There has always normally been a Duchatelet knee-jerk (and i'm not talking about his dancing) after most of our Belgium visits (the rant email, and the Slade sacking ) - i honestly believe that should we not win at Northampton and after the protests in Belgium that Robinson will be gone on the following Monday.
This protest over in Belgium wont make an app of diffference to Roland. He is digging in and sticking to his dream of being a successful football club owner sating his own ideology of how a cloob should be run...he is after all a successful business man so he has the credentials.
Football is a funny old game ain't it........
I tend to side with Theodore Roosevelt on the question of what makes a difference. The most apt quotes of his are:
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
“The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.”
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”
We already know what the effects of doing nothing. The Belgian protest may not convince Duchatalet to sell. But it may give him another push. We really need him and the smirking minion out now.
We don't have a knock out punch so we have to keep chipping away in the hope of wearing him down. It might take years or he might go in weeks or months.
We know the Belgian protests annoy and upset him, we know he's not happy that this protest is taking place and is already blaming the mayor and police commissioner after his attempt to ban the march failed.
We know he's sunk back to libelling the protestors again because he has no valid response to the clear evidence that he has failed again and again and will continue to fail.
I don't think that one protest in Belgium will make him sell up, but if he thinks they will happen frequently it might, especially if the St. Truiden fans back us up. Of course it might make no difference, because no-one understands his mentality, but it seems the best bet. And another carpark protest or two, for those who can't make it to Belgium, that would add to the pressure.
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
I doubt he'll be anywhere near St. Truiden next week
There are a lot of people ITK who believe he will be in ST next week. He's a stubborn man of habit who doesnt want to show any weakness - he'll continue doing what he does normally to show that he wont be told what to do by other people. Lets give you a little example, after we did the birthday stunt at the restaurant , whilst we were driving back to Calais the following day we got informed that he was in the very same restaurant where he had been encountered the previous day. Its almost a 'trophy' thing for him - to show that noone is going to 'beat' him.
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
Logistically impossible I suspect but how good would it be for a joint protest from all clubs in the network
2016; 20 protesters from Charlton Athletic 2017: 200+ protesters from CAFC & STVV 2018: 2000+ protesters from across the Network??
As you say, the logistics would be horrendous, but even the threat of that being the next step would give Roland pause for thought.
More realistically, it would be good to see other Network clubs staging joint protests with STVV, assuming next weekend unfolds as planned. Roland will not enjoy the prospect of Charlton-style protests spreading through his empire!
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
I've booked my place on the day coach (hopefully anyway; not actually had confirmation yet!).
I don't pretend to be as fanatical supporter as most on these boards, I haven't had a season ticket since I was a kid and now I live the other side of London I find it harder to get to matches. That said I've been boycotting for nearly two seasons now (only one away game in that time) and it's also frankly somewhat inconvenient for me to take all this time to go to Belgium, but being a little too young to appreciate what was going on in the Back To The Valley days, I feel this is important for me to attend to try and save the club which runs through generations of my family. I've been reduced to idly checking my BBC Sport app alerts when we go 1-0 down and sighing not only because we're losing, but also because I never thought I could feel so empty about it.
No one action will get this club back on track, but RD has stated he didn't like it when supporters disrupted his meal and we can protest in the car park as much as we want (I've attended a couple and then gone home, refusing to spend money at the club) but they are only effective up until a point, and I was there way back when Katrien laughed in our faces at the original 2% protest! I also have no further interest in littering the pitch with sponge toys, because that has had it's day now too.
Therefore it's things like this Belgium protest which are the only thing which I feel give us a chance of eventually the senile old fool might think it's more bother than it's worth and bugger off.
To those who say "whats the point" or worse, mock the protests, I think it beggars belief that we could have sunk so low and many people will not take action of some kind. Month after month our unhinged owner saddles us with debt as we spiral downwards through the leagues so I'm staggered at this mentality, personally.
I don't really know anyone from these boards in person, but I know I share a common cause which is the only thing that fills me with hope at the moment regarding my beloved club.
I went to the pre-season game in 2015 and various bars were only too happy to oblige when asked.
But you can't blame people for trying
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
“The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.”
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”
We don't have a knock out punch so we have to keep chipping away in the hope of wearing him down. It might take years or he might go in weeks or months.
We know the Belgian protests annoy and upset him, we know he's not happy that this protest is taking place and is already blaming the mayor and police commissioner after his attempt to ban the march failed.
We know he's sunk back to libelling the protestors again because he has no valid response to the clear evidence that he has failed again and again and will continue to fail.
He bought the wrong club.
The choice is yours.
Perhaps we should test it out next Saturday if he has the nerve to show his face.....
Something along the lines of the WARriors, semi clad & at their most alluring , bursting out of a huge cake & yelling "Surprise !" might do the trick ?
I'm game if you are @Arsenetatters ...
Lets give you a little example, after we did the birthday stunt at the restaurant , whilst we were driving back to Calais the following day we got informed that he was in the very same restaurant where he had been encountered the previous day. Its almost a 'trophy' thing for him - to show that noone is going to 'beat' him.
Don't do it ladies, it's going to be a bit cold out there next week.
2017: 200+ protesters from CAFC & STVV
2018: 2000+ protesters from across the Network??
As you say, the logistics would be horrendous, but even the threat of that being the next step would give Roland pause for thought.
More realistically, it would be good to see other Network clubs staging joint protests with STVV, assuming next weekend unfolds as planned. Roland will not enjoy the prospect of Charlton-style protests spreading through his empire!
I hope you're more alluring than these Warriors!
Shit, I thought it was just a Charlton Life weekender.
I don't pretend to be as fanatical supporter as most on these boards, I haven't had a season ticket since I was a kid and now I live the other side of London I find it harder to get to matches. That said I've been boycotting for nearly two seasons now (only one away game in that time) and it's also frankly somewhat inconvenient for me to take all this time to go to Belgium, but being a little too young to appreciate what was going on in the Back To The Valley days, I feel this is important for me to attend to try and save the club which runs through generations of my family. I've been reduced to idly checking my BBC Sport app alerts when we go 1-0 down and sighing not only because we're losing, but also because I never thought I could feel so empty about it.
No one action will get this club back on track, but RD has stated he didn't like it when supporters disrupted his meal and we can protest in the car park as much as we want (I've attended a couple and then gone home, refusing to spend money at the club) but they are only effective up until a point, and I was there way back when Katrien laughed in our faces at the original 2% protest! I also have no further interest in littering the pitch with sponge toys, because that has had it's day now too.
Therefore it's things like this Belgium protest which are the only thing which I feel give us a chance of eventually the senile old fool might think it's more bother than it's worth and bugger off.
To those who say "whats the point" or worse, mock the protests, I think it beggars belief that we could have sunk so low and many people will not take action of some kind. Month after month our unhinged owner saddles us with debt as we spiral downwards through the leagues so I'm staggered at this mentality, personally.
I don't really know anyone from these boards in person, but I know I share a common cause which is the only thing that fills me with hope at the moment regarding my beloved club.
Onwards, to Belgium!