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Should we not be honest & promise a route to the premiership to attract the very best young talent?



  • dippenhall
    I don't know the owner from Adam - get over yourself !

    Either I am right and RD seeks compromise which meets with a positive response from the fans
    I am wrong and RD runs the club into the ground or he runs off nursing his wounds and crying over his written off loan
    Selling to
    a. The new messiah with the brains and inability to make any errors like Grapevine ( crikey that was a self righteous post

    RD has never sought compromise with any club he has owned ... where is your evidence that he will do so with us?
  • Or b
    He sells to a messiah with no money to offer as with the man city supporting SPIVs
    Where our pitch was only fit for a pub team and the wages were reportedly often delayed

    Time will tell

    Ps if I am wrong best of luck with the campaign and fingers crossed for A!

    Final end !
  • Or b
    He sells to a messiah with no money to offer as with the man city supporting SPIVs
    Where our pitch was only fit for a pub team and the wages were reportedly often delayed

    Time will tell

    Ps if I am wrong best of luck with the campaign and fingers crossed for A!

    Final end !

    How about answering my question first before you once again ignore us ... RD has never sought compromise with any club he has owned ... where is your evidence that he will do so with us?
  • edited April 2016
    They are definAtely cracking ... Stay strong people don't rise to the huge baiting we are receiving ... They have brought the fight to where a lot of Charlton fans are and as Ghandi says first they ignore, then they ridicule, then FIGHT (where we are now), then we win ....

    So stay strong, the arguments are utterly ignored by these weird sorry unique people ... Belgium bun sounds like Roland himself ... I'm just waiting for him to give it a HUH and give himself away ... As for this Alan chap he's either a troll loving the attention or someone who is utterly incapable of getting his head round what is utterly clear to the huge majority ... Maybe start again and reread ... Or of course he's bought and paid for by the regime ...

    Any which way we are clearly getting traction ... Roland is a disgrace and we will not rest until he leaves OUR club...
  • edited April 2016
    Oh please. Why do people keep going on about the pitch? The pitch HAD to be sorted out, the Football League would not have allowed us to continue through another season with the pitch in that state. He knew that before he bought the club and would have factored that in with the purchase price (if he didn't, then he was VERY stupid). These kind of arguments are ridiculous and shows the desperation of the people making them.

    Roland has NEVER changed his operating methods with regards to the football clubs he owns. Why is he suddenly going to change them now? What has he done to make you think that he is going to do a complete u-turn on the failed strategy that he has been using for many years at various football clubs?
  • Alan is basically saying "Better the devil you know". Unfortunately, under the devil we know we are assured of a continued decline in our club, with falling attendances ( falling long before the protests started) and another relegation battle next season. What could be worse than that, Alan?
  • So Alan he gave us a pitch! That is all. Bet all the other 91 clubs wish they had a pitch.

    I expect the old fool will try and take it with him when he goes.

    Duchatalet Does Faulure.
    edited April 2016
    kentred2 said:

    So Alan he gave us a pitch! That is all. Bet all the other 91 clubs wish they had a pitch.

    I expect the old fool will try and take it with him when he goes.

    Duchatalet Does Faulure.

    But will the new (Messiah) owner give us a pitch, I am terrified by the prospect that he wont...

  • alanalsace I think you misuse the term self righteous when you write:

    a. The new messiah with the brains and inability to make any errors like Grapevine ( crikey that was a self righteous post).

    Virtually everything Grapevine49 writes is not only critical, but contains the route map to getting the club functioning properly if the problems he highlights are addressed.

    You frequently refer to errors made, mistakes to be rectified, but this is where the line you take breaks down and i will tell you why.
    Katrien says that the fans have to accept the owner does it his way, she also repeated this in the Dublin interview when she asks why the fans call it 'our' club, but the major shareholder should prevail.
    Indeed we have had to accept the owner does it his way, and will continue to do so, and that is what we are up against.
    There is no synergy between the aspirations of the owner and the aspirations of the fans, and it looks like there never will be.
    I believe the CARD campaign will continue, the fight is for the long term, the fight will become nastier and more targeted, even if it leads to mutually assured destruction.
    We may have fans who are cool with Roland, we have fans who are decidedly uncool with Roland. it remains to be seen what happens, but mutually assured destruction will affect both the Roland supporters and the Roland opponents and we will all end up with nothing.

    That's when AFC Charlton will be born.
  • Agree with Seth. The opposition to the regime has so far been led by the moderates. If Duchatelet the Failure does not leave then things will indeed get nastier I am sure.
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  • Hey have email
  • If PV's men are serious and come forward (out from behind PV) now with an offer that goes some way to RD recouping some of his loss, then I reckon the club's theirs. If not, we are in for a half baked version of RD's model next year in front of an empty valley with some of 'Alan's' list cosmetically addressed. Well, I won't because I won't be renewing as it stands.
  • Can we have an "Absolutely Love It" button, as well as "Like", for posts like Grapevine's?
  • DOUCHER said:

    If PV's men are serious and come forward (out from behind PV) now with an offer that goes some way to RD recouping some of his loss, then I reckon the club's theirs. If not, we are in for a half baked version of RD's model next year in front of an empty valley with some of 'Alan's' list cosmetically addressed. Well, I won't because I won't be renewing as it stands.

    If RD sold now or over the summer, I would renew my season ticket in an instant. Until he is gone, I am out.
  • I don't know the owner from Adam - get over yourself !

    Nobody does, and that's a major part of the problem. He is so disinterested that he can't even be bothered to show up. Either that or he's too chicken-shit scared to face the fans. I suspect a bit of both. Either way, his absence is not what you would expect from a man whose business is in crisis, it is what you'd expect from some stupid old duffer with his head in the sand.

    Either I am right and RD seeks compromise which meets with a positive response from the fans
    I am wrong and RD runs the club into the ground or he runs off nursing his wounds and crying over his written off loan he carries on in exactly the same way as he's always done quietly admitting he's made mistakes but never once learning from them. And when the fans point that out, he'll get all upset like some dishonoured diety, making ridiculous statements and throwing his toys out of the pram.

    There, fixed that for you.
  • dippenhall
    I don't know the owner from Adam - get over yourself !

    Did I say you knew him?

    Nothing so sad as unrequited love.

  • dippenhall
    I don't know the owner from Adam - get over yourself !

    Adam: Roland's twice removed cousin, the plot thickens!

    Either I am right and RD seeks compromise which meets with a positive response from the fans
    I am wrong and RD runs the club into the ground or he runs off nursing his wounds and crying over his written off loan
    Selling to
    a. The new messiah with the brains and inability to make any errors like Grapevine ( crikey that was a self righteous post

    Jokes aside, I agree with you here - there are three ways this situation can pan out, two of which involve Roland continuing at Charlton:

    (a) Roland Duchatelet's continued involvement with the club, whereby he genuinely listens to fan concerns and adapts his intended model - instead opting for something that whilst still sustainable is also competitive. This leads to less fan frustration and more unity, creating a brighter atmosphere.

    (b) Roland Duchatelet's continued involvement with the club, whereby the same mistakes are made repeatedly and we slip further down the leagues whilst growing number of fans grow disillusioned and frustrated - meaning we end up with a lower league club with a small fanbase and no "attractive proposition" to newer fans.

    (c) Roland Duchatelet's exit from Charlton, leading to a new ownership with - hopefully - a more realistic approach to the management of a football club.

    Unfortunately, based on the last two years and his adventures at STVV and Standard Liege I can't see (a) becoming a reality. He has not changed his approach in the last 2 years and is continuing to make the same mistakes, furthermore he shows complete disdain for concerned fans. I cannot see any eventuality where Roland will have a successful relationship with the fans at a club he owns.

    This leaves (b) and (c) as the realistic outcomes of our current predicament, and I think given those options it's quite clear that we must all fight for (c): as concerned fans we cannot sit back and let (b) happen.

    On a side note, that wasn't a very classy dig at Grapevine at all - incredibly petty and also quite hypocritical considering your attitudes and posts so far. You should really be quite thankful that people are taking the time to give you adult responses and indulge you in discussion, God knows it would be easier to either ignore you or post petty remarks.
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  • The club sometimes make good signings ... Agree, but if you sift through a large pile of rubbish you'll inevitably find a few things worth keeping.

    The TOXIC atmosphere at the club is probably not helping us sign promising youngsters, and definitely not POSITIVE for player morale. ( some of you claimed it has no impact but no-one has said it is having a positive impact) Several players have said the protests do not have an impact. As for signing young players, given that most signings come from abroad, they arrive with little knowledge of what they are getting into. Were there any evidence we were trying to sign match-fit domestic players you may have a point.

    .. appointing a new UK based CEO- with a remit to win over the fans I don't loathe Squirrel Face because she is Belgian. I hate her for her incompetence, her lies, her smug face ... it would be the same with a British CEO. I want someone fit to do the job and who understands the club. I could not care less where they come from (but please God not another Belgian!)

    4. us acknowledging that he has thrown a lot of money at the club - pitch ( we all remember the mud bath of the last set of british owners) , the academy etc and wages, and this is a good startI am not going to thank him for throwing money in completely the wrong direction. If he is so stupid and arrogant to blow cash with idiotic appointments as he has been, then that's his outlook.

  • AA – as requested -in answer to Grapevines post

    1. I’ve consistently pointed out that the management of the club could have been better, so not sure what your point is other than to exaggerate intentionally.

    2. We finished 12th last season and this season we are currently second from bottom. Whilst being second from bottom is soul destroying, it is nothing new for this and many other clubs. The usual response is to draft in new players for the run in. This RD has done and to judge by some of the playing rating posts some of these new players aren’t too shabby.

    RD obviously should have stuck with Riga – although his re-appointment probably means RD concedes this.

    Riga, who operates under the good and bad of the RD system, has gained 40 points in his 30 games with us –which is 61 points if extrapolated to 46 games which would have meant 12th last season.

    If we do go down I suspect RD will throw the kitchen sink at it to make sure we come straight back up- he hasn’t got much choice in my view

    3.- More honesty with you host of followers please!. As you know full well if you own a Company you would be mad not to put in further cash in the form of a loan and not increased equity. This is standard business practice, as we all know

    And again as you know full well, historically the usual practice of the SPIV like football club owner has been to rake up debt to banks and suppliers – RD is not doing this as far as I can see.

    If he sells the club he will either get his loan back or have to write it down in some way, as again you full well know. With his investment of £40m to date receiving anything for the equity is obviously in doubt and explains in part his refusal to discuss selling to individuals who are very unlikely to be offering anything like £40m –perhaps you should ask Richard Murray how difficult it is to sell a football for more than a paltry amount. (Even more difficult now with most clubs being realistically locked out of the premiership promotion race- as I’ve previously pointed out)

    4. Young players are only part of the policy. In addition RD seeks to buy more experienced foreign players because they are usually technically better and always cheaper. But I concede he obviously needs to bring in UK based players with experience too because imports plus kids is not patently not enough.

    I agree too – far too many players of doubtful motivation (I would have wilfully invaded the pitch myslef, like a good CARD supporter, to drag off Vaz-Te ). This level of poor recruitment has been incompetent to say the least.

    5. I would have thought a first-rate academy that is smack in the middle of a huge population area like ours can expect to come up with top players. Have there not been some of them over the few last years? The superb ones like Gomez will go to the premiership and the very good ones like Cousins will stay with us hopefully.

    There are dozens of great talents like Lookman languishing in the reserves of big clubs because Managers refuse to take risks by playing them. Do you really think Rashford would have come to the fore unless Van Gaal had been not been refused funds for new players because the MU board expect to terminate his contract at the end of the season?

    I suspect Lookman’s parents responded well to our track record of playing youngsters, and for good reason as it has turned out.

    The money raised on player sales will help meet the gap between revenue and costs, the rest will need to be plugged by the us supporters (mistake sorry!) …… by RD, just as people like Richard Murray have in the past. To quote Murray

    “Through Roland Duchatelet’s backing we have become financially stable…..” Jan 16

    6. No platitudes here I am afraid, just a few doses of reality. I understand you think RD is running the club into the ground, you and others have made that very clear.

    I simply don’t agree with your viewpoint, and indeed have some respect for RD and people like Richard Murray for putting their hard earned cash into what, like most football clubs, has been and always will be a capital destroying entity.

    That’s not to say we should all act like grateful Serfs, but is does mean we should be decent enough to deploy some perspective.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to re read Murray’s interview on the CAFC website in January to help gain that perspective.
    - no doubt though most of the CARD group think, even after the millions he has lost in supporting CAFC, he too is a twat.

  • dippenhall
    I don't know the owner from Adam - get over yourself !

    Either I am right and RD seeks compromise which meets with a positive response from the fans
    I am wrong and RD runs the club into the ground or he runs off nursing his wounds and crying over his written off loan
    Selling to
    a. The new messiah with the brains and inability to make any errors like Grapevine ( crikey that was a self righteous post

    Hmm, there's a poser for us all.

    WRONG !

  • If we do go down I suspect RD will throw the kitchen sink at it to make sure we come straight back up- he hasn’t got much choice in my view

    Not happened with other clubs he owns (hence why for example CJZ have tanked and there are arguments at the club about the Duchatelet way) so why would Charlton be treated any differently?

    And... if it is wrong for Charlton fans to want Roland out, what was different about Standard Liege that made getting him out right?

  • RD obviously should have stuck with Riga – although his re-appointment probably means RD concedes this.

    Errr, he tried to bring in an unknown Serb manager currently managing Ujpest in the Hungarian league, until Katrien was advised that to do so was to ignite the gunpowder barrel she and Murray were sitting on. He hasn't learnt a thing.
    Ah yes, wasn't there a debacle about the club's press release being issued and retracted, then the exact same one but with Rigas name instead, circulated 24 hours later?
  • stonemuse said:

    Or b
    He sells to a messiah with no money to offer as with the man city supporting SPIVs
    Where our pitch was only fit for a pub team and the wages were reportedly often delayed

    Time will tell

    Ps if I am wrong best of luck with the campaign and fingers crossed for A!

    Final end !

    How about answering my question first before you once again ignore us ... RD has never sought compromise with any club he has owned ... where is your evidence that he will do so with us?
    @alanalsace for the third time, are you going to answer my question? Check RD's football history ...he has never yet compromised in this respect despite having big problems.
  • LoOkOuT said:

    The bottom line is that if you haven't been paying much attention, then Roland's way is alright bar a bunch of bad results and a few unfortunate misunderstandings.

    Oddly replicated across most of the network.

    Still, look on the bright side - because unlike Liege, we haven't returned a player sale profit so he's not withdrawn money from us like a piggy bank.

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Roland Out Forever!