If this is real we need to get people down there!!!
Lead by example and get down there then. Think your days of rallying the troops are done.
I will indeed attend. Can you please sit on your computer all day and fish for cheap likes and LOLS that would greatly help the protest!
Are you there yet? If not, what's your ETA?
Should be there for about 10-11 see you there mate
Good for you. But I'm not going and I never said I was.
Don't forget to take some pictures and post them up on here. No ifs no buts.
I should have guessed! Criticise inaction, yet never act yourself. That's lower than a coward!
You what? You wanna watch yourself there sonny.
You fell off that high horse of yours once before in a big way and next time people might not be so forgiving in helping you back up again.
Yeah yeah yeah! I will win your charlton back for you mate at the valley and in Belgium!
You can have all the glory afterword sonny!!!
and there is your problem, I haven't read all the others who went Belgium before coming on and saying they did this they did that, they just go about it in their own way, where as you want all the glory and a big fuck off medal to go with it.Well done for going to Belgium you have my respect but dont keep bashing other people with it who didn't go or dont have the same beliefs or time to do the same.You also gave the Charlie big potatoes about the phantom pitch invasion.
If this is real we need to get people down there!!!
Lead by example and get down there then. Think your days of rallying the troops are done.
I will indeed attend. Can you please sit on your computer all day and fish for cheap likes and LOLS that would greatly help the protest!
Are you there yet? If not, what's your ETA?
Should be there for about 10-11 see you there mate
Good for you. But I'm not going and I never said I was.
Don't forget to take some pictures and post them up on here. No ifs no buts.
I should have guessed! Criticise inaction, yet never act yourself. That's lower than a coward!
You what? You wanna watch yourself there sonny.
You fell off that high horse of yours once before in a big way and next time people might not be so forgiving in helping you back up again.
Yeah yeah yeah! I will win your charlton back for you mate at the valley and in Belgium!
You can have all the glory afterword sonny!!!
Mate you really don't do yourself any favours do you. We get it. You are involved in the protests. And as someone who cannot be as involved as I would like, I am grateful.
However, you have got to understand why people are a bit sick of your big man talk after the pitch invasion stuff, so why don't you stop spouting off on here and do whatever you do without all the bravado.
Those that can, seems like getting down there for 11 / lunchtime is the best bet. If they lock the car park gates then make sure you get photos of people locked out as there is huge mileage on the club locking it's gates on its supporters
If this is real we need to get people down there!!!
Lead by example and get down there then. Think your days of rallying the troops are done.
I will indeed attend. Can you please sit on your computer all day and fish for cheap likes and LOLS that would greatly help the protest!
Are you there yet? If not, what's your ETA?
Should be there for about 10-11 see you there mate
Good for you. But I'm not going and I never said I was.
Don't forget to take some pictures and post them up on here. No ifs no buts.
I should have guessed! Criticise inaction, yet never act yourself. That's lower than a coward!
You what? You wanna watch yourself there sonny.
You fell off that high horse of yours once before in a big way and next time people might not be so forgiving in helping you back up again.
Feck me mate - at least C4FC4L1F3 is trying to do something positive - and you wanna have a go at him ! - whats your other CL name.... Dazzler21 ??!! What have you done recently for the 'cause' ?
If this is real we need to get people down there!!!
Lead by example and get down there then. Think your days of rallying the troops are done.
I will indeed attend. Can you please sit on your computer all day and fish for cheap likes and LOLS that would greatly help the protest!
Are you there yet? If not, what's your ETA?
Should be there for about 10-11 see you there mate
Good for you. But I'm not going and I never said I was.
Don't forget to take some pictures and post them up on here. No ifs no buts.
I should have guessed! Criticise inaction, yet never act yourself. That's lower than a coward!
You what? You wanna watch yourself there sonny.
You fell off that high horse of yours once before in a big way and next time people might not be so forgiving in helping you back up again.
Yeah yeah yeah! I will win your charlton back for you mate at the valley and in Belgium!
You can have all the glory afterword sonny!!!
Mate you really don't do yourself any favours do you. We get it. You are involved in the protests. And as someone who cannot be as involved as I would like, I am grateful.
However, you have got to understand why people are a bit sick of your big man talk after the pitch invasion stuff, so why don't you stop sprouting off on here and do whatever you do without all the bravado.
Bloody Belgians are infecting our language now, as well as our Club!!
I cant believe the people having a go at C4FC4L1f3 - at least he's doing something ! - what are you lot all doing ? - get out there and do something - stop whingeing at people who do..... ffs.
Those that can, seems like getting down there for 11 / lunchtime is the best bet. If they lock the car park gates then make sure you get photos of people locked out as there is huge mileage on the club locking it's gates on its supporters
If this is real we need to get people down there!!!
Lead by example and get down there then. Think your days of rallying the troops are done.
I will indeed attend. Can you please sit on your computer all day and fish for cheap likes and LOLS that would greatly help the protest!
Are you there yet? If not, what's your ETA?
Should be there for about 10-11 see you there mate
Good for you. But I'm not going and I never said I was.
Don't forget to take some pictures and post them up on here. No ifs no buts.
I should have guessed! Criticise inaction, yet never act yourself. That's lower than a coward!
You what? You wanna watch yourself there sonny.
You fell off that high horse of yours once before in a big way and next time people might not be so forgiving in helping you back up again.
Yeah yeah yeah! I will win your charlton back for you mate at the valley and in Belgium!
You can have all the glory afterword sonny!!!
and there is your problem, I haven't read all the others who went Belgium before coming on and saying they did this they did that, they just go about it in their own way, where as you want all the glory and a big fuck off medal to go with it.Well done for going to Belgium you have my respect but dont keep bashing other people with it who didn't go or dont have the same beliefs or time to do the same.You also gave the Charlie big potatoes about the phantom pitch invasion.
Just to clear things up, I was never going to invade the pitch..
All joking and in fighting aside well done to anyone who can get to the ground today to make their feelings known. I'd be there as would thousands of others if they could but it's just impossible for me at such short notice.
Good luck stay safe, within the law and give em hell.
Maybe he's over to fire Katrien. After relegation, declining ticket sales, merchandise sales, commercial mis-management, ongoing protests and everything else - there must be a fall guy (or girl) ...
All joking and in fighting aside well done to anyone who can get to the ground today to make their feelings known. I'd be there as would thousands of others if they could but it's just impossible for me at such shirt notice.
Good luck stay safe, within the law and give em hell.
You need to have a spare washed and ironed just in case. We will not accept this excuse again.☺
However, you have got to understand why people are a bit sick of your big man talk after the pitch invasion stuff, so why don't you stop spouting off on here and do whatever you do without all the bravado.
Those that can, seems like getting down there for 11 / lunchtime is the best bet. If they lock the car park gates then make sure you get photos of people locked out as there is huge mileage on the club locking it's gates on its supporters
What have you done recently for the 'cause' ?
Anyway didn't they lock the gates last time he visited?
This. Let's leave it today.
Good luck stay safe, within the law and give em hell.