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England v. Iceland



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    Slaven Bilic for manager - now there is a man with passion, ideas and experience!
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    edited June 2016
    I hear Hodgson has just phoned for our laundry van!
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    kane Ali Wiltshire Sturrigde - Cahill hart sterling ---all totally over rated - and the whole back room staff should be outed -
    What gets me is lalanna plays every game and not a site of him - Wiltshire and Ali in midfield awful

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    Every single professional player or person who understands football will tell you in tournament football it's about momentum, gaining momentum when you get it embrace it use it to your advantage build on it

    We had momentum a draw against Russia after playing ok

    We win against Wales last min now you've gained momentum it's moving on

    Roy then makes 6 changes he killed momentum he snubbed the flame out we had walker and rose on fire

    They didn't kick a ball in how many days nearly 12 he killed them

    The fucking bloke and his team around him are all too blame he is a complete joke of a mgr a fraud a clown and deserves to just fuck off and hide

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    edited June 2016

    We need a German team!

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    Still struggling to work out how Hodgson sat there from the 60th minute to the 86th thinking "this is going ok, i won't make that 3rd sub yet"
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    One of Iceland's head coaches is apart time dentist, but it was England doing all the pulling of teeth.
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    Charlton go further than England, so that's something.
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    We have produced shit England teams for 45 years, th3e only difference is now that we are not unlucky anymore just utter shit, the manager is a side issue, we produce cunts as players, perhaps our coaches all need shooting

    This this this this

    Roy hodgson Roy fucking hodgson listen to Lee Dixon Roy hodgson didn't have a clue in his best team his tactics his formation

    Kane on corners
    Free kicks
    No organisation no fucking ideas we didn't know what to do

    Roy hodgson caused this the fa caused this
    It was Brexit I tell ya!
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    Moments like this I feel like jacking in following them. Has cost thousands and not winning tonight is another £600 down the drain. I'm absolutely gutted and furious.

    Arguably the most shameful, disgusting performance I've seen from an England team and that's saying something after Algeria in 2010. Honestly lost for words at how pathetic that was - absolute scumbags.
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    I've been a Roy backer but his position is untenable after that.

    Rooney needs to announce his international retirement pronto too.
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    Look what happens when you put former Palarse in charge - Dowie, Pardew, Hodgson - the end result is always the same.

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    I thought Iceland deserved the win, but England just didn't show up, looks like our achievement was getting to the tournament and getting out of the group, squad lacked quality in depth as well as balance, I shouldn't be shocked really, unfortunately you just get used to abjectness, I'm not going to let this Rubbish ruin the rest of the footie fest , Johann must be on cloud 9.
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    Still struggling to work out how Hodgson sat there from the 60th minute to the 86th thinking "this is going ok, i won't make that 3rd sub yet"

    He was a rabbit caught in the headlights. He had help, I don't know what to do written all over his face!
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    I've lost so much respect for Hodgson over the last week.
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    Hodgson resigns.
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    edited June 2016
    Roy just announcing his resignation, beat Corbin to it.
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    Fuck off you cunt hodgson how dare you walk away

    Your fucking fired
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    That second half was Karel Fraeye shambolic, Shocking underperformance
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    He's walked (not that it's a surprise)
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    Is Woy having a fucking giggle?!?

    Hungry and did all that was asked of them.
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    Basic errors. Couldn't pass, couldn't control the ball. I didn't think we were a good team but not that bad.
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    C4FC4L1f3 said:

    We now need a new Prime Minister, a new leader of the Labour Party and a new England Manager!

    Katrien has applied for all three, we are covered.
    And a new Head of Comms!
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    So hodgson and co step down
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    Oh the Fucking Irony of this resignation speech. Heaping praise on a pathetic bunch of players. Couldn't even get that right could you Roy. you won't be missed.
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    oh no!! Don't go Roy!!! You poksy joker!! He had that resignation speech prepared quickly didn't he!!!! Loser!!!!
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    Bye by Roy.
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    Bye Bye Roy. Hello....Pardew? Oh please God no.
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