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So this is the situation

We have an elderly lady who was best friends with my nan and who was always there and supportive to her In times of need

She has been unwell and has been in and out of hospitals for weeks at a time

My mum has been brilliant and we have all chipped in helping ensure she gets the treatment and support as she has very little family

She was re admitied yesterday

She has a Yorkshire terrier Whom my mum had all other times that she has had to go in to hospital but on top of the amount my mum is currently doing for our friend she can't cope with the dog as well as working and going to the hospital daily , paying the bills needed for our friend rent etc

We took the dog yesterday and bought him home with us , he had a bit of history being a bit snappy as most of these little dogs seem to get tagged with

Today he has been walked like dogs should a little walk Before breakfast

A good hr and half walk before lunch

Another 45 min walk after my son finished school

Fed and watered well given cuddles and affection

Then walked tonight again for 20 mins

The problem is

He has just really gone for my wife when she tried to dry his feet very aggressive and if he was not still on the lead would've got her

Now he is a little dog but I am concered as I have 2 children

One is nearly 3 and very much into the dog we womt leave her in the room with him as standard before tonight's incident because of his history ( he has bit me twice over the years )

And an 11 yr old boy who adores him and has since he was a pup

I can't trust this dog after tonight

What do I do !!?


  • TCE is your man.
  • Cue the there are no bad dogs brigade. Kids come first, temporary shelter till owner is back
  • edited January 2013
    The dog doesn't know what day of the week it is.

    All he wants is to be with his mistress and his life back to normal.
    She's not there and he's not coping.

    Appreciate you've got young kids, so fully understand your dilemma, NLA.
  • I don't want to put him with my mum and add to her stress my mum will no way want to put him in to temp shelter and I def can't have him here the lady could be in hosp for weeks and months

    Such a shame for the dog as he would've had a great time here we have some brilliant walks and he loved where he went today

  • Put a muzzle on it. Not worth the risk. You're the boss not the dog. You set the rules.

  • He's upset, confused and a bit angry by the sound of it.
    But he might well be fine once he gets used to the change.

    As the Baron said.
  • Will he then bite me put it on and off

    How long can u muzzle it
  • edited January 2013
    Dog snappy because nervous. Small dogs because they are small are more nervous.
    If you have a garden/large kitchen.........keep the dog there till he/she gets used to you.
    Lots of treats by hand certainly help.
    Muzzle not ideal 24/7. Better off with a bite collar.
  • He is in the kitchen now baby gates back on but we now lose a big part of the house which is bearable but would never forgive myself it bit one of my kids

    Got to be up for work in a few hrs can't sleep now thinking of what to do
  • take it to a training school, maybe they can eliminate its bite problem
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  • Was thinking as a long term solution and a nice thing to do for our friend that I will Do that but would it bring instant results
  • How old are your kids? You need to make sure that they just leave the dog be until it becomes comfortable with you all, or get a bite collar.
    If the dog has behavior issues then a trainer should help but it's pretty much common sense.

  • Was thinking as a long term solution and a nice thing to do for our friend that I will Do that but would it bring instant results

    maybe mate. they might have easy, quick ways to calm the dog down. dogs, (like some humans I know!) are simple creatures. they may have certain tricks that can have immediate effect.
  • Take it on a one way trip to the local Korean BBQ restaurant.
  • My daughter is 3 in a couple of weeks and my son is 11

    The boy is easy to say say stay away but my little girl is so inquisitive about him
  • I'll give you a more helpful (than there are no bad dogs) answer later, I'm just off to work. But if it only for two weeks, bring it here. We'll look after it for you, and teach it one or two house rules. Or at least Bailey will, I give you a shout later.
  • Great stuff - hope all works out.
  • How old are your kids? You need to make sure that they just leave the dog be until it becomes comfortable with you all, or get a bite collar.
    If the dog has behavior issues then a trainer should help but it's pretty much common sense.

    Bite collar?
    Please tell me what that is, my understanding is.
    A collar that would stop a dog biting = something that dont allow a dog to open its mouth, hence it cant bite. But it will die, because it cant pant so it will overheat. As far as I'm aware there is not a collar on the market that will stop a dog biting. (collar not muzzle)
    I've never heard of the bite collar (not saying they dont exist) just curious.
  • No such thing is there of a bite collar? I know you can get a bark collar. Been bitten by a Yorkshire terrier before and the little git drew blood, vicious little fucker. Have a pug myself has to be the greatest breed in the world.
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  • T.C.E said:

    I'll give you a more helpful (than there are no bad dogs) answer later, I'm just off to work. But if it only for two weeks, bring it here. We'll look after it for you, and teach it one or two house rules. Or at least Bailey will, I give you a shout later.

    What a fantastic offer from T.C.E ! Making me all teary eyed....

    We should have a thread dedicated to all Lifers who have gone out of their way for others .

    We're all liable to moan & groan about the selfishness in our world - why not give some thanks to those who go that extra mile to make someone else's life a bit better ?

  • T.C.E said:

    I'll give you a more helpful (than there are no bad dogs) answer later, I'm just off to work. But if it only for two weeks, bring it here. We'll look after it for you, and teach it one or two house rules. Or at least Bailey will, I give you a shout later.

    What a fantastic offer from T.C.E ! Making me all teary eyed....

    We should have a thread dedicated to all Lifers who have gone out of their way for others .

    We're all liable to moan & groan about the selfishness in our world - why not give some thanks to those who go that extra mile to make someone else's life a bit better ?

    So you'll take my 4 year old daughter for a couple weeks whilst we go on holiday?
  • Dog snappy because nervous. Small dogs because they are small are more nervous.
    If you have a garden/large kitchen.........keep the dog there till he/she gets used to you.
    Lots of treats by hand certainly help.
    Muzzle not ideal 24/7. Better off with a bite collar.

    My girlfriend's parents have a Jack Russell who is generally harmless but if you touch her feet she will attack you. Don't know why. So we just don't touch her feet and put a muzzle on when we need to clean her etc.
  • Sounds like baileys dinner is sorted

  • MrOneLung said:

    Cue the there are no bad dogs brigade. Kids come first, temporary shelter till owner is back

    MrOneLung, I appreciate it wasnt really a question, but I would like to answer you anyhow.

    When a puppy is born not unlike a child you have a blank canvass, where you go from there decides what the dog turns into. Given the training the time and effort a dog will become a great companion and the rewards by far magnify the effort. Take any of the banned breeds you care to mention as a new born away from parents and sibblings it will imprint on a human and follow the humans lead, you will never take away natures inprinted habits, Jack Russells will dive down rabbit holes, sheepdogs including the German ones will round up anything be it sheep, people whatever. But dogs will never naturally fight to the death, the weaker dog will walk away. while the winner struts his stuff. We teach them to fight to the death, that is our input from puppies. If we redirected our efforts from fighting to teaching dogs what is acceptable in our world you will eventually remove the issues, unfortunately we dont have time to put right what we F****** up over the years. Unfortunately the problem is at the other end of the lead. To often people think, I'll get a dog maybe just a little one because rightly so it needs less exercise, but it still needs training something some people believe is not the case. You stated "Cue there are no bad dogs brigade" to a point I agree with that, but our input makes a good dog better or good dog a bad one. Just my opinion ;)
  • You can tell this little fella has had no training folks and no matter what I think about my ability of training a dog there are things and opportunities that have been missed, I have no idea how to try to fix it

    But I have been so impressed reading and watching T.C.E and the exploits of Bailey

    I can not thank Ray enough for his kind offer and I am taking him up on it

    Fanny this site throws out real acts of kindness so often and is why I love it on here and what makes it and those that use it unique
  • Dog snappy because nervous. Small dogs because they are small are more nervous.
    If you have a garden/large kitchen.........keep the dog there till he/she gets used to you.
    Lots of treats by hand certainly help.
    Muzzle not ideal 24/7. Better off with a bite collar.

    My girlfriend's parents have a Jack Russell who is generally harmless but if you touch her feet she will attack you. Don't know why. So we just don't touch her feet and put a muzzle on when we need to clean her etc.
    When Bailey was younger he would bite if you touched his tail, obviously being a therapy dog and meeting youngsters with all special requirements there's a real chance a child will touch his tail and if he bites, you stay bitten. How I approached this is, I quite simply touched his tail at every opportunity as he walked by the sofa reached for his tail ranging from just stroking his ar5e end to a serious pull on his tail (and yes I got bitten) now obviously I dont recommend the first person to see Bailey pulls on his tail but he now tolerates it being pulled, I can hang on to his tail and stop him walking forward but I know my dog. To often mistakes are made and I made them until I was corrected, avoidence does not solve the issue. Xena our white rescue shep had seperation anxiety issues, no sooner she was settled with us (day 2/3) we started leaving her, just in the lounge 10 secs to start. Literally close the door and reopen it straight away, she learnt we were coming back gradually built up the times. Now she can be left for quite sometime, she's not perfect but she's damaged goods and repairing 16 months of damage will (I expect) take the best part of 2 years to put right. How often you hear my dog doesnt like other dogs so stay away?? The best thing would be to get the dog out there with other dogs, it needs to know how to behave with dogs.
    I would suggest you work with distraction (Food or Toy) distract the dog with treat and with other hand touch a paw, if you get a negative reation. Scream like a Banshee and loud !! this will startle the dog (and the nieghbours) if you get a positive reaction the he's rewarded with lots high pitch over excited play and his reward is given and just slowly build on it.................

  • Made me chuckle.

    Sounds like baileys dinner is sorted

  • edited January 2013

    My girlfriend's parents have a Jack Russell who is generally harmless but if you touch her feet she will attack you.

    Sounds like my Mrs. The feet thing rather than her being a dog.
  • My girlfriend's a Jack Russell who is generally harmless but if you touch her feet she will attack you.

    parents have

    Sounds like my Mrs. The feet thing rather than her being a dog.
    No my girlfriend is actually a jack Russell please don't judge.
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