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Season Ticket Renewal



  • Shorty, genuine non loaded question here just interested to hear your opinion as a supporter of the team (which I think is a noble attitude), were you behind Karal Fraeye when he was manager?

    I was but only when he went to look at Beachy Head, the git moved before I could give him a hand back towards mainland Europe though.
  • Roland won't get any more of my money, it's a no-brainer for me. The difficult one was Valley Gold, but Katrien gave Roland away in her Dublin interview by openly saying that his aim was to sell young players on to Premier league teams. If Katrien gets a transfer I might have another think, but I doubt it. Next season I'll do some away games only.
  • I suggest 99% of posters on this board support the team though on occasions, in fact too many occasions of late, the players' performances have sorely tested the patience of a great many.

    Buying a season ticket or not buying a season ticket is not a badge of honour. As per the thousands participating in the variety of protests yesterday it is an eminently personal decision.

    Unless you have not bothered to read the majority of threads you will know;
    a) this message board is part of, and a supporter of the Coalition Against Roland Duchatelet (CARD)
    b) CARD as part of it protest has asked supporters to refrain from purchasing season tickets at this time.

    On what basis would you choose to broadcast your personal decision in such an environment?

    In terms of supporting the team then 99% of this message board will be with you every step of the way. However you are perfectly able to support the team by buying your season ticket at a later stage. Indeed you are perfectly able to support the team by not buying a season ticket but tickets on the day. Still further you are perfectly able to support the team by watching them perform away from The Valley.

    In essence therefore there is no direct correlation between buying a ticket now and supporting the team.

    Such action is however detrimental to the message being sent to the regime. Every season ticket purchased at this stage will be used to diminish the protest campaign, while giving the regime your endorsement of the manner in which they have chosen to operate the club.

    If you do not agree with the way the club is being run why would you give them your money today?

    Everybody has a perfect right to act in their own personal interests by taking advantage of the pricing differential, securing a seat of their choice amongst friends or family and enjoying the usual benefits of a season ticket but doing so has absolutely no relevance to supporting the team.

    For the original poster to proclaim such support in such a manner in this environment is akin, intentional or not, to stirring up the proverbial hornets' nest. Unsurprisingly he got stung!

    The Campaign message cannot be clearer, if you are in a position and can afford to do so, please avoid purchasing you season ticket at this time.

    That's a very pompous attitude on a message board that has always welcomed open debate!

  • Shorty, genuine non loaded question here just interested to hear your opinion as a supporter of the team (which I think is a noble attitude), were you behind Karal Fraeye when he was manager?

    Yes I was
  • Shorty, genuine non loaded question here just interested to hear your opinion as a supporter of the team (which I think is a noble attitude), were you behind Karal Fraeye when he was manager?

    Yes I was
    Are you really ShortSightedWilson99 ? ;-)
  • I think it's obvious there is a big divide between supporters. I don't have to justify why I've bought my season ticket. And I doubt my £175 will put any dent in his £3.4m loss. I've bought my season ticket and I will still support Charlton home and away. If you don't buy a season ticket and stay away from the Valley then that is your decision and I'm not gonna beg for you to buy one and stay and support your team. The protests are great and I fully support them but I'm not gonna walk out on the team. At the end of yesterday what's changed? Roland is still in charge, katrien still ceo, Riga still head coach, the club still not for sale and we are still second from bottom. To have any impact the protests must continue but this is Charlton and sadly I don't think we have it in us to do that. But as for the whole season ticket thing, I don't think he will notice my £175 plus it's less then I paid last year so he's made a £200 loss from me.

    it certainly wont if supporters have the same opinion as yourself.
  • edited March 2016

    Shorty, genuine non loaded question here just interested to hear your opinion as a supporter of the team (which I think is a noble attitude), were you behind Karal Fraeye when he was manager?

    Yes I was
    Cheers fella, it's always good to hear opposing views. In my opinion Karal, at the behest of RD, has singly handily set the club/team back so far it may never recover. To support Karal, a chancer who fortunately found himself in a position he was woefully under experienced for, is utter madness as he should never have been in the job in the first place and is the epitome of the regime and RD's crazy experiment. His appointment was the straw that broke the camels back for me, and in all honesty if you were supportive of him you must be supportive of the regime.
  • I think it's obvious there is a big divide between supporters. I don't have to justify why I've bought my season ticket. And I doubt my £175 will put any dent in his £3.4m loss. I've bought my season ticket and I will still support Charlton home and away. If you don't buy a season ticket and stay away from the Valley then that is your decision and I'm not gonna beg for you to buy one and stay and support your team. The protests are great and I fully support them but I'm not gonna walk out on the team. At the end of yesterday what's changed? Roland is still in charge, katrien still ceo, Riga still head coach, the club still not for sale and we are still second from bottom. To have any impact the protests must continue but this is Charlton and sadly I don't think we have it in us to do that. But as for the whole season ticket thing, I don't think he will notice my £175 plus it's less then I paid last year so he's made a £200 loss from me.

    it certainly wont if supporters have the same opinion as yourself.
    And what's my opinion Karim?
  • Shorty, genuine non loaded question here just interested to hear your opinion as a supporter of the team (which I think is a noble attitude), were you behind Karal Fraeye when he was manager?

    Yes I was
    Cheers fella, it's always good to hear opposing views. In my opinion Karal, at the behest of RD, has singly handily set the club/team back so far it may never recover. To support Karal, a chancer who fortunately found himself in a position he was woefully under experienced for, is utter madness as he should never have been in the job in the first place and is the epitome of the regime and RD's crazy experiment. His appointment was the straw that broke the camels back for me, and in all honesty if you were supportive of him you must be supportive of the regime.
    Fish every manager that's come in has had my full backing even when times were very bad. I don't think Karael was any good but whilst he was leading the team I felt that was all I could do as a supporter but to back him. But I understand where you and many thousands are coming from.
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  • I think it's obvious there is a big divide between supporters. I don't have to justify why I've bought my season ticket. And I doubt my £175 will put any dent in his £3.4m loss. I've bought my season ticket and I will still support Charlton home and away. If you don't buy a season ticket and stay away from the Valley then that is your decision and I'm not gonna beg for you to buy one and stay and support your team. The protests are great and I fully support them but I'm not gonna walk out on the team. At the end of yesterday what's changed? Roland is still in charge, katrien still ceo, Riga still head coach, the club still not for sale and we are still second from bottom. To have any impact the protests must continue but this is Charlton and sadly I don't think we have it in us to do that. But as for the whole season ticket thing, I don't think he will notice my £175 plus it's less then I paid last year so he's made a £200 loss from me.

    it certainly wont if supporters have the same opinion as yourself.
    And what's my opinion Karim?
    opinion/stance that you seem to have adopted comes across that you plan to do nothing. it's a defeatist attitude and it makes all the protests futile.
    your not happy with the regime but you are just one person and even though things at the club seem to be in ruin you aren't prepared to stand up against them. instead you carry on as if nothing you do can change what is happening to our club. a sense of apathy. your now suggesting that your 175 quid is nothing in the great scheme of things but as some have pointed out it actually is. because if you don't care then why should anyone else? which leads to many not taking a stand against what is obvious to nearly anyone who has looked at what is going on at our club, that Charlton are falling apart.
    so from that sentence you wrote you will be right. we wont see it through and at the end of the day what's the point.

    of course I could be far from the mark with what I think your attitude is. if so I apologise.
  • edited March 2016
    Firstly eaststandmike you got me ;-)

    Karim lets not be enemies, I agree in everything you say I really do. Sometimes not with every thing but that's why this is an open forum for debate. I'm sure and I know you and everyone else are not naive to think that many who protested yesterday did not renew yesterday. I will not be the only one. That's why I think a season ticket ban will be a hard protest to fulfil. People who I know that have a strong passion against Roland and done all the protests and even say don't buy a season ticket have In fact already renewed.

    We have no control over each other and who buys and who don't but we still need a way to unite together and my opinion is that supporting the team home and away is the way to do it.

    And to all of you who have hung strung and quartered me over the last 2 days, I respect all our passion for this great club. And I respect everyone's view on here but on my children's life I genuinely asked who had bought and moved to north out of genuine interest. Perhaps I should have thought about the current climate and the wishes of C.A.R.D

    No hard feelings.
  • fair enough mate. personally I wouldn't mind knowing what the season ticket numbers are so far actually.
    It will be hard for many to do that particular protest but I just hope that in conjunction with other initiatives/protests it can help rid us of these owners. we must keep fighting.
  • Just a thought!

    Shorty is now going to be paying £7 per game. Those of you paying on the day are going to be paying around £20, even though Roland is not getting it up front who's giving the club more then?
  • Essex_Al said:

    Just a thought!

    Shorty is now going to be paying £7 per game. Those of you paying on the day are going to be paying around £20, even though Roland is not getting it up front who's giving the club more then?

    Depends if you actually go or not, the attendances are spiralling fast.
  • Essex_Al said:

    Just a thought!

    Shorty is now going to be paying £7 per game. Those of you paying on the day are going to be paying around £20, even though Roland is not getting it up front who's giving the club more then?

    Why do it now? CARD have asked everyone to hold off. I can't see why anybody can't wait. Some will succumb and buy eventually (but at the same cost) but many will stay firm and not buy.

  • Postal applications. I have heard that there will be many applications in false names and with false credit cards. The club have kindly not insisted on postal applications having a stamp on.
  • That's the spirit. Even fill out your renewal as normal, they process it, get to taking your payment, it fails. They call you on number provided, you say 'no thanks, we want Roland out'. Ok, its not nice on the staff down there but as long as you are polite and courteous then you are hurting the regime but hitting their ability to function properly.
  • edited March 2016
    I was having my annual bath today, (even though I didnt strictly need it), and so the answer machine took a call. After putting my rubber ducky away I played the call back and it was CAFC, (or more likely some agency on its behalf), asking me if I wanted to renew the old season ticket for next year and informing me that the cheap seats will now be in the North. I am glad that I didnt take the call as I would have hated to be rude to some poor sod phoning through on this thankless task at the current time, or perhaps they thought lets sieze on a home win as it may make all the other issues fade away.
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  • I walked out on 74 minutes and walked round for the protest, after about 5 minutes at the protest out of curiosity i walked back into the west stand to take a look at the how many had decided to stay.

    Apart from the Boro fans left, the stadium looked pretty empty to me and if that's an indicator for season ticket renewals then it will be a shame that it's come to this.
  • It's not the likes of Shorty Wilson they need to convince. He will buy a season ticket no matter what shit is served up.

    It's the middle grounders they need to get on board and they are turning away in their droves.
    And if that continues shorty,you better start thinking about Welling or Ebsfleet for your Saturday afternoon day out with the family.
  • It's not the likes of Shorty Wilson they need to convince. He will buy a season ticket no matter what shit is served up.

    It's the middle grounders they need to get on board and they are turning away in their droves.
    And if that continues shorty,you better start thinking about Welling or Ebsfleet for your Saturday afternoon day out with the family.

    Thanks Carly, all noted
  • Will North lower sell out a £175? Maybe but not quickly and this offer will be around a while.

    Early bird prices everywhere else I expect to be available for a while, deadlines extended. Particularly if there is little early take up.

    We won't renew because we don't make every home game and economically we are probably better off with pay per play, we may go to less home games as a result. Everyone is in a different position but if you can, I would hold off buying again as long as you feel happy with.
  • edited March 2016
    Of course it is and that's what the forum is free to do. Again we have to agree to disagree that I'm supporting the regime. I didn't want arguments and yes I said earlier regrettably probably the wrong time to even ask but it's done now. And it's caused debate and passion and argument. I hope it hasn't caused divide but it does show there is some. At no point was I thinking or expecting the reaction or would not have asked. But Grapevine49 what would you like me to do now? Apologise? Justify? You don't know me but I can assure you I do not support Roland at all. I've bought my season tickets that I'm entitled to do and you are not naive to think I'm the only one of the hundreds who protested. I think this is becoming a bit personal but again something I'm big and ugly enough to know I opened myself up for questioning. My question wasn't even concerning CARD or Roland. I really am not going to justify any more on buying me my dad, my son and daughter their season tickets. I've done it for as long as I can remember and will continue to do so into the future wherever we may be.
  • The down side of of not renewing season tickets is that Roland decides to close the club, given no interest in watching Charlton. Then what are we left with. Those that decide to come on a match by match basis are giving money to Roland just as much as those buying season tickets. As you may guess I am in two minds at the moment.
  • edited March 2016
    msomerton said:

    The down side of of not renewing season tickets is that Roland decides to close the club, given no interest in watching Charlton. Then what are we left with. Those that decide to come on a match by match basis are giving money to Roland just as much as those buying season tickets. As you may guess I am in two minds at the moment.

    The cub as we knew it has already been closed down! Hit him where it hurts, in his pocket and abstain ftb if you are undecided, as CARD have requested; every euro is a prisoner to the Douchbag!
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Roland Out Forever!