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Slade getting narky in post match interview



  • Katrien has got to him. 'They're all out to get us.'
  • He won't last 5 minutes with that stroppy attitude. He's obviously realised that he's taken the job from hell.
  • My money is on a new manager by the end of September, with Roly and Katrien pointing out English isn't always better.

    New manager will get no more resources either.
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  • as I said a couple of days ago he needs to stop putting deadlines of the next signing. There is only one deadline, 31st August. He makes a rod for his own back saying 'next 48 hours' etc and then gets sarky when questioned on it. Sounds like he's feeling the pressure already and he hasn't really begun yet.

    31st of August ? We could have lost five games by then and be bottom of the league. If we leave it that late we can kiss this season goodbye.

  • They're testing my patience!

    Bloody patience...yeah that's what we need when we're totally unprepared for the season.

    We all know they're waiting for the unattached, unfit and desperate to play anywhere list to be published.

    How long did they Johnson around trying to sign Foley? Tres incompetence!
  • Interesting times, putting it politely. It just gets worse every single day. Check the account in the morning @Curb_It
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  • Ouch. None of this sounds good.

    (And yeah, he does sound a bit like David Brent when he gets annoyed...)
  • edited August 2016

    SDAddick said:

    Saw some of the reactions on here before listening to the interview, thought there might be a bit of an overreaction, given I've felt he's gotten more praise than he's deserved for "good pressers." But when I heard it, I just kept saying "wow." It was so petulant and unprofessional. And unnecessary.

    Completely agree with @LargeAddick, it's a mistake to put time tables next to transfer. Slade had an absolutely valid point that sometimes these things take longer than expect, it happens to perfectly competent football clubs as well. But his response after that was snarky and stupid.

    It was a bit snarky, and not called for, but it is the sort of thing more illustrious managers than Slade do all the time. Admittedly when dealing with fleet street hacks rather than the likes of friendly young Palace Louis.

    In an ideal world Slade would keep quiet about transfers but a few thoughts:

    1) Slade knows he has to be seen to be separate from the regime. One of the things the regime is most criticised for is its lack/quality of transfer activity. I think Slade feels under a bit of pressure to keep reassuring fans that they are trying to get deals done and for good quality players that we want, rather than just signing any old piece of crap just because they are available and easy deals to do.

    2) Another criticism has been that there has been insufficient communication from the club with fans. If they were saying nothing about incoming deals everyone would be up in arms about the silence. It's not an easy balance for him to strike right now as everyone external to the club seems to be looking for the slightest excuse to criticise every little thing that is said or done even remotely out of turn. Short of publically calling KM a c*nt and winning every game 6-0 (and neither of those are likely) he is a little bit damned if he does and damned if doesn't right now.

    3) For all the fact that not enough transfers have been done yet, I think it's fair to say that the deals that have been done were the kind of signings most fans were asking for and I can understand why Slade might feel a bit defensive about the fact that he has chosen to wait, where he had to, to get the right deals done. He's the first manager under this lot to get more than a token signing of his choice to supplement the network cast offs, we don't know how much of a fight hat has been for him and maybe he feels he's not getting the credit he thinks he deserves for that.

    4) I think Louis' question was fair and respectful, but if he was in a touchy mood, as he might well be having suffered a second frustrating defeat in a week, he might be forgiven for interpreting it that Louis was questioning how honest Slade was being about the deal. Like I say, doesn't mean he had to do that as Louis is a good egg and a fair journo, but I don't suppose Slade was having the best day of his life and it's hardly like he said anything offensive about Louis.
    You certainly make some well thought out and articulated points. Just going through them one-by-one.

    .5: yes, more prestigious managers absolutely get away with this kind of thing, But only a select few, and oftentimes one who are either very, very successful (Lord Ferg, Mourinho) or proper hard if not a bit mediocre (Moyes, Keane, Pullis, Hughes). Personally, it drives me nuts. Also, just for the sake of you own image, and even your own sanity, these aren't the Sky Cameras he's talking into. It's local journos, fans, and fans of rival clubs. He's going to be seeing them after pretty much every game for the rest of the year.

    1) Fair enough, he is certainly walking a tightrope. That said, our transfer policy this summer hasn't exactly blown me away. But I agree, and I tried to mention just as such, transfers are often longwinded and complicated. I think he makes it hard for himself by putting in timelines then constantly miss them. Just say "Look, we're doing everything we can." Some people will react negatively no matter what, so play straight with them. Sometimes saying you don't know is the best, and smartest thing you can do.

    2) Yes, I agree that to an extent, there is no winning here. But when I talk about his comments being unnecessary, this is what I'm referring to. He's got a rough time of it, though how rough, and how aware he is of the fans' displeasure with the regime and the reasons why I don't know. But he is likely to have a tough season. So his little moment of petulance (and it was a only a moment) is shooting himself a bit in the foot when he needs all the credit and good will he can get.

    3) As far as the signings most fans want, I suspect you're right, but I've been very vocal in the fact that I do not think a traditional British manager and a team made up of British lower league journeyman are the answer. I'll abstain on that.

    To the other point, regarding budgets and things, you're right, I don't know what his budget is, or was, or how it evolves when players go out the door, or if it evolves. But we have glaring holes in our squad, and I feel that some of the players we've chosen to use as reinforcements just aren't up to it.

    4) Disagree completely, never liked anything Louis' done, even before it turned out he's Palace.

    That said, can't wait for Charlton Live on Thursday :)

    Lastly, no one died here. Tensions are running high for all the well stated reasons. I'm not trying to blow this up into something it isn't. He didn't do a RoJo. It was just a silly and disappointing moment from him. We all have them. I am the most condescending and petulant when I don't intend to be. The best outcome for me would be to take Louis aside at some point and just say "sorry if I was a little prickly on that."
  • here we go ... unravelling before the season has even got going...

    Avoiding League 2 is my only aim this year... getting rid of the belgium morons is the permanent aim...
  • I reckon the frustration comes from the fact that he can't land the kind of players he was hoping for, following Ajose, which was really just a false dawn. What ambitious, talented and experienced player in their right mind, would choose to come to Charlton right now? Ajose was probably convinced by Slade that this was a fresh start. Since then, the squad has been decimated. Players in demand normally have plenty of choice and different options, here and abroad, Charlton would be last on their list. Hence, we end up with aging pro's who have lost their legs and are grateful for one last contract. In contrast, Slade wouldn't get offered a three year contract too often, and he snapped it up, without worrying too much about the history of his employers, or the feeling amongst supporters.
  • low are your standards?

    Get a f*cking grip. Stop trying to sell minor positives. It was an embarrassment and embarrassing scoreline. You don't necessarily have to say we were awful just that we need to rapidly increase our performances.

    Just say where working hard to put everything right on and off the field.

    He's a frustrated manager that is starting to sound like his boss for a brief 30 seconds.

    It's not patience. It's shit.
  • He's angry and took it out on the wrong person and its fallen in the public eye.
  • You would expect a manager under pressure to react like that, but we're two games into the season. I think he knows we are in real trouble with this squad.
  • Snappy Rusty showing his true colours in that interview. Your annoyed? You haven't had to put up for it for the past 2 1/2 years!

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