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'Refugees welcome' banners at German football matches/The Valley



  • edited September 2015

    Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    These people are fighting for their lives. I don't expect they give a shit about following European rules. you can paint it as black and white as you want but the fact is these people are desperate for a new life ( or any life) away from the horror that have experienced .
  • Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    These people are fighting for their lives. I don't expect they give a shit about following European rules. you can paint it as black and white as you want but thre fact is these people are desperate for a new life away from the horror that have experienced.
    So if they are safe in Hungary, Turkey or Greece why not say there and set up shop? Why do they feel the need to continue onto Germany and the UK?

    You're safe... You're not in Syria anymore? Why skirmish with authorities in Hungary?
  • edited September 2015

    Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    These people are fighting for their lives. I don't expect they give a shit about following European rules. you can paint it as black and white as you want but thre fact is these people are desperate for a new life away from the horror that have experienced.
    So if they are safe in Hungary, Turkey or Greece why not say there and set up shop? Why do they feel the need to continue onto Germany and the UK?

    You're safe... You're not in Syria anymore? Why skirmish with authorities in Hungary?
    This isn't a few thousand people. It's in the MILLIONS.

    To expect a country in the state that Greece is in currently to take millions of refugees is simply ludicrous.
    Well if you follow the process, register and go to a refugee camp then we can deal with disbursement in and orderly fashion. So everyone is spread out and every country takes their share.
  • Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    A point I made earlier. If you are fleeing for your life then surely Hungary is a very safe haven. But no, they refuse to register themselves there and want to move onwards to Germany or beyond. This isn't doing their cause any good at all as people then stop seeing them as genuine refugees and as people who just want to get as much money
    as possible from whomever is offering the best deal. In the end they just become the same as illegal immigrants to many.
  • edited September 2015

    Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    A point I made earlier. If you are fleeing for your life then surely Hungary is a very safe haven. But no, they refuse to register themselves there and want to move onwards to Germany or beyond. This isn't doing their cause any good at all as people then stop seeing them as genuine refugees and as people who just want to get as much money
    as possible from whomever is offering the best deal. In the end they just become the same as illegal immigrants to many. </blockquote

    And Hungary welcomed them with open arms then?
  • I'm not sure they have welcomed them with open arms but they have been asking refugees to register with the Hungarian authorities as they should but many are refusing and Hungary have at least set up proper camps for the refugees but it seems many would rather be cattled into a train station.
  • IA said:

    ISIS are fighting Assad.

    The Free Syrian Army (main member of the National Coalition etc) are fighting Assad.

    That does not mean that they are one and the same, nor that they were fighting together. Rod Liddle's article contains very little information.

    Isn't he a WHam supporter?
    Nah, he's a Spanner.
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  • Watching "Breaking into Britain: The Lorry Jumpers"; a Channel 4 documentary, on 4+1. It's Channel 4 so the usual bias that goes with that is there but it still seems quite interesting.

    I'm currently only a quarter of the way through it but a few things have jumped out to me:

    - The young lad who they seem to be following has quite a British accent, has already been here for 2 years previously. He left to go home when he found his mother had cancer, and now coming back in to the UK he has seen how security has increased and is struggling to gain entry. As nice a guy as he seems, and very genuine, he's already been here illegally once and his home is perfectly safe if he can go back and visit his mum.

    - A sample of the kind of trouble that would await us if there was an increased flow is the Sudanese gang who set fire to the dwelling of another group of 'campers' whilst they were asleep inside - purely because of an early 'misunderstanding'. Presumably this is indicative of just how harsh the conditions are in Calais at the moment though.

    - Squats where the police wont venture inside, because even those inside it claim any police officer to set foot inside will be killed. The theme does seem to be people wanting to work hard for a better life, but to say that directly after saying that any police officer to enter that building will be killed does remove any feelings of sympathy.

    - A Morrocan chap who just wants to come across to meet an English woman and make his mother happy. Once again, a nice chap but not a legitimate reason. Just another theme of people 'wanting to do better' and preparing to risk life and limb for it, then you see him drunk on Fosters saying how much he loves England and he'd rather die than not get across.

    - The French riot police seem to be seen as quite a fearsome bunch, although having seen previous videos they don't seem quite that clued up tactically.

    - The lorry drivers have balls to openly confront them when they discover them inside their lorries. (I know financially/legally it's in their own interests, but I'd be running straight over to a police officer myself)

    I understand these aren't the 'refugees' we're discussing in here, but it does confuse the issue. When we discuss immigration in this country we're more acutely aware of the goings on in Calais, and based on this showing most concerns are valid - these aren't genuine reasons for entry in to our country.

    If we can separate the generate asylum seekers, those who are true refugees and need refuge, then maybe public perception would change and people would be more welcoming to the prospect of giving help where it's needed. But seeing these kind of cases do not help public perception.
  • Ah, they've just touched upon what appears to be a more genuine case. A young woman from Ethiopia, who talks of government sanctioned killings and being doused with petrol. It appears she had some form of evidence on her iPhone, but I failed to see anything other than a news photo.

    There was no real question of why she needed to gain entry to the UK, rather than Italy or France. However she's clearly made up her mind, so she's enlisted the help of 3 lads who look like utter scumbags. They claim they can get her entry to the UK, I have no idea what's in it for them - but they look nasty.

    This brings up another point, whilst genuine cases are turning to these kinds of people for assistance, are they creating a black market for help? I'm sure these 3 lads weren't altruistic in their intentions. What waits for her at the other side? Did she provide them with money or favours in Calais?

    She got caught via a sniffer dog though... so it's back to the camp and another go tomorrow. 14 hours in the lorry, 1 hour in a holding cell then release. Which begs the question of why she's released in France when (a)she must have some potential claim for asylum, and (b)she is an illegal immigrant at this stage - a non EU citizen with no legal paperwork?
  • Another interesting chap is en route from Eritrea, he once again underlines the blackmarket that this crisis is providing. He describes the people smugglers as 'millionaire smugglers' who freely rape women who they transport and will kill you if they don't like you. If you mention things like sinking ships they will also kill you.

    His story about the journey alone would be enough to give him psychological issues, and his comments about the treatment of women at the hands of the smugglers also suggests reasons behind the lack of women who make the journey to Calais.

    He speaks about the UK giving you a house and benefits until paperwork gets sorted, but he didn't appear to believe it.

    He had a successful claim for Asylum and is in Glasgow. He's enjoying it being here, he's got 'everything he wants here, in Glasgow'; a house and £35 a week. Asylum for 5 years, so until 2020 and it looks like he already has work in a factory. I'm actually chuffed for him to be fair, he seems like a genuine chap with good concerns. (He dealt with a drunk very well whilst filming too, who wanted to know why he wasn't still in Africa.)

    Definitely a good show but I think it's just re-affirmed what I already knew.
  • IA said:

    IA said:

    Why refugees don't/can't go to Gulf states

    So the Gulf states, which are closer to home and already hold fellow lovable, peaceful Muslims are pricing desperate, starving, refugees out of entering their countries and people are pointing the finger at Britain to do more....whilst they continue to treat southeast Asian migrant workers like filth??? Interesting.

    I 100% agree that the Gulf states should do more. I have stronger opinions about, in particular, the royal families of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but I don't want to sidetrack the discussion.

    But all the finger-wagging in the world at Gulf states won't do anything to help the crisis.

    Whatever pressure there is on Britain is mostly coming from within. People in Britain who feel Britain should do more.
    Personally I think we should do more as a country, however letting them into the UK is not one of them. I just don't think we can cope.

    I do think we should force the Gulf states to do more and assist them as best we can to find a practical solution.
    You think the UK should do more, but not accept any of the refugees.

    What sort of things do you think the UK should do and how would these help the current crisis?
    I'm not a politician or humanitarian, so excuse my basic answer but I'm sure there are things that the UK government can do along with the other major nations that would force the hand of gulf states to do more. Just openly inviting them to travel half way across Europe and across the channel into our already strained overpopulated nation, to me, is not the answer.
    To come back to my first post of not enough accommodation(affordable as well) and too many people.
    To all the people who think the Government should help with more and more people coming in to this country, would you be prepared to offer accommodation in your own homes?
  • IA said:

    IA said:

    Why refugees don't/can't go to Gulf states

    So the Gulf states, which are closer to home and already hold fellow lovable, peaceful Muslims are pricing desperate, starving, refugees out of entering their countries and people are pointing the finger at Britain to do more....whilst they continue to treat southeast Asian migrant workers like filth??? Interesting.

    I 100% agree that the Gulf states should do more. I have stronger opinions about, in particular, the royal families of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but I don't want to sidetrack the discussion.

    But all the finger-wagging in the world at Gulf states won't do anything to help the crisis.

    Whatever pressure there is on Britain is mostly coming from within. People in Britain who feel Britain should do more.
    Personally I think we should do more as a country, however letting them into the UK is not one of them. I just don't think we can cope.

    I do think we should force the Gulf states to do more and assist them as best we can to find a practical solution.
    You think the UK should do more, but not accept any of the refugees.

    What sort of things do you think the UK should do and how would these help the current crisis?
    I'm not a politician or humanitarian, so excuse my basic answer but I'm sure there are things that the UK government can do along with the other major nations that would force the hand of gulf states to do more. Just openly inviting them to travel half way across Europe and across the channel into our already strained overpopulated nation, to me, is not the answer.
    To come back to my first post of not enough accommodation(affordable as well) and too many people.
    To all the people who think the Government should help with more and more people coming in to this country, would you be prepared to offer accommodation in your own homes?
    We've already had that ludicrous question but yes, yes I would.
  • How many homeless people do you currently accommodate all ready, your home must he huge, such a kind and considerate offer surely you offer that too all in need regardless of their immigration status,
  • unless they can play football for Charlton I don't want any of these foreign sorts on my land
  • I have the answer, there can be an appeal on the TV with sad slow music, and you can get the chance to adopt an immigrant, they will send you a letter and a birthday card, plus there can be a generic soft toy in the national dress of the immigrant you choose to adopt, all for say £3 per week. Once the amount of money Is reached to allow an immigrant to reside in the UK is achieved then one can come in, however if you stop sponsorship then they automatically get taken to a holding area and potentially evicted
  • se9addick said:

    How many homeless people do you currently accommodate all ready, your home must he huge, such a kind and considerate offer surely you offer that too all in need regardless of their immigration status,

    Well I'd be homeless if I didn't live here, so one I suppose.
    Forgive my ludicrous question earlier.

    I do not think many people would be as generous and accommodating as you.

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  • edited September 2015
    the thing is if we have more, would they go back? no they wouldn't they would stay here have multiple children ( not racist - a fact they have a much higher birth rate than Europe) who then need schools and hospitals and were full to the brim, people that want to help them donate to the crisis or go out there and volunteer or something.
  • edited September 2015

    refugee pulls wife and child onto tracks - and this is the type of head case you want being a citizen here.
  • IA said:

    Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    A point I made earlier. If you are fleeing for your life then surely Hungary is a very safe haven. But no, they refuse to register themselves there and want to move onwards to Germany or beyond. This isn't doing their cause any good at all as people then stop seeing them as genuine refugees and as people who just want to get as much money
    as possible from whomever is offering the best deal. In the end they just become the same as illegal immigrants to many.
    Viktor Orban, Hungarian PM earlier this week:
    "We have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country"

    The refugees got on a train to Germany, whereupon riot police arrived, took Europeans off the train and forced any Syrians to remain on the train. Then the train went east to a refugee camp.

    If these things were said about you, if these things happened to you, I'm not sure that you would describe such a country as a "safe haven".
    To be honest, that sounds like many police forces across the UK just before a Millwall visit.

    Train pulls in, Millwall fans are separated forcibly by police, we are led to waiting buses or escorted to a pub of their choice. Try to leave and you are threatened with arrest. After the game you are held back, escorted and placed on a dry train. Back in London you are then escorted to the tube and accompanied until London Bridge.
  • se9addick said:

    How many homeless people do you currently accommodate all ready, your home must he huge, such a kind and considerate offer surely you offer that too all in need regardless of their immigration status,

    Well I'd be homeless if I didn't live here, so one I suppose.
    So you don't want to answer if you currently accommodate any uk people in need such as homeless people in your town or a single mum on her uppers or is it only immigrants you want to help.
  • IA said:

    Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    A point I made earlier. If you are fleeing for your life then surely Hungary is a very safe haven. But no, they refuse to register themselves there and want to move onwards to Germany or beyond. This isn't doing their cause any good at all as people then stop seeing them as genuine refugees and as people who just want to get as much money
    as possible from whomever is offering the best deal. In the end they just become the same as illegal immigrants to many.
    Viktor Orban, Hungarian PM earlier this week:
    "We have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country"

    The refugees got on a train to Germany, whereupon riot police arrived, took Europeans off the train and forced any Syrians to remain on the train. Then the train went east to a refugee camp.

    If these things were said about you, if these things happened to you, I'm not sure that you would describe such a country as a "safe haven".
    To be honest, that sounds like many police forces across the UK just before a Millwall visit.

    Train pulls in, Millwall fans are separated forcibly by police, we are led to waiting buses or escorted to a pub of their choice. Try to leave and you are threatened with arrest. After the game you are held back, escorted and placed on a dry train. Back in London you are then escorted to the tube and accompanied until London Bridge.
    When do you get sent to a refugee camp?

    When does the government announce it doesn't want any Millwall fans in the country?

    Not similar
  • IA said:

    IA said:

    Here's a question...

    Why are these refugees not following the rules imposed by the EU by declaring refugee status in the first country they enter?

    Also, now that they are out of harms way in Syria and safely in Hungary, why not stay there? You were fleeing for safety, you're safe... Why the need to proceed onto Germany, the UK etc? Oh I remember, money. Every single thing in this world comes back down to money or lack there of

    Why not go to these refugee camps that Hungary has setup, you're safe at least, correct? But no, they don't want they, they start a skirmish with officers and start chanting Germany, Germany...

    A point I made earlier. If you are fleeing for your life then surely Hungary is a very safe haven. But no, they refuse to register themselves there and want to move onwards to Germany or beyond. This isn't doing their cause any good at all as people then stop seeing them as genuine refugees and as people who just want to get as much money
    as possible from whomever is offering the best deal. In the end they just become the same as illegal immigrants to many.
    Viktor Orban, Hungarian PM earlier this week:
    "We have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country"

    The refugees got on a train to Germany, whereupon riot police arrived, took Europeans off the train and forced any Syrians to remain on the train. Then the train went east to a refugee camp.

    If these things were said about you, if these things happened to you, I'm not sure that you would describe such a country as a "safe haven".
    To be honest, that sounds like many police forces across the UK just before a Millwall visit.

    Train pulls in, Millwall fans are separated forcibly by police, we are led to waiting buses or escorted to a pub of their choice. Try to leave and you are threatened with arrest. After the game you are held back, escorted and placed on a dry train. Back in London you are then escorted to the tube and accompanied until London Bridge.
    When do you get sent to a refugee camp?

    When does the government announce it doesn't want any Millwall fans in the country?

    Not similar
    I'm not sure.....but I think his comment was made in jest?!?
  • Throughout this discussion I've been reminded of the Monster Raving Loony Party approach to the problem of asylum seekers.....

    ....simply make asylums better signposted.
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