was said last night (at the meeting, rather than at the dinner party).

    I'm interested in the dinner party menu so if you can include that as well, I'm sick to death of all the pot noodle and pizza chat and want to hear about something a bit more sophisticated.
    No pot noodles on this occasion, although we do like to keep a pot handy for emergencies.

    I made sweet potato and chorizo soup the day before (just as well), and the main course featured a Waitrose cheat: Whole boned chicken with a sunblush tomato marinade. Served that with roast potatoes, baby carrots and French beans. Nothing very fancy I'm afraid.
    While I was speaking with someone who's cousin met someone connected to the consortium, my wife was busy making raspberry fool and a very nice blueberry cheesecake type thing. Luckily enough some friends found five bottles of Pol Roget in their basement while having a clearout.
    During the dinner I got into trouble when I was caught looking at my phone.
    I've worked hard today to make up for being late. I've now been allowed out of the doghouse.

    We've got some raspberry fool left if anyone wants to try some?
    Thanks for all the information James.
    The most urgent matter that arises out of all this though is how do I get hold of a serving of the raspberry fool?
    There is some left. If you were a BBC Addick (Battersea, Balham, Clapham) you'd be close enough to take advantage. Just saying.
    I'm having lunch with a CLer today, and he hasn't even mentioned it. Not doubt he'll slip it into the conversation when we're paying the bill. Should I take some with me maybe? Worried about it going off in the heat.
    Not a BBC Addick, not even close.
    BooHoo no raspberry fool for me.
    Blimey, we still have a large bowl of it still in the fridge. It was made exactly a week ago. Could it still be edible?

    Ah, my GP sister-in-law has just told me the cream will have gone off :-(
    So what ????? Just give it to those sticking the boot in :smile:
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    JamesSeed said:

    Another day gone another weekend gone another week gone

    And still the aussies have not shown the money


    Mate.. you don’t believe they have the money and that’s fine.

    Although I’m not sure how you think a purchase on this scale happens? ‘Shown the money’ to who? Us?

    Nobody is going to turn up with a bag of gold sovereigns, climb the statue of Sam Bartram and wave an Australian flag
    I think the fellas scepticism is with the dragging on.

    I get his views.

    I would suggest the only people that actually know definitively whether the Aussies have the requisite funds are Muir and Murphy themselves, possibly their lawyers, and maybe (although not definitely) Duchatelet.

    The likelihood of any of these three sources divulging the information to some bloke on Charlton Life are slim to none.


    It is definitely in the Aussies’ interest that Duchâtelet thinks they are less wealthy than they possibly are.

    It is in Duchatelet’s interest that all parties involved believe they are still in the running and nothing is complete.

    It is in Duchâtelet’s nature to make out like he is the good guy in all this, and that we (the naughty, ungrateful fans) should be careful what we wish for.

    I don't know him from Charlton Life.
    And if I'd asked my source if they had the requisite funds I'm fairly sure he would have told me. Why wouldn't he?
    I didn't bother to ask because I assumed they have, and still do.
    I think the point is that they want enough backing to give us a chance of making it to the Premier League. I don't believe NLA's contact is right when he says they can't even raise the £35m - £45m to buy the club. The fact that one or more of their backers needed to check up on a couple of issues doesn't mean that.
    I was actually referring to NLA being told that they don’t have the funds by some source (presumably within the club).

    Although my point still stands - even if your source was Muir himself, he wouldn’t divulge financial specifics or issue any more proof than saying ‘yup, we have enough money’.
    Goes without saying doesn't it?
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!