It is interesting that Sue says dear Chris is putting in 60 hours a week. I know that he actually works during those 60 hours too. I have frequently seen Katrien Miere arrive on Saturday afternoon matchdays well after 1pm. We know that apart from Dubai she frequently goes elsewhere during the working week. I am guessing here, but my considered estimation is that if Chris works 60 hours per week, then Katrien probably works about 10. Which is fair enough because if she worked more she will mess up more.
Don't be so silly. Your immature ramblings do not aid CARD's cause nor your own. Stick to the facts.
So those million plus people who protested about going into Iraq were a disgrace, as were the Suffragettes. I would imagine this protestor in America was a disgrace too. Causing all that disruption and whatnot.
Pretty disgraceful comparing Charltons situation with those.
So those million plus people who protested about going into Iraq were a disgrace, as were the Suffragettes. I would imagine this protestor in America was a disgrace too. Causing all that disruption and whatnot.
Pretty disgraceful comparing Charltons situation with those.
I think it is more comparing with the comments to the effect that no-one should ever protest/strike, because doing so is an inconvenience to others...
Writing from a ferry currently floating in the middle of the North Sea without propulsion. (But the wifi still works).
You are right she needs a much more critical level of abuse. She is clearly delusional and is showing some symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder. She may wish to consider whether she needs professional help. Dr Maurice Lipsedge is good.
Ooh, the engines are back on - we are going forwards again! That's a relief.
I don't think we're going to agree ever, because I see the whole picture and the club I love being destroyed and the heart and soul being ripped out and trashed like Floyd and Harvey never to be seen again, you are biased your husband works with Katrien and you "like her" so you want to see the best, you'll see what you want to see and you'll believe what you want to believe there's nothing I or any other open eyed supporter can say that will make you change that. The fortunate thing is you are part of a selective group, you are a minority (I'd say about 2%) the rest of us are on this planet. Your Facebook group, if you delete everyone that's anti regime you'll lose over half plus at least one of your admin that I know supports CARD. You see the anti group are growing more and more by the day, and, by Roland being stupid enough to needlessly let us get relegated, the most unnecessary and avoidable relegation in our history, he has strengthened the very force that stands against him. Basically this is a war we have been invaded and we are fighting for what is ours and we will win, why? Because we care and he don't, the heart always prevails.
Let's leave it there and agree to disagree, I don't wish you any hard feelings and I hope whatever happens in the future with the club that Chris's job will be safe. Be happy and healthy...I'll leave you with a few happy memories...
Well said and you did the right thing by being polite at the end. It should clearly show her fans are decent human beings and not thugs. Fighting for very valid reasons.
I thought that was a very good, articulate response Sadiejane. Really interesting to see a clearer more detailed explanation of Sue Parkes' thinking. Which I believe is selective on fact, and is generally a misguided, distorted take on things. Just my view. Maybe I am just trying to wriggle out of getting the blame for last season's relegation.
Thank you SJ for sharing that exchange - it sets the background for all that we seen for the past 31 months.
Mrs Parkes as a season ticket holder and a supporter is entitled to her opinions. As such her opinions however hold no more value than anyone else.
That she is "connected" to the club through her husbands employment and his work with the executive requires a measure of corporate discipline. That she chooses to ignore such discipline is at best unfortunate. It is another reflection of the lack of professionalism surrounding the club.
It is however informative of the mind set that exists within the environs of the executive. It displays a complete lack of understanding of executive accountability, executive responsibility and amazingly a continuing lack of understanding of the industry in which they operate.
For someone whose husband has worked in the industry for as long as the respected Chris Parkes her comments display a mind numbing lack of perception and understanding. It is indicative of a weak executive unable to take responsibility for its actions and the "group think" (I do hate that term) that pervades the club.
We have all faced difficult working conditions in our lives. You either tackle them head on and achieve despite them or you fail whereupon you stand accountable but with these people there simply has to be someone else to blame.
Why are they still trying to so desperately fight a battle they have already lost? Why instead of looking to and investing in the future are they locked in the past?
Relegation like BREXIT has happened where is the plan to move forward? Where is the call to arms to all those worthy souls intent on supporting your failing organisation? Where is there any evidence of a compelling argument for all those waiverers to return to the fold?
Is one hopefully competent experienced English football manager, two hardworking journeyman footballers and one promising if inconsistent young talent the sum of all you can deliver?
The overriding message in every action and every word is "It is Rolands' club, it is his money and he can do as he likes".
To attack those supporters who have protested completely misses the point. The point being is they care enough to criticise, to attack, to insult, to protest. If the executive picks its head up just a little from contemplating its own apparently self pitying navel and looks beyond the protestors the bigger problem is all those who have long since walked away.
Their interest, their passion has gone. People have tired of the unending failure that has been on display for over 2yrs. Many who have supported this club for decades, whose offspring would have supported for decades more have gone. They have found better things to do.
It is indeed true people make mistakes. It is true people will pay the consequences for such mistakes. Where they are in control of the environment involved they have no one to blame but themselves.
However where people and their families going back generations have invested financially and emotionally in an organisation and that organisation fails and openly disrespects such investment those in control should be and are rightly castigated.
The history of all competitive team sport organisations are built on such financial and emotional investment. Betray the inherent trust that goes with such investment at your peril. If you do not understand such a basic principle you have no right to be anywhere near a professional competitive team sports organisation.
There is only one group of people who created the current schismatic environment. They originate from Belgium.
Staprix NV have not only bought the wrong club they, at the whim of their key shareholder, have "invested" in entirely the wrong market.
It is interesting that Sue says dear Chris is putting in 60 hours a week. I know that he actually works during those 60 hours too. I have frequently seen Katrien Miere arrive on Saturday afternoon matchdays well after 1pm. We know that apart from Dubai she frequently goes elsewhere during the working week. I am guessing here, but my considered estimation is that if Chris works 60 hours per week, then Katrien probably works about 10. Which is fair enough because if she worked more she will mess up more.
Don't be so silly. Your immature ramblings do not aid CARD's cause nor your own. Stick to the facts.
Gosh, you're digging me out yet again on a personal level, and pressing labels on me.
When I expressly say I am guessing and estimating does that mot signal to you that I am not stating provable facts.
At no point do I say I speak for CARD, indeed previously I have stated that I speak for myself (although I support CARD) so if you perceive that I have a personal 'cause' then OK, that's your perception.
Today's minor personal digs are 'silly' and 'immature' and 'ramblings' and I am at a loss to understand what you are trying to achieve on this Charlton Life forum by digging me our as an individual on a regular basis.
So those million plus people who protested about going into Iraq were a disgrace, as were the Suffragettes. I would imagine this protestor in America was a disgrace too. Causing all that disruption and whatnot.
Pretty disgraceful comparing Charltons situation with those.
I am trying to express that protesting per se is not disgraceful. Sue compared our protests for example to teachers striking, I am also making comparisons and make absolutely no apology for doing so.
Sue reminds me of Miko Grimes, she is the wife of Brent Grimes who plays for Tampa Bay. Miko cant help opening her mouth on Twitter about things she shouldn't, she has already cost her husband his job more than once, and he is already of thin ice in Tampa with her recent rants.
I am a member of the Facebook Group though don't read that much as some of the language on there is so vile. I seem to remember reading that SP is no longer Admin.
I am a member of the Facebook Group though don't read that much as some of the language on there is so vile. I seem to remember reading that SP is no longer Admin.
There's quite a few Facebook groups she used to be admin of a different one she is now still admin of the SE7 Valiants group I believe.
Sue Parkes states 'I don't hold with protests in any walk of life'. Luckily for her (and the rest of us )there have been plenty of individuals throughout history who have protested to give us the many freedoms we enjoy today.
I'm not sure broadcasting a PM (personal message) is a brilliant idea @sadiejane1981
There are things where you can see Sue's perspective and you have to remember she is privy to a lot more than is in the public domain. It's amazing how quickly someone can say something and - with modern social media - it is suddenly in the public domain and regarded as fact. There are also times where things have been misconstrued and/or twisted to fit an agenda. A simple word can make all the difference and it definitely seems the messages that come out from the club are not especially well thought through a lot of the time.
But what is most surprising in the exchange is the level to which RD is involved. It's actually the most frightening part. HE is so far removed from the club yet still, apparently, calls the shots then leaves Katrien to deal with the fallout. Makes her position even more untenable than previously in my opinion
I'm not going to criticise Chris because he has been a complete asset the the club in all the years he has worked for Charlton. I have had some dealings with him as is natural when you have been a supporter for so long and I think he is the best! But! His wife does need to shut up. She has her own views on protests which she is entitled to, but if nobody protested change would never happen. Women might still not be allowed to vote!
It is very difficult to know what the best course of action is as a fan. When we left the Valley for Sellout I decided to support teh team by going to Sellout. Others protested by refusing to go. Crowds at sellout, even in the top division, were very poor. I have always said the club needed loyal fans to go to Sellout, but it also needed more loyal fans to make the sacrifice and not go. Looking back at the period, the protestors of that time taught me something. That sometimes you do have to protest and make sacrifices to change things. Had those people who protested at the Valley not done so, the events that led to our successful years would not have occurred. That is why the view Sue Parkes expressed to Sadie was so wrong.
I can understand her being loyal, but she does have to appreciate that many of us hope that Chris remains in post even when this regime goes. Making these sort of statements potentially causes him problems, as If I bought the club, the first thing I would want to do is purge the club of any links to Duchatelet! I think the Parkes should try to chart a neutral course through this sorry period.
really, so everyone is getting perplexed about comments from the WIFE of a club employee .. f f s chaps get a life
Lincs, I think it goes beyond that because I believe (and someone can correct me if I'm wrong) that Sue Parkes is also an administrator on the Charlton related facebook site that she posts on and in this capacity has been known to remove posts critical of Katrien Meire.
She appears (again subjective on my part) to 'worship' Katrien Meire as if she were some kind of infallible cult leader.
It can happen to anyone, you start out with an innocent email inviting her out to thai with roland to build bridges and the next thing you're asking her to commission a film about Roland and contacting agents of Hollywood actors to see if they want to play Roland
@sadiejane1981 regardless of my own views on what someone like Sue should / shouldn't be saying in public, I don't agree with posting private messages without the other persons consent, so I have removed that post (but kept your replies).
As a general point (and i've not read all the thread), but posting her comments to such large groups she does make them worthy of comment / opinion, but additionally she does not contribute on here so there is not the right of reply. Please refrain from any offensive abuse, or use one of the vehicles she contributes to if you feel that strongly. thanks.
You are right she needs a much more critical level of abuse. She is clearly delusional and is showing some symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder. She may wish to consider whether she needs professional help. Dr Maurice Lipsedge is good.
Ooh, the engines are back on - we are going forwards again! That's a relief.
Really interesting to see a clearer more detailed explanation of Sue Parkes' thinking.
Which I believe is selective on fact, and is generally a misguided, distorted take on things. Just my view. Maybe I am just trying to wriggle out of getting the blame for last season's relegation.
Mrs Parkes as a season ticket holder and a supporter is entitled to her opinions. As such her opinions however hold no more value than anyone else.
That she is "connected" to the club through her husbands employment and his work with the executive requires a measure of corporate discipline. That she chooses to ignore such discipline is at best unfortunate. It is another reflection of the lack of professionalism surrounding the club.
It is however informative of the mind set that exists within the environs of the executive. It displays a complete lack of understanding of executive accountability, executive responsibility and amazingly a continuing lack of understanding of the industry in which they operate.
For someone whose husband has worked in the industry for as long as the respected Chris Parkes her comments display a mind numbing lack of perception and understanding. It is indicative of a weak executive unable to take responsibility for its actions and the "group think" (I do hate that term) that pervades the club.
We have all faced difficult working conditions in our lives. You either tackle them head on and achieve despite them or you fail whereupon you stand accountable but with these people there simply has to be someone else to blame.
Why are they still trying to so desperately fight a battle they have already lost? Why instead of looking to and investing in the future are they locked in the past?
Relegation like BREXIT has happened where is the plan to move forward? Where is the call to arms to all those worthy souls intent on supporting your failing organisation? Where is there any evidence of a compelling argument for all those waiverers to return to the fold?
Is one hopefully competent experienced English football manager, two hardworking journeyman footballers and one promising if inconsistent young talent the sum of all you can deliver?
The overriding message in every action and every word is "It is Rolands' club, it is his money and he can do as he likes".
To attack those supporters who have protested completely misses the point. The point being is they care enough to criticise, to attack, to insult, to protest. If the executive picks its head up just a little from contemplating its own apparently self pitying navel and looks beyond the protestors the bigger problem is all those who have long since walked away.
Their interest, their passion has gone. People have tired of the unending failure that has been on display for over 2yrs. Many who have supported this club for decades, whose offspring would have supported for decades more have gone. They have found better things to do.
It is indeed true people make mistakes. It is true people will pay the consequences for such mistakes. Where they are in control of the environment involved they have no one to blame but themselves.
However where people and their families going back generations have invested financially and emotionally in an organisation and that organisation fails and openly disrespects such investment those in control should be and are rightly castigated.
The history of all competitive team sport organisations are built on such financial and emotional investment. Betray the inherent trust that goes with such investment at your peril. If you do not understand such a basic principle you have no right to be anywhere near a professional competitive team sports organisation.
There is only one group of people who created the current schismatic environment. They originate from Belgium.
Staprix NV have not only bought the wrong club they, at the whim of their key shareholder, have "invested" in entirely the wrong market.
When I expressly say I am guessing and estimating does that mot signal to you that I am not stating provable facts.
At no point do I say I speak for CARD, indeed previously I have stated that I speak for myself (although I support CARD) so if you perceive that I have a personal 'cause' then OK, that's your perception.
Today's minor personal digs are 'silly' and 'immature' and 'ramblings' and I am at a loss to understand what you are trying to achieve on this Charlton Life forum by digging me our as an individual on a regular basis.
As for her calling protesters thugs, she is totally out of order end of.
1) Either she has no punctuation skills whatsoever or her 'return' button on her keyboard is busted.
2) She is in the Sarah Palin class of being - in the words of the great Bill Maher - "A Category Five moron."
She's an odd woman, and she clearly thrives off of the reaction of us protesting thugs.
Leave her to it, she's nothing.
There are things where you can see Sue's perspective and you have to remember she is privy to a lot more than is in the public domain. It's amazing how quickly someone can say something and - with modern social media - it is suddenly in the public domain and regarded as fact. There are also times where things have been misconstrued and/or twisted to fit an agenda. A simple word can make all the difference and it definitely seems the messages that come out from the club are not especially well thought through a lot of the time.
But what is most surprising in the exchange is the level to which RD is involved. It's actually the most frightening part. HE is so far removed from the club yet still, apparently, calls the shots then leaves Katrien to deal with the fallout. Makes her position even more untenable than previously in my opinion
It is very difficult to know what the best course of action is as a fan. When we left the Valley for Sellout I decided to support teh team by going to Sellout. Others protested by refusing to go. Crowds at sellout, even in the top division, were very poor. I have always said the club needed loyal fans to go to Sellout, but it also needed more loyal fans to make the sacrifice and not go. Looking back at the period, the protestors of that time taught me something. That sometimes you do have to protest and make sacrifices to change things. Had those people who protested at the Valley not done so, the events that led to our successful years would not have occurred. That is why the view Sue Parkes expressed to Sadie was so wrong.
I can understand her being loyal, but she does have to appreciate that many of us hope that Chris remains in post even when this regime goes. Making these sort of statements potentially causes him problems, as If I bought the club, the first thing I would want to do is purge the club of any links to Duchatelet! I think the Parkes should try to chart a neutral course through this sorry period.
As a general point (and i've not read all the thread), but posting her comments to such large groups she does make them worthy of comment / opinion, but additionally she does not contribute on here so there is not the right of reply. Please refrain from any offensive abuse, or use one of the vehicles she contributes to if you feel that strongly. thanks.