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New Tv series (REMEMBER: No Spoilers)



  • Really liked Roadkill on BBC1 last night. Political thriller  directed by Michael Keillor of "Line of Duty". Excellent cast headed up by Hugh Laurie as the slippery politico and Helen McCrory as the PM - really enjoyed her portrayal. The casting that intrigued me was of his mistress, it's Sidse Babett Knudsen, the Danish actor who played the Danish PM in Borgen). Her English is flawless, so far she is not portraying herself as foreign. But that's a geeky thing. Very much looking forward to more, only 4 episodes unfortunately.
  • Don't watch a huge amount of series on TV, more just flick through rubbish and repeats (when I'm not watching Sport)

    however, we've just started watching 'This Is Us' on Amazon (I didn't even know we had it)....brilliant drama/comedy if anyone is looking for something to watch
  • Saw notch cast and clever make up on HL giving him the rather slept in pallor of a certain politician who had his own talk show. He is very watchable. However, rather redundant plot given the  goings on of some of our current crop of leaders and lazy writing around how a newspaper works and lawyers actually function. Hope there are some bigger skeletons in the Minister's cupboard in future episodes.
  • Don't watch a huge amount of series on TV, more just flick through rubbish and repeats (when I'm not watching Sport)

    however, we've just started watching 'This Is Us' on Amazon (I didn't even know we had it)....brilliant drama/comedy if anyone is looking for something to watch
    I really like this too. The only flaw is the incidental music which feels very manipulative and old fashioned. But great writing/plotting and very solid acting.
  • Liked roadkill.

    Had a touch of the House of cards about it.
  • Liked roadkill.

    Had a touch of the House of cards about it.
    I agree it was watchable but too many inside plots. Would both his driver AND his aide be plotting against him. Bit tooooo far fetched imo.
  • New one off series of Dexter has been announced. Will right the wrongs of the wanky finale all those years ago. 
  • Anyone watched Alex Rider on Prime? About a 15 year old recruited to MI5. Quite entertaining.

    Roadkill off to a good start.
  • Anyone watched Alex Rider on Prime? About a 15 year old recruited to MI5. Quite entertaining.

    Roadkill off to a good start.
    No, read the books as a young lad though and they were quite good. Think they did a film of the first book a few years ago and it was dreadful!
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  • Anyone watched Alex Rider on Prime? About a 15 year old recruited to MI5. Quite entertaining.

    Roadkill off to a good start.
    Cheers for mentioning I'll give it a look...

    Never read the books but watched the film which was dreadful but you could see what they were trying
  • cafcpolo said:
    New one off series of Dexter has been announced. Will right the wrongs of the wanky finale all those years ago. 
    The wanky last couple of series.

    I'm not that confident.

  • Is anyone watching Spitting Image? Not even mentioned, unless I missed it, presumably because it's on the ridiculous Britbox. I see the occasional clip they put up on Twitter. The Jurgen Klopp one was quite good.
  • Like you say Prague. Britbox means it is a no from me. 
  • Is anyone watching Spitting Image? Not even mentioned, unless I missed it, presumably because it's on the ridiculous Britbox. I see the occasional clip they put up on Twitter. The Jurgen Klopp one was quite good.
    I'd love to tune in, think its the kinda show the worlds been crying out for for years. But on Britbox I doubt anyone will bother sadly
  • Liked roadkill.

    Had a touch of the House of cards about it.
    I agree it was watchable but too many inside plots. Would both his driver AND his aide be plotting against him. Bit tooooo far fetched imo.
    Seeing as Peter Laurence is such a loathsome article it's quite likely he'd have numerous people out to get him, those closest to him the most probable.
    Is it just me or is Peter Laurence a taller fitter embodiment of the politician Nigel FourthReich dreams of being?
  • Is anyone watching Spitting Image? Not even mentioned, unless I missed it, presumably because it's on the ridiculous Britbox. I see the occasional clip they put up on Twitter. The Jurgen Klopp one was quite good.
    would love to watch it, cannot understand why it's not on ITV after the news, they've literally never had so much material to work with.....not paying £5.99 a month to watch it though!. 
  • Is anyone watching Spitting Image? Not even mentioned, unless I missed it, presumably because it's on the ridiculous Britbox. I see the occasional clip they put up on Twitter. The Jurgen Klopp one was quite good.
    would love to watch it, cannot understand why it's not on ITV after the news, they've literally never had so much material to work with.....not paying £5.99 a month to watch it though!. 
    Thats what I can't understand. It was heavily advertised a month or so ago & I had been expecting to see it on Sunday nights as per the 80's & 90's. Gobsmacked when I found it was on Britbox only. 

    Terrestrial tv is dying out. You only have to read on here the amount of shows people are watching on Netflix. Probably 90% of shows discussed on here are via that medium. I am one if the dying breed that never watches Netflix.
  • I reckon that Haunting of Bly Manor is the worst thing I've watched all year. The repetition in the script is almost laughable, can't believe someone gotten away with the writing the same words 1000 times in an hour long episode. 

    Absolute pet peeve of mine to have American actors doing English accents too. 
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  • Is anyone watching Spitting Image? Not even mentioned, unless I missed it, presumably because it's on the ridiculous Britbox. I see the occasional clip they put up on Twitter. The Jurgen Klopp one was quite good.
    We managed to find a download of episode 1. Wasn't very good and won't bother looking for any more episodes
  • Finished Power 

    Omari Hardwick is a good actor, honourable mentions to Joseph Sikora who was pretty clearly having the time of his life playing Tommy. A cheerful psychopathic demeanor 

    I liked it but they copped out a bit by stringing the ending out as long as they did. It did give a lot of closure though 

    I'd say stick with it if anyone has just started it 

    Currently half way through Utopia on amazon prime, first episode was a blinder, really hooked us in then I realised I'd seen it before on channel 4, a British version and I wasn't overly keen on that apart from Neil Maskell being a nasty bastard in it, the program washed over me 

    Also watching High Fidelety on starz whilst I have the free trial. Its a good twist on the excellent film from 20 (twenty!!) Years ago. Zoe Kravitz plays John Cusacks character Rob and does a really good job. Location has shifted from the UK in the book to Chicago to a very woke New York, this series alone will probably squeeze a few quid out of me to see the rest before I give Disney some money to watch the mandalorian when it comes back 

  • Not sure if its been mentioned on here before, but was looking for something to watch the other day and found The Alienist, really enjoying it almost finished series 1 and then got series 2 to watch.

    I will say if you dont like certain subjects this is probably not for you, as series one hits pretty hard on underage boys dressing up as girls and prostituting themselves.

  • Not sure if its been mentioned on here before, but was looking for something to watch the other day and found The Alienist, really enjoying it almost finished series 1 and then got series 2 to watch.

    I will say if you dont like certain subjects this is probably not for you, as series one hits pretty hard on underage boys dressing up as girls and prostituting themselves.

    I suggested the Alienist a couple pages back as the second series has just been released. It’s great.
  • iPlayer .. 'Reggie (Yates) in China' .. interesting .. the problem with China documentaries as I see it is that they tend to concentrate on the big cities and ignore the more far flung regions. In this series, Yates spends time working with 'ordinary' Chinese and investigates their struggles in what is a very structured 'communist' society which appears more capitalist and hard bitten than any in the west .. a good watch i m o
  • The Queen's Gambit on Netflix - very impressed by the first episode. Helps that the book is a favourite of mine but they've done it really well. 
  • Disappointed by episode 2 of Roadkill. Some really ropey script there. You always know story's in trouble when events have to be changed by car crashes. Last night there were two different ones, involving two different characters. Some great characters and actors portraying them, are going to waste here. 

    Actually you always know when the BBC has realised its not top drawer, they stick it all on I-Player straight away, as they've done with this one. 
  • Not sure if its been mentioned on here before, but was looking for something to watch the other day and found The Alienist, really enjoying it almost finished series 1 and then got series 2 to watch.

    I will say if you dont like certain subjects this is probably not for you, as series one hits pretty hard on underage boys dressing up as girls and prostituting themselves.

    I suggested the Alienist a couple pages back as the second series has just been released. It’s great.
    We enjoyed the 1st series and binge watched the 2nd over the weekend.

    Definitely worth it !
  • I've tried to watch 'What we do in the shadows' because so many of my mates think it's hilarious. But no matter how many times I try (four times now) I haven't laughed once. Not even a chuckle. It doesn't help that I think Matt Berry's about as funny as scraping the bottom of a pan of burnt baked beans - but I genuinely can't see what the fuss is about. Was the same for The Mighty Boosh years ago - I thought that was bollocks as well. 
  • Watching life of mars. Pretty good
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