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Why Parky must go.



  • [cite]Posted By: Jayajosh[/cite]As for lack of funds, do me a favour, we have team full of Championship players who should be walking this leaque.
    I don't have confidence we'd win the play-offs either, but our strikers certainly aren't Championship players, a couple of defenders at the most are and very few of the midfield look consistent enough to be.
  • All of the preceeding 130+ post are of course understandable but ultimately pointless. Parky is going nowhere until the end of the season at the earliest and more than likely the end of next season given our financial state. Very few of us, if any, seem keen on that idea but that's the truth of the matter so maybe we accpet it and should forget about getting rid of him. Save us a world of hurt in the longer term...
  • Does anyone think that if we dont go up and we lose alot of players on free transfers, Parky will walk??
  • No, I think that this is his last job, he'll hold out for a payoff.
  • Based on the fact that we're third in the league, with 10 games to go, can someone explain to me why 'very few of us, if any, seem keen on' the idea that Parky is in charge?

    We lost a game to Millwall THREE days ago. Get over it.
  • Give him til the end of season and let him go when we fail in the playoffs.
  • I think a lot of fans were prepared to give Parky a chance despite last years debacle but the football this season has, in the main, been very poor, we got knocked out the FA Cup by a non-league team, not knocked out but a capitualtion in fact, we have lost to our dearest and nearest 4-0, once agian not just beaten but humilated and people are beginning to realise that he isn't the man for the job after all. I don't even think it's a knee-jerk reaction after Saturday. The feeling has been growing over the last two or three months and Saturday was just the final nail in many people's coffin. He was given a lot of slack after last season but that good will has now all but evaporated. I can honestly say that in many respects this is the worst Charlton team I have ever witnessed since I started supporting in 1972. For example, Mooney and Sodje are the worst forward pairing in all that time and I have seen some shockers. Both of them are barely Conference standard. My main gripe is his inability to motivate the players despite him supposedly bringing in 'characters'.
  • LargeAddick: "I can honestly say that in many respects this is the worst Charlton team I have ever witnessed since I started supporting in 1972"

    A team that has played 36, won 18 - only losing 6 - and scored 61 goals.

    This line seems to keep cropping up (not only you LA) and I just don't understand it.
    There must have been MUCH worse Charlton teams over the years
  • 1980, bottom of division 2, 22 points from 42 games, only won 6 and lost 26 times, minus 39 goal difference, won only 1 of our first 12 games, and only 1 of the final 22.

    That's a bad season.
  • valley 11 i've been watching for 34 years and we've only played one season at this pitiful level and were promoted immediately and finished 13th the following season... so deffo as bad as i've seen atm but without promotion next year will be a lot worse
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  • [cite]Posted By: stonemuse[/cite]1980, bottom of division 2, 22 points from 42 games, only won 6 and lost 26 times, minus 39 goal difference, won only 1 of our first 12 games, and only 1 of the final 22.

    That's a bad season.

    they bounced straight back , somehow!!
  • Yes we have scored 61 goals, but not enough have come from our forwards.

    The majority of teams in this division are poor. Any team that has the calibre of players that we have, players that have played in the premier and championship leagues should be walking this division. The fact that we are in such a poor run of form is down to the management. Tactics and team selection.
  • this league definitely is the worst i have ever seen. it has to be one of the greatest collection of utterly appalling football sides ever accumulated.winning 50% isn't such a great feat this season.
  • But he's brought togetherness to the team. Yes, we got relegated in last place in the Championship despite having a large and well paid squad, but some of those players weren't very nice. Now however we have a playing squad you could eat your dinner off. It's paying off BIG TIME, they're managing to hang on until third place and haven't been overtaken by any of the vastly inferior teams that are snapping at our heels. Sure there's been on field scuffles between players in the last two games, but that's inevitable when you have so many good characters together. I think waiting over a year to get a genuine left winger in then sticking him on the right, is a tiny price to pay, for such fantastic progress.
  • is mclovin being sarcastic or witty ..... whatever it is i like it
  • I just think some of you revel in the bad times.

    Think it's time I stepped away from the forum. Call me an optimist but I don't think this season has been anywhere near as bad a some I've seen - relegation seasons have been far worse IMO.
    I also think Parky is a decent manager that, if given time, will get us where we want to be.
    I find it really concerning that I seem to be in the minority with that view - particularly on here.
    It's been said before, in not too distant times, but those who want Parky out should be careful what they wish for.

  • Valley11, serious question, watching PP on the touchline, his team selection, the way our players are playing, tactics etc, do you think that he is the man to take this club forward?? we cant afford to be in this league for more than one season. The £7m pumped in at the start of the season wont be there next year. 14 players are out of contract in the summer and most, including our better players, are likely to walk. Im not asking who should replace him or anything else....just do you think that Phil Parkinson is the man that can take this club back into the championship and cement a place there?
    Personally i dont think he is.
  • Personally I do think he's the man to take the club forward - and no disrespect, but I don't think you can judge a manager fairly by 'watching him on the touchline'.
    It's a result business and I happen to think that PP's record this season is pretty good.
    If we don't go up, I still wouldn't make a change.
    The instability brought about by switching managers is largely what's got us into this mess.
    Not having a dig at you ValleyG, but I think everyone has to settle down.
    A win against Gillingham will sort a lot of this out.
  • 'Watching him on the touchline' was only one of the factors i put forward, but hopefully you got the jist of what i was trying to say.
    If we dont go up he has got to go. We will have a completely new squad so may aswell have a new manager.
  • edited March 2010
    when reed went in 2006 they brought in pardew and he got rid of the coaching staff that dowie was supposed to work with and pardew said we needed parky and he's been here ever's not like he's just turned up at the start of this season with his ideas
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  • If we don't go up he will have to stay, not by choice but by neccessity. With all those players leaving on a free we won't even get money for them, so where exactly is the dosh going to come from. Personally I can see the point V11 is making and I also think that the fact it was Milwall we lost to has blown things out of proportion, but if there was a way to get Parkinson out and someone PROVEN in all cheap then I would take it.
  • This thread is 36 games too late...

    At the start of the season Parky became the most successful manager in the history of the club...

    To date he's still the most successful in terms of league position and points gained in a long, long while...

    He's not going to be sacked, he's going to finish the season with us, let's just deal face it and deal with it...
  • he's not getting the hull job then?
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley11[/cite]
    It's a result business and I happen to think that PP's record this season is pretty good..
    We can agree to differ here, I think it's pretty average. Why I think this: he's got us behind the only two teams in this league that we could be behind given a pretty healthy financial backing (in terms of salaries, frees and loans) but things are definitely not moving in the right direction.

    That aside I do take issue at defining his record only in terms of this season. He has been our manager since late 2008 now and the results for last season were astonishingly bad. Les Reed bad. But in a lower league. For this reason I believe a lot of supporters question whether he really has the ability to push us forward, and while some (rightly IMO) were concerned even when we were apparently doing well, it's not surprising that more share that concern now. It is - as you say - a results business.

    You're right in saying that switching managers can be the root of the problem, but if Norwich hadn't replaced Gunn or Leeds McAllister, I'd bet anything that they wouldn't be sitting where they currently are. The trick - and it's not as easy as all that, I'd acknowledge - is getting a decent manager. Anyone who says that there simply aren't any, just doesn't know anything. There will always be lots of Allardyces and O'Neills and O'Driscolls and Graysons and Lamberts washing about in the lower leagues.
  • Just a thought....As Parky is so poor ( according to many posters on here ) , would it have been better to have hung on to Pards for another season ? After all, he's performing miracles at Soton now....and how many here couldn't wait to see the back of him ! Or is the latter mainly due to having cash to splash ?

    I'm in the " we have what we have until the end of the season" camp , so let's do what RedZed suggests and accept it . I'd much rather we channelled our energy into getting behind the team from Saturday onwards, forget about Leeds, Millwall, Swindon etc & concentrate on winning OUR matches.

    As JG said many moons ago " It's a funny old game " ....and we might have the last laugh after all.
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley11[/cite]I just think some of you revel in the bad times.

    Think it's time I stepped away from the forum. Call me an optimist but I don't think this season has been anywhere near as bad a some I've seen - relegation seasons have been far worse IMO.
    I also think Parky is a decent manager that, if given time, will get us where we want to be.
    I find it really concerning that I seem to be in the minority with that view - particularly on here.
    It's been said before, in not too distant times, but those who want Parky out should be careful what they wish for.

    Valley11, you are not alone mate. I support Parky totally and I think he has done a good job in very difficult circumstances.Those who keep proclaiming how great our plyers are and how our "failure" (to be only in 3rd place mind) is down to poor management are all living in some faraway dreamland as far as I'm concerned. I'm just sick of reading people giving a decent, hardworking manager such a hard time. So, like you, I think it's time for me to step away from this forum and leave it to all those full of such frustration and hate to get on with it.
  • Pete, he may be a decent hardworking guy but the blokes tactically inept and for that reason im starting to lose any faith i had in him.
  • edited March 2010
    The team has no guts and no spine. Parky said he was all about getting players with the right mental attitude. I find the combination of those two things make it pretty hard to get behind. Watching a gutless Charlton team actually makes me sick. And they are Parky's players.
  • We have at times been outplayed by some very poor teams this season. Our much vaunted midfield looking second best too many times for comfort. We have lacked shape and cohesion and rarely looked anything above average. The team lacks passion and confidence and all this has been epitomised in the last two matches where we failed to dominate the worst team in the league and could not get more than one effort on target in 85 minutes and worse where we rolled over like babies in perhaps to the supporters the most important match of the season. 95% of this I lay at Parkinsons door. If any of this is wrong tell me.
  • All we need is a bloke that can get the team organised. These players should be able to create their own motivation given we are 3rd in the league. Now my old Sunday league manager could organise a team and would be a better bet than Parky.

    Our players are better than most in this division but they spend most of their time running around without a plan or any organisation. That is why time and again teams overwhelm us in midfield and easily breach our defence.
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