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Varney, Kavanagh, and Everitt! (Page 13: Note from Rick Everitt)



  • edited September 2012

    In the short term, at least, I'll settle for the let's stuff Derby tonight theory.

    All this business talk confuses me and trying to fathom it gives me a bit of a headache. I've only ever been an employee and never been in a boardroom. So for that reason I'm hooking my trailer to Mistrollingin's camp.
  • edited September 2012
    Are Messers Jimenez, Slater and Protheroe attending all of our matches, or do they take it in turns? Which one will be at Derby County tonight?
  • Addickted said:

    The 'old' CAFC consisted of several hundred shareholders who each year got a 'statment of accounts' and shiny company brochure telling us in the world was rosy - despite the accountants on here able to tell you that in fact the Club was leaking money like a seive. Along with a lot of ties some of us had with existing staff, not a lot of what happened at the Club was hidden.

    The 'new' CAFC is a privately owned company with probably less than 12 shareholders who have to tell you diddly squat.

    And that is exactly what they're doing.

    It's their's to do as they wish and no amount of huffing and puffing is going to change that unless you have a spare £50m down the back of the sofa and can join in their game.

    Now the ties with existing staff are disappearing and the flow of information is not forthcoming - that's resulted in a lot of concerns, possibly quite rightly. As Suzi said it's the fear of change.

    If you were an outsider looking at the Club since the takeover, then you'd be mystified why so many people have huge concerns - after all everything so far has been delivered as promised.

    I agree with you. I don't think the club is worth anything like £50m, but I certainly take your general points. I think you could though have made a very similar point about Pompey during the period Arry was there, but behind the scenes the situation was far more flaky than I'm sure most Pompey fans dared to consider.

    Now the thing is, they've formed a Trust, but it was already almost too late. They may not make it. So I say, lets form one now, and lets try to use it to build an equity stake, because that's a good idea regardless of the intentions of the owners, or who the owners even are.

  • So to summarise with apologies in advance to the three persons named

    Theory 1 or the NorthstandSteve "Comfort Blanket" Theory.

    There is no problem. A few staff members are creating a storm in a teacup because the old managers they prefer working for have gone and they now have no protection/comfort blanket from the hard nosed business men who have come in and made and are making changes. All is OK, we went up so button it.

    Theory 2 or the Brunello "it's not personal, it's business" theory

    There may be or have been cash flow issues over the summer but that is common to many businesses of all kinds. Changes in ownership and management were expected and planned for. They have done well so far so let the new people get on with it, it's business.

    Theory 3 or the Seth Plum "Armeggedon Time" Theory.

    It's bad, very bad. The motives of the new board as suspect and without Cash's cash or Varney guidance we are up s*** creek without a paddle. Bills remain unpaid and tensions in the camp are only likely to increase. Varney and Kavanagh left on points of principal, unhappy with how Slater and Jimenez do business

    You pay your money and you takes your pick.


    Great summary.

    I would put myself in the 1 or 2 camp....more leaning towards the 2. This is based on me having no inside links into the club so can only really go on what I see as fact.

    As I see the transition of our club it is like we've moved from being a cosy, family orientated Kennedy's butchers culture towards a ruthless, steamrolling Tescos overnight and it has left many of us in a spin as fans/ employees understandably.

    Different sausages.
  • Bing, good post, but to balance your point e) should you not acknowledge the deafening rumours that we were going to lose three of our best players near the end of the window, to Premiership clubs, came to nothing, which may represent a significant opportunity cost-investment by the club. Felt like an issue that was seen as a significant threat and a done deal, just fizzled away without much further comment.

    very valid point
  • Wow, i feel like i've just had a very highbrow English lesson with the Dragons Den . With all of that obvious business nous out there, surely if 3 or 4 of you got together you would have enough dosh to make some impact by buying into the club - or are you waiting to pick it up on the cheap when the cards collapse?
  • How can you say how much a club is worth when you have no clue of its debts, turnover, etc?
  • Thanks for posting Suzy. Suspect you have more idea of how the club works than any of us, so it's good to have that perspective.
  • Prague you have posted more on this thread and the thread which is perceived as getting Airman in trouble than, you have posted for the past six years. Do you know more than you are letting on.
  • razil said:

    How can you say how much a club is worth when you have no clue of its debts, turnover, etc?

    The same way others can predict the downfall of the club without being on the board?

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  • should we do a lottery pool?

    am only half joking
  • DRF said:

    razil said:

    How can you say how much a club is worth when you have no clue of its debts, turnover, etc?

    The same way others can predict the downfall of the club without being on the board?

    well not really if they have been given that from people high up

    I don't know why people get the ump about doom sayers, i wd rather hear it and then make up my mind
  • Interesting input from Suziesausage, are you going to become a member of the trust?
    Are you going to come to the meeting?. We need as many people to participate as possible.
  • Bit of a random question (and slightly off topic) but does anyone know which company Audits CAFC ?
  • edited September 2012

    Bit of a random question (and slightly off topic) but does anyone know which company Audits CAFC ?

    The auditor's resignation was received at Companies House on 13 September 2011.

    That may not be significant as Turnover (£6.5m) and Gross Asset Value (£3.26m) may well be below the statutory limits whereby an audit is required. A PLC has to be audited anyway but the PLC no longer exists.
  • LenGlover said:

    Bit of a random question (and slightly off topic) but does anyone know which company Audits CAFC ?

    The auditor's resignation was received at Companies House on 13 September 2011.

    That may not be significant as Turnover (£6.5m) and Gross Asset Value (£3.26m) may well be below the statutory limits whereby an audit is required. A PLC has to be audited anyway but the PLC no longer exists.
    Very Helpful. Thanks Len.
  • oh come on do tell, why?
  • seth plum said:

    Are Messers Jimenez, Slater and Protheroe attending all of our matches, or do they take it in turns? Which one will be at Derby County tonight?

  • TelMc32 said:

    seth plum said:

    Are Messers Jimenez, Slater and Protheroe attending all of our matches, or do they take it in turns? Which one will be at Derby County tonight?

    I guess he only attends matches if they fall on the one day of the week he works. ;-)
  • razil said:

    oh come on do tell, why?

    This is a red herring. Baton 2010 Ltd filed accounts in March this year. The Board appointed a new auditor which is not unusual after a change of ownership.
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  • I'm grateful to Suzi for putting her thoughts across as they're pretty much how I see things as well. I think we may also have fallen into some false sense that we used to be told all the inner workings of the club, by the "old regime". It may have seemed more open & we may have felt that we "knew" the people and took comfort from that, but I don't know any business that would air all their dealings in public and neither should they.

    I'm not suggesting things are rosy, they are obviously quite difficult. I do believe though that it is in the owner's best interests to make any changes work and work quickly and that should be for the benefit of our club. We have lost three good people who have put in some fantastic years of service to the club, for which we should all be grateful. I know I am and I wish them all well in whatever they decide to do.

    We should maybe have a think about the fact that we have hired three people in Chris, Paul Hart & Martin Prothero. The first, a club legend, who was given time & resources to lead us to promotion last season. The other two recognised as being at the very top of their respective areas - youth development (great news for Azeez & Cousins today) and football/sports marketing on a global scale. They're pretty positive notes for me.
  • Things are never as rosy as they seem when the going is good. And often they are not as bad as they seem, when it appears to be all doom and gloom. They could be even worse.

    Charlton did a lot right last year. Owners/board, staff and most importantly, the squad. There was investment, a championship campaign and plenty of good feelings.
    That was then.
    But what is this now?

    Was the investment last year to ensure promotion, and a sale that had been in the works? And now that sale has fallen through and perhaps there are no others on the horizon, the mysterious owners aren't about to invest any more until they can see light at the end of the tunnel in terms of a good deal for them?
    It is all conjecture.

    But it is also telling when trusted, passionate Charlton people are being pushed out or even summarily dismissed, especially when we know they have done the job for the club.

    We should feel good about what happened last season. The owners do get cut some slack for that. But we also can't dismiss what is happening in the here and now. And there appears much to be concerned about.
  • has Rick actually left yet
  • has Rick actually left yet

    My understanding is that he works for Charlton Athletic until the 28th September 2012.

  • cheers seth , so a week tomorrow
  • edited September 2012
    Aren't we forgetting a certain Paul Mortimer has also left the club abruptly, making it 4, tsk tsk
  • edited September 2012
    seth plum said:

    has Rick actually left yet

    My understanding is that he works for Charlton Athletic until the 28th September 2012.

    My understanding is that his disaplinary hearing is on that date.

    I can smell the fireworks now.............
  • razil said:

    Aren't we forgetting a certain Paul Mortimer has also left the club abruptly, making it 4, tsk tsk

    has he left the club, or has he just stepped down from his position with the womens team but staying within the trust?! i may have misunderstood....?

  • seth plum said:

    has Rick actually left yet

    My understanding is that he works for Charlton Athletic until the 28th September 2012.

    My understanding is that his disaplinary hearing is on that date. Also heard that Rick has also taken Disaplinary action against Slater..................

    I can smell the fireworks now.............
    Wonder which one will end up as the Guy ?
  • Not sure how you could have a hearing on the date a person is due to leave. Surely the outcome of any hearing may determine whether or not anyone is leaving. Interesting if there is counter action going on, too, but I doubt we'll ever really know.
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