what a great heartwarming thread, I'm loving it (and I've been scared of dogs since I was knocked in the boating lake at Greenwich Park when I wasa toddler!)
Lynne, now has micky waiting by the front door when he wants a dump/pi55 he will also speak if he ignored for too long. He responds to bad behaviour with a raised voice by lowering his head (a bit like myself) and will if told in the same tone go to his bed. Micky just told Xena off for playing too rough, well she did jump on him!! But he's starting to play fight with her, which is great................ And Bailey just told the pair of them to feck off for waking him so they are both standing under the dining table watching him;)
what a great heartwarming thread, I'm loving it (and I've been scared of dogs since I was knocked in the boating lake at Greenwich Park when I wasa toddler!)
EA, Bailey is here if you want some help to put that right. No contact with him unless you want it, but I guarantee you'll be stroking him within an hour. Give me a shout.............
Oh don't worry I'm sure they might bump into each other on that walk up the hill and back. But most likely in the pub! And hopefully ray can give us more lessons.
Micky just needs some guidelines and get your visitors to stick to them. Please dont let him on your furniture, that has been the hardest one to crack, he's only lifted into his crate at bedtime. He walks everywhere!! When you have visitors your hard graft can be undone in minutes................. He's only little is the normal one, when they have an old pair of jeans on, its dont worry about these old things, But the dog dont know the difference between them and a posh flock, so just dont allow it. As Darren saw, our dogs go outside until they calm down. Any sign of excitement is stopped or the dog is removed from the room. Probably the only things I ever used from the Ceasar Milan programmes, "no eye contact and no touching" doing either to an excited dog just endorses the behaviour. I hope Rob noticed on sunday, I ignored his dog on sunday as did Bailey. Even when I spoke to Rob I barely glanced in Polly's direction until I was ready. Polly lunged at Bailey a couple of times and he just walked away and ignores the bad manners, only once I think did Bailey have words and that was he was a bit slow on his toes, so he stood his ground. Had I started screamed hysterically (I can if need too) both dogs would have taken that as excitement and I would have bet fortunes that a fight would have happened. As for the pub, thats called socializing your dog!!
That was mentioned by Curb_it on saturday funnily enough, just wait until someone gets bitten by their own dog. I might not be so popular then. Although I get bitten by our dogs all the time, but thats down to the training I do with them, especially with Bailey. One misjudged or ill timed bite on a sleeve and it hurts, although he is good he does release when feels flesh! Lol.
T.C.E. Any thoughts ? We have a 4 year old Tibetan Terrier Bitch, very loving although quite stubborn. Adores kids and visitors, but when she encounters another dog on her walks she barks like mad, sounds and looks very aggressive, although she doesn't actually attack them. Would love a bit of sensible advice, me not her that is.
Ray, pleased to say the kids are very keen on the idea of a bit of pet therapy ! They are going to write to you about Bailey asking if they can meet him and some other questions about him. I will arrange to get their efforts to you. Maybe even see you on Saturday if you're at the game? If you send/ whisper me your details I'll discuss with you further. Cheers Jon ( sorry don't know how to do the private message thing I'm rarely allowed out alone too ;-) )
what a great heartwarming thread, I'm loving it (and I've been scared of dogs since I was knocked in the boating lake at Greenwich Park when I wasa toddler!)
EA, Bailey is here if you want some help to put that right. No contact with him unless you want it, but I guarantee you'll be stroking him within an hour. Give me a shout.............
may well take you up on that at some point as I seem to be transmitting my fears to my little girl and don't want that to happen.
T.C.E. Any thoughts ? We have a 4 year old Tibetan Terrier Bitch, very loving although quite stubborn. Adores kids and visitors, but when she encounters another dog on her walks she barks like mad, sounds and looks very aggressive, although she doesn't actually attack them. Would love a bit of sensible advice, me not her that is.
Its a sort of "Hello, I'm over here" Xena does it!! She keeps me on my toes especially her with Micky. Its all about distraction..........You see the dog first, then a slight tug on the lead followed by "watch me". Not unlike Northstandsteve, do you carry a toy/treat of any discription? I'm not sure of the size of your dog, but with Xena and sometimes even Bailey (when cats and crows are about) I use my knee, if your dogs walking correctly it should connect with their shoulder (please not the ribs) you dont stick the knee in, you lean and push and send them off balance. This enough to distract them, give it a try.
Ray, pleased to say the kids are very keen on the idea of a bit of pet therapy ! They are going to write to you about Bailey asking if they can meet him and some other questions about him. I will arrange to get their efforts to you. Maybe even see you on Saturday if you're at the game? If you send/ whisper me your details I'll discuss with you further. Cheers Jon ( sorry don't know how to do the private message thing I'm rarely allowed out alone too ;-) )
Fantastic Jon, Just to let you know I am on leave from the 21st march through to Easter week, my idea is Bailey would be available to visit on friday the 22nd. Let me know asap, he has a very busy social life, unlike myself ;( I'll inbox my details over now and I will be in the Liberal club saturday
Very excited to have him come and live us. Can't wait.
Micky just told Xena off for playing too rough, well she did jump on him!! But he's starting to play fight with her, which is great................ And Bailey just told the pair of them to feck off for waking him so they are both standing under the dining table watching him;)
He's only little is the normal one, when they have an old pair of jeans on, its dont worry about these old things, But the dog dont know the difference between them and a posh flock, so just dont allow it.
As Darren saw, our dogs go outside until they calm down. Any sign of excitement is stopped or the dog is removed from the room. Probably the only things I ever used from the Ceasar Milan programmes, "no eye contact and no touching" doing either to an excited dog just endorses the behaviour.
I hope Rob noticed on sunday, I ignored his dog on sunday as did Bailey. Even when I spoke to Rob I barely glanced in Polly's direction until I was ready. Polly lunged at Bailey a couple of times and he just walked away and ignores the bad manners, only once I think did Bailey have words and that was he was a bit slow on his toes, so he stood his ground. Had I started screamed hysterically (I can if need too)
I just caught a programme about healing dogs, I'll see if I can teach Bailey how to cure a hangover.
( sorry don't know how to do the private message thing I'm rarely allowed out alone too ;-) )
may well take you up on that at some point as I seem to be transmitting my fears to my little girl and don't want that to happen.
Just to let you know I am on leave from the 21st march through to Easter week, my idea is Bailey would be available to visit on friday the 22nd. Let me know asap, he has a very busy social life, unlike myself ;(
I'll inbox my details over now and I will be in the Liberal club saturday