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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • cafcwill said:
    Apoligies if this has been asked and answered before, but just for clairification

    Do all of the directors have to be paid off in order for the sale to be completed or can the 3 be kept on for the prospective new owners to sort out?

    I.E. Roland has paid off the £4 Million of the & £7 million and made deals with these 4 (?) directors, leaving the other 3 with charges on the title still. This will be seen as a reduction of cost from the Aussies side (if they want the clean title, which it seems they do)


    Do all 7 have to be paid off in order for the charge to be removed? (what i think i mean is the charges 1 single Charge or 7 individual charges )?

    (i think i have made sense there, apoligies if i haven't)

    I'm not 100% certain.
    However, the sale can go through with the ex-director loans remaining, as they have done in the previous 2 sales. 
    The Aussies want all the loans repaid, so it doesn't matter whether or not there are 7 individual charges.
    The question as to why The Aussies want the loans repaid remains unanswered.
    Obviously, to obtain clean title, but why ?
    The answers are because they do end of, or because their possible financiers demand it so.         

    Sorry I'm struggling to keep up, but where and when was this quoted that the Aussies want all loans paid off ? There are 1676 pages !
    Plus by whom ?
    Someone wants the ex-director loans paid off and it isn't RD so it must be The Aussies.
    The Aussies want them paid off so they own CAFC 100%, without any mortgages/charges ranking in front of them.
    The only way this can be achieved (clean title/100% ownership) is if all the loans are paid off.
    So it's common sense.

    Cant had added to read another 7 pages so I'll say what I'vd said since the play offs last season.......

    The loans dont have to be repaid now. The ex-directors arent asking for them to be repaid now. RD doesn't have to repay them now. The only people who are wanting them to be repaid now are the new owners. That being the case I would seriously ask why. They could always buy the club now & repay them in 6 or 12 months. The fact that they want clean title from day one is very worrying. And f**long holding everything up.

    Never trust an Aussie. 

    Can I buy your house from you but pay you when I win the National Lottery?
    Not even close to an analogy old bean. If I sell you my house but you know the interest free loan for the windows I had installed is only due to be repaid when  you win the lottery then you may be getting close.....

    Anyhow. After reading the last 6 pages since my recent post I'm starting to think the Aussies are taking the p**s. I am certainly not a RD appeaser & want him gone like the rest......but there is no reason why the loans need to be repaid NOW.....and asking the "7" to take 25% now & the rest later, with the undertaking of them being removed as security should make everyone wonder wtf ! What sort of deal is that ??!! Who does that benefit ??

    As has been said many a time on here. If the Aussies have such a 'plan' & a budget to match, which means they arent willing to pay £2m now to settle some of the loans (I believe Airman said that some of the ex-directors are happy to settle for less) then you wonder what is in store 6-12 months down the line. 

    It seems the aussies are trying make this acquisition by borrowing against the company assets to fund the deal in some way, I cant see any other reason for the director loans to be causing this make or break scenario

    obviously the loans are secured on the assets so no one will lend against them until the current charge is removed 

    Google the harbour club to get a better understanding of how acquaitions are commonly structured

    If they had the money there is no way this would hold up the deal, no interest on the loans and not even repayable unless Premier league status is achieved, at which point the loans get repaid with a smile 

    Something not right be careful what you wish you 
  • Addickted said:
    JamesSeed said:

    If you wait a few days I imagine all will be revealed about the directors’ loans. The Roland discount issue is not applicable. 
    JamesSeed said:

    They’d be happy to wait til the Premier League. But if someone wants to pay them off in order to obtain clean title, then they can either accept a discount, or ask for the full amount. 

    Somone? So either RD or the potential purcahsers then.

    My uderstanding is that LdT is the one who's been in contact with the ex Directors. Is he moonlighting for Muir now then?

    It was Way back,  when LDT made contact but he hasn’t spoken to all of them recently if he has spoken to any at all 

    I don’t see how any info can come out other than no approach made by RD at all that would constitute discussions and possible solutions to the loans 
  • JamesSeed said:
    @JamesSeed thanks for the info given so far. However I have a question, if RD isn't paying off the loans and the Aussies arn't, we surely have an impasse and any deal will be off? Unless I'm missing something!
    I didn’t say the Aussies aren’t   

    So are the Aussies in contact with the former directors to do a deal?
    LDT has made contact with all the ex-directors. It has to be done via the seller's side or the broker if LDT is desribed as such.

    No he hasn’t 
  • edited June 2019
    Redhenry suggesting that Bows is off on the summer transfer rumours thread.
    No he isn’t....he’s saying that if he doesn’t get a decent deal he MAY be off, big difference.
    That’s nothing that we don’t know anyway.
    Secondly, why would do you believe he is saying Bow is about to walk....cos he isn’t saying that.
  • JamesSeed said:
    But don’t think it ends there folks. Please bear in mind that what goes on behind the scenes can be more complex than it seems from the outside. Also bear in mind how little face time there has been between Roland and Gerard. Despite that, much of the info Gerard receives comes from Roland, Murray or Lieven, so I’d ask for understanding if things can look a little odd at times. 
    We are being patient. Look how patient we are being.
    Thanks Russell (bugger just seen that someone got in hours before me :neutral:)
    You snooze @charltonbob you lose :wink:
  • Anyone think the last fans forum was delayed so that the club can be sold before they have to face the fans again? Just a thought! 
  • RedChaser said:
    JamesSeed said:
    But don’t think it ends there folks. Please bear in mind that what goes on behind the scenes can be more complex than it seems from the outside. Also bear in mind how little face time there has been between Roland and Gerard. Despite that, much of the info Gerard receives comes from Roland, Murray or Lieven, so I’d ask for understanding if things can look a little odd at times. 
    We are being patient. Look how patient we are being.
    Thanks Russell (bugger just seen that someone got in hours before me :neutral:)
    You snooze @charltonbob you lose :wink:
    Snooze ? I could have had a bloody good sleep the time between the first "Russell" post & mine :-)
  • 1684, Chipperfield's circus begins when James Chipperfield introduced performing animals to London.
  • Have I missed anything while I've just been out to water the plants
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  • The Aussies do not need clean title to borrow money on the assets. And come BoJo management they will get 20% more for their Aussie dollar. Purchase in November.
  • 1684, Chipperfield's circus begins when James Chipperfield introduced performing animals to London.

    2014, Duchatelet's circus begins when Roland Duchatelet introduced a performing Keeper Thuram to London who can't catch a football.
  • Clean title and hair cut can now be added to the CL glossary.

    Rainy day and Mondays are shite and so was trying to understand the merits of having clean title because it's helps to borrow money against the assets in the interim, instead of waiting  to pay out when the impossible dream of reaching the premier is achieved. If the magnificent 7 had waited for the Premier to get their money that's called a roll over.
    There you go another word for the glossary.

    Thanks for all the people who tried to explain it in lay man terms and go and do one to the arses who acted all superior over the nonsense of the ex directors loans and why it became a mega problem.

    Tuesday is a new day so let's hope we make progress before Lee Bowyer and coaching staff fuck off.

    Good night after a shit day.
  • The end is near I can feel it.

    No its not......
  • edited June 2019
    Clean title and hair cut can now be added to the CL glossary.

    Rainy day and Mondays are shite and so was trying to understand the merits of having clean title because it's helps to borrow money against the assets in the interim, instead of waiting  to pay out when the impossible dream of reaching the premier is achieved. If the magnificent 7 had waited for the Premier to get their money that's called a roll over.
    There you go another word for the glossary.

    Thanks for all the people who tried to explain it in lay man terms and go and do one to the arses who acted all superior over the nonsense of the ex directors loans and why it became a mega problem.

    Tuesday is a new day so let's hope we make progress before Lee Bowyer and coaching staff fuck off.

    Good night after a shit day

     Welcome to sunny Tuesday 😎
  • I appreciate the efforts of people with connections in either camp for passing on as much information as they can.

    But the absence of any definitive information means that a worrying picture is emerging. Logically, as mentioned previously, the reason that the Aussies want the loans to be cleared is so that they can borrow against the club's physical assets, namely The Valley and Sparrows Lane. This suggests that they don't have the funds to run the club without leveraging these assets. This could leave us in a very precarious position if things don't go as well as anticipated and the borrowed money runs out.

    I hope that this is a mis-reading of the situation. Along with the rumours of Bowyer and Gallen preparing to walk, it's a nerve-wracking time to be a Charlton fan (again). 
    The Glazers bought Man Utd with debt, not their own cash.  It's normal business practise.  Not spending £7m now as they want to use that money to fund the manager, coach and team sounds sensible to me!
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  • Looks like next season could be an utter farce with RD in charge - could be embarrassing.
  • CafcSCP said:
    Anyone think the last fans forum was delayed so that the club can be sold before they have to face the fans again? Just a thought! 
    That would involve some a least some strategy, which to date they've displayed none.
  • edited June 2019
    It goes without saying it will be a total disaster and gut wrenching if Bowyer and key personnel are not signed up very very soon especially after the highs of Wembley and increased prospect of a change of owner. A takeover is absolutely imperative and beggars can't be choosers as far as the Aussies are concerned at this eleventh hour.

    At the moment we are all left hanging, waiting for news of an imminent sale but a lot of us have been here before when the club nearly went out of business prior to the move to Sellout. We survived that and we will survive this mad owner's attempts to completely destroy the very fabric of our club.

    As someone once said early on in the Rat's reign of terror, 'it's going to be a bumpy ride' and that ride ain't over just yet. The next few days are likely to be critical, contracts wise but even so the old Scrote will be gone one day so keep the faith fellow Addicks and don't despair we will be rid of him eventually with or without Bowyer and co. The world will keep on turning and Charlton Athletic might still be in need of intensive care but it is still very much alive. COYRs!
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!