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+++Shelvey to sign for Liverpool - Confirmed+++



  • [cite]Posted By: choice[/cite]FROM THE LIVERPOOL ECHO

    A scorer of seven goals in 42 appearances for the Addicks, Shelvey is set to undergo a medical at Melwood and, once everything goes through, he will join the Reds at the end of May.

    Does this mean he stays for the play offs?

    I can't see that happening can you ? Liverpool are hardly likely to want to chance their new star getting crocked.
  • WIWLB - I have no doubt this was muted just before he signed his first pro contract. I've always maintained that he signed the contract out of loyalty and a "thank you" for giving him the chance.

    I also always felt that he would go this season regardless of whether we finished mid table or as runaway champions with him playing every game scoring 30 goals.

    I don't want to speculate the reasons why he hasnt played more but I still don't know how much better off we would've been had he played more. We'll never know unfortunately and thats what hurts the most for everyone I think..
  • If he had played more games we might have got more money. I think the few minutes here and there he has been getting haven't helped him or us. He's obviously a class act and I think if he got the run of games he ought to have got he would be top scorer and top assists for us.

    It's probably only Bailey we could get anything for now so hopefully this keeps us stable for a while.
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]and i could wuite easily have seen both Everton and Villa making a move for Shelvey.
    We know Liverpool was where he wanted to go though. Maybe the club knew they were the only club seriously interested?

    Is that common knowledge then, damm must have been something i failed to pick up on on one of the websites,arent they the famous old quotes when a player joins a club " I have supported the club since i was a boy"... "This is my dream move"..." I wouldnt have left Charlton for any other club"
  • [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Scoham[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]and i could wuite easily have seen both Everton and Villa making a move for Shelvey.
    We know Liverpool was where he wanted to go though. Maybe the club knew they were the only club seriously interested?

    Is that common knowledge then, damm must have been something i failed to pick up on on one of the websites,arent they the famous old quotes when a player joins a club " I have supported the club since i was a boy"... "This is my dream move"..." I wouldnt have left Charlton for any other club"

    I think it's fairly common knowledge that it was either Liverpool or West Ham for Jonjo. If he was willing to go anywhere he'd have been off to Chelsea last summer for the 3.5m on offer but he didn't.
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]WIWLB - I have no doubt this was muted just before he signed his first pro contract. I've always maintained that he signed the contract out of loyalty and a "thank you" for giving him the chance.

    I also always felt that he would go this season regardless of whether we finished mid table or as runaway champions with him playing every game scoring 30 goals.

    I don't want to speculate the reasons why he hasnt played more but I still don't know how much better off we would've been had he played more. We'll never know unfortunately and thats what hurts the most for everyone I think..
    So do you think this is the right time to sell him, two weeks before the play offs, come on, what happens if Racon or Bailey get injured or suspended, we then pin our hopes of creativty on Matt Spring, the fact is that the kid should have played more games, we would have got more, it would hve raised his profile, in turn we would have got and been able to demand a bigger fee for him, i am not knocking Shelvey one bit, i am stating that the board have mismanged the whole events of the transfer, of the fee recieved how much will be put back in to buy new players, we cannot rely on the curent squad recent results have proved that, the crowd respond to Shelvey and Bailey and by selling the best players you have a club with no assperations,
  • 1.7m is a joke...

  • Obviously everyone on this board wishes the lad well....
    That said I am afraid it is back to Charlton as a selling club, as I feared his non selection over the past few weeks has been a source of bizzare speculation on this site and others!
    Lot's of people seem to think that we are strong with Bailey and others, problem is if they get injured or leave themselves!, what cover then, and who do you get in to replace them!

    I also think that a club like WBA or Wolves would have given the lad a better chance of first team football.
    Having sat next to a Charlton player last night he felt a little 'confussed' as to some of the things he had been told by the club over recent weeks himself.
    JJ's advisers obviously think this is the right deal, and way forward, hope so for him, but feel this could lead to some unrest....I assume anyone is now available!
  • What Crap Timing, season hasnt even finished yet!
  • can't quote from the previous page but WSS said :

    'Maybe he is just too good for where we are now, to a detriment of the team.

    He'd tried to be clever and we just dont have clever players. Its a shame, and seems a ridiculous reason but maybe not that wide off of the mark.'

    I agree with this. We could have Messi in our team but he'd been far less effective and influential because of the qulaity of the players around him. Jonjo suffered from this too to the point where Parky wouldn't play him because he didn't know how to get the best out of him.
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  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick I think it's fairly common knowledge that it was either Liverpool or West Ham for Jonjo. If he was willing to go anywhere he'd have been off to Chelsea last summer for the 3.5m on offer but he didn't.

    But are you sure Chelsea offered 3.5m and he turned it down?
  • [cite]Posted By: Brunello[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick I think it's fairly common knowledge that it was either Liverpool or West Ham for Jonjo. If he was willing to go anywhere he'd have been off to Chelsea last summer for the 3.5m on offer but he didn't.[/cite]

    But are you sure Chelsea offered 3.5m and he turned it down?[/cite]
    Uncle confirmed it in the speculation thread.
  • [But are you sure Chelsea offered 3.5m and he turned it down?[/cite][/quote]

    It doesnt matter how much we turnt down, the facts are it is bad timing, mis managed and bad business,
  • I can see why people feel the 1.7m is too low but it's only an initial fee, i'm sure it has the potential to go a lot higher than that.
    Some of the early posts compared the fee to that of Delph's. But there were a few clubs in for him plus Delph was running the show for Leeds. He was their reserve captain at 18, was named in the league one team of the year, was the football leagues young player of the year and had played for England under 21s so of course he was going to command a big fee.
    Shelvey is a great talent and he'll go on to much greater things but to be honest he hasn't exactly set league one alight this season has he so how were we going to demand 3/4/5m?
    Plus there is also the factor that we as a club are totally skint and need any money we can get. Were we in a position to turn down Liverpool's offer? Unlikely.
  • it's not bad business if the 1.7m keeps the Club afloat. Needs must. We would all have liked a bigger fee but if Jonjo wantd to go to Liverpool and that is all we could squeeze out of them then thta's that. Agree though that the timing is very, very bad and more than a little strange.
    edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]So do you think this is the right time to sell him, two weeks before the play offs, come on, what happens if Racon or Bailey get injured or suspended, we then pin our hopes of creativty on Matt Spring, the fact is that the kid should have played more games, we would have got more, it would hve raised his profile, in turn we would have got and been able to demand a bigger fee for him, i am not knocking Shelvey one bit, i am stating that the board have mismanged the whole events of the transfer, of the fee recieved how much will be put back in to buy new players, we cannot rely on the curent squad recent results have proved that, the crowd respond to Shelvey and Bailey and by selling the best players you have a club with no assperations,
    Nope - not the right time at all.

    The problem is we are all speculating on the deal, the negotiations, the money and everything else. One thing is for certain - we are in dire financial position and maybe the clubs hands are completely tied. Sometimes these decisions need to be made, however much they hurt at the time.

    We don;t know how it would've turned out had he started every game. He couldve broken his leg, scored a hat-trick, got booked every game, pissed off the rest of the team, been a lynchpin leading us to the title.

    As I say, that's what hurts/angers me the most - we just won't know.

    However, it is what it is. We have 2/5 massive games left this season and if we all stick together as a group of fans and support the players that are at the club then maybe, just maybe we'll get promotion and start looking upwards again.
  • Best of luck to Jonjo, hope its a great move for him.

    £1.7m is a good fee anyway (and definitely the one to put on the website), if you start putting the actual big figures on the website it will only make it easier for clubs to try and up potential transfer fees (whatever league we are in)
  • A lot of people have been saying it is bad timing but isnt it possible the timing was the buyers, not the sellers decision?
  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Thommo[/cite]Best of luck to Jonjo, hope its a great move for him.

    £1.7m is a good fee anyway (and definitely the one to put on the website), if you start putting the actual big figures on the website it will only make it easier for clubs to try and up potential transfer fees (whatever league we are in)

    Can't see us paying a fee for any player in the near future.
  • It doesnt actually state what the fee could rise to which is worrying, the reason the club is in dire straits is because we spent money on the likes of Varney and McClown, who according to their fees are better players than Shelvey, or once again were the board nieve in their transfer negotiations, no doubt the talking points on Saturday are not going to be about the game, but was has happened over the last 24 hours,and that the club has tried to pull the wool over the fans eyes, atleast we didnt sell him on the last day of the transfer window in January as we did Murphy and Parker
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  • edited April 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Brunello[/cite]A lot of people have been saying it is bad timing but isnt it possible the timing was the buyers, not the sellers decision?
    So when they say jump we say how high, so did the buyers tell the club not to play Shelvey so he didnt get injured?
  • [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]at least we didnt sell him on the last day of the transfer window in January as we did Murphy and Parker

    no, just before the next one is even open !!!
  • We should of let Liverpool have him in January as we could of got on with our season then and maybe even let Parkinsons use some of the money to strenghten the squad (Puncheon maybe). What angers fans the most about this is the timing (as well as the pathetic fee we get).

    I actually think the Premier League may suit him bettter than this level of football. He's very good and finding space for himself anyway and he'll be playing in a team that should dominate most games they play so will see more of the ball and will have better and more intelligent players moving off the ball which will suit his passing style. I fully expect him to feature for Liverpool in most games off the bench. Can't quite see him starting yet, but given time I'm sure he will.

    By the way, Uncle I think you've got some Liverpool fans to deal with
  • I say good luck to him, a fantastic talent who could have jumped ship last year but didn't, sad we didn't see a lot more of him in the current campaign as I feel he could have made a real difference for us. I hope he goes onto have a glittering career, he is a fine symbol of how Charlton Athletic have brought through some REAL football talent. (hope we get to keep Uncle as part of the deal though ;o) )
  • See there fans are welcoming him with open arms, judging a player by his name and not his talent
  • Isn't there a rule about signing U16 players that they have too live within an hours travel of the club they play for.

    Geographically Charlton is perfect for Liverpool as we give a foothold into Essex,Kent and London.

    An 'arrangement' could allow Liverpool to look for youngsters in the south and they could train with and play for Charlton . The advantage for us is that it may continue to attract a better quality of kid to our academy . Hopefully we can also get one or two loanees ( I believe it is a maximum of three U 22's in a season ).

    I suspect if we get promoted then we would be a very good loan if not we could still get someone to help the cause.
  • Ken,

    We've always been a selling club from Hinton/Bonds/Bailey via Walsh/Elliot, Parker and now Shelvey.

    Doesn't make it any nicer but that's what we are.

    PS some pics of you on the other thread
  • The only thing we know for sure, is he started pretty well but dropped off and was dropped, the rest is speculation.

    Add to that the promising youngster price tag, this does seem a bit low to most it seems.

    Best of luck to him, I hope he does show his promise for his sake. I'm not sure he's done that much to help our cause and maybe if he had he wouldn't be off who knows - frankly I'm not shedding a tear on this one, its nothing like previous sales when the heart was torn out of our team (Bowyer, Parker, Reid).

    Sure it doesn't bode well for the future, but then our immediate future as many have said is not suited much to a player like him.
  • Good luck Jonjo, proud that you started with us, will always be honourary Charlton in my books, and Uncle...hope you stick around too mate you too are honourary Charlton in my books.
  • [cite]Posted By: WhenIwasLittleBoy[/cite]See there fans are welcoming him with open arms, judging a player by his name and not his talent

    Yeah out of order comment, especially coming from a Liverpool fan. This one made me laugh though:

    Is that Mark Fish still playing.

    Booming hot him.
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