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'Refugees welcome' banners at German football matches/The Valley



  • IA said:

    according to the independent 1 in 10 brits would house a refugee for 6 months

    Where do they get that figure from?
    They asked 10 people in the office and Dave in accounts said he would "Just for the company"
    It sounds like it. 1 in 10 would be around 6 million people. I don't think anyone believes that anything near that number would make an offer.

    The Independent as the shining light of journalism, as always.
  • Swindon and Aston Villa too, I believe. Though that might be the fans, not the clubs.
  • If people want to do something please donate 3quid a week to enter your bank details as instructed and I will promise that 0.01p in the pound will be given to a migrant somewhere,
  • Must set an alarm to remind me to check this thread post Friday night beers.

    Should be good!
  • edited September 2015

    so seeing all over the news now that were taking 4000?, so what happens when Syria is safe will they go home or will they say they have settled here now and its unfair for them to go home, disruptive to the I children etc?.

    I remember when that nice Mr Blair said that 10000 Kosovans would be taken in by us but they would all be going back when things settled down Did I believe him ?
  • Must set an alarm to remind me to check this thread post Friday night beers.

    Should be good!

    Sign my old man up to it and tell him to read through this on the 314 home, should be interesting, if he works out how to log in of course..
  • so seeing all over the news now that were taking 4000?, so what happens when Syria is safe will they go home or will they say they have settled here now and its unfair for them to go home, disruptive to the children etc?.

    Will they have the right to bring their extended family over when they've permanently settled? Family reunion will increase the numbers exponentially.
  • Did these same German football teams not welcome Hitler in the 1930's?
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  • Did these same German football teams not welcome Hitler in the 1930's?

    Don't think they had much of a choice tbf
  • Must set an alarm to remind me to check this thread post Friday night beers.

    Should be good!

    Sign my old man up to it and tell him to read through this on the 314 home, should be interesting, if he works out how to log in of course..
    Haha. Will do H.
  • so seeing all over the news now that were taking 4000?, so what happens when Syria is safe will they go home or will they say they have settled here now and its unfair for them to go home, disruptive to the children etc?.

    Will they have the right to bring their extended family over when they've permanently settled? Family reunion will increase the numbers exponentially.
    Course they will.
  • kentred2 said:

    The minority of people in the UK are right wing and happen to be the least intelligent.

    The fact is immigration has never hurt our economy or us as individuals and never will.

    Well, I have some left wing views. I also have some right wing views, mostly related to immigration and I find that some on the left are truly stupid, on this topic - as stupid as any BNP knuckledragger that they claim intellectual superiority to. Why? the failure to implement logic and the tendency to go with emotional arguments over pragmatic ones, but also to selectively quote evidence without appreciating how much it detracts from the force of their arguments. I too, was taught all of the leftist tropes at university, and would merrily trot them out unquestioningly, until I learned to think for myself. Just as many commonly held beliefs you will read in the Daily Mail are bullshit, so are many that you will encounter in The Guardian. They are two cheeks of the same arse, both with their own agendas.

    However, what I find far more sinister is the mindset that you have displayed above. An absolutist knowledge that you are right and that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and must be evil, or thick. This is why behind every non-moderate left winger is a fascist who does not agree with free speech, and will simply not tolerate an opinion that detracts from their own. If you want evidence of this, simply look at the reaction to the election result on social media by some members of the left. The irony, is that this only serves to alienate support from ordinary people. The same ordinary people who had the temerity to express concern at the cultural and societal suicide which is occurring due to the most rapid demographic in these islands for probably a millennia, but who were just labeled as racists and told to shut up. Let me also remind you, that according to opinion polls, these people now form the majority of the's just that they don't go around shouting loudly and haranguing people with opinions different to their own.

    Your second statement is disingenuous at best and ignorant at worst. Immigration of skilled, intelligent folk who will embrace a modern secular country and its values are an undoubted benefit and this should be actively encouraged. But this is not the only type of immigrant that has gained access to this country (compare studies on EU vs non-EU immigration, for example). As you no doubt know, there is a world of difference between the statistical data related to economic contributions from different ethnic demographics and some newcomers are most definitely not a benefit, either economically or socially. As someone who has only this morning listened to a fellow (muslim) colleague saying how he is getting increasingly sick of the racism of some of his religious compatriots against the native population - I can very much guarantee you that to many people, myself included, this multicultural experiment has proceeded way further than it ever should have. I see the depressing results of this on a daily basis (and some truly horrible things have happened that have no place in our society, but that have often been excused by 'white guilt' based cultural relativism), and it has been swept under the carpet to the extent that denial seems to one of the only responses that the pro immigration crowd have. We now live in a divided country, where the social contract is effectively broken due to a lack of common cultural ground - no wonder 'social cohesion' is a concept bandied about by those who are now starting to wake up to the mess that they have made of this country through uncontrolled immigration. Study the demographics of this country and you will see the future promises a radically different society....not a change I would embrace as a democratic secularist. If you're happy for your children's children to live in a Muslim country, then fair enough - but most of us are not (they tend to be backward, intolerant, repressive and dangerous societies which are anathema to free thought and expression); yet this change has been foisted on us without us ever being consulted. Any transition to such a society will not be peaceful because it involves two diametrically opposite ideological positions.

    There are intelligent lefties and righties and thick lefties and righties. Neither group has a monopoly on intelligence or stupidity.

    Now FFS, grow up and accept that people might have different opinions to your own.

    P.S as for a solution to the current refugee crisis? I don't have one and neither do you. But the well has been poisoned for many of the public by years of being lied to about immigration (including the conflation of economic migrants and legitimate asylum seekers), hence why sympathy for accepting yet more people with a culture different, even antipathetic, to our own is going to prove to be a hard sell.
    I think this is so good it needs to be posted at the beginning of every thread or whenever a thread gets even remotely political. Although then the Argument Alert will be a lot quieter. kentred2 is certainly not the only person on here who thinks they are more intelligent or more ethical or automatically win the argument by virtue of being left-wing.
  • seth plum said:

    With regard to population density, I'm always find it odd when flying over the country that anyone could describe it as crowded. It may be more crowded than say Canada but considerable parts are effectively uninhabitable.

    The UK population density is approx. 680 per square mile compared to for example 1,055 in the Netherlands, 1,303 in South Korea and 953 in Belgium, all developed countries which manage to function perfectly well. Similarly the UK is less densely populated than New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland or Rhode Island in the USA.

    1,054 if you take England only
    14,200 in London

    1,210 New Jersey?
    12,700 in Amsterdam
    16,500 Brussel (pop is only 1.1m)

    And London has only just returned to it's peak population numbers of 1939, so we have been in this population situation before, with presumably a much less diverse citizenship then.
    The good old days when those million pound townhouses in Brockley housed 2 families a floor in poor conditions.
  • Needed to see the doctor today and called up to be told the next available appointment is in 5 days! #justsaying
  • kentred2 said:

    The minority of people in the UK are right wing and happen to be the least intelligent.

    The fact is immigration has never hurt our economy or us as individuals and never will.

    Well, I have some left wing views. I also have some right wing views, mostly related to immigration and I find that some on the left are truly stupid, on this topic - as stupid as any BNP knuckledragger that they claim intellectual superiority to. Why? the failure to implement logic and the tendency to go with emotional arguments over pragmatic ones, but also to selectively quote evidence without appreciating how much it detracts from the force of their arguments. I too, was taught all of the leftist tropes at university, and would merrily trot them out unquestioningly, until I learned to think for myself. Just as many commonly held beliefs you will read in the Daily Mail are bullshit, so are many that you will encounter in The Guardian. They are two cheeks of the same arse, both with their own agendas.

    However, what I find far more sinister is the mindset that you have displayed above. An absolutist knowledge that you are right and that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and must be evil, or thick. This is why behind every non-moderate left winger is a fascist who does not agree with free speech, and will simply not tolerate an opinion that detracts from their own. If you want evidence of this, simply look at the reaction to the election result on social media by some members of the left. The irony, is that this only serves to alienate support from ordinary people. The same ordinary people who had the temerity to express concern at the cultural and societal suicide which is occurring due to the most rapid demographic in these islands for probably a millennia, but who were just labeled as racists and told to shut up. Let me also remind you, that according to opinion polls, these people now form the majority of the's just that they don't go around shouting loudly and haranguing people with opinions different to their own.

    Your second statement is disingenuous at best and ignorant at worst. Immigration of skilled, intelligent folk who will embrace a modern secular country and its values are an undoubted benefit and this should be actively encouraged. But this is not the only type of immigrant that has gained access to this country (compare studies on EU vs non-EU immigration, for example). As you no doubt know, there is a world of difference between the statistical data related to economic contributions from different ethnic demographics and some newcomers are most definitely not a benefit, either economically or socially. As someone who has only this morning listened to a fellow (muslim) colleague saying how he is getting increasingly sick of the racism of some of his religious compatriots against the native population - I can very much guarantee you that to many people, myself included, this multicultural experiment has proceeded way further than it ever should have. I see the depressing results of this on a daily basis (and some truly horrible things have happened that have no place in our society, but that have often been excused by 'white guilt' based cultural relativism), and it has been swept under the carpet to the extent that denial seems to one of the only responses that the pro immigration crowd have. We now live in a divided country, where the social contract is effectively broken due to a lack of common cultural ground - no wonder 'social cohesion' is a concept bandied about by those who are now starting to wake up to the mess that they have made of this country through uncontrolled immigration. Study the demographics of this country and you will see the future promises a radically different society....not a change I would embrace as a democratic secularist. If you're happy for your children's children to live in a Muslim country, then fair enough - but most of us are not (they tend to be backward, intolerant, repressive and dangerous societies which are anathema to free thought and expression); yet this change has been foisted on us without us ever being consulted. Any transition to such a society will not be peaceful because it involves two diametrically opposite ideological positions.

    There are intelligent lefties and righties and thick lefties and righties. Neither group has a monopoly on intelligence or stupidity.

    Now FFS, grow up and accept that people might have different opinions to your own.

    P.S as for a solution to the current refugee crisis? I don't have one and neither do you. But the well has been poisoned for many of the public by years of being lied to about immigration (including the conflation of economic migrants and legitimate asylum seekers), hence why sympathy for accepting yet more people with a culture different, even antipathetic, to our own is going to prove to be a hard sell.
    I think I was the first person to "like" this post. But yes, it is one of the best posts on here for a very long time.
  • seth plum said:

    With regard to population density, I'm always find it odd when flying over the country that anyone could describe it as crowded. It may be more crowded than say Canada but considerable parts are effectively uninhabitable.

    The UK population density is approx. 680 per square mile compared to for example 1,055 in the Netherlands, 1,303 in South Korea and 953 in Belgium, all developed countries which manage to function perfectly well. Similarly the UK is less densely populated than New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland or Rhode Island in the USA.

    1,054 if you take England only
    14,200 in London

    1,210 New Jersey?
    12,700 in Amsterdam
    16,500 Brussel (pop is only 1.1m)

    And London has only just returned to it's peak population numbers of 1939, so we have been in this population situation before, with presumably a much less diverse citizenship then.
    The good old days when those million pound townhouses in Brockley housed 2 families a floor in poor conditions.
    I have not mentioned good old days have I?
    The population reduction since the thirties has been because of the rise of suburbia, and the increase of affordable transport.
    I am not that much of an expert on these things, but I imagine areas such as Downham, Dagenham, certainly Thamesmead, and Medway places like Cuxton have grown as the population of London moved out.
    The space around and about was exploited for these purposes.
    Indeed the Ferrier Estate (and now the new development there) was build on an open area formally known as Ninefields and was an airport during the war.
    I am not sure physical space is the issue so much as infrastructure like schools and hospitals and other services.
    I don't know if it is any kind of positive suggestion, but the area along the Thames corridor, certainly south of the river near the Dartford crossing is pretty vast, and not exactly chocolate box pretty. The area used to be the home of the cement industry (I think, maybe it still is), and now there are pretty big empty spaces that could be developed.
    Driving to Bluewater, there seems to be canyon like spaces adjacent that could probably contain a Downham, a Thamesmead, a Dagenham, and a Cuxton combined (I may have overestimated).
    I am unconvinced that our small country is not able to take people because of issues of physical space, it is more about other kinds of issues.

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  • Needed to see the doctor today and called up to be told the next available appointment is in 5 days! #justsaying

    five DAYS ? Lucky you .... sorry to top your story .. I recently had to wait almost 4 WEEKS to see my GP .. and he wasn't on holiday during that time
  • kentred2 said:

    The minority of people in the UK are right wing and happen to be the least intelligent.

    The fact is immigration has never hurt our economy or us as individuals and never will.

    Well, I have some left wing views. I also have some right wing views, mostly related to immigration and I find that some on the left are truly stupid, on this topic - as stupid as any BNP knuckledragger that they claim intellectual superiority to. Why? the failure to implement logic and the tendency to go with emotional arguments over pragmatic ones, but also to selectively quote evidence without appreciating how much it detracts from the force of their arguments. I too, was taught all of the leftist tropes at university, and would merrily trot them out unquestioningly, until I learned to think for myself. Just as many commonly held beliefs you will read in the Daily Mail are bullshit, so are many that you will encounter in The Guardian. They are two cheeks of the same arse, both with their own agendas.

    However, what I find far more sinister is the mindset that you have displayed above. An absolutist knowledge that you are right and that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and must be evil, or thick. This is why behind every non-moderate left winger is a fascist who does not agree with free speech, and will simply not tolerate an opinion that detracts from their own. If you want evidence of this, simply look at the reaction to the election result on social media by some members of the left. The irony, is that this only serves to alienate support from ordinary people. The same ordinary people who had the temerity to express concern at the cultural and societal suicide which is occurring due to the most rapid demographic in these islands for probably a millennia, but who were just labeled as racists and told to shut up. Let me also remind you, that according to opinion polls, these people now form the majority of the's just that they don't go around shouting loudly and haranguing people with opinions different to their own.

    Your second statement is disingenuous at best and ignorant at worst. Immigration of skilled, intelligent folk who will embrace a modern secular country and its values are an undoubted benefit and this should be actively encouraged. But this is not the only type of immigrant that has gained access to this country (compare studies on EU vs non-EU immigration, for example). As you no doubt know, there is a world of difference between the statistical data related to economic contributions from different ethnic demographics and some newcomers are most definitely not a benefit, either economically or socially. As someone who has only this morning listened to a fellow (muslim) colleague saying how he is getting increasingly sick of the racism of some of his religious compatriots against the native population - I can very much guarantee you that to many people, myself included, this multicultural experiment has proceeded way further than it ever should have. I see the depressing results of this on a daily basis (and some truly horrible things have happened that have no place in our society, but that have often been excused by 'white guilt' based cultural relativism), and it has been swept under the carpet to the extent that denial seems to one of the only responses that the pro immigration crowd have. We now live in a divided country, where the social contract is effectively broken due to a lack of common cultural ground - no wonder 'social cohesion' is a concept bandied about by those who are now starting to wake up to the mess that they have made of this country through uncontrolled immigration. Study the demographics of this country and you will see the future promises a radically different society....not a change I would embrace as a democratic secularist. If you're happy for your children's children to live in a Muslim country, then fair enough - but most of us are not (they tend to be backward, intolerant, repressive and dangerous societies which are anathema to free thought and expression); yet this change has been foisted on us without us ever being consulted. Any transition to such a society will not be peaceful because it involves two diametrically opposite ideological positions.

    There are intelligent lefties and righties and thick lefties and righties. Neither group has a monopoly on intelligence or stupidity.

    Now FFS, grow up and accept that people might have different opinions to your own.

    P.S as for a solution to the current refugee crisis? I don't have one and neither do you. But the well has been poisoned for many of the public by years of being lied to about immigration (including the conflation of economic migrants and legitimate asylum seekers), hence why sympathy for accepting yet more people with a culture different, even antipathetic, to our own is going to prove to be a hard sell.
    I think I was the first person to "like" this post. But yes, it is one of the best posts on here for a very long time.
    It is an excellent post
  • Most of these 'refugees' appear to be fairly fit, well fed and clothed young men
  • Needed to see the doctor today and called up to be told the next available appointment is in 5 days! #justsaying

    I tried to get an appointment at my GPs and was told it wouldn't be for six days. My point? I live in a small, rural town in North Yorkshire, a town that only has a smattering of immigrants, mainly Poles and Lithuanians but definitely no more than possibly three percent of the towns population. Now either they've all got sick at once or there is a different reason as to why it's so hard to get to see a doctor. I know who I'm blaming.
    Yeah but it's easier to blame those horrible immigrants . If it wasn't for people coming to the UK over the decades our NHS would hardly have any any doctors or nurses.
  • Needed to see the doctor today and called up to be told the next available appointment is in 5 days! #justsaying

    I tried to get an appointment at my GPs and was told it wouldn't be for six days. My point? I live in a small, rural town in North Yorkshire, a town that only has a smattering of immigrants, mainly Poles and Lithuanians but definitely no more than possibly three percent of the towns population. Now either they've all got sick at once or there is a different reason as to why it's so hard to get to see a doctor. I know who I'm blaming.
    In the meantime, just rub some savlon on it, try not to scratch it too much and be more careful where you put it in future

  • ....pray tell what Littlejohn's own interaction is with the non-Anglo community? I suppose he invites different ethnic groups round every night for evenings of communal healing.....

    As far as I understand it, he's fucked off to Florida anyway.
  • edited September 2015

    Most of these 'refugees' appear to be fairly fit, well fed and clothed young men

    What point are you making? You'd prefer them to be starving, injured and naked?
  • Needed to see the doctor today and called up to be told the next available appointment is in 5 days! #justsaying

    I tried to get an appointment at my GPs and was told it wouldn't be for six days. My point? I live in a small, rural town in North Yorkshire, a town that only has a smattering of immigrants, mainly Poles and Lithuanians but definitely no more than possibly three percent of the towns population. Now either they've all got sick at once or there is a different reason as to why it's so hard to get to see a doctor. I know who I'm blaming.
    In the meantime, just rub some savlon on it, try not to scratch it too much and be more careful where you put it in future

    Sshh my wife sometimes reads CL :scream:
  • I k

    Needed to see the doctor today and called up to be told the next available appointment is in 5 days! #justsaying

    I tried to get an appointment at my GPs and was told it wouldn't be for six days. My point? I live in a small, rural town in North Yorkshire, a town that only has a smattering of immigrants, mainly Poles and Lithuanians but definitely no more than possibly three percent of the towns population. Now either they've all got sick at once or there is a different reason as to why it's so hard to get to see a doctor. I know who I'm blaming.
    I knew it those poxy veggies have taken all the appointments due lack of meaty goodness and broccoli ecoli, it can only be cured by a fine porterhouse steak and some lovely offal
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