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The Ashes



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    The frustrating thing about Bell isn't that he's poor, quite the opposite - it's that he has all the technique to be world class. Gets himself in and makes a pretty 35 before getting out, which is a shame, if he was converting more we'd be so strong to 5 - especially if Root lives up to his potential.

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    What an awful decision
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    How'd he get away with that?!
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    Bit of revenge! Got very unlucky on the Agar and Trott decisions, so it's nice to get a bit of 'luck' back.
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    Surprised Broad didn't walk to be fair, it was so obvious
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    Shame :-)
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    Awful decision, evens it up a bit! Think a few would have walked.
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    The most unbelieveably bad decision I can seriously recall.

    Broad MASSIVELY edged the ball to 1st slip. (Stevie Wonder would have seen it - apologies) & he just stood there & the umpire didn't give it. Aussies had used up all their appeals.

    Mind you, what goes around .......
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    WSS said:

    Surprised Broad didn't walk to be fair, it was so obvious

    Why? Umpires have forgotten how to umpire in the digital age. Good on Broad
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    Agar was out. Trott wasn't. Broad well within his rights not to walk. What goes around comes around.
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    I can't believe Broad didn't walk. I'm shocked.
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    reckon we will be just shy of a 300 lead by cop

    What number are you batting at?
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    Why would any Englishman walk when not only did the Aussies appeal for one that Trott hit, but then review it, and then when the fool of a 3rd umpire gives it out, they don't call him back when they see it on the big screen. Any right they had to expect an opponent to walk vanished right then.
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    Why would any Englishman walk when not only did the Aussies appeal for one that Trott hit, but then review it, and then when the fool of a 3rd umpire gives it out, they don't call him back when they see it on the big screen. Any right they had to expect an opponent to walk vanished right then.

    It just not cricket.
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    Why would any Englishman walk when not only did the Aussies appeal for one that Trott hit, but then review it, and then when the fool of a 3rd umpire gives it out, they don't call him back when they see it on the big screen. Any right they had to expect an opponent to walk vanished right then.

    It just not cricket.
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    Why would any Englishman walk when not only did the Aussies appeal for one that Trott hit, but then review it, and then when the fool of a 3rd umpire gives it out, they don't call him back when they see it on the big screen. Any right they had to expect an opponent to walk vanished right then.

    Make you right to be fair.

    Good for us as these two have been ticking along nicely.
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    I am in the should have walked brigade, but it is funny to see the look on the three Aussies faces, never have they looked so much like convicts and then there is Broad nonchalantly walking down the pitch, butter would not melt in his mouth, wouldn't fancy playing poker against him.
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    The 3rd umpire could have corrected the decision - mind you he hasn't got much right when asked to judge previously. "Sniggers" at getting one back against the Aussies. Broad should have walked though as a proper Englishman pip pip.
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    Bell is one of our technically best players but has rarely delivered to how good his technique is. Always thought he would end up like ramprakash in being technically brilliant but lacking mentally.

    Broad makes a thin edge to keeper, keeper fluffs it and first slip catches it. Wasn't as obvious as you think. Replays shows he got it wrong though. Agreed technology has made umpires a lot more conservative in their decisions. But still think referral system is necessary.

    Whinging Aussies!
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    bc_addick said:

    The 3rd umpire could have corrected the decision - mind you he hasn't got much right when asked to judge previously. "Sniggers" at getting one back against the Aussies. Broad should have walked though as a proper Englishman pip pip.

    can he adjudicate if he has not been asked?

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    bc_addick said:

    The 3rd umpire could have corrected the decision - mind you he hasn't got much right when asked to judge previously. "Sniggers" at getting one back against the Aussies. Broad should have walked though as a proper Englishman pip pip.

    then what would be the point of having on field umpires? We could just do it from a tv set in a room somewhere
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    edited July 2013
    I wasn't suggesting he should correct it I said he Could have corrected it. If the Aussies hadn't used all their challenges then he would have given it out.
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    bc_addick said:

    The 3rd umpire could have corrected the decision - mind you he hasn't got much right when asked to judge previously. "Sniggers" at getting one back against the Aussies. Broad should have walked though as a proper Englishman pip pip.

    then what would be the point of having on field umpires? We could just do it from a tv set in a room somewhere
    We pretty much do now.

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    Imagine if Broad had have walked, he'd be getting tons of criticism from English fans, so in a way he's screwed whatever he does. Against most teams, I'd say he should've walked, but the Aussies have a history of being scum when it comes to 'gentlemanly' play so I'm not too bothered.
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    edited July 2013
    with all the fuss about Broad not walking.........can someone tell me what the umpires are there for then ?? The way I see it, especially now with DRS, if the fielding side think they have a batsman out, they appeal to the umpire - and he makes his decision. End of. Both teams now have the chance to question at least 2 decisions - in this case the Aussies had used up their referrals so they had to stick with the umpire original decision.
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    Bit of a shame for Bell that his fine innings will be over-shadowed.

    The Broad incident is like a dive in football - not sporting as such but most of the players would do it.
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    he should've walked due to etiquette he should've stayed because its the ashes and they cheated twice yesterday

    no big deal move on imo
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    Agree with golfie... The whole spirit of cricket thing is largely a myth. Only a few walk, and their team mates question it. Bad call by the umpire, but the Aussies would have reviews left if they hadn't wasted them
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