Been mentioned that he has been linked to Bournemouth. ... just after your thoughts. He was pretty decent at Southend and I always looked out for him when you played Bournemouth but never seemed to start. If I can remember from my Southend days he good the air, decent at getting forward for a big man and had a decent cross. I'm guessing he's not been upto much ar your club? It would make sense for us as a) we have no defenders (thanks ) and the defenders we do have are a bit on the short side, plus the old Bradbury and old Southend players. Cheers
It is fair to say he did not make a great impression last season, defensively he struggled and had some real stinkers, he'd struggle with very basic positioniing whilst his final ball would often let him down. However he did also have some good games and there is certainly the makings of a very good League 1 fullback there. At times he could be a real asset going forward, got a couple of assists whilst there were times when he was solid and sound. Not sure how much his lack of pre season last year affected his season as a whole but he was playing catch up August/September.
Maybe a move would be good for him, fresh start etc but I do think he deserves a second chance here and he could be a real asset this season. Many will be pleased to see him go but he could certainly prove his Charlton doubters wrong.
He'll probably do a job for someone in L1
That is a joke right ? He couldn't pass 10 yards to a red shirt.Somebody mentioned that we aren't a premier club & what do we expect. Well I expect a professional footballer to at least master the basics like trap, pass, concentrate. None of which francis seems capable of.................& if we're having a twenty quid whip for his train fare out of here i'll give 40.Our worst RB in recent history & we have had some bad ones over the last few years!
Worst player I have seen absolute shite
North , dont exaggerate. He had a very poor season ( he wasn't the worst) but If he's the worst player you have ever seen i question how long you have been a fan. Did you not see Dowie's signings?
I've always thought Simon Francis looks a lot like Joshua Jackson (a.k.a. Peter from Fringe.)
Hopefully Francis will only be on the Fringe of our squad this year.
If I didn't say it someone else would.
If Bounmouth want Francis and McCormack I'm quite sure a deal can be arranged. What time would you like them driven down tomorrow morning? And how much should we pay you guys to takem off our hands?
I can believe that there's a footballer in Francis somewhere, McCormack has few redeeming qualities, the odd good pass, cross and a couple of assists apart he contributed little.
He also seems to have liked the Oxo Tower...
How about BOGOF. You buy Francis & you can have McCormack for free !