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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



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    would stick an extra 500 on the gate Saturday if it happens

    Starting to feel like I picked the right game to end my home game boycott, what a great atmosphere it could be, free of Roland celebrations flowing and playing Sunderland with a good memory of that 4-4 penalty victory at the back of all our minds to keep us all inspired for a late promotion push
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    Let it be.
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    We're like a baited hook waiting for the big fish with bated breath.

    Carrot on a stick
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    clive said:

    For anybody who wants to here what Jim White & Simon Jordan said on the takeover,listen here.

    9:20 it starts
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    Unless, of course, the positive spin is that maybe the Aussies didnt like or want to finance the likes of Sarr and Bauer at their rates, and now believe its the perfect /optimum time, with the club in the top 6 to spend the cash (with maybe a discounted price) with the possibility of getting to the Champs.

    The thing is, if its the same Aussie consortium as before, then why would they need to be shown around the Valley again?
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    clive said:

    For anybody who wants to here what Jim White & Simon Jordan said on the takeover,listen here.

    Thanks Clive.

    We’ve got 74 hours left in Australia. Bring it over the line lads!! Love The Aussies right now and this will top it off!!

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    "bored with this"

    "Close this thread"

    Said the easily bored and the shortsighted.

    Viva la takeover thread
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    edited January 2019
    sammy391 said:

    clive said:

    For anybody who wants to here what Jim White & Simon Jordan said on the takeover,listen here.

    9:20 it starts
    Just had a listen... Simon Jordan comes over as decent in this clip........I know, I need to lie down in a dark room.....but he does....!
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    Unless, of course, the positive spin is that maybe the Aussies didnt like or want to finance the likes of Sarr and Bauer at their rates, and now believe its the perfect /optimum time, with the club in the top 6 to spend the cash (with maybe a discounted price) with the possibility of getting to the Champs.

    The thing is, if its the same Aussie consortium as before, then why would they need to be shown around the Valley again?

    New members of the consortium?
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    Started listening thinking Simon Jordan is such a belled.

    Ended thinking, he actually is alright.


    The format on talk sport generally gets the best from him. If you ever read his old newspaper columns it'd be 5 paragraphs, the first and last of which would be terrible, with him name dropping and stroking his own ego, whilst there would often be a decent point hidden in the middle of the shit sandwich.

    On talk sport, whether through the format or him mateluring, he generally comes across well and make decent points. Plus he provides a useful different perspective from the old boys club of ex pros.
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    johnny73 said:

    A takeover on Friday would be a lovely birthday present for me.

    Same here! Fingers crossed
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    clive said:

    For anybody who wants to here what Jim White & Simon Jordan said on the takeover,listen here.

    According to JW we have three games in hand on Portsmouth.

    Not sure how to take his other 'fact' about a sale in 48 hours.

    Or maybe 72 hours.
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    edited January 2019

    My understanding is that's it is new Aussies with a younger bloke being the main money but still linked to the same original bid via Murphy.

    My own view is that Duchatelet is still a twat and will dick around with this and any other potential buyers.

    White is most likely being fed his info from Roland or his stooges.

    There is no 48 or 72 deadline and White never said there was.


    Had it ruin it didn't you
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    Addickted said:

    clive said:

    For anybody who wants to here what Jim White & Simon Jordan said on the takeover,listen here.

    According to JW we have three games in hand on Portsmouth.

    Not sure how to take his other 'fact' about a sale in 48 hours.

    Or maybe 72 hours.
    Maybe they're giving them to us as part of the deal. I like these new owners already.
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    My understanding is that's it is new Aussies with a younger bloke being the main money but still linked to the same original bid via Murphy.

    My own view is that Duchatelet is still a twat and will dick around with this and any other potential buyers.

    White is most likely being fed his info from Roland or his stooges.

    There is no 48 or 72 deadline and White never said there was.


    Sadly, I think you are correct. I refuse to get my hopes up. White is just speculating (he's a journalist after all) it's his job to conjure up a good story. WIOTOS !!
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    January 2019.
    The month and year, CAFC finally went to the dogs, or the month and year CAFC became the dog's bollocks.

    Lick that; any more leads ?
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    Reckon if the price quoted is correct between 20-30million, there will be a clause for a further payment on promotion to the Championship with one fee if it is this season and a lesser fee if it's the following season. Roland will still be in the background trying to claw back as much money as possible.
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    Wtf is WIOTOS

    W ?
    I ?
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    My understanding is that's it is new Aussies with a younger bloke being the main money but still linked to the same original bid via Murphy.

    My own view is that Duchatelet is still a twat and will dick around with this and any other potential buyers.

    White is most likely being fed his info from Roland or his stooges.

    There is no 48 or 72 deadline and White never said there was.


    Younger Aussie in his mid to late 30s, with a background in Aussie Rules.
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    edited January 2019
    Wtf is WIOTOS

    W ?
    I ?

    w..hen , I..t's .
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!