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Trust Calls Public Meeting of Fans - Woolwich Grand Theatre – Wed 18th Feb 7.30pm



  • I am sure most would volunteer a fiver or tenner to attend and towards a fighting fund. Some maybe a good bit more
  • History tells us the club is at its strongest when its supporters are informed, consulted and involved in the setting of its direction

    Which is precisely why the first task of the new owners was to close as many channels of communication as possible.

    Perhaps why the club was divested of many loyal employees, prior to the chuckle brothers selling it to Roland.
  • Kap10 said:

    If my heart consultant agrees..I'll be there...can we get ALL different groups together please...CL, ITTV, Not 606, Facebook, Twitter. Its time to unite, and get our club back....

    Bring him, the more the merrier
    Sadly his favourite hobby/pastime is shooting...................oh now there's an idea!!!!

    haha I was going to ask how much would a hitman charge ?

  • Kap10 said:

    Judging by the response on here so far - which is brilliant - we are going to have to plan carefully about how we handle the demand for attendance at this meeting. We've got two locations under consideration, don't yet know if either are free for the date we've pencilled in. Now we will have to look at capacity too.

    Please bear in mind that since we've called the meeting, the Trust has to pay for it. We don't have a big budget. Of course the more who join, the more that will help if we have to look for a bigger place.

    But for that reason for now we will confine ourself to letting people know on this and the other main CAFC fan sites.

    Confused now! So shouldn't I be putting it on LinkedIn or "Hill to The Valley", the private Charlton mailing list that I am on or tell the guy that sits next to me at the Valley and does not have a clue?
    Don't be picky Kap, its an open public meeting. Tell who you like, how you like

  • Personally I do not think that now is the time for such a meeting, and I honestly think that while there is discontent.....many of you have 'worked each other up' on this forum.

    I would like to attend, but would quite possibly offend people by laughing at the collective bed - wetting that I can see occurring.

    I will, of course, throw my hat in to the ring and get involved once I feel it is the appropriate time.

    Thanks Roland ;-)
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  • seth plum said:

    A great idea, and I will most certainly be there.

    I would like to mention some housekeeping points. Even though the meeting is something initiated by the Trust, it should not be perceived as a net to catch members, it is for all fans, and yes there can be an opportunity to join the Trust if people want to do that, but it should not be pushed in a way that will alienate those who have misgivings with the Trust.

    In terms of the meeting structure, or the agenda, or the Chairing/Q&A's,or the aims, well this needs to be imagined. Is the aim to produce a detailed statement covering the concerns of fans, that can then be passed on? Is it a plan for further meeting and actions, even (don't laugh) fundraising. Maybe the meeting can stocktake expertise or skills of some sort that may be offered by some fans, and may be of use.

    I would also suggest some thought goes into audibility. Sometimes at such meetings people answer points when the original point hasn't been heard by the room, which can be frustrating. I also think it is a good idea for participants to somehow introduce themselves, or be introduced (twice!), to avoid people getting mixed up.

    Any idea of a venue?

    Seth. Please note what was said in the statement

    Organise and chair an open public meeting within the next two weeks, for all Charlton supporters to air their views on the current situation. This meeting is intended to be an opportunity to bring together as many as possible of the various organisational, internet and publication elements of the Charlton family, as well as individual supporters, and secure the widest possible mandate for any approach we jointly decide to adopt.

    Essentially the Trust is facilitating the meeting. That means actively giving voice to all strands of opinion among the fans. The difficult bit will be towards the end when we try to pull together agreement on action. And it's likely that the Trust will agree on certain action, and others on other action. Just as an example I think most of the Trust Board is against advocating a ST boycott. However we fully understand why others want to do that. In which case the important thing is to find some way for people who do that to show the Club actively that they have made that decision. Some kind of sticker when they return their forms unfilled for example.

    Good point on audibility, we are going to need amplification.
  • edited February 2015

    Kap10 said:

    Judging by the response on here so far - which is brilliant - we are going to have to plan carefully about how we handle the demand for attendance at this meeting. We've got two locations under consideration, don't yet know if either are free for the date we've pencilled in. Now we will have to look at capacity too.

    Please bear in mind that since we've called the meeting, the Trust has to pay for it. We don't have a big budget. Of course the more who join, the more that will help if we have to look for a bigger place.

    But for that reason for now we will confine ourself to letting people know on this and the other main CAFC fan sites.

    Confused now! So shouldn't I be putting it on LinkedIn or "Hill to The Valley", the private Charlton mailing list that I am on or tell the guy that sits next to me at the Valley and does not have a clue?
    Don't be picky Kap, its an open public meeting. Tell who you like, how you like

    I did not think I was being picky, I started to use all my communications means to highlight the statement then saw a a post that indicated to me that "For now we will confine ourself to letting people know on this and the other main CAFC site" so what is it confine or "tell who you like"?
  • RedChaser said:

    Personally I do not think that now is the time for such a meeting, and I honestly think that while there is discontent.....many of you have 'worked each other up' on this forum.

    I would like to attend, but would quite possibly offend people by laughing at the collective bed - wetting that I can see occurring.

    I will, of course, throw my hat in to the ring and get involved once I feel it is the appropriate time.

    Fair enough each to their own and don't take offence but this comes across a bit like formet work colleagues who refused to join the union or staff association but were more than happy to take the pay rises that those institutions fought for.
    No offence taken. Although perhaps that is because I don't really understand your analogy.
  • Well done the Trust. Count me in.
  • edited February 2015
    Do you mean you'd like to host it within two weeks or within two weeks you'd like to organise a date? Thanks. Either way I'll do my best to be there.

    Ps f*ck katrien
  • Kap10 said:

    Kap10 said:

    Judging by the response on here so far - which is brilliant - we are going to have to plan carefully about how we handle the demand for attendance at this meeting. We've got two locations under consideration, don't yet know if either are free for the date we've pencilled in. Now we will have to look at capacity too.

    Please bear in mind that since we've called the meeting, the Trust has to pay for it. We don't have a big budget. Of course the more who join, the more that will help if we have to look for a bigger place.

    But for that reason for now we will confine ourself to letting people know on this and the other main CAFC fan sites.

    Confused now! So shouldn't I be putting it on LinkedIn or "Hill to The Valley", the private Charlton mailing list that I am on or tell the guy that sits next to me at the Valley and does not have a clue?
    Don't be picky Kap, its an open public meeting. Tell who you like, how you like

    I did not think I was being picky, I started to use all my communications means to highlight the statement then saw a a post that indicated to me that "For now we will confine ourself to letting people know on this and the other main CAFC site" so what is it confine or "tell who you like"?
    Kap, it's pretty simple really. @Airman Brown, who has long advocated a public meeting, thought that we might do well to get 100 people. Looking at the reaction so far that might seem to be a huge underestimate. So my post was more a response to @Beckboy and others who for very good reasons were suggesting we get onto the newspapers, and give out flyers(which cost money) to publicise it. It looks like we've already done enough via CL, ITTV, Facebook, Twitter, the Mailing List - bloggers like Chicago Addick have picked it up, you've put it on Linked In...job done I think. The job now is to get you all in and work out a programme which gives maximum voice, but ends with some concrete agreements.
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  • Macronate said:

    judging by the reaction already I reckon there's gonna be about 27,111 in attendance.

    any ideas for a venue yet?

    Valley car park?

  • RedChaser said:

    Personally I do not think that now is the time for such a meeting, and I honestly think that while there is discontent.....many of you have 'worked each other up' on this forum.

    I would like to attend, but would quite possibly offend people by laughing at the collective bed - wetting that I can see occurring.

    I will, of course, throw my hat in to the ring and get involved once I feel it is the appropriate time.

    Fair enough each to their own and don't take offence but this comes across a bit like formet work colleagues who refused to join the union or staff association but were more than happy to take the pay rises that those institutions fought for.
    No offence taken. Although perhaps that is because I don't really understand your analogy.
    C'mon, surely the more that get behind any action now is better than 'throwing your hat in at a later date' and reaping the rewards of others' actions. Anyway as I said, each to their own.
  • RedPanda said:

    Do you mean you'd like to host it within two weeks or within two weeks you'd like to organise a date? Thanks. Either way I'll do my best to be there.

    We are currently working on February 18. Depends on venues.

  • Does Woolwich Town Hall still exist? ;-)

  • seth plum said:

    Personally I do not think that now is the time for such a meeting, and I honestly think that while there is discontent.....many of you have 'worked each other up' on this forum.

    I would like to attend, but would quite possibly offend people by laughing at the collective bed - wetting that I can see occurring.

    I will, of course, throw my hat in to the ring and get involved once I feel it is the appropriate time.

    You could be right about fanning each others flames, and maybe the meeting will be very poorly attended. I personally wouldn't be offended if you attended, observed what you think is collective bed-wetting, and laughed in some of our faces, even without saying why, or what you think.
    What I disagree with here, is the idea that now is not the time for a meeting. Fans will soon be making decisions regarding buying season tickets, or indeed attending further games this season as one off purchasers. Fans may even feel ambivalent about exercising energy to back the team in the play-off push/relegation fight, and however ethereal it may seem as a concept they are looking for a reason to believe.
    Now is probably the right time in my view.

    Fair enough. We will disagree on the timing of it.

    It just intrigues me as to why now is the moment as opposed to Parky's continued appointment, TJ and MS not paying the bills/wages etc.
  • Kap10 said:

    Kap10 said:

    Judging by the response on here so far - which is brilliant - we are going to have to plan carefully about how we handle the demand for attendance at this meeting. We've got two locations under consideration, don't yet know if either are free for the date we've pencilled in. Now we will have to look at capacity too.

    Please bear in mind that since we've called the meeting, the Trust has to pay for it. We don't have a big budget. Of course the more who join, the more that will help if we have to look for a bigger place.

    But for that reason for now we will confine ourself to letting people know on this and the other main CAFC fan sites.

    Confused now! So shouldn't I be putting it on LinkedIn or "Hill to The Valley", the private Charlton mailing list that I am on or tell the guy that sits next to me at the Valley and does not have a clue?
    Don't be picky Kap, its an open public meeting. Tell who you like, how you like

    I did not think I was being picky, I started to use all my communications means to highlight the statement then saw a a post that indicated to me that "For now we will confine ourself to letting people know on this and the other main CAFC site" so what is it confine or "tell who you like"?
    Kap, it's pretty simple really. @Airman Brown, who has long advocated a public meeting, thought that we might do well to get 100 people. Looking at the reaction so far that might seem to be a huge underestimate. So my post was more a response to @Beckboy and others who for very good reasons were suggesting we get onto the newspapers, and give out flyers(which cost money) to publicise it. It looks like we've already done enough via CL, ITTV, Facebook, Twitter, the Mailing List - bloggers like Chicago Addick have picked it up, you've put it on Linked In...job done I think. The job now is to get you all in and work out a programme which gives maximum voice, but ends with some concrete agreements.
    I'm sure I don't need to point this out, but saying you'll attend on a public forum and actually getting your backside there at the allotted time is very different. I hope there is a big response and people do turn up in numbers. I'll do my very best to attend or at the very least I will contribute by communicating via the website.
  • The Marriot Bexleyheath :-))
  • Venue

    As the Club now has no control over the use of the lounges since they've franchised that out, could the North or West lounge not be booked direct through Delaware?

    I'm sure they would be delighted to have a lounge full for once at any time, let alone a non-match night.

    The Valley is the home of us, five, six generations of Charlton fans. Not a Belgian idealist

    I'd fear that they might be out of reach cost wise, but we'll look into it.

    We did briefly consider it but thought we would not be allowed, but maybe its not up to the club now, as you say.

    And your last sentence strikes a chord.

  • seth plum said:

    Personally I do not think that now is the time for such a meeting, and I honestly think that while there is discontent.....many of you have 'worked each other up' on this forum.

    I would like to attend, but would quite possibly offend people by laughing at the collective bed - wetting that I can see occurring.

    I will, of course, throw my hat in to the ring and get involved once I feel it is the appropriate time.

    You could be right about fanning each others flames, and maybe the meeting will be very poorly attended. I personally wouldn't be offended if you attended, observed what you think is collective bed-wetting, and laughed in some of our faces, even without saying why, or what you think.
    What I disagree with here, is the idea that now is not the time for a meeting. Fans will soon be making decisions regarding buying season tickets, or indeed attending further games this season as one off purchasers. Fans may even feel ambivalent about exercising energy to back the team in the play-off push/relegation fight, and however ethereal it may seem as a concept they are looking for a reason to believe.
    Now is probably the right time in my view.

    Fair enough. We will disagree on the timing of it.

    It just intrigues me as to why now is the moment as opposed to Parky's continued appointment, TJ and MS not paying the bills/wages etc.
    Powell bought slater and Jimenez a lot of time.

    Murray was actively looking for a buyer in the Parky era.
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