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News of the World Shuts down



  • edited 2011 11
    oh dear oh dear oh dear.  Grim.  Just read that Guardian story.
  • if that's true then NI rotton to the core
  • Plus it seems that contact details for the Queen and other senior Royals were bought by NI.

  • The request to refer the takeover to the CC is an attempt to bypass Wednesday's debate and vote. I don't think it will work.
  • Check out BBC news - Jeremy Hunt has just referred the bid, Ed Milliband is ripping into him and wondering where Cameron is.

    I'm surprised at how badly Cameron has handled this.

  • Is this a bad time to admit that I used to work at News International and still have mates there?
  • If the piece about Brown and his wife Sarah and young son proves to be true, coupled with the Royal family contact details this now brings in two other NI publications The Sun and The Sunday Times! The question I pose is if this is factual it's beggining to look as though this type of practice is endemic in the NI camp...maybe others as well.
    I truely hope that the governemnt and opposition do not fall for the smokescreen of the request to ask for the takeover to go back to the CC and they proceed with the debate on Wednesday, and moreover I hope the general public dont forget what a 'rotten' organisation this is.
    The papers are always calling for a politicain (of any party) to resign if they have done something wrong or been complicit in their duties, now is the time for the Ms Brookes and James Murdoch to do the 'honourable' thing and resign, not just from their current duties but from NI Corp altogether. I hope that the police also involved in this are prosecuted along with everyone that dealt with, had dealings with or knew about this sordid affair and if that means that people at the top are sent down then so be it!!!
  • Check out BBC news - Jeremy Hunt has just referred the bid, Ed Milliband is ripping into him and wondering where Cameron is.

    I'm surprised at how badly Cameron has handled this.

    How can he not be there today. The government and the country is in disarray over this and he's nowhere to be seen. Obviously he's trying to separate himself from this as much as possible, as getting caned today would make him look bad, but that is total spin and total cowardice.
  • "James Murdoch to do the 'honourable' thing and resign, not just from their current duties but from NI Corp altogether" You seriously think this is likely?
  • newscorp have now withdrawn the bid for BskyB

    A slight difference - NI have asked that the takeover be referred to the Competition Commission, this will delay a takeover for six months at the least. They will have to make a decision and if they have no objections then they will refer the takeover back to...Jeremy Hunt. This keeps the bid alive, and gives them some breathing space. If in six months or so the fuss has died down then expect it to go ahead. Good tactics, but the last roll of the dice.

    I was quoting 'breaking news' on Bloomberg, but now been changed to bid is being referred.

    Should get my company to tune into Fox news - bound to be more accurate.

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  • Cameron is proving to be the biggest coward of the lot.
  • This is like something from a Third World nation - phone hacking, bribery, police officers not doing their jobs properly and politicians falling over themselves not to answer questions. Murdoch should have been driven out of town and told not to return. Yet the possibility that he can take over Sky is still feasible.  How?
  • "James Murdoch to do the 'honourable' thing and resign, not just from their current duties but from NI Corp altogether" You seriously think this is likely?
    Sadly DRF no I dont......but the hunters have become the hunted and whilst they have always called for resignations it would appear that this bunch of cowards do not have the balls to do so. Perhaps the public and major companies should act with their money and stop buying NI papers and advertising in their papers. Perhaps, as has now been muted elsewhere Murdoch should just sell his 39% stake in BskyB and sod off back to the US/Australia or wherever that will have him.
  • someone said yesterday, the journalists getting the tin tack shouldn't worry too much about life on the dole, as their former paper endlessly told us they'll be raking in huge amounts of state benefits & living in luxurious houses
  • George Michael is tweeting like a canary about all sorts of bits and pieces... but he's laying into the police too.
    Probably off his tits.
    Well, he needs something to do whilst hanging around the gents waiting for "action".
  • someone said yesterday, the journalists getting the tin tack shouldn't worry too much about life on the dole, as their former paper endlessly told us they'll be raking in huge amounts of state benefits & living in luxurious houses
    PMSL....nice one!!
  • edited 2011 11
    Cameron is proving to be the biggest coward of the lot.
    What, by not putting out pointless noise and supposition before the murky water becomes clear?
    He has evidently made bad personal judgements, as all recent party leaders including milliBean have, but surely its better to wait and gather the evidence?

  • Apparently the Queen and Brown are also involved as the victims........ Perhaps  the Queen should demand the head of Brooks....... Is treason still  a hanging offence.......... Again, how are these individuals considered fit and proper....... is  incredulous(because of the propensity for the UK public to have the memory of a goldfish when it comes to corporate malfeasance)....... impressive wordmongering  Leroy, I thought for a moment I was reading the FT again........

  • edited 2011 11

    Not seen this on the thread so far but the latest I heard on the radio on the way home was that News Corp have decided now NOTW to farm off Sky News as originally planned as part of the bid. The reason to me seems that, having shut down the NOTW, the issue of plurality is now much better defended as part of the referral to the OFT. Nothing like best of a bad job eh Rupert?

    "Plurality" = this years "Redaction", the word that none of us ever used and few of us knew the meaning of...

  • I meant to say "News Corp have decided, now NOTW has gone, to farm off Sky News..."

    Chufing hell why I can never edit any posts now without my PC going bit's up and needing restarting...?!!

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  • someone said yesterday, the journalists getting the tin tack shouldn't worry too much about life on the dole, as their former paper endlessly told us they'll be raking in huge amounts of state benefits & living in luxurious houses

    Similarly those who end up in jail won't mind because apparently all prisoners lead lives of luxury.

  • edited 2011 12
    We are all slagging off Murdoch's company so I thought I'd throw in one positive. Sky has announced the televised Championship games until November and Palace and Millwall wont feature at all (think they are the only clubs not to feature lol). Credit where it is due.
  • Cameron is proving to be the biggest coward of the lot.
    What, by not putting out pointless noise and supposition before the murky water becomes clear?
    He has evidently made bad personal judgements, as all recent party leaders including milliBean have, but surely its better to wait and gather the evidence?

    No, but for not showing up to Parliament yesterday, and leaving Jeremy Hunt to cop all the flack.
  • Attila the Stockroker - the Bible according to Rupert Murdoch

    Compares the Sun to a wet afternoon at Selhurst Park....
  • Cameron is proving to be the biggest coward of the lot.
    What, by not putting out pointless noise and supposition before the murky water becomes clear?
    He has evidently made bad personal judgements, as all recent party leaders including milliBean have, but surely its better to wait and gather the evidence?

    No, but for not showing up to Parliament yesterday, and leaving Jeremy Hunt to cop all the flack.
    Not often I find myself agreeing with Ken Livingston (in fact it may be a first) but he made the point on Radio 4 today that would we consider it an extremely poor judgement call at best if Cameron had had dinner with someone else he knew was under a criminal investigation by the police on 5 seperate occassion, for example if he were a bank robber? I suspect he'd be out on his ear by now in that case.
  • Cameron is proving to be the biggest coward of the lot.
    What, by not putting out pointless noise and supposition before the murky water becomes clear?
    He has evidently made bad personal judgements, as all recent party leaders including milliBean have, but surely its better to wait and gather the evidence?

    No, but for not showing up to Parliament yesterday, and leaving Jeremy Hunt to cop all the flack.

     <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Maybe he has better things to do, like running the country. This ridiculous story has been blown out of all proportion. Granted phone hacking of the bereaved, vulnerable etc is an abomination. Many of the others court publicity and have to accept that the seedier side of the media will trace them.

    Technology is fantastic and we all embrass it. We all use it and laugh at the times when we didn't have a mobile. E-mail is great as are all the other forms of social networking. If that is the world we want to live in than you have to accept that some will abuse the facilities available. That is the way of the world.

    NOTW - Did wrong.

    NI - Did wrong.

    Police- did wrong.

    But I really do fail to understand the crazy reactions to people over NI and Murdoch. So he is a media mogul/baron. So he owns many newspapers and TV stations and news channels. So what??

    If you are not intelligent enough to make up your own mind about events in the news/world etc and are seriously influenced by the way some newspapers/TV channels report things then I am very sorry for you.

  • edited 2011 12
    170 people contacted of the 4,000 names known, in six months, 
    5000 land lines, 4,000 mobiles....... of the latest police enquiry.
    The database was incomplete, and the committee claim that they are not convinced by Yates account.
    Apologies aside, there is a long way and time structure to go with this one.
    Was it to say the least wise for Hayman to take a job 2 months after he left the force.....
  • Murdoch and Gingerpubes have provided a nice little diversion to allow the Traitors by the Thames to nod this through with little or no media scrutiny.

    Some of the actions of NOTW journalists have been abhorrent as outlined on this thread but we should be wary of politicians using this crisis as justification to curb proper investigative journalism.

    We need a balance to the BBC which, at the end of the day, is a State broadcaster. The Britsh equivalent of Pravda if you like.

  • Maybe he has better things to do, like running the country. This ridiculous story has been blown out of all proportion. Granted phone hacking of the bereaved, vulnerable etc is an abomination. Many of the others court publicity and have to accept that the seedier side of the media will trace them.

    If he'd been overseas, away from London or attending to some important business in London then that would have been an acceptable excuse. However he was on a photo-op jolly in Docklands. Legitimate questions are being asked about his decision making, attitude to responsibility and character, he had a great opportunity yesterday to answer some of those doubts. As a PM he should be leading events not reacting to them. He has handled this very badly.
  • Oh BFR! Have you been to bed since last week?

    He was answering questions from journos. He said some very strong things about NI and Murdoch. You are a revolutionary, you do not believe in our parliament, you've told us that enough times!

    You can't have it both ways fella!  What are you going to do when this molehill is knocked off the news agenda by something significant?

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