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News of the World Shuts down



  • Murdoch states closing NOTW is "the right thing to do". I believe he knew eveything that was happening. All spears and inquests should have him at the top of the list. The man is poison.
  • Its a sham if people stop buying the current bun then they would struggle, if they didnt have someting in the pipeline then wouldnt they have just announced 100's of redundancies to go with it


  • It means nothing though really (other than honest people losing jobs obviously).  It allows Murdoch and the firm to show to Cameron that they've done something - opening up the door for the Sky deal to go through smoothly.

    It has to be pretty serious for Murdoch to make the decision - which was made ultimately because around 50% or more of their top advertisers have pulled their advertising. No ad revenue, no newspaper regardless.

    The decision on the takeover of Sky has been put off to September, and I've feeling will be shelved if public opinion is still against it.

    Cameron has played his hands of cards pretty badly here - he employed Coulson after he was sacked and refused to sack him earlier this year when it became clear that Coulson was a little more implicated in this than he let on. Then it seems he's been palling up with Rebekah Brooks amd finally last week his government gave Murdoch the ok to buy Sky. If he proceeds then it'll look like a cosy business as usual deal, especially if further alegations about bribery and phone hacking emerge. There's going to be a public enquiry and you can bet there'll be police charges and arrests in the near future. I think he'll look for a way to cancel it, but is probably hoping that Murdoch pulls the plug first.


    The irony is that all the shenanigans happened on Blair and Brown's watch yet Cameron is the one getting all the flak.....

    I can't stand Cameron myself but shurely shome mistake? 

  • remember the exposures that were justified .. Archer, Fergie Fatness of York etc etc.

    This scandal is typical of modern society .. everything seems to be taken many steps too far

  • According to the bbc the  URL web was registered 2 days ago!
    Typical dirty digger,!
    He  is well ahead of the game!
    Knowing him he probably wanted to close the thing anyway, and will have some tax scam in mind.
    news  corp setting the agenda is wholly ridiculous.As well as the police investigating themselves. 
    Brooks and Coulson should be arrested for conspiracy to bribe  a police officer, for starters!


    A different perspective on it all.

    I wonder if the reason the Old Bill haven't been slated, like Chirpy says, is because Labour's pet copper Ian Blair was at the helm.

    Just a thought... 

  • edited 2011 07
    It means nothing though really (other than honest people losing jobs obviously).  It allows Murdoch and the firm to show to Cameron that they've done something - opening up the door for the Sky deal to go through smoothly.

    It has to be pretty serious for Murdoch to make the decision - which was made ultimately because around 50% or more of their top advertisers have pulled their advertising. No ad revenue, no newspaper regardless.

    The decision on the takeover of Sky has been put off to September, and I've feeling will be shelved if public opinion is still against it.

    Cameron has played his hands of cards pretty badly here - he employed Coulson after he was sacked and refused to sack him earlier this year when it became clear that Coulson was a little more implicated in this than he let on. Then it seems he's been palling up with Rebekah Brooks amd finally last week his government gave Murdoch the ok to buy Sky. If he proceeds then it'll look like a cosy business as usual deal, especially if further alegations about bribery and phone hacking emerge. There's going to be a public enquiry and you can bet there'll be police charges and arrests in the near future. I think he'll look for a way to cancel it, but is probably hoping that Murdoch pulls the plug first.


    The irony is that all the shenanigans happened on Blair and Brown's watch yet Cameron is the one getting all the flak.....

    I can't stand Cameron myself but shurely shome mistake? 

    A government isn't accountable for private individuals breaking the law on its watch - it's when they employ them and fraternise with them socially they get into trouble. Blair was certainly at fault in sucking up to NI, but Cameron took it a stage further by employing Coulson and taking him into No 10 with him, against advice. Nobody with any knowledge of newspapers ever believed Coulson, which is why it's Cameron's problem. It's a question of his judgement in choosing his associates. That's before you get even to Wade/Brooks.



  • Good Riddance NOTW - You wont be missed,
  • Seconded
  • It means nothing though really (other than honest people losing jobs obviously).  It allows Murdoch and the firm to show to Cameron that they've done something - opening up the door for the Sky deal to go through smoothly.

    It has to be pretty serious for Murdoch to make the decision - which was made ultimately because around 50% or more of their top advertisers have pulled their advertising. No ad revenue, no newspaper regardless.

    The decision on the takeover of Sky has been put off to September, and I've feeling will be shelved if public opinion is still against it.

    Cameron has played his hands of cards pretty badly here - he employed Coulson after he was sacked and refused to sack him earlier this year when it became clear that Coulson was a little more implicated in this than he let on. Then it seems he's been palling up with Rebekah Brooks amd finally last week his government gave Murdoch the ok to buy Sky. If he proceeds then it'll look like a cosy business as usual deal, especially if further alegations about bribery and phone hacking emerge. There's going to be a public enquiry and you can bet there'll be police charges and arrests in the near future. I think he'll look for a way to cancel it, but is probably hoping that Murdoch pulls the plug first.


    The irony is that all the shenanigans happened on Blair and Brown's watch yet Cameron is the one getting all the flak.....

    I can't stand Cameron myself but shurely shome mistake? 

    I think you miss the point. Cameron employed Coulson after he left NoTW, and he only resigned after Mulcaire and Clive Goodman were jailed for hacking into the phones. Cameron hired Coulson for two reasons - he needed credibility with Murdoch who reportedly didn't rate him, and also because he needed a sharper media profile and to use the tabloid media more pro-actively. At the same time he developed contacts with Brooks who lives near him. I don't see how you can blame Tony Blair for the mistakes that Cameron made. Cameron compounded those mistakes by giving Coulson an office in Downing Street and refused to sack him when it looked like he was more than an innocent bystander who did the decent thing when two employees were caught breaking the law. Cameron has looked very reactive all through this, he's looked a bit politically naive and consequently he's dragging himself into trouble. remember the lesson of Watergate, it's often not the crime that gets you in trouble, it's the cover up. Cameron looks like he's siding with Murdoch etc here rather than positioning himself on the side of justice. A better politician would have seen this coming and ditched his friendships with Coulson and Brooks long ago.
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  • Actually BlackForest it is worse than this as Mulcaire was jailed in Jan 2007.  Coulson was appointed in May 2007 as Cameron's Head of Communications but only resigned in 2011 when the merde hit the extractor.  Quite why Cameron thought in May 2007 that Coulson was the man to polish his squeaky image says lots about his lack of judgment.  The one thing virtually all politicians have in common is that they are greedy hypocrites.

    Can't wait for the next issue of Private Eye which, sadly, is two weeks away.
  • in 165 years NoTW hasnt always been shit. It was at the front of geting "Sarahs Law" passed and was a top investigative paper until  something went drastically wrong.

    Where are all the Labour people that gladly licked Murdocks arse a few weeks back ? or for the majority of the time they were f**king the country up ?

    Now the gloves are off on both sides ---- all those leaks that the Labour spin machine loved soooooooooooo much all those free lunches for Two Jags ---if News International welcome the inquirey then you better believe there is much more to come.

    Although truely nasty that the phone hacking is  surely  the OBill taking the dosh has to be the bigger scandel ? Maybe when Labour has stopped trying to make Cameron squirm (as they should) they might realise the bigger and more important issue is police corruption.

  • They fronted Sarah's Law while all the while they were tapping their phones, Hypocrites. 
  • Actually BlackForest it is worse than this as Mulcaire was jailed in Jan 2007.  Coulson was appointed in May 2007 as Cameron's Head of Communications but only resigned in 2011 when the merde hit the extractor.  Quite why Cameron thought in May 2007 that Coulson was the man to polish his squeaky image says lots about his lack of judgment.  The one thing virtually all politicians have in common is that they are greedy hypocrites.

    Can't wait for the next issue of Private Eye which, sadly, is two weeks away.
  • This isnt a labour vs conservative argument, it is a paper that has shown to have the priciples of the same vermin and scum that it has so often tried to expose


    the same principles as all politicians have shown for decades for once in charlton life history can we all drop the points scoring and focus on the issue


    these people involved and i mean all of them are filth, scum that has no right to walk freely amongst us, the fact that they tapped the phones of the anquished parents of 2 beautiful children murderd by peado scum, the fact they done the same to famileies of the bracest people in this great country, the fact they done it to joe/jane bloggs who was killed on his/her way to work by scum terrorist shite


    its about people saying enough is enough, SKY will continue there is no alternative to it, but the papers of the News International and i mean all of them should see a reaction in sales, i for one will never buy one again close the notw it means fudge all to me but the sun i will no longer purchase either, i never bought one of their otherpapers


    but if you think that all news papers have not conducted themselves in this way then i believe you are as deluded as the son of murdoch spouting his drivel on his own news channel about" we didnt know" " It was not common knowledge"


    its just the NOTW was caught first they wont be the last



    Richard Keyes said  " Dark Forces are involved in getting him and gray the boot"


    Well those dark forces have well and truely bit murdoch as well right on the arse i just wish it was his throat





  • Coulson might also face perjury charges - he denied in court during the trial of Tommy Sheridan that he authorised phone hacking. Given that he signed off Mulcaire's expenses that's going to take some wriggling out of.
  • also how many of the so called celbs and ex footballers and managewrs will still take the shilling from this scum news international



    my bettings








    any others

  • The News Of The World in it's current NI guise certainly won't be missed. It's a Shyte publication that ought not to be called a newspaper at all. There is however the Name "The News Of The World" which has been a publication for about 160 years and although it has never even in it's heyday in the fifties been anything other than lightweight titillation it was once the largest readership of a newspaper in all the English speaking world. It's a shame that NI have managed to destroy that heritage.
  • But if they replace the NOTW with the Sun -what has actually changed? They wil do this at some point in the future but the best way to stop the current attacks is to jettison the target.
  • From my posts on the original thread I'm obviously delighted NoW has gone, I didnt believe when I said earlier today that it should be shut down that it actually would be!!
    However I agree with NLA, this isn't Labour v's Tory, this is about the illegal intrusion of hacking, especially at a time of a family's distress!! It must cast doubt on Camerons judgement of character when he appointed Coulson, he wanted to have him in his team just to win Murdoch's support and that of his overwhelming control of the media (which he is trying to increase) and to help him win the election, for the time being I think that his application to take control of BskyB should be 'suspeneded' afterall how do we know he wasnt 'in the know'?
    I agree that the Met are also up to their necks in this and should be investigated as a matter of urgency, and all the while Cameron says he is 'open' to a public enquiry but wont actually comission one, evidence can be being 'hidden' or destroyed.
    We need to see decisive action to ensure that all the facts of this 'nasty episode' are found and those that have broken the law or purjured themselves are sent for trial, be they NoW employees, Met Police officers or others.
    Perhaps it is time for the general public to say enough is enough to all those who think they are above the law....including politicians.
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  • Some would say that the reason the NOTW is closing is not because of what it did but because we have found out what it did. Murdoch will be in damage limitation mode and the Government needs to make sure he can't succeed in this. Of course the last Government and the current one love sucking up to him. Milliband however, has the balls and inclination not to (good for him).
  • Reports say Coulson will be arrested tomorrow.

    The first arrest of many...

  • Reports say Coulson will be arrested tomorrow.

    The first arrest of many...

    Yeah and let's arrest a few bloody policemen too!


    FFS!! why can no one else but me see that it is the police who are at fault!


    They took the money AND!!!!!! FFS THEY GAVE THE NOTW THE NUMBERS!!!!!


    WAKE UP GB!!!

  • edited 2011 07

    I think the immediate closure of the NOTW is very, very sad.
    This paper has been going since the mid-19th century. It has in its time
    exposed many, many scandals and atrocities. To just end publication should not
    be within the remit of James Murdoch in my opinion. He should have either have suspended
    publication pending a full scale overhaul of staff or sold the title to an
    honest source.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Why should such a wonderful title be banished
    just because of the vile actions of  a few

  • Chirpy, it depends if you're saying the police are solely at fault, or as well as the journos. The stories about widespread payments to police are only really emerging now, and are likely to be difficult to prove, but there have been concerns about the police dragging their feet on investigating the hacking for quite a while.
  • I can do nothing from "source. - Why"

    Have tried to edit but this new CL ain't like the old............

  • Reports say Coulson will be arrested tomorrow.

    The first arrest of many...

    Yeah and let's arrest a few bloody policemen too!


    FFS!! why can no one else but me see that it is the police who are at fault!


    They took the money AND!!!!!! FFS THEY GAVE THE NOTW THE NUMBERS!!!!!


    WAKE UP GB!!!

    Tuck it in for God's sake. We get it, you don't like the gavvers.
  • Chirpy, it depends if you're saying the police are solely at fault, or as well as the journos. The stories about widespread payments to police are only really emerging now, and are likely to be difficult to prove, but there have been concerns about the police dragging their feet on investigating the hacking for quite a while.

    It takes two to Tango!


    My point, and my god i've laboured it enough already, is ................. THE NOTW JOURNOS WERE SCUM.BUT!!! THE POLICE TOOK THEIR DIRTY MONEY AND PASSED ON THE PHONE NUMBERS!


    Is it really just me? Without the filthy, greedy coppers; there would be NO story!

  • Reports say Coulson will be arrested tomorrow.

    The first arrest of many...

    Yeah and let's arrest a few bloody policemen too!


    FFS!! why can no one else but me see that it is the police who are at fault!


    They took the money AND!!!!!! FFS THEY GAVE THE NOTW THE NUMBERS!!!!!


    WAKE UP GB!!!

    Tuck it in for God's sake. We get it, you don't like the gavvers.

    Many on here obviously do not Leroy!

    I support the POLICE 100% when they are doing their job properly.

    However, any Copper that corrupts themself is FILTH!

  • Is it really just me? Without the filthy, greedy coppers; there would be NO story!

    That's not true though. Police selling information made it easier, but they weren't the only sources of information.
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